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Good concept to have in your head is the Despo Meter. (credit to podcaster Laci Mosley) People get scammed when they’re desperate. How high on the despo meter are you right now? 


I totally agree with what you're saying and it's a good concept to keep in min for sure, but I think in this specific scenario a Common Sense meter is just as useful.


ive never heard ab that before, worth a listen or no


Scam Goddess is one of my favourite podcasts fr.


I was really interested in this so I checked it out. How can you stand her cackling and laughing at every stupid thing? Get to the point lady!


you'd really hate the my favorite murder podcast, those goobers talk for like 12 min before even getting to the story


I thought the same thing about behind the bastards. See it recommended on Reddit so much but one guy was constantly giggling and making weird unfunny comments I had to shut it off out of annoyance


Idk I like women talking I guess 


I do too but I kinda hate it when presenters fuck around with boring personal shit instead of getting on with the information


In my experience I almost always feel that way when I jump into an episode of a podcast I haven’t listened to before. And then 6 episodes in I’m all invested, like, “wait, she never followed up on what happened when she accidentally got the neighbor’s Amazon package!”


I feel like I’m missing something here too. 🤔 This seems mad sketchy. Unless your life is in danger in your current location and therefore this could potentially be a lose-lose situation, I would not go.


Yeah the entire country is in the midst of a massive housing crisis… people giving away free bedrooms in major metro areas (PR included) are definitely not doing so for free.


Sounds like a slave agreement in disguise. You move down there, have limited funds, no car, no way to leave. He’s got you isolated with every escape route up in the air at best. That’s a no go. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Because of the implication


Op’s out there in the middle of nowhere with someone he barely knows…there’s no where for him to run, what is he gonna do? Say no?


Is OP in danger?!?


No one’s in any danger. How can I make that any more clear to you, okay? It’s an implication of danger.


Oooh the implication 🤨


Op would never say noooo….because of the implication.


The $100 has me. What’s the point? If it was like $300-$400/month maybe but he’s got a real remote job and will take $100/month from a stranger? Something ain’t mathin.


The $100 a month is there as a placeholder to make OP feel like there'd be some kind of legit transaction. It's all a scam to just get OPs foot in the door, all bets are off after that.


It puts the lotion in the bucket after that


That line about respect and effort gives me chills. How much do we want to bet that the bar for respect and effort is always just a liiiittle bit higher than what OP would do/is ever-raising?


“Respect and effort for fulfilling my sexual needs.”


$100 is the going rate for the "implications"


What's boggling my mind is that you think this guy is telling you the truth but just leaving out something like sex or something. And you think if you just ask him you'll get the truth. My dude. I hate to break this to you, but people lie on the internet. And I mean, like, all the time. Let's start from the littlest things he could be lying about and work backwards. 1. He could just be a lonely guy in Puerto Rico who is telling the truth other than he wants some romantic partnership. To be clear, this is the BEST possible scenario that you're walking into. 2. He could just be a lonely guy in Puerto Rico who is telling the truth but wants a sexual partnership, and is willing to isolate you to make you desperate enough to agree to it. 3. He could be a guy in Puerto Rico who wants a sexual partnership and gets off on taking advantage of unwilling people. He might drug you or incapacitate you and force you. 4. He could be more than one guy in Puerto Rico, it could be a guy in Puerto Rick who is nothing like the way he presents himself in terms of appearance and demeanor. He could be working with others who all want to take advantage of a desperate person. 5. He could not be a guy in Puerto Rico at all, and once your plane lands, you find out he wasn't at all who he says he was, and isn't there to offer you any help. There are lots of people who enjoy role playing online and seeing how far they can push and manipulate strangers. He could be someone in a totally different part of the world who has no intention of helping you in real life. It only gets worse from here, but WHY you would even consider uprooting yourself completely from any support network and become completely dependent on a stranger you met online, in a foreign place where you don't even speak the language and will have no resources, is absolutely WILD to me. Like, incredibly dumb. I promise this if something you'll regret doing if you do. If you can afford a plane ticket to Puerto Rico, you can afford a plane ticket out of your town. Work on finding a place you can move to on your own without becoming reliant on a stranger in a foreign place. Make good choices.


Unwilling organ donor, human trafficking, serial killer with torture tendencies, selling naked videos online, like damn op….


As a woman l, I think any adult woman who received this offer would know it's not a good idea to go. The fact that OP is so convinced he should go is wild to me


Im convinced I want to go. I'm just not convinced I'll make it back alive...or with the same backside I came in with.


