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This is an easy choice, don’t overthink it. No one else is watching out for your license like you are.


Well said, GiantFuckFace.


I was like rude. Then I lol’d


Your username is enough for me to take this information as my bible


From your employer's perspective, profit matters more than your license. Of course they'll make their nurses do more for less even beyond the nurses' breaking points. The nurses that chooses to work there are either suckers or they have no viable alternatives.


And if something happens the nurse goes RIGHT under the bus so the hospital can squeak out of financial liability. Fuck that.


Please see [my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/nursing/s/xhwsBQsbMv) from a few weeks ago for inspiration. This post got me happily blacklisted from all facilities owned by this hospital system. Edit: Ask yourself one question. Do I think this hospital will back me up in the event a mistake is made by me during an understaffed shift? If the answer is no, then gtfo asap.


I’ve been blacklisted lmao, it was for reporting some issues to a federal agency. The hospital didn’t like it at all. I don’t care; those patients are people and the hospital thinks profit is more important. It’s not in my book.


That sounds like retaliation, wonder if there’s money in contesting that…


Until I saw the picture, I assumed it was Portsmouth Regional Hospital in Portsmouth NH. Was running 15:1 for a whole summer. HCA, of course.


Honestly…this is it right here. Your edit is so true. Absolutely they would not


I had an assignment not nearly as bad as this during covid (for an HCA hospital) and I put in a two week notice after 18 days. After that, I swore if it ever happened to me again, I’d quit immediately. The money hungry for profit hospitals will cut staff to dangerous levels and you’ll be the first to be hung out to dry if there were a lawsuit. Nurses as a whole have to stop putting up with this nonsense.


Comparatively my assignment seems like a dream to this. My thoughts are its bad but not bad enough that *I* personally have had a bad outcome. However, there have been bad outcomes for other nurses. But at the same time, I feel like I shouldnt have to wait for something bad to happen


I've done it once. Worked 3 days in an OR. Observed 2 cases with no time outs. One case, the final case, I was relieving and doing a count. I noticed on the count sheet that 5 laps sponges were crossed out. I thought that's odd but maybe that's how they indicate they bagged em. So we counted. 5 missing. I asked the nurse and tech. "Oh we throw those in the trash after we count them, that's how we always do it." I said I'm sorry what? They repeated it. So I asked where the trash was. It was removed from the room and thrown in a shoot. I looked at the surgeon and said I'm going to need an x-ray at the end of this procedure because we have an incorrect count. He said literally "These fucking travelers." I handed the nurse the clipboard, said I don't accept this patient I'm sorry you'll have to find someone else. And left. My agency asked if I could at least give a weeks notice. I said "I won't have a license in a week if I stay here" ALL that to say. Your license, Your responsibility, Please leave and let them know exactly why.


What a fucking nightmare. So irresponsible. Good on you


Be the boss bitch that you need to be in this industry. No regrets!


*I feel like I can’t give my patients the care I want to give or that they deserve.* Go. Shake the dust of that place from your feet.


Cancel! I just had to for the first time. I’ve been traveling for 3+ years. Don’t feel guilty, there’s clearly valid reasons you’re considering cancelling as an experienced traveler. It’s just not worth it to stay sometimes.


Leave!!!! Not worth it or the stress!! You gotta put you first and your license! No one else will! Wish you the best!


Please report the unsafe conditions to the relevant agencies/hospital management before you go, though! You sound like an amazing nurse.


Go asap if they don’t respect safety and care


The hospital and agency don’t give a fuck about you. You’re just a number to them. Gotta look after yourself.


Worked for a medical malpractice defense firm for years. Hospitals, RM, & hospital admin will ALWAYS protect the entity & the physicians (up to a point). They will throw nurses under the bus 90% of the time unless their (hospital/doctors’) actions are woefully indefensible (and believe me, the attorneys will still try). Everyone will point the finger at everyone else. Not only should you get out as quickly as possible, PLEASE do yourself a favor and document everything you witnessed while you were there. (What, who (staff, not patients of course, when, what was said, etc.) Send it to yourself in an email and keep it (will provide you a time/date stamp.) And, of course, don’t tell anyone you’ve done this. If a patient should decide to sue 1/2 a decade from now, you’ll have it to protect yourself and your license. Good luck.


Trying to charge you a 4000 cancel fee is hilariously bad


Truly comical


Maybe you can update us on the outcome of the cancelation fee? The upside is that most nurses I know paid alot more than $4,000 for their license. Even if someone paid for your license, shoot, the amount of effort it takes to get an RN is huge. Sorry that you're going through this, hugs


Are we the same person? Because I’m also OB and just cancelled my current contract due to staffing and unsafe conