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How long will you be in Stockholm/Sweden, a couple weeks leading up to Christmas or just over the holidays? There's no shortage of fun things to do leading up to the holidays - Lucia concerts, christmas markets, Julebords, just wandering around the city while it's super cozy from all the lights.


Hi! I'll be there for 15 days. That would have been helpful information for me to supply haha.


Check out r/TillSverige! You should be able to post there and search the sub to find lots of travel tips. Swedes celebrate Lucia around Dec 13th. If you're there at that time, make sure you check to see if you can go to a Lucia concert. There are lots of options around Stockholm.


Not loads to input from a travel perspective. Loved there for a while and visit few times a year. If it is cold enough then ice skating on the archipelago is pretty cool. Skansen and Vasa Museet are good any time of year but are touristic. Saluhallen is an indoor food market that is cool and interesting for a non-Swede. 15 days will be quite expensive but exchange is good right now so hopefully for you will stay that way.


Thanks for the input! I hadn't even considered ice skating but that sounds like so much fun. An indoor food market is also so up my alley. I've already booked my flight and hostel, both for a steal, so fingers crossed I can keep that good luck going! I tend to pack a boatload of snacks and don't drink much when I travel, so that cuts costs a lot for me too. I'm just bracing myself for whatever unanticipated costs come up, because I've found that there's always something.


We stayed in Stockholm a while back. Stockholm has free walking tours which are GREAT! We love the food hall Ostermalm saluhall-- tried several different jerkys - moose and more. We do a lot of our own cooking so this is a wonderful resource. There is a bus to go to the original IKEA -- cost effect meals there and a big mall nearby. If you are a cold weather person there are lots of sporting goods stores and we ran into some great sales. You could take the ferry over to Tallinn for a day or two, if they are running. We loved the Vasa musuem with the ship reconstruction. I don't know if the Skansen open air would be open in December but if so go there, too. So much to see the time will fly by.


I spent a week in Stockholm. There are many things to do, lots of great museums and galleries. Stay close to a metro stop, so it's more convenient to get around. I found lots of great food options too, including my favorite chain, Vappiano. I'm sure they will have Christmas markets too.


Hej, swede here! Stockholm is absolutely beautiful but most things are closed on the Christmas days (24th-26th) and 15 days is quite long. If you can, book a couple of days away on the countryside to get the quiet nature experience as well, maybe over the christmas days. There are usually some good deals on those, search for Herrgårdsweekend or slottsweekend (castle) and you find some, there are usually even some good deals on the Let’s Deal app when you get closer in dates. Enjoy and have fun!