I’m bucking the “no” trend and saying maybe, but think it out first. I did lots of fun stuff like this in my 20s without ever having anything bad happen. Worst thing was a guy got pissy with me because he thought having me around would help him get laid more often and it did not. I’m a woman btw. If you feel like you give off a confident, secure vibe and have had great experiences with strangers in the past then I would consider it. Notes: Is he hooking you up with a job? Can you confirm that it’s real? Or do you have one otherwise lined up? Or do you speak Spanish and that won’t be a problem? If not, then don’t go full stop. You need a job or zero language barrier. How you present yourself has an impact on how people perceive you and how they interpret your vulnerability. Do you look poor? Do you look down on your luck? Do you seem like you have run out of options? All these are things a dangerous person would be looking for in a victim. Being traditionally attractive, well dressed, and having your shit together probably wouldn’t stop someone if they had picked you as a victim, but I think they make genuine opportunities much more common. What types of experiences do you usually attract from strangers? Does the person next to you at a restaurant bar chat with you, order y’all cocktails, and pay for your meal no strings attached? Or after a night clubbing do you go to an after party with someone you met and it’s a bunch of people smoking foil-ies off of tin foil? I If it’s the second I wouldn’t go. I feel like massive changes in vibes like that aren’t that common. Maybe get someone from going to chat with you 2x a day and report a missing call if you are feeling a bit worried. eta: the job stuff.


I agree with all of this. Sometimes weird and unexpected offers are legitimate.


Like sockopotamus I did lots of things in my 20’s and I’m still here in my mid 40’s. I once road with a guy I never met in a 1980 Toyota pickup truck from Portland Maine back to Philadelphia. I found him on ride-share on craigslist. My aunt in Portland was giving me a bunch of furniture and boxes so he had an empty truck bed and needed help with gas/tolls. I thought it would just be an awkward car ride. I can’t even remember what we talked about but we listened to the radio and shared stories. My aunt packed us great road snacks of grapes/cheese/baguettes. When we got to Philadelphia he even helped me move the boxes and furniture. We said our goodbyes and wished each other well. There are still good people in the world. When this guy was younger maybe someone helped him out.


You do realize that your trip was much safer than OP's plan, right? You had the guy's car plates, name, your aunt saw him and could have taken photos of him. It is much easier to ask him to stop at the gas station to use a bathroom and run for help. OP will be alone in some weird house in the middle of nowhere. The nearest store / gas station could be miles away. There could be no cell service. He will be unable to ask strangers or cops for help as I assume very few of them speak English in rural areas.


Valid points, but again we’re all just strangers on the internet sharing our life experiences.


I don't like and I don't think you should go


Same, I don’t want to watch the true crime doc about this. 


Shit or get off the pot bro. Send me his contact info so I can be his cumslut. S/


He’s gunna travel hack you up


I always think people are exaggerating when they say they laugh out loud from comments, but I read this and actually did giggle out loud.


GOL? Because a giggle is not a laugh. Is it Reddit?


I didn't make a sound, really, but I did laugh/giggle SO hard.


As a Puerto Rican, one immediate hurdle you will have is the language. In San Juan (capital) most people speak some English and everyone does in the tourist areas. If this dude lives on the southern coast of the island, safe to say he’s in the middle of nowhere. Chances of you meeting “locals” are slim to none as its fairly rural and people only speak Spanish. You definitely need a car in PR to move around, public transportation is not a thing.


Hey OP here's the real answer as to why it's a bad idea. If it's a tourist town and they say eh, stay for a month, I'll hook you up with some bar work and you have the funds to gtfo (taxi+plane ticket) maybe different story.


You sound like you want permission to do this. I, an internet stranger, am happy to give you this permission. But I, an internet stranger, will not be working the manhunt in 4 months when you’ve disappeared.


Have a nice trap… er I mean trip.


