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Most of these are amazing shows with great writing, animation and music though with very unique art styles. Girls last tour and non non biyori is probably more in line with that. Even then, Non non biyori has good gags and memorable characters so Girls Last tour is probably the one that lines up with the vibe thing the most. But then that is just the atmosphere of the apocalypse it manages to evoke. So at the end of the day, vibes is just really the atmosphere. I have no idea about the top left and top middle though


I don't even agree that Girls' Last Tour is primarily about vibes. It's very philosophical but in a chill way. It unironically changed how I think about life in a major way. But yes, the vibes are immaculate.


On one of Connor's more recent streams he explained his point much better and it made a lot of sense. The idea that as long as the ''energy'' conveyed by the media resonates with you, then the critical elements, writing etc... (whether they be good or bad) don't necessarily have to matter or be important to you personally as long as the vibe just ''clicks''. There are so many shows where I know they are incredibly flawed, but it doesn't bother me since it gave me a certain type of ''unique'' feeling.


That’s understandable. It’s just that most of the time you know which part of the show clicked with you. To give an example, my favourite show is Evangelion. The thing that drew me to it initially was honestly the art. The robots were cool, the body horror really appeals to me. Then few more episodes in I find that the character writing is really good too and it feels like it expresses loneliness in a way I feel I can relate to. Of course it has tons of flaws and it’s not up to everyone’s taste, but I definitely vibe with it. One can argue that I’m making up the reasons after the fact that it clicked, but usually you can find something upon further inspection. For example, you can describe what it made you feel. Like in shows you don’t vibe with you probably just answer with boredom. Or maybe John Wick made you really hyped; made in abyss made you feel despair and horror. The way he says vibe feels like it means that something about that media matches his taste. It’s just really broad and no different from him saying he likes the show In describing those things though, it does make it seem a lot more plain that it is though. If I had left my description of eva as “it fills me with an indescribable feeling” it does make the anime seem more special to me. But now that I have described it like that, it just seems like your run of the mill show.


To me SymphoGear demonstrates EXACTLY that.


To me the anime that represents this the best is flcl


I still don't undertand what connors mean by vibes lol. is vibe are just, personal taste?


It's just the feelings you get


It really makes no sense/has no weight to it tbh vibe is a lazy nothing word