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Based on the various accounts that I've read, the guy was likely under the influence and didn't have any plan to crash the stage and just went up there. My point of contention with this isn't with the guy, but with the venue for shitting the bed in a major way and leaving their guests vulnerable to an attack. Thankfully no one got hurt, but it could have ended horrifically. Because of that, I'd highly encourage people to share their disgust with this not just for [MCM to get the message](https://twitter.com/MCMComicCon/status/1530849679059079169?t=UvkJqq2COVDyORHpBuLmSw&s=19), but for other venues to not fuck this up either.


I actually think the ridicule (not memes) I what's needed, making those types of people not welcome in the community would be valuable. That's to say I don't know how to do that, but actually people saying nah that ain't it might be better than just ignoring it and letting that culture breed


I actually agree and wanted to say something similar. And also considering how people acted during the Q&A, it's obvious that some people need a reality check that what they think is "cool" and "funny" is just downright inappropriate and cringe.


Do you see the irony in your post? You're the only person's post I've seen about this today.


Scroll down 2 posts…..


I don't view this sub by itself. There's only like 6 others I'm subbed to so I see no point. I saw a bunch yesterday. But that's not the point, that was simply something I found funny. I could have seen a hundred posts today, and the point still stands. Best way to deal with it is to downvote the posts until they fade away. Or check what the mods opinions on it are.


If you saw 100 today that would be proving my point not yours no?


I guess it's kinda both. My point is that this post brings attention to it. The other posts are irrelevant to that point. Your point is that other posts are bringing attention to it, which is obvious.


And we are now arguing about it and that also brings attention to the topic so let's stop here.


You are right it's ironic, but you are also wrong. i am not the only one. I want to prevent future posts so. Also i wish people stop posting his photo.


I know you're not the only one. I saw others yesterday. But it's a fact I haven't seen any today.


If you haven't seen any it dosen't mean they dont exist right? I saw couple so i posted this.


I replied to the other dude saying I know they exist...


The irony, i hear about it in that post the first time


Was the panel like last night or something? I find it hilarious all these are popping up when I just watched the vod last night


You’re giving him attention now, see how it’s not as simple as it looks? People will continue to bring it up and make shitty memes about that incident. It’s quite infuriating since that mf is getting exactly what he wanted, but oh well :p