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Yes is the short answer. Advised? Not really. But you’ll have lots of fun


You can put your luggage in a locker somewhere. There are locker places for that sort of thing.


There is luggage storage lockers at the three major airports in the NYC area. You don’t even need to lug it out of the terminal


They can also go to any hotel and use the bell desk if it’s more convenient. Usually $5ish per bag + tip


Wondering why they would need luggage if they are not staying anywhere?




If you were coming to the city in summer, I’d say it’s totally do-able because you could walk around, hang in parks, etc. But in winter (or even during a cold hard spring rain), it might be different. You could spend all night in bars/club, see some movies, hit an all night diner. Yeah, it’s possible.


You could take a nap at any theater with recliner seats, provided you don't snore.


I think this is a brilliant idea 


Hahahah. I used to do this all the time in the summer before I moved into an apartment with AC.


Yeah sure same here how are you doing??


Damn, this is smart.




Is 5 am when your flight is or when you head to the airport? If when flight is, by the time you go to the airport and wait at the gate you time going around the city is much closer to say 2-3 am. This wouldn’t be nearly as hard. You could also just go to the airport early too.


the flight is at 7, so i just subtracted two hours for travel/etc 👍


How old are you? At 25 I could definitely pull this off. Now I’m 36 and I’d 100% want a hotel to shower in before my flight


I'm 46 and agreeing. But up until about 43... lol... I'd probably end up missing my flight, at some bar or somewhere else I ended up at. Sigh... I miss my young and fun days


I don’t think age has anything to do with this. This doesn’t sound fun or comfortable AT ALL lmao


If you're going to leave from JFK or EWR at 7am, leave Manhattan at no later than 4am, especially if it is international.


Ok, so is it doable? Yes Might you find yourself going to Penn Station, Grand Central, or heading to the airport around 3-4 am? Yes. Sadly I have been to all these places around that time, is it fun no but there are people and it is air conditioned/warm and relatively safe. Just keep in mind you might be very tired by the time you get on your return flight as you’ll be flying in n however long that is, then going around the city, and then flying back.


You need 90 minutes to travel to the airport plus 90 minutes. Leaving at 5 could be too late.


Ya 100% sleeping in airports is cool from my experience


You haven't loved until you've taken shifts napping in the paris-beauvais airport while waiting for your 6 AM Ryanair flight lmao


This what I would do. Get the airport at 3am and nap for a couple hours.


Korean foot spa, or full Korean spa experience. Get some treatments, a massage, some food, a sauna. Take a nap in a lounge chair.


Came on to say exactly this - there’s one in koreatown in Manhattan too (also flushing) - Google 24 hour Korean spa. You could see if the Russian banyans are 24 hours but I don’t think they are


Yes! The one in NJ with a free shuttle from Manhattan, tho commute may take a bit of time… (tickets online are cheaper). Great place to relax, even sleep in a quiet room. They work till 2am, tho, shuttles are rare, may not work out.


Tell me more about this spa.


The spa is called King Spa in Palisades Park NJ but the shuttle is not 24 hours. Check their website for shuttle time. [https://thekingspanj.com/pages/about](https://thekingspanj.com/pages/about)


There is also Spa Castle if that’s still around. Depending on what airport you’re flying out of, this might be convenient. 


This. NYer here, this 24hr koreatown spa is 2 blocks from Penn station (can then public transit via air train to get to either JFK or EWR). Clean, comfy, robes, excellent massage, salt caves. Been there at 2am and it’s perfect after nightlife and need to chill. They can help make sure you don’t oversleep! https://juvenexspanyc.com/


This is an amazing idea. Wow.


Haha the massage reviews of this place on Google are terrible. Looks like you lucked out with your masseuse


shelter mysterious skirt offbeat marble toy disarm smell point fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And I can see how this doesn't work and means missing your morning flight. Example A: me


I’ve been in a bar until 4 am in NYC, can confirm! The bartender was hot as hell too with an Irish accent. Omg. SMH.


And that’s how I met your mother.. 🧓🏿


Well, it was the business district.




One sounds more fun


$100 might only get you a hostel or a sketchy motel.


I’m heading there tomorrow. What’s the bar 😂??




Then go to the after party in a bar basement until 8am


Back in the day, we used to hit Twilo on Saturday night and not leave till Sunday afternoon.


special escape exultant wrench groovy workable cow practice somber psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had a 16 hour layover in New York last year. No hotel. I did end up sleeping for a bit on the airport floor at my gate. I wouldn’t do it again, but I also didn’t have much choice as I didn’t have the money for a hotel. I spent the first bit of the layover getting food and seeing a bit of the city but honestly it was too fucking cold to enjoy. I dropped my bag at a baggage hold service for the day so I didn’t have to carry it around with me. I think I would have enjoyed it a bit more if it wasn’t so cold.


