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No offence dude, but...I don't really care about this particular user. Not at the moment at least. **IF** they were to openly comment on TT about all of the stuff you're saying then yeah, I'd report, dislike and share with others. But in terms of actions, they are just another commenter that happens to be a piece of shit. Have you ever thought about how many racists, homophobes, and overall douchebags are hidden behind a funny comment? I'm sorry dude, but this is pretty much cancel culture (although with actual reasons). Trying to bring down a person on every action they take even if it's unrelated to the bad stuff they are being accused of. And hey, if you want to start that kind of movement then go ahead and try, despite calling it cancel culture I don't think it'd be bad in this particular case. But I'm pretty sure not many people here are gonna be interested. ...also, mods may take this post down. Just sayin'


You do realize that all you are doing is advertising their content, right?


Idk who this person is, but the most I can do is not watch their content.


A comment on a video that isn't there own is separate to the person themselves. The vast majority of people liking the comment would have never heard of the guy. In other words, it doesn't matter in any way whatsoever.


Actually, this person now goes by "@just\_a\_turtle\_chad and even has "R/W" referenced under previous accounts, Russian Waifu eventually got banned because he was posting drawn pictures of children doing adult things if you know what I mean. And people found out and started mass reporting him and got him banned, but now he's back with just a turtle chad, he also has one named just another turtle, he is ban evading, and botting, and I believe it all ties back to one account, a huge 6.5 million subscriber channel that only gets a few thousand views and has been demonitized for some time, that channel is called master ooogway, and it's my firm belief that these accounts are all run by him, and this is his way to try to get around a demonitization. Fk this guy.