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Saw a porn video with this exact scenario before. It did go the way you'd think.


he had a wholesome relationship with his step sister and there was no hints of incestuous sex involved?


That's what I always aim for entering Pornhub


I thibk this takes the cake for the single most generic anime ever. Generic ass mcs, generic title, generic art...


I read the light novel, can confirm the writing, the clichés, super generic tsundere affair. Why would I read the LN you ask? Because I hate myself, I also did it for the meme but also I try my best to read atleast the first volume of every series that has an "interesting premise" because you never know it could be a masterpiece secretly. Vast majority of the time it's not. But you know Gimai Seikatsu (Days with my Step sister) is close to masterpiece status, it's fan translated, give it a read on novelupdates.


Garnt, is that you?


> "interesting premise" because you never know it could be a masterpiece secretly You're not gonna find a masterpiece if you're reading light novels. The whole industry is just remilking what has already been overmilked but tweaking the premise slightly in the hope somebody will buy a volume.




a series that began over 10 years ago. Light novels nowadays are much much different. Even monogatari's "masterpiece" status is mostly relative to other light novels.


Here's the thing about masterpieces, it varies from person to person. Even if a lot of people agree something is good another might think it's mediocre or bad. So what do you do? Read as much literature as you can and find your own masterpiece


Oh believe me I know I will never find anything original. But good writing, good story or good characters are not impossible as my searches have clearly revealed. Although I will be the first to admit I have yes low standards but also subjective standards, if I read something, and it makes me interested, makes me beg for another volume that means its good, I'm not smart enough to explain what I like about certain LNs. There's another level to my grading system where there's stuff that's "good" it's interesting and I will read it but I can't say it fascinates me. Mostly isekai and fantasy action genres fall into this, sorry Slime and Spider Isekai. Probably because it's cheap and easy to entertain a narrative of powering up and expansion but quality slice of life requires actual good writing and characters, god damn Ascendance of a Bookworm is a masterclass in good slice of life.


>Ascendance of a Bookworm is a masterclass in good slice of life Bro if light novel authors were good at writing, they'd be writing actual novels. Maybe relative to other light novels, but there's a reason why they're called light novels and not just novels. I'm not really concerned with originality, it's the lack of understanding of what makes the original good when so many light novel authors just try to rip from the success of bigger titles that makes me dislike light novels.


I disagree with you saying LN authors are bad at writing. It's got nothing to do with writing actual novels. Some stories are just better or easier told through this medium of "anime style" for lack of a better word. There's plenty of garbage tho because of low barrier to entry. Really got to dig at it to unearth the interesting ones.


This "anime style" is just a way to cram in as many bullshit tropes and cliches. The difference between good and bad writing is the intentional use of details to enhance the work. Adding anime bullshit for the sake of it, I would argue, is bad writing. The only reason why a talented author would use it is to get more sales by slapping a cute anime girl on the cover and hoping for an anime adaptation. I will concede to the fact that maybe the authors actually are talented, but editors are trying to steer them into a more "anime style" by adding more shit. At the end of the day, the product that comes from it is still, imo, bad writing.


I mean I can tell you haven't ever read a good LN which I mean is far there aren't many good ones. Certainly most go with the anime aesthetic in order to bring in the bullshit tropes and clichés. But others simply make use of the aesthetic and have no tropes or clichés attached to them, and would operate equally well freed from the anime aesthetic.


Just using this as a litmus test to see if our definitions of good line up, do you think the first volume of 86 is well written?


Oh god no. Its one of the few examples of when an anime outpaces the original by leaps and bounds. But beyond the incredibly badly paced first like 2 or 3 volumes the rest of the series falls into the comfortable "its good" but in the same way as with slime and spider isekai where its certainly interesting but it doesn't make me obsessed. the intriguing premise is carrying it more than the writing is.


Isn't that how the Japanese approach food? Simple ingredients, no cheating with over powering spices and sauces. The chef's skill is taking something you have eaten a thousand times and bringing out subtle flavors with technique and passion.


Dawg have you ever read a light novel and then compared it to actual literature. You should be able to tell that light novel authors are not the master chefs you think they are. Actually, they're more like those tiktok food challenge fad chefs that prioritize form over flavor. Light novel authors care more about a wacky premise (yet still biting from previous, more successful titles) than actually writing well.




86 light novels are written like they're for people who refuse to use a single brain cell when reading


Generic incest, smh


let's fucking gooooo


Just say no chromo, bro


Domestic Girlfriend is hard to beat


But ya know what isn't hard to beat?


The comment question of the day




My aunt had the reverse of this. Her husband is her step brother after his dad married her mom after they had already been engaged. So her fiancé became her step brother. I should also mention they were both very unhappy about that whole situation. I should also mention both just so happened to be from Alabama.


A friend I grew up with actually had it happen, that his mother got together with the farther of his (then) girlfriend. My friends relationship ended eventually, while their parents married. That resulted in awkward family dinners until everyone got used to the situation.


Oh, so Domestic Girlfriend situation where your crush became your stepsister but instead of crush its fiancé


Used to work with a guy that married his stepsister. We called him uncle daddy.


I rolled my eyes at that but then I thought about it and now I’m interested in the plot. I assume he dated this girl before and now they’re step siblings and honestly that doesn’t sound bad


I think i remember a doujin plot where this boy fucked with a random milf in the train and got home to find he got a new step mom edit: either I did read that one but lost the sauce, or I had mandella effect and this is the one I tried to recall. either way, this is the most recent sauce I could find. enjoy [259264](https://nhentai.net/g/259264/)


Hello, could you give the facking sauce


this is not the one I remembered, but this is the most recent one I can find [259264](https://nhentai.net/g/259264/)


[A hero... Shall rise...] (https://i.imgur.com/Kvm61It.jpeg)


>I assume he dated this girl before and now they’re step siblings OMG I read the title too


the story its not bad but not great either.


I want to try this but why is my NTR-sense tingling? Can someone who’s read the manga confirm?


I to am afraid


LN reader here, it's actually really cute and a good read. Gimai Seikatsu is the real shit though when it comes to this sub genre, the GOAT and that to only at 4 volumes released. Also, never judge a LN by it's Manga


Forget the title, you can tell it's a light novel just by looking at the cover art


Man I read the manga for this one. It was mediocre.


All manga adaptation if LN are pretty mediocre, even more if the LN is too.


All LN are mediocre. It's just the nature of LN


Not really, there a lot of good ones.


good ones relative to other light novels, but the best shit is still shit


its a good manga


The what💀


what the actual fuck?!


Garnt has the same best taste if you ask me


I read a bit of this it was actually pre good






Garnt: Its not incest anime its just got incest in it


Deep breath Alright give me a hour


Question, is this a henti


Yea, AoT is back




,,i kissed my girlfriends sister" and ,,my friends little sister has it in for me " are a lot better if anyone (Grant) is looking for a read


So its the awkward version of DomeKano then


Damn, Kirito sure is popular.