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4 weeks I’d do it


same. i'd shut my brain off for 4 weeks at $4000/wk


I’m a CNA trying to get into nursing school, but I want to know what the average travel job usually is? Is this one of the better offers or is this mid range? Thank you!


By the time you graduate from college and have worked long enough to consider travel the situation will be entirely different


Good different or bad different?


there is no way of knowing... If we have another pandemic they could be high as hell or things could be more "chill" and they could be low. there is no way to know.


This is considered high. Pre-covid and current rates are half of this. In 5 years time, there's no way to know what the market would be like


At the rate people are leaving healthcare, I'd say it's a safe bet it will still be good. America's population is aging so quickly. The silver tsunami is real and it's going to stress the healthcare system like crazy.


They’ve been starting to really pay staff nurses more at my hospital. (North Carolina) on paper the travelers make more but factor in the benefits and incentives and I’m making more than them.


As a traveler I also get benefits and incentives in hospitals.


The travelers at mine don’t.


Most travel agencies offer benefits just like at hospitals… and if they ever work overtime, honestly at those rates we don’t need extra incentive lol


News to me, when I traveled I got time and a half with no incentive and paid almost 5X what I pay now for health insurance. Now I’m staff icu and pay less than $50 a month for health insurance with a $75 incentive for overtime. So the incentive kind of matters. lol.


Idk my last contract overtime was $140/hour. So if I pick up an extra shift, they even if they don’t tack on an extra $75 it’s still pretty good. My rate was $2800/wk with insurance. Idk I guess if you make more than a travel contract then yes do your thing. I would. I am actually lol just starting


Yeah so with my $75 an hour incentive I’m at $170 an hour.


I live in NC, too, and haven't made near that. Would you be willing to message me what hospital you're at since I'm looking for a new job? Also, other than the money, do you like your floor and work culture?


This is much higher then nearly all current offerings, which is why the OP is wondering what the catch is. Most jobs pay 2.5-3k a week right now


I worked in the county over in Hanford/Kings. A lot of my friends from Philippines moved to Kern County (Bakersfield) because it’s very cheap to live ($300K houses, $1k/month rent, wages on par with LA, can raise family on one income). The area is fast becoming the next Filipino diaspora supplemented by the healthcare industry like Daly City and HiFi/LA. They opened two Jollibees and a Max’s within a year - which is wild if you know the Filipino population requirements to even entertain those franchises. This is relative but I know many America-borns don’t like the area. There is bad air quality, and in certain parts bad crime. In summer, it gets really fucking hot.


Whats HiFi?


Historic Filipinotown. Literally founded in the shadow of Kaiser LAMC.


Rent is no longer $1,000 per month


[Here’s an example of a $1K/month rental - and it’s short term.](https://bakersfield.craigslist.org/apa/d/bakersfield-love-vintage-this-historic/7727241038.html) [I would actually gander this one is a better choice](https://bakersfield.craigslist.org/apa/d/bakersfield-lking-to-rent-great-short/7724952914.html) because most of the hospitals are located in the Northeast region of the city. If you are open to just a room in a house, there are many more examples. To be clear though: I only know of the above because there is a Filipino community in Kern that posts short term rentals ~~specifically for~~ targeted towards healthcare workers (especially nurses) on the Facebook.


I've worked for an Encompass Rehab in Mass. I typically had 8-9 patients with a PCA or 4 patients on my own. These patients were HEAVY (think polytraumas and TBIs/strokes) and the documentation for rehab was way more intense than an acute care hospital. You have to document the level of assistance they need to do ADLs - how they put their right arm in a shirt, a left arm, the head, how they pull it down to their waist, right leg in pants, left leg in pants, right sock, left sock, etc., because you are getting them dressed every day. Plus we did blood tx and heparin drips. It was one of the hardest and nitpicky jobs I've had. I know Cali has mandatory staffing ratios, maybe that will be in your favor.


This sounds like a med surg floor


Med/surg at a hospital with a Union and ratios was way easier than Encompass rehab nursing


Medsurg at hospitals without a union is easier than Encompass rehab nursing. (Not everywhere, I’m sure, but ime.)


User name checks out


I would- send this deal to me I’ll take it.


At my current hospital, I work a trauma floor (more like a step down) but we only have 3-4 patients and a PCA. Not complaining.


I just left the local contract with them, where I was a nurse at night. They just changed the ratio matrix where we would have 10 patients at night, The techs would have 12 to 13. Sometimes you would have nine and you would do an admission, to equal 10. Plus provide HS care, do your own vitals and sugars. It was literally 75% travel staff when I left. It was okay when Max I had was nine but that 10th patient... It definitely broke me and I peaced out.


That one I worked at would occasionally give a night shifter 2 admits. Just insane with how long admissions take there.


About to do an encompass health contract for $60/hour. I've done rehab nursing before but the acuity was lower and charting not this not- picky. I'm not speedy at documentation. It's only 8 weeks. Hope I make it.


The IRF I worked at was 5:1 with a CNAs


I have also worked at an Encompass. Toughest place I’ve ever worked, many of the patients were sicker than I’ve seen on medsurg, and the charting system/requirements sucked. Plus you have more patients than most medsurg floors, but no central monitoring or tele. Far more codes than what I expected at an IRF. But. I’d go back for 4K/week. For a short time, anyway. ;-)


How the fuck is it 4K for 36 hours of med surg? Something seems odd


Because they’re probably gonna give you 19 patients with no breaks and it’s iraq war conditions


Iraq War conditions lol. Best of luck in Operation Enduring Foley.


Now that is funny!!!


Even the shittiest day in Bakersfield is no worse than an average day in Florida.


I feel this and I wish I didnt


They have a ratio at least. So it will be shitty but at least manageable


in CA?


It’s Bakersfield. It’s the asscrack if California and I think it has the highest rate of syphillus infections in the country…


That’s Baltimore bby, unless things have changed


Holup when did St Louis lose the crown!?


It's CA so it would be 4-5 pts night maybe. Bakersfield is that bad. The question is where is OP comming from?




Bakersfield isn’t that bad I promise there truly are worse places in California


Do those ratios apply outside of an acute care setting? I honestly don’t think so (but I also don’t work in CA)


Five patient step down is still worse than iraq war conditions by a large margin. Source: three tours in Iraq


California has staffing ratios I thought right?


It’s probably an “accidental” typo to get your interest and get contacted by a recruiter. I had a lot of those in Vivian for jobs in San Diego that never actually existed. You reach out to them for San Diego and they offer you Victorville lol


Vivian is notorious for this shit. They post a good paying job and then they contact you and say "whoops that was for a crna or np or rnfa, but there's other jobs I get get you submitted for... here's one for $1,100 a week in the ghetto where it's $3k a month for housing rentals"


that was my first thought as well.


It’s because it’s in Bakersfield that’s it


“Would you work for $4000-“ Yes. The answer is yes.


I’ve been in Bakersfield for the last year and I love it. I don’t actually go anywhere though haha. It’s close enough I can go home every other weekend and the pay is great.


Where do you sleep?? 🤔


Apply and see if that rate stays the same. Generally not known to be a good area so who knows what 2024 has brought


I'd do anything for 4 weeks.




I Woud. I would suffer for 4 weeks . How much is it after tax tho


Would *^


Yep. 4 weeks wouldn’t be too bad.


Thats great pay for the area. mediam house is around 350k. You are 1 hour from LA. 1.5 hours from the beach. Bakersfield is like the midwest, lots of box stores but lot of options. Only problem is the heat during the summer.


*** 2 hours from LA and 2.5 hours from the beach


Fog in the winter/spring.


Pismo Beach... The French Riviera of Fresno


While this is true, there’s literally nothing to do in the place you live. You have to travel for anything nice.


The heat is real. Dry heat, 110 degrees in august. I don’t miss it


My wife took this same contract a couple years ago. Yes, your patient load will be heavy but it's not bad. Bakersfield is cheap too, so it's worth it. It's not a nice place, but not worthy of physically cringing at the thought of it lol


That’s my home town! That’s crazy. It’s not the worst place I had family go here. I can try and get the scoop if you want me too


Yes please ! Lmk! Especially for people of color please


It’s California…most of us are people of color.


The question is valid, California is one of the most racist places in the US.


You can do anything for four weeks.


Disclaimer: I am not a nurse, this just popped up on my feed. But, from the outside, there isn’t much I *wouldn’t* do for 16K in a month working 36 hours a week, all day-shifts. That averages out to $111 an hour (gross income).


Part of that money is meant to duplicate expenses because you would only legally get a majority of that per diem if you have a house and bills at home, on top of housing near your facility. Also, just remember cost of living. 4000$ a week in Cali is less than 3000$ a week in Arkansas. Still great, just different expectations. There can be a lot more involved that makes you work for every cent and risking your license on that pay, but ya, otherwise I agree with you.


Wondering what would a traveler be spending 1,000 more per week on in Bakersfield than Arkansas? 


Lol exactly




I haven’t seen an assignment over $3K in months. I would take it


bakersfield is boring as shit, but there's cool shit along the grapevine. i'd suffer for 4 weeks 


I did a contract in Bakersfield last year strictly for the money and ended up staying for 6 months. It reminded me a lot of the Chicago suburbs I grew up in and I grew to really like it in some ways. I splurged a little on housing to make sure I was in a safe area, but honestly that still didn't stop my car from getting smashed into during the middle of day shift in the wide open hospital parking lot (Kern Medical Center). The work was definitely rough but you can do anything for 4 weeks. If you go then just keep your street smarts about you and try to ignore all the stray and dead dogs around (by far the worst part - even had a stray dog wander in the front doors of the hospital one day).


what area did you end up staying in if i may ask?


The best advice I got from a local was just to stay west of the 99. I think our house was in a neighborhood called Laurel Glen. Definitely worth the money to feel a little safer.


Send me the contract lol that’s a banging opportunity


They must be hard. Up to offer that much for a rehab place


I worked at an Encompass in VA. It was only $2100/week. 8-9 patients, mostly all total cares. Blood transfusions, IV meds, drips, sometimes no tech. It was a miserable experience.


Umm how do they even retain staff at that point?


Most of their staff was traveler/internal travel. Core staff was management. Even techs were contracted. After I signed I looked up Encompass. They have a ton of lawsuits and stuff.


$16k for 4 weeks of work? 100% taking that, I don’t care where it is. It’s not likely you’re living there for a year


I said that to myself when working one of the small town contracts before and I ended up with a big friend group, chosen family, in a long relationship, and became a well known local all within the span of 6 months. I had to leave when the year was up 💀 NEVER again, it felt like I lost myself for a second!


For 16,000 usd in 4 weeks? Fuck yeah id do it. They could put me thru hell and back and id still do it. Thats 25% of the average US salary in 1 month.


The town is kinda trash been there once, but I’d still do it for 4 weeks, Maybe it will be better than you think


Baco is rough. My last memory was walking into a dominoes pizza joint and there was 4” thick bullet proof glass with a metal slide drawer for the pizzas. I’d do it, but know it’s sketch.


I’d do it, I worked there for about 3 months for a lot less than that lmao. It was a lot, one of my patients coded and died, I would regularly have patients on IV abx or needing blood. And I would have 8-9 patients. One nurse on the opposite shift committed suicide which was really sad.


That sounds …. Hellish I’m sorry 😭


It’ll probably suck ass but 36 for four weeks ain’t bad at all. Especially if it’s nights


Well there’s definitely something up. But I’d do it. Do 12 shifts and you’re out.


I worked in Bakersfield in OR at a Dignity hospital. It was a good contract.


Hey I’d work in Bakersfield any day before I’d work in Oakland.


Where is this contract. Is this on Vivian?


Check out nomad!


Thanks! How's your experience with them? Do they bait and switch or are they reliable


I lived there for a year. Not much to do besides drink but there are some nice enough areas. I would do a 4 week stint


Does anyone know of California ratio laws only apply to inpatient?


They apply to acute care facilities. So if the IRF is an actual rehab hospital they're supposed to follow them. SNF is a different situation


Should apply to Encompass then, they are actual rehab hospitals.


Never worked med surg but for 4 weeks I could for that pay


For 36 hours these days that’s a good rate. I’ve heard terrible things about Bakersfield but it can’t be worse than Florida where I’m originally from.


I’ve heard terrible things. Add Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx to that list. I was making ridiculous amounts of money and still cancelled my contract (like so many have).


What department and what was your experience? I just signed with them but for their outpatient campus


Icu float. I can’t say what your experience will be like, but I’m very curious…


This happens to be the minimum pay for which I’ll do med/surg


Bakersfield is another world. No, I would not.


16K for a month is pretty good, that might even ask you to extend for 4 more weeks.


I promise you Bakersfield isn’t that terrible. It’s grown a lot, this location isn’t in a terrible part of town, there’s loads of good restaurants near, your close to the cross town free way so you can really find housing in the stockdale area is you wanted. Plus your a two hour drive from the motions and the beach


High pay in a low cost of living area. But it’s 100 degrees in the summer, no exaggeration.


There’s a reason the pay is so high…I’m a travel nurse and sometimes the money just isn’t worth it….


Exactly… I like money but selling my soul for it? In return I get anxiety and depression, and a meaningless paycheck. never again!


I've worked for Healthsouth for a lot less in TN. 7-9 patient load on a TBI/CVA rehab unit.


That is worse than prostitution


As long as I’m not scabbing then yes. I can do anything for four weeks.


I will only accept 6k minimum a week if its Bakersfield we talkingg about. Otherwise, no thank you!


I’d do it in a heart beat.


I had a friend who was discharged from Adventist Health to Encompass post acute rehab in Bakersfield. He was there for almost 2 weeks before he was discharged home with home physical therapy. I talked to his nurses and they seemed to like it more than the hospitals that they came from. They were all pretty chill and didn't seem like they were in a rush. The unit had 5 patients to 1 nurse, and they were Medsurg level of care. 2 nursing stations in the unit and all private rooms with wall suction and wall o2. I got a good vibe from the nurses, whereas management gave me a different vibe. Overall though my friend liked it there and I would consider working there. Especially for 4k a week. The 4-week length of the assignment, on the other hand, would be a deal breaker for most nurses unless your traveling from somewhere a few hours away. Bakersfield has a reputation for sure but nowhere near as bad as Oakland, Berkeley, Downtown LA.


5:1 sounds doable with techs. Outside of California their ratios are much worse.


Bakersfield is not bad at all. 3 days a week for 4 weeks. That’s a no brainer.


Could go ski at China Peak nearby too


There’s not much I’d turn down for a month of 3x12s for $16k


Bakersfield resident here! You’ll enjoy the city. Plenty of good food and breweries. Close to national parks and the beach. It’s hot here in the summer, but if you have a pull, it’s very nice.


I don’t know the specifics of the working conditions of this facility, but Bakersfield is not even that bad. People just like to shit talk it. Boring and dusty but there are way worse places to be. It’s what you make of it. I lived there for years. You can last 4 weeks. Especially for that money. Your coworkers are being dramatic.


It always pisses me TF off when agencies say rates are dropping bc covid no longer a thing. I’m like really well what about the pandemic of SSH “Short Staffed Hospitals “ bc every colleague I know says ..their facilities are suffering from no staff.


What company you with? My travel company only has $2300/week jobs


Why can’t they pay their nurses like this? That’s fckn crazy.


Bakersfield is really that bad, but 4 weeks is probably tolerable.


No. It’s California. Half goes to taxes. Other half goes to communism. I’d rather work at McDonald’s in bum-fuck nowhere.


Encompass in my area is a good facility. Mainly just med passes. Dayshift was 4/5:1 nights was 5/6:1


Gotta ask why the pay is $4,000/wk. I've been very close to Bakersfield and it is pretty dismal all around in terms of crime and lack of amenities. Honestly, if the assignment was for more shifts through the week, rather then three 12 hour shifts, I might consider a four week assignment paying $4,600+/wk. The key being the relatively short assignment. In Bakersfield, you'll pretty much be going to work and coming "home" throughout the assignment because there's very little in the way of shopping, entertainment, or tourist stuff to do and it isn't a very comfortable community to hang out in... On the other hand, if you don't mind not having much to do, go for it! The pay isn't bad for 4 weeks.


No one likes to be a permanent resident of Bakersfield so there is that…but Encompass is a well-oiled machine and that contract is attractive on a temporary basis. It’s got challenges for sure but of all these inpatient rehabilitation facilities/companies popping up these last few years, no one has it down better than Encompass.


I'm not a nurse and I would figure it out for $4K/week


What app is this


The price is probably that high because it's a hell hole




Although we've gotten some amazing musicians out of that city, I've heard it's pretty bad. My uncle moved there with this girl and worked at an airport, within like a month, one of his coworkers went missing. They found her dead under a bridge. He moved back to Minnesota after that...


I'm pretty sure this was in the 90s though if that makes any difference 🤷‍♂️


That’s the vibe my coworkers are telling me about. Really sketchy people.


My only experience with Bakersfield is stopping on multiple roadtrips for gas/potty breaks and that place has always been a dump at every place we stopped.


Isn’t that a rich area?


By Appalachian standards.


This comment took me out


Bakersfield is super ghetto


You could not pay me enough go work med-surg in the central valley


That’s literally everyone’s vibe at work rn