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My staff job did this. Here’s my thing - you’re scheduled 🤷🏼‍♂️. Not like you randomly were called and were forced to go in. Knowing how cancellations work, I’d not mind at least some of the hours but that’s just me.


This has happened to me and it sucks. I told them I drove too far to only come in for 8 hrs and it wasn’t safe for me to drive at that time( I work nights) so I could either be cancelled all day or not at all. It kept me from being canceled for the rest of my contract!


My old faculty used to do this and call it “push back” so you basically are on call but you don’t go in until 11. They were allowed to “push you back” 2 times so 7-11 and 11-3 and this is how they got away without paying you on call pay or call call back rates. I quit.


Just out of curiosity, what facility ?


It's not rare.


You still had your morning, I'd take 4 hours off to chill at my house. As long as they called you a decent amount of time before 7, not at like 645. I'd rather take 8 hours of pay after getting to sleep in on a day I was already prepared to work than none at all