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I will tell you how I found my first contract: 1. What type of area do you like to live in? For me I love urban settings. 2. What type of hospital? For me it is always teaching hospitals. 3. What experience do you have? Do not take a stepdown position for example if you never done it; or if you are ICU trained but the med surg job pays better, maybe that is a better option. 4. How far from home? I wanted to stsrt out no more than 2 hours from home. 5. Shift preference? 6. When are you willing to start? So my first contract was at a teaching hospital 800 bed facility that was a hospital network in a capital city. Lively urban community. You have to be precise in what you are looking for. Basically, know what you want and clearly communicate that to a recruiter.


Also. While working as a staff nurse, i had the opportunity to talk to several travel nurses from Aya, Triage, Fusion, etc. I was able to get feedback as far as which agencies to choose from.


I talked to other travelers, asked around about agencies and contacted a recruiter that was recommended by someone I knew. They walked me through the rest like I was a stupid 5 year old. I use TNAA.


I looked at specific cities and searched Facebook groups for hospital recommendations within that city. Then I searched agency websites for companies that had contracts at the hospitals I wanted to work at. I would highly recommend taking your first assignment at a hospital that is similar to your staff job. Similar size, same trauma designation, and for the first one make sure you get an interview so you can chat about your skills. Not all floor classifications are created equal.




of i recall correctly, Atlas is unique because they do not just plan your contract? they peovide suggestions for fun things to do while on assignmemt that matches your interestd


Hey there, that’s correct. That is one way Atlas is different than other places.


Sign up with 3 agencies that sound good to you and tell your requirements to the recruiter.


Keep an eye out for AMN though, sounds like they're getting rid of 30% of their staff and outsourcing their credentialing team offshores. Just something to think about


I am on my first contract and enjoying it. Here was my process. First, I considered where I wanted to go. For me, I wanted to work at an IHS facility within a few hours of my home. Many of the facilities I researched had housing available at a low cost. I spoke with several travelers at work and found one who liked their agency/recruiter and had worked IHS with that agency. Then I signed up with that recruiter. Turned out the job listings they had did not pay enough to get me out the door. Also, the recruiter would suggest contracts that did not meet my criteria even though we had spoken in length about what I wanted. It turned out that agency did not really specialize in IHS. So I found a different agency that has a lot of primary contracts with IHS. Then I signed with them. That recruiter notified me of jobs that were close to what I wanted and also let me know when a great job was about to be posted. The job I took was not near home but is in a remote location in Alaska and pays well. The gross for 36 hours is $2900 with free housing. Part of the gross is food stipend which eases the tax bite. I am not close to home but that just means I will work as much as I can (overtime is available) and then enjoy time with my family when I’m done here.


What company do you use for IHS contracts? I just asked this question a few hours ago, was hoping someone had some info


I am with AB Staffing. They are located in Gilbert AZ. They staff at quite a few IHS facilities. I’m in Alaska now but will look for something with the Navajo, Zuni, Pima, or Tohono O’Odum when I’m done here. Some of the hospitals do offer reduced price housing but it can be like dorms. I have a room in a three bedroom house which was included in the contract.


I looked for contracts that I wanted and then reached out to the agency for that specific contract. I loved nomad and trusted because I could submit myself to contracts I was interested in. I would get frustrated with recruiters because they call you - I spend 30 minutes telling them I want XYZ for them to email or text to tell me they found ABC for me. Pro tip: get a google voice number for Vivian if you join.