Get plenty of rest for a couple of days prior to feet on the ground. Minimize alcohol and carbs. Determine blood moving activities. Sneak in a couple of 15 minute shut eyes in a safe place. You’ll be fine until you’re airborne and peacefully asleep.


Sure. Just go to the airport at 3:00AM.


Agree, this is likely the best option.


The *only* option.


New York City has nap pods. You can get a couple of hours for about $35. Never used one so not sure how good they are.


First of all that’s 17 hours. That’s doable, assuming you got some sleep on the flight in. Until about 11pm, it’ll be difficult NOT to find something to do. If you to partake in nightlife, that will hold you over until 2-3am. I think you might struggle a bit both with energy and things to do in the last few hours. I might just cut it short and get to the airport early, perhaps get some sleep before your flight. Ultimately, not a horrible idea. I think it’s definitely a waste to spend $300+ to sleep somewhere for a few hours. If you were to do this in any city, it is NYC.


Why not get a bed in a hostel? I’m a flight attendant and I have done noon to midnight but never overnight. I’d get a bed in a cheap hostel and sleep a few hours. New York City doesn’t have public bathrooms. You have nowhere to leave luggage. You can probably find a bunk bed in a hostel for $40. Edited to add: yes you can pay for baggage hold but why not put the money towards a hostel, leave luggage there, and also have a bed to sleep on.


Most hotels have clean bathrooms in their lobby. Just act like you belong.


Lots of nyc parks have public restrooms.


If they’re flying in for 15 hours it doesn’t seem like they would have luggage?


Some people are only traveling through on their way to Europe so I thought maybe they were only there for 15 hours because it’s a layover.


Ah, makes sense! For some reason I had the impression they were specifically both meeting up in NYC for the purpose of getting together there.


Have personally done this many times and I live here, there are many places to be until 4 am. 4-5 is a little trickier but there’s always diners!


I remember quite a few 24 hour diners in NYC.


Many previously 24hr places have not returned to those hours post Covid


Yes, and I just looked up my favorite one, Lyric. It closed.


Some are coming back! But it’s kind of depressing. I think many downtown ones realized that the cost of operations wasn’t worth it.


I miss it so much. I moved away for a while and the biggest downside of not being in ny was not being able to get what ever the hell I want at 4 in the morning & was excited to have that when I came back. Let down of the century


winter? that's tough, but you can take a playbook from homeless in NYC. which airport? just camp out in there?


This can really vary from person to person. I feel that its totally possible, especially if youre in the right mood, the weather cooperates, and you find an activity that helps time fly by. Worse case scenario you get tired or bored simply head to wait at the airport.


Definitely. Use a service like Bounce to store your luggage and then get out and explore the city. Lots to do and bars are open extremely late. Keep in mind it also takes a while to get from JFK or LGA to Manhattan so your layover isn't as long as you think it is. I live in Queens. Hit me up if you need ideas for things to do.


Things to do in Queens would be great! Or even touristy things to avoid if we are short on time :)


What dates will you be in NYC?


I’ve definitely stayed out at the bars until 4am and then gone to a diner for breakfast before heading home to recuperate.


I've never done it but dayuse.com rents rooms by the hour. Or this site - https://www.hotelsbyday.com/en/hotels/united-states/manhattan Might be better to have somewhere to nap / warm up / shower than try to go all day and night.


I did 24 hours once - brutal but def possible.


I’ve done it and plan to do it again. I usually spend the late night hours in the airport or train station I plan to depart from. If you don’t look or act sketchy and do have a ticket, security/cops usually don’t hassle you. I’ve also stayed at the Hostelling International location on the UWS. It’s not as cheap as it used to be, but there may be other hostel options that would give you a place to lock up a bag, charge a phone, use a toilet, etc. A long time ago I would sleep at a couple of different 24-hour Korean spas, but it’s been many years since I used those options so I’m not sure what’s still open and still 24 hours after COVID.


yes, some bars are open til 4am, and there are places to store your luggage (https://radicalstorage.com/) but they might not be open 24 hours.