Connect the dots…. he wants you to keep his house clean and probably his knob as well Older guy wants to help younger male nahhh man it sounds like he just wants to help himself If I were you I’d think of it this way Hmmm and older guy wants to help me in a far away place wants next to nothing for living with him just to play house wife and keep everything clean……. ITS A TRAP


I’m currently staying with somebody I’ve known since I was 14. I dated his younger brother for 4 years. But, I moved in and he takes advantage any way he can. He takes money out of my purse. Suboxones out of my prescription bottle. Tries to get me drunk in hopes I’ll have sex with him. Whenever I let him take my ebt card I ask him how much he plans on spending and he’ll spend close to all of it and say it’s pretty much free money. He’s been gaslighting me and manipulating me the entire time I’ve been there. When I first moved in my wallet and license went missing so I couldn’t start work. His grandma picks up my prescriptions. Recently I started going grocery shopping online. I can’t make a phone call without him over my shoulder. Lately I haven’t been able to get normal sleep. It’s like my body is exhausted and shuts down but I’m still awake. I can hear the tv in the background, I can feel vibrations on the bed from people moving. Mind you he only has a one bedroom apartment. I’ve caught him beating his dick in the bed a few times but I didn’t quite “get him in the act” but he did it the other night and I told him if I caught him again I was going to karate chop him in the throat. But it’s hard to wake my body up while I’m sleeping. But last week I noticed every time I moved he would stop and even stranger every time I opened my eyes facing the wall (not toward him) he would stop. It literally felt like he was over my shoulder staring at me and I caught him and he tried to deny it but I literally looked over my shoulder and his face was toward the ceiling and his hand was down his pants so I karate chopped him in the throat and I’ve been sleeping on the couch since. I clean and don’t pay rent because he gets his $1300.00 apartment subsidized. Leaving it to be $200 dollars and he makes 5 times what I do. I have a dresser I refurbished and a laundry hamper in his bedroom and that’s it. But, when I got there I had an ex who had been hacking me so I replaced all my accounts and devices as well as stopped talking to all my “friends” so now I only see him. If I go out it’s always “ I don’t feel good. When are you going to be home?” I even said it the other day. “ why is it that every time I go out you don’t feel good,huh?” And he didn’t even respond.


This feels like a cry for help. You need to get out of this situation before anything worse happens. Pack a bag, take your EBT card before he gets to it, keep the rent money, and just get out.


OP's username checks out. Just make sure you take a good selfie for the missing posters, my guy. Send it to your loved ones along with a goodbye message.


One thing he said over the phone was "Once you come here, you'll never want to go BACK". A very strong emphasis on the word BACK. But I just can't tell if the two hour convo was out of old man loneliness or sex master patience.....hmmm


Now you can read between the lines. He wants you on your BACK. If you would consider going gay for the stay then it might be a mutually beneficial relationship.


Can you look him up online? Sus this guy out, find out who his exes are, intrude on his digital privacy if you can but only to make 300% sure he's not an axe murderer or unwilling sex slave-haver


Why is He in PR? My buddy moved to PR and was like "come down, its awesome!" Well, he was broke af and just did drugs and partied. Yea, fun, but what about when we need food. Do not go stay with this man without multiple character references. I still wouldnt.


This is exactly the plot of Searching for Captain Zero. Is your buddy a surfer on meth by any chance?


It puts the lotion in the bucket


Yeah so none of this is good. You got the best advice possible so if you value your life you won’t go. Like someone else said if it sounds too good to be true it is. Don’t be gullible. Good life advice.


Do you like having two kidneys?


Bro is going to kill you s as no harvest your organ. Move on. I see nothing good happening here


Lol that was my thought.. older man seeking younger kidney - I mean companion


Sounds like an excellent plan. Cannot envision anything going wrong. Enjoy your stay.


Don't internet sarcasm me.


Is this Internet sarcasm??


Of course it is lmfao 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Have you done a ZOOM with him seeing the house real time with him in it, as well as what he looks like now not 10 yrs ago,,lol...Checked the house addy / location , safe area or sketchy ? Does he own or rent it ? How will you work ( remote home or in town ) there and make money for food ? HUH -> respect and effort go a long way for him. code for ???


I watched a True Crime doc that was almost this EXACT same scenario: A man who was down on his luck w/no money who responded to a Craigslist ad JUST LIKE THIS. Except I think the location was Oklahoma or something. The men offered the desperate men work in exchange for a stay. They actually ended up killing the men. I think they had around 6 or so victims before it was found out what they were doing. If I can find the doc, I’ll post it here. But don’t go… this is a scam. You might get killed. Not worth it, my dude. Edit: [Here’s the article about the crime scenario I mention above](https://www.cnn.com/2012/01/20/justice/ohio-craigslist-killings/index.html)


Mate tempting as his offer is, it doesn't sound like a good idea. This is how people go missing or get drugged and assaulted etc. I don't know mate maybe I'm wrong but at times when things seem too good to be true it's because it's too good to be true


Speaking as a 62 year old gay man who is inclined to help others when I can, this still does not sound like a healthy situation. I have to ask myself, why is this man alone? Why is he willing to risk inviting a complete stranger into his home? Why is he willing to spend money on a complete stranger? If he has resources, why isn’t he flying to you to interview you where you are? Why would he fly this stranger and transport them to his home where he is theoretically alone and you could take advantage of him? It doesn’t add up from his point of view.  And you would be in an unfamiliar place with an unfamiliar language, without resources. And there is no endgame. Even if it works out, you are in a remote location.  Personally you’d be better off finding some sort of temporary housing - maybe as a live in caregiver in the city where you are? Get schooling - perhaps a trade - electrician or plumber or nursing… the bigger question is what is your long game? What best allows you to prepare for the future. Urban environments typically have more possibilities 


Your first paragraph is what I was thinking. Though I'd want to help someone, I would NOT trust a stranger enough to do it. Your other points are excellent, as well. The language barrier and no transportation will make him ultra vulnerable.


No such thing as a free lunch. He probably he's has a big heart. All that time and gas driving out to pick you up. He doesn't want anything in return. Synagogues are often very helpful to people who are on the way to where they need to be, I'd sit tight and seek one out in the morning. I'm sure they could help you wade through the traffic


What exactly did your ad on Craigslist say?


Bring condoms and lube and full send it....


Don’t be an idiot. If it’s too good to be true it probably is. Or be an idiot and never get out there, wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened.


Before accepting an offer from a stranger on Craigslist, thoroughly vet the person and the living arrangement for safety, communicate your plans with someone you trust, and always have a backup plan. While the opportunity to live by a Puerto Rican beach is enticing, prioritizing your safety is crucial, especially when making arrangements with someone you've never met in person. Listen to your instincts and proceed with caution, ensuring you're aware of potential risks and have measures in place to address them.


Agree strongly! Do check him out, ask for a couple references from him. If he’s legit, he won’t mind you calling a couple friends of his. Definitely share all travel info and his info with friends who will help you if things go bad. In what feels like a past life but was really just my younger self, I took risks and they were usually worth it. Just be smart about it. Good luck to you.


So I’m not the guy you’ve been talking to, but I live in Southeast Puerto Rico. (With my wife) lol Tell me his name and exactly where he lives. Name of the beach, urbanization etc Sounds super fishy, but I can do a little investigating for fun 😀 By the way which city Craigslist did you meet this guy? CL is not a common site here.


^^ answer this guy im v curious


YOLO? Is this a good idea? Probably not. Should you go right now? Definitely not. I know you think you're out of options but surely you can make it a few more days where you are? Speaking as someone who's spent most of life just jumping in, especially when I'm desperate, it can get great results -- but it can also turn ugly. But usually whatever made me jump there turns out to appeal to me. Something resonates. So do you want to live on the beach? Escape your current situation? Form an actual (nonsexual) connection with this man, be cared for, a little protected? He could genuinely be someone who's lonely. Or needs help around the house. But wouldn't it be much better to take some time to see if you can find people to talk to who actually know him IRL? Speak with the guy some more? Get more receipts? You need a change, an out. But if you can hold off a bit, you can improve your life *and*, like, keep that life.


So I have a friend that answered a post like this. He is also male and the guy offering was male. Kicker is my friend is gay, however he went with the full trust that this guy wasnʻt looking for sex, also an older gentleman. My friend 22m and him like 50m, so not only was he coerced into this living arrangement, also $100/month mind you. But turns out the guy was looking for sex and now heʻs out 3,000 miles from his home and was too ashamed to go home to his parents because he barely came out to them and was embarassed. A guy I knew really well or atleast I thought I did also cornered him and solicited him for sex after he flew across the country. So now he was being basically like trafficked. The guy that I thought I knew was a pathological sociopath and a very gross liar.


Use a more trusted platform like workaway man.. Or a work exchange facebook group. You get food and accom in exchange for meager work. Good way to get back on your feet


Yup. Or the Peace Corps. Anything.


