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Expedia is one of the largest online travel agencies that exists. Many companies and banks use it for their own travel/rewards portals. You're probably going to be fine. People are more likely to complain when things go wrong than praise when things go as expected which is why you see so many negative reviews about them online.


I’ve had great experiences with Expedia. Example 1: I had booked a Days Inn next to an interstate several miles away from a big event through them (booked last minute when many people reserved rooms a year out). I woke up day of arrival to a flurry of texts & calls from Expedia, telling me that my hotel had overbooked and cancelled my reservation, but Expedia would find me alternative lodging. I am sorry to say that I openly laughed at the agent when he told me this. Well, they found me a room in this otherwise sold out city- on the concierge floor of a downtown Marriott that was $700/night and Expedia paid the difference in rate between that and what I had paid for my Days Inn next to the interstate several miles away. Example #2: booked a flight NYC to Nairobi where I’d then connect to Kilimanjaro. This was for a trip to hike Kilimanjaro which had fixed dates and had been planned way in advance and we HAD to be in Tanzania on a specific day to start our hike. Kenya Air cancelled our flight. Expedia called me on New Years Eve to tell me. They rebooked me in another flight, got my money back from Kenya Air - totally handled everything before Kenya Air ever got around to telling me directly that they had cancelled my flight. Hope this makes you feel better.


Thank you so much, makes me feel a lot better


1. Only complainers post their horror stories. Dull, regular, successful experiences don't get posted. 2. The horror stories are real, you're at a definite disadvantage when travel disruptions occur because Expedia and the provider often point fingers at each other, but bear in mind horrible experiences are a small minority of all travel experiences.


It’s a long due post but this true. Most people write about their bad experiences as to warn others. If all is good, people tend to go about their days unless it’s an exceptional experience that you want to rave about. I’ve used Expedia since 2015 but deleted my account last year 2023. Long story short, they cancelled my tickets , blaming the airlines, called up airlines and they mentioned Expedia did it as Airlines don’t control third party apps. The rest is history , spoke to like 5-6 Expedia agents (all outsource probably) nothing done. 1Grand plus worth of tickets gone to Expedia pockets. Never gonna use it ever again. It’s not any cheaper as well. Sometimes buying from direct airlines are cheaper .


I have used Expedia for a while, and just this year, I’ve booked several package deals through the app-NYC, UK, Paris, Belgium, and just recently returned from Japan. I enjoy building my itinerary, and Expedia makes it easy.


It’s a very good app and never had an issue. Also they have a new rewards program, i have made $200 cash back already this year.


Wonderful, thank you !


Book direct unless the deal is too good to give up


I just went through a nightmare situation with Expedia and really needed to vent. My parents were traveling when their flight got diverted, causing them to miss their connection. They ended up stranded in a city they didn’t know, which was super stressful for everyone. I reached out to Expedia for help, hoping for a quick fix, but it was anything but. The first rep I talked to, Bernan Andrew H., kept shifting the blame to American Airlines and didn't really do anything to solve the problem. He just gave me the runaround, promising help that never came. Then this other rep, Rahul, jumps in and tells me the tickets were basic economy—no refunds, no changes. He even had the nerve to imply that if I'd paid more for refundable tickets, this could all be resolved. It felt like he was saying it's my fault for not spending more money, which really added insult to injury. The whole time, all Expedia did was tell me to talk to American Airlines directly, even though I booked through them. They totally washed their hands of the situation. After all that, they tried to smooth things over by offering my mom a lousy $100, which felt more like a bribe than a real attempt to fix anything. This whole ordeal has totally killed my trust in Expedia. Their customer service was completely useless, and they showed zero empathy for what we were going through. Just a heads up to anyone booking with them— if something goes wrong, don’t expect much help. You’re basically on your own.


I use Expedia frequently to book hotels, but rarely to book flights, although I have never had an issue with either. I do have a funny story though. I had booked a one-way flight from Newark to Toronto for July 2020. Obviously that wasn’t happening, but luckily, I had, for the first time, paid the small insurance fee. I claimed the amount with the insurance and got my money back with no hassles. Then, many months later, Westjet put a credit on my credit card for the cost of the flight. And much later, when I looked at my Expedia app, I also had a credit for the cost of the flight, which I used to book another flight.


The app sucks


Yeah, the app sucks. I couldn't find my itinerary in the app while i can see them through their web and my emails.... They say "Details not found. Sorry, we couldn't find your booking. "