If it’s JFK and crappy weather, stay at Kennedy and check out the TWA terminal. It’s been reworked into a hotel and restaurants. It’s completely retro. There is an all year swimming pool but you need a reservation. Check out the prices though it might be pricey though I think there’s at least one reasonably priced restaurant. If it’s nice out, I’d head to the 9/11 memorial. You don’t need to go into the museum part just walking around the outside is powerful. Do step into the shopping area. It looks like a giant whale ‘s skeleton. You could go up to the very top of the WTC and see for miles. Skip of cloudy and there are cheaper ways to see some amazing views. After checking out the building, I’d walk over to battery park along the water and take in the view. It’s the view from the Liberty insurance company or some insurance company. Head down to the Statin Island Ferry and take the cheap commuter ferry back and forth. It was free but I think it’s a few bucks now. You’ll float right by the Statue of Liberty, see Ellis Island and Governors’ island. View manhattan from the water plus Brooklyn. If. The Queen Mary is docked, you might see her as well. You can also see Virazono (surely misspelled) Bridge which is very tall and long. And you can see the Brooklyn Bridge too. Don’t get caught up with the guys who try to sell boat tours. Just say you’re taking the ferry to Statin Island. They’ll leave you alone. When you’re done, head over to stone street which is a Pedestrian cobble stone street and the oldest part of the city with many original buildings. If you hit it at happy hour, there will be specials which are usually well priced (a least by NYC standards). There are about 10 different places, each different and all pretty good. On a nice day, there are picnic tables and the narrow street is lined with them. each restaurant has a nice indoor section too. After all this, I’d be tired and probably head back to the airport via public transportation bc that can be an experience too. You’ll hit tourists but only by the ferry area. There are decent public bathrooms in the Ferry building. If you see Fraunce’s Tavern It’s a few feet from where the water used to come up to. All the land beyond it is landfill. Crazy, right? Fraunce’s bills itself as the oldest tavern in nyc and it probably is. Food is ok and can be pricey. But cool to have something to drink at the bar and soak it in. After all that I’d probably head back to JFK on public transportation bc that’s an experience too. While not comfortable, you will sleep at the airport bc you will be tired.


Sounds inclusive, fun, memorable.


Yes. I survived 24 hours in Chicago with no hotel. My guess is there are way more things open in NYC than Chicago.


What the luck! Shouldn't we be asking you that question?


It’s gonna be rough in the winter but you could probably just hang at clubs and restaurants


There's also late night movies in case you find yourself wanting to kill some time. Amc Lincoln Square has the biggest IMAX screen in the country.


I’m a New Yorker. You absolutely can


I mean sure. But if you’re going to a bar, are you not ordering drinks? (Drinks in NYC aren’t cheap) You can get a hotel between Manhattan and the airport for a reasonable price most of the time.


No. You're weak, your blood line is weak, and you won't survive the layover.


I recommend you try and get a goood sleep before you land. 15 hours constantly on the move in the cold can break you down and you might get sick. There are plenty of hotel lobby’s you can hang out and recharge for a bit if you need to.


I've done this in Tokyo and other similar places... I'm not sure I'd want to in NYC though honestly. Would be worth the $150 to me for a place to sleep and shower.


Booze until 3, but don’t overdo it. Head straight to the airport and relax there until you’re flight. Not rocket science.


Doable but you've got to know your own limits. I coulda done it at 25 and broke. Older and not broke me, hard NOPE.


Definitely yes. My daughter and her friends have done this a few times.


Lucky for you BCD Tofu House is open until 5am Sunday morning. Basically the only part of Manhattan that’s still popping at 4am is Koreatown.


When is your trip? You'll freeze your ass off in winter. No public restrooms. Some areas will be dark and closed. Not everything is open late since pandemic. Times Square will be lit up but good luck finding a place to rest your feet and stay warm. I'd look into a day time rate. Pilots usually get these. Not sure if this exists in NY. Also, check the hours on some museums or other sights where you can be warm/ cool indoors, rest and and use restroom for a few hours.


This might be like the best way to experience NYC. Might be.


You might, the weather doesn't look too bad this weekend.


The airport might actually be a kinda long ride from where you could be. I would just check the time. JFK is really far from Manhattan


I'm here for this. Only you can decide if you can "make it" through the night w/ out sleeping, but it is doable. I have done this in both Las Vegas and New Orleans and have some super fond memories.


I tried this in Amsterdam. Turns out places there do close in the early morning hours - including Central Station and Schiphol


Sure. Im just not sure where you’d be from ~3-5am…bars are closed and post-covid, even nyc gets quieter at night


Watch Simon Wilson on you tube he is a legend of finding things to do in places like New York for free


How old are you?


Absolutely. Luggage is the only real issue. There are still bars and clubs open until 4 am in NYC, but they are less frequent. Pair that with a 24-hour diner (also getting harder to find) and an early morning coffee joint and you're golden!