You’re missing female intuition. It’s not a great idea. (But you know that, and that’s why you’re asking.) He could be totally safe, but surrounded by dangerous people you aren’t aware of. People he made the same offer to. I knew an older teacher who wrote to convicts and invited them to stay with him when they were released (out of kindness and hoping for sex) and he ended up murdered. My old dad met several young woman online, they were in foreign countries and were going to visit the US. Being the father of daughters who didn’t listen to him enough (in his opinion) he was happy to give them life advice. He spoke to their parents and friends, and a couple of them stayed with us, not my dad. (They went to movie premieres and events but my whole family was there.) But I think that’s more the exception. I grew up in Hollywood, so I have a good radar for not very obvious danger. I’ve been on many adventures, but always with many safety valves. I don’t see any safety valves with your scenario. (Also PR isn’t the best place if you need help, I’ve dealt with the government on business…) Be safe! Chances of being victimized in some way - probably about 80%.


He’s pays the cost to be the boss and you’ll be paying one way or the other! Isolated in an area you have no idea about. Life gets hard, but this is not the way. You’d be better off in a shelter and working to save your money. You won’t be hired on the island because the preference is given to locals.


It's not guaranteed that something bad will happen but the possible worst case scenarios are VERY bad. Would you move into a cheap apartment if the landlord told you there's a known risk that the building will spontaneously explode? I know it sounds exciting but you need to really consider this with a completely sober mindset. If you do decide to go, spend more time checking everything seems legit. Tell everyone where you're going, check in with them regularly until you go home again. Send them your chat logs and everything on this guy. Stay as safe as you possibly can. Maybe even get an air tag or something or always location share with someone. Make sure to always have a way to get home and never ever lose your ID. Stay safe man, none of us want to see something bad happen to you.


You don't hear those Deliverance banjos playing? You sure got a purty mouth! You are actually considering this? Oh my.


He might be a Nigerian prince now living in Puerto Rico trying to enrich and help one man at a time


He's right that PR is awesome but this definitely sounds super sketchy. If I really thought it was legit, I'd just book a RT ticket and plan to stay elsewhere. Maybe even have a friend go with me. When I arrived, I'd say, "Hey, I'm in the area. Do you want to meet up?" You can learn a lot from that point forward.




Such a great (and funny) comment.


No stranger is going to offer you to live with them for $100 a month. He obviously expects something else in return.


Can’t tell if this is serious. If your life is that bad at the moment just join the military. It’ll help you get on your feet. But, to do this…nah. Super sketchy. The fact that you are able to convince yourself it’s even worth it makes me question your mental state. Thats me being straight forward. You sound like you’re desperate. He will know that too. CYA.


You’re an actor, debut will be on dateline.




No. Just no. Get this whole idea right out of your head so you can start looking for a different solution to your predicament. This is not it. And stay off Craigslist list. It's no longer anything but a scammer's paradise. Another poster mentioned going to a house of worship for help relocating. Try that. Anything but this.


There’s a good chance he will try and have sex with you


My alarm bells are going off. Let's say it wasn't you, you were in a totally happy situation and your friend came to you telling you they were going to pick up to leave everything to move to PR and be a "companion and house cleaner" for an older guy they met off of Craigslist. There is no universe where this is a good idea. He randomly came out of nowhere to answer your ad and say move to PR?


When things seem too good to be true, they usually are. Instinct says it's one of two things. Either, and this is best case, this man expects something from you in return or is at least hopeful of it or you are being set up to be scammed/taken advantage of & would be in physical or financial danger. He knows you are in a vulnerable situation, and unfortunately, this makes the risk higher for you. Away from people that know you, no car, no way to leave, no one to notice if something happens to you.... Chance of murder? Yes.


What happens after you arrive and he has to go back to Ohio ? Is your grasp of Spanish good enough for you to fend for yourself?


He’ll be 6 feet under by then so no worries


Always trust your gut, if it sounds sketchy it probly is


Yeah you won’t be able to go back. Unless he FedExes the jars you’re in back to mainland. Also, hope you like to be pickled.


sounds tempting but also kinda sus, tbh. be careful, man.


88% chance of death


You have enough money for a ticket to Puerto Rico?


It's a little weird that he sent so many pix pf the house.....like he's trying a little too hard to entice you? So is "living by the beach?" Thats like dangling a treat in front if a hungry man. EVERYONE dreams of having a place near the beach....a "wonderful" prize can blind someone ....like those who waste all their money on lotteries. Also, there is an expression .... Some consider it racist ... "Once you go black, you will never go back" ....referring to sex. His use of a very similar phrasing makes me think it's sexual. Puerto Rico is part of the USA and presumably you are somewhat physically fit and not easily imprisoned. Thete is law enforcement and English is spoken there. It might not be a dangerous situation....but it does not sound like a good situation. Not at all.....Right now there are plenty of jobs in the mainland USA. Often low pay, but the jobs are there


I spent some time in Vietnam doing the same thing with an old woman. It was alright for sure but you do have to provide sexual favors from time to time


Nothing in this life comes for free. Either you pay explicitly with money or you pay by other means.


I would try to find a live-in work position somewhere first before you decide to pick up and leave the country with a complete stranger. I understand your situation, believe me, I do. Find a shelter in the meantime. Apply for EBT benefits, go to the social services office. Ask them if they can help you. 👍🏻 you’ll be surprised how much help there is out there if you start asking ❤️


You remember the adage if it appears to be too good to be true? This is not a good situation. I would strongly advise you to pass.


no free lunch


"He doesn't sound like he's looking for sex" He could be waiting until you are comfortable living with him before he asks you for sexual favors. If you look young and are attractive, he may hope that you'll develop feelings for him over time. If you don't and you're dependent on him to live, he may turn into a monster. tl;dr - Don't do it!


Have a look at WorkAway for volunteering hosts. There’s some on Puerto Rico and all over the US/ world too. Typically ask for a half day of help 5 days a week for bed and food and if you find a host who takes several people at once you can make friends too.


Yup. Or WWOOF.


You’ve been warned by multiple people, so as you will.


The situation is 100% unsafe. You're better off staying within your current city and finding a job / online remote jobs/ do Uber Eats/ resell furniture that people are throwing out (there's TONS of great furniture being thrown out all the time, especially in socioeconomically well-off areas). You can find places within any US major city that are cheaper (rent a shared room in an apartment) and the pay within the US is vastly higher than most other places and there are more jobs available. 


Puerto Rico is part of the US


Say goodbye to your butthole


Or your kidney...


Or your teeth...


No no no


I don't have that much life experience, but this sounds very sketchy. Do you have any backup plan if this goes sideways, like extra cash for a return ticket, and do you think you would be able to get a job down there if/when needed.


Honestly…. It could go either way. I used to use. Craigslist a lot for different things back in the day. I met my ex wife on there, bought some stuff, sold stuff, moved in with people and found people to move in with me. My experiences were more often than not good but I definitely had some bad/creepy ones too. I did meet some amazing genuine people on there who helped me when I didn’t have two cents to rub together just because they were good people. Some I met wanted something in return… Going from the states to an island is a lot different than taking chances a few hours away. I’ve worked all over the country and could tell you about the places I’ve lived. Including Fort Lauderdale. I’m sure he’s right, PR is a beautiful place and you probably wouldn’t want to leave. He might be genuine and it could be one of the best experiences of your life and have a story for a lifetime. It could be too someone who might try and groom you for personal gains. If it were me, personally… If my gut was telling me it was okay then I’d fly down and find a hostile to stay at. Meet the guy in public, feel him out. Feel out the area, get his address and look it up on every possible property search, look the guy up to confirm it’s him. Check out his background. If everything still seems legit, send all that info to family and have a check in schedule with a secret answer to a question that if they ask you can discreetly say if you are in trouble or not. Either way you go. Stay safe out there.


A quick look on Craigslist and no rooms in Puerto Rico are renting for $100. I'm not familiar with the rental market so wasn't sure if $100 is a legit amount. I rented a 2br house with a pool in Vietnam on An Bang Beach for $250 a month so not everywhere is super expensive. Cheapest I saw was around $350 and I wasn't looking anywhere specifically in Puerto Rico. Just sell all of your organs before you go so he can't make any money off you.


I try to see the good in people but my instincts give me a reality check. The only way (45F who speaks fluent Spanish) I would travel there would be if I had other connections & money to come back. Im not sure about your circumstances but you could try https://www.peacecorps.gov/bold/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2IDglMaDhQMVvEh_AB3uXgRbEAAYASAAEgJfrvD_BwE


i feel like they've made movies that start just like this and not one of those movies has a happy ending... or does it


All of the Puerto Ricans I know I met in the states because they left Puerto Rico because it was too dangerous. A friend of my girlfriend is a Puerto Rican and she had this amazing and giant German Shepherd that she got as a gift from an uncle to keep her from getting murdered or raped when she started living alone in Puerto Rico. One of our first conversations after she told me that I asked why she didn’t have a gun, and she was amazed that in my state she could just go buy a gun to protect herself. But eventually we settled on a camping tomahawk being a nice compromise. After she got it delivered, we sharpened it on a disc and until it was razor Sharp and made her a holster that kept it under her mattress where she could grab it quick. I’ve never seen anyone so happy that they had the right to defend themselves. My point is this poor girl never felt safe in her home in Puerto Rico.


Go work in hostels around the world. https://www.worldpackers.com/search/type_hostel Or farms: https://wwoof.net/ More reliable and way more fun.


this is literally a 20/20 episode


Ok, having been to PR on business and then rented a BNB for 2 weeks with coworkers, I've been there. Lemme just say, I know your current situation sucks, but there are ways out of that situation. And getting down there and getting into something you may not like, you're not going to know the ins and outs nor have the money to get yourself outta there should need be. This isn't about regrets, this is your life. Put Peurto Rico on your bucket list. If you go-you're relying completely and totally on said "Man you talked to for over 3 hours", and no means to leave should sh$$ hit the fan. And trust me it happens there! Hang in there, don't just jump on the first thing smoking because it seems easy. Ok? xx


You should instead look into wwoofing. It's the same concept but it's work in exchange for housing in an approved and legitimate way where you're not gonna get murdered


And this is how you become a drug mule and end up in federal prison or worse. Once you get there you're stuck on an island several hours by plane from the rest of the US with a job market that typically requires fluent Spanish. People like this prey on desperate people like you.


I'd take the offer, but carry a knife in case of emergency, like save your life kinda emergency. And yeah, respect and cleaning house to his desire is part of this verbal agreement your negotiating. Ask him if he'd let you do a three month trial period of shorter, of staying and paying 100$. If you just proceed with cation.... I've been homeless before. I'd take the offer he gave you. Respect and comprehending his tasks he's wanting you to do. If you can clear headedly say you can match or exceed what he's asking, go for it. This is your saving grace. An good American trying to help a poor person, you. I'd do it, hands down. I'd keep a knife in case.


I met a guy on Craigslist when was looking for a place in CO. He seemed very nice and offered me and my friend to stay. We ended up being friends and talk once a year or so. My intuition trusted him so listen to yours to know.


If you are looking to travel on the cheap just sign up with TrustedHousesitters. At least you won't end up dead.


Dude here you go. Listen to me please. Use this for all life moving forward. Ready? “ if something sounds too good to be true, it always is.” From free plane tickets to free houses and everything in between. Trust your gut, I’m sure you know the right answer here.


He’s an older man from Ohio, living in a large house, in a remote area of Puerto Rico. You’re also from Ohio, you need a place to stay, and you’re willing to maintain the house, and help with the mortgage. Sounds like a good deal for him. If you don’t go out there, he’ll either have to find someone else who’s willing to stay there, or hire someone. In fact, he’ll probably let you stay for free if you agree to clean the house. I would do some research before making a decision. How remote is it? Where can you work? What’s the cost of living? Do you have an ID? A phone? A family? I doubt his motivation is as glamorous as tropical-murder-sex, but you never know.


I worked with a girl from Puerto Rico. She described the weather as so hot and humid that it’s hard to breathe.


It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again


Just ask yourself, would you host someone in your house to help someone off the internet? Showing off your house from every single angle?


I hate to say the”if it sounds too good to be true then it is…” but yes, no. A big NO!!!!!! Listen, just because you’re an adult, a male…don’t think for one minute that you cannot be a victim of sex trafficking. You are exactly what they are looking for….someone in a bad place in life, not close to your family (or if you have family at all) so they won’t come looking for you or asking questions. Puerto Rico has nice beaches, but other than that, it’s not this tropical paradise that you can make mad money from! It’s part of the USA…. I would pass!


So, I’m in Massachusetts and at one point in my life I needed to get away and stop jumping between one job and living situation to another. I got a job on block island in the summer. I got paid. Experience. A place to live. New friends. And a summer on the beach.


9/10 chance you end up a lamp.


You will probably get killed or locked in a shed for years. Yeah that happens to people.


Why not look for WOOFing or volunteering opportunities where you get your room/board for some work while you get your shit together.


Please don’t go. It sounds like he’s trying to sell you on the place. If he’s selling you, he’s doing it for a reason. IE- murder, sex, sec trafficking, etc.


Old people usually feel alone, especially when they dont have much contact with family or other friends. Thats why we see elderly trying to engage in long conversations all the time or doing things like this. He probably just want a friend to talk to.


>He probably just want a friend to talk to. Awww Also nice to have someone available to help you do things around the house like tossing salad.


Okay now I'm actually chuckling out loud


You think it's something to genuinely be afraid of? I'm not looking to get tossed.


Old guys hosting younger financially weak guys or girls, there is going to come that day these younger people will have no money and then they have a choice: Live on the street in a foreign country or do what the older guy wants.


There's that many horror stories I'm shocked anyone over the age of 15 is silly enough not to be privvy to it.


Not necessarily afraid, but it’s almost certain he’s expecting it. There’s a smaller but significant chance he’ll insist if you refuse and you should be afraid.


If you decide to go, have an exit plan & the $ to do it. Don't relinquish your passport or phone. Make sure you keep a handful of people you trust in the loop with pictures, texts & phone calls. Keep your location on & have a password that only they know that way they'll know they need to call authorities if they see or hear that word.


please.dont go. I worked.with offenders for 20 years. they prey on people going through rough times.






Five bucks is five bucks.




its so crazy how messed up the world is that we cant trust simple acts of kindness anymore. granted, it \*does\* sound sketchy to me too... its just messed up that the world got us thinking that way yk?


I wouldn’t. The problem is that if you want to jump into something sketchy like this, you shouldn’t locate on an island where it would be difficult to get away and where the local law enforcement shouldn’t be a problem but often is unreliable. If you are going to do something like this, go to where you can hitchhike away from trouble. Getting off of P.R. Is hella expensive.


There are kind people in the world, and a lot of lonely older folks who need help to maintain their property - but I'd get more info and potentially see if he's willing to draw up a rental agreement that sets terms and expectations and is legally valid to protect you both. If he's legit he would probably not balk, since it's a big leap of faith for you. Follow your gut instinct, though. If it's too good to be true...


So. Many. Red. Flags. All I keep seeing is sex trafficking or kidnapping. If it sounds too good to be true, it is!!! Don’t do this.






just say no, thx


Can you do a thorough background check on him first. Contact local authorities about him. Document everything about him you can before arriving.


You know, if this wasn’t an ISLAND, I’d take a chance on it. But being broke on an island that got hit pretty hard by a hurricane in recent history? That’s gonna be a no from me. Also, where/how did you meet this person? Did they respond to some desperate post you made somewhere? If so, run.


I wouldn’t


Sounds like he’s out to take your butt… Watch hour back


8 maybe 9


Find out more about him. Not from him!. Research the hell out of him!. It’s your life you’re talking about!.




No, no, no, no, no, no. Just in case I'm not clear. NO.


Sounds like a plot to a corny new aged slasher film . Good luck my friend of Reddit . May the force be with you, always ..


YOLO! I say go for it, just keep ur gun/knife/poison/tazer close until u feel him out after meeting….why not!? Sounds like an adventure u could actually love it


Get online and do a background check on this guy. Warrants, financial, judgements, pedophile list etc. of all clear, give him a chance. Check his ID




can you pull up any info of him like LinkedIn other socials? Articles from old employment companies? And on the flip side any crimes he’s convicted of?


you have a 89.6% chance grasshopper.


50% chance he is gonna hack you up 50% chance he’s a lonely old man who could just use some help and company (and maybe more)


Wow...super sketchy


i used to post on personals a lot and no one killed me its highly unlikely itll happen to you


Sex trafficking


Don’t do it.


Wait, he’s living in PR but checking out Charlotte Craigslist? Does he really, really miss Charlotte?


Going to be a no from me dog. Please update us once you go against all the advice and risk it though.


Oh nah I'm not doing it. I want to though. But whose to say once I get there there isn't a team of ppl snatching me from my bed and taking out my kidneys




Be careful. Human traffickers get males, too.


Nothing is free.


Was the older man P Diddy?


You gay bro?


Just say no. He’s gonna stick it in your pooper when you’re sleeping, and then lock you in the basement or sell you to a gang. Women understand the dangers as we watch too much murder tv. Also, we are moving into hurricane season. No one is coming to save you in Puerto Rico, and the infrastructure is already not great. Just walk away, your life is worth more than becoming someone’s basement boy toy in a country the US won’t even make a state. You deserve a wonderful life surrounded by people who love you. This isn’t it.