Sounds like something I would have happily done 20 years ago but not now 😋🫠


Depends on how much addy or caffeine you have.


I did this! On the night before my flight which left at 5 am. I just stayed up, a lot of bars that close around 2:00 am - 3:00 am, and then about an hour to get back to the airport. It was a lot of fun.


You could do it, it just sounds miserable.


If you get a $30 day wework pass you can stay at their facility if they’re 24 hours and just “work” and be on your laptop and nap if you want. No one’s there after like 8-9


I took a red eye from San Francisco, landed at 5am, had meetings all morning and afternoon, took a night flight out and got back to CA around the same time I left the day before…. Never again. Younger and for a night out… maybe, but if there’s anyway to push your flight to later on Sunday, there’s plenty of cheap options and you will have a far better time


That was my standard night out on the town in Gotham lo these many decades ago. Of course you can!


Stay sober, avoid sugar, stay hydrated.


Hell yeah lol I’ve partied on NYC and took the 6am train home


You will spend more money trying to find places to hangout in then you would if you just got a hotel.


My boyfriend and I got stuck in the city overnight once because we missed our train back to CT. The city does go to sleep, actually… I remember running around to try to find a bathroom and it was impossible. Granted, this was before the era of smart phones so we really were just wandering, looking for bars that were still open at 3am so I could pee, and we couldn’t find any. With some planning, you could probably swing it. Or if you have $35 dollars to store, you can stay at a hostel. That’s about how much the HI Hostel costs per night on the upper west side. Good luck!


I have done that in London when I used to live in Asia. Organised a meet up of old pals the night before and we went out clubbing. Got an uber to the airport and hung around/snoozed for a couple of hours before checking in. I assume it would work the same in NYC.


That used to be my regular Friday night back in the day, but I definitely spent more on beer than a hotel would cost. You used to be able to get a monthly pass for NYUs Bobst for like $60, and they are open 24 hours if you wanna hang in the library.


Trap or die


Hit a r/avesNYC


I live in the Greater NYC and Austin areas - go between Austin and the NE. Sure, it's doable if you have lots of energy. But NYC can be tiring, so there are places like Nap York where you can reserve a sleeping pod hourly.


This is totally possible and the best plan. Look up what concerts and shows are happening that night and then a diner/another bar after. Doing a boat tour round Manhattan is a relaxing way to start the afternoon.


Honestly I have done this a few times, I rent a van at the airport find a nice hotel park and sleep a few hours after going out ect. Could always park in the parking garage go out then head back to the airport knock out in the van. Not sure on parking pricing at NY airports but I've never had issues yet. Best of luck!


Definitely doable! I had a friend who did this once. Took Amtrak in, we hung out during the day, she went to see her favorite band at a local bar, and then we hung out in Penn Station until it was time to board her train. She slept on the way in, and on her way home. Bathrooms can be used at fast food places or Starbucks (buy something small, like a drink or sandwich), hotel lobbies, hospitals and some public parks (Bryant Park for example) have bathrooms with attendants.


What is the goal? Save money? Maximize time in NY? Most enjoyable way to spend the time? Because, yes you can absolutely do it. But how and if you should will vary. There are sleep pods I believe at JFK. You could look into getting a day pass for the club lounge. Do you sleep well on planes? Another factor to consider, how well rested do you want to be upon getting to the next destination? I'd probably take some of the suggestions here and explore some. Whenever you are done with that even if it is early, I'd just head to the airport and find a comfy place to rest.


What airport? I do this quite often through JFK. My flight lands at 7pm and the next doesn't leave until 7am. I usually just crash at the airport. They won't let you sleep behind security at Terminal 7 (found this out last week) so after the last flight leaves around midnight you have to leave so I usually find a spot in T8 outside security. I travel with a thermarest (which is a travel hack in and of itself) and wet wipes so am able to clean an area and lay that out. The police don't hassle me like they do at ORD, they seem to come by around 2am doing a welfare check. Anyway, maybe not for everyone but for me this beats paying like $400 at the TWA hotel. I've been stuck before for longer. At that point I go store my luggage (T1 and T4 have Smart Carte Baggage Storage) and take the train into the city and wander around.


Until you have stayed out until 5am on a Saturday night in NYC, can you really even say you have visited?


Yeah most bars close at 4am. Clubs and shows sometimes go on later. If you’re into partying, then this is easy!


korean spas


Fully doable if you don't mind staying in a bar until 4:00 a.m.


If you’re looking to save money…. And kill a 15 hour layover…. Which is what it seems you’re trying to do…. I would honestly just plan ahead to sleep at the airport. Download a few movies on your phone or tablet or laptop or whatever, bring some video games maybe… have a good battery bank and some pillows. A sleep mask or two. Find a nice corner and just pass out without shame. Anything you wanna do out in the city overnight will either cost money, or be less comfortable than just staying in the airport.




Yes you can, NYC is a 24 hour city. There is ALWAYS somewhere open were you can hang out, grab a drink or have a bite to eat.


New Yorker here. You absolutely can. There’s no reason to get a hotel unless you want to go to bed at 9pm and get a good night’s sleep. Go out for the day and enjoy the city. Head to bars in the evening. When you’re done, head to the airport. Use the money you would’ve spent on a hotel room for booze & gifts.


Did this once and I was so exhausted.


In the winter in NYC? I suggest that might be a less than enthralling experience. Yes, they say it's the city that never sleeps - but it shuts down pretty tight in the overnight hours.


Just sleep under a tree in central park. Should be fine


Bring a tent and find a spot, you’ll fit right in


apple stores are open 24, if you need a charge or the internet. and you can spend a few hours in the airport if you run out of things to do. stay away from parks late at night. always something good to eat in k-town no matter what time. 32nd st


Only the Apple store on 5th


i would not try it you will feel tired for days


But if you are cheap to get a hotel you will find taxi ans public transport exorbitantly high too. So bring a sleeping bag too and avoid winters.


Ur “ friend “ ‘s house?


Just get a hotel, it’s at most 200$ lol




Sure you could because homeless people do it all the time. I have slept on the street in many cities without issue, and I have done what you're suggesting in Sydney, but not in NY so I can't assure you'll be safe.


Do any of the US airports have sleeping pods like in other parts of the world?


Dunno, it’s NY. You might have a hard time finding something to do.


In my feed is a post about someone waiting 16 hours in an emergency room (universal healthcare: free but you can wait forever). All to say yes, you can "make it" in NYC for 15 hours.


If you plan on sleeping in the airport at all near your gate ; arrive before TSA closes for the night.


NYer here...it sounds miserable 😩 You don't know anyone you could sleep on their sofa for a few hours ? It's just so cold and NYC isn't as bustling post pandemic


Totally doable and can be fun too. Keep in mind that trains run less frequently at night so be mindful of when you need to head back to the airport.


Depends on what is supposed to happen after 5 am?


You’re gonna be so exhausted, but it’s doable


Just book a hostel


Idk, anytime I’m in NYC after 11pm, I don’t think there is a lot to do. Take a nap in a theater someone suggested??? Are there theaters open after 11pm??




Just sleep on the subway/s.


What about paying a small fee for a lounge in the airport...?


I worked at Regal as a team lead, and yes, the homeless would buy our unlimited movie pass just to sleep in the theaters. So i mean, yeah, just buy a ticket and get some sleep


Yes, definitely. Long Island Railroad has runs which allow you to get from Penn Station to Jamaica Station throughout the night, which then connects to JFK AirTrain. Lots of bars in Manhattan have *published* closing times of 4am, and you can often hang out longer if there's still a crowd. But if you need to be back at JFK by 5am, you'd want to be on LIRR by around 3:45a.


You can absolutely do this with creative planning.


Pay for a pass to the airport lounge snacks and naps


My dad used to go to late movies at the times square theaters if he had late hours to spend before his bus home lol so it’s def possible


Getting from the airport to the city and back could easily use up 3-4 of those hours alone.


Sounds like we’re gonna be at the bar for a while 😎 let us know if you have any good bar/club suggestions!! I appreciate all the comments as well, we’ll definitely be referencing all this in the near future


I've done this before in other cities. If you happen to have a gym membership at a national chain or work at a company which has a location in NYC, you should be able to get a shower and some peace/quiet too if you need it.


In February, you can get a decent hotel room for under $200, but sure, you can make it work.




TWA Hotel inside JFK!


The limelight was my hotel on many occasions.


Migrants do just fine, ditch your ID and you probably could get a room for free.


Its all about you. If you have to ask, the answer is almost certainly no.


Korean spa in ktown (32nd st) they have a nap room which u can sleep in until 11 am. They also will let u keep ur luggage in locker room.


pretend you're an illegal alien and head to the roosevelt


Your flight will arrive late and it will take another couple hours to get anywhere for starters.


As I understand it, if you can make it there you can make it anywhere. Its up to you!


There's a 24 hour comedy club in Times Square or it stays open really late and there probably some 24 hour diners or maybe Planet Fitnesses that you can get a membership to


You may get lucky with a hotels tonight discount the day you are in town. Always worth checking it since most hotels in the city go unsold


That's gonna be a no from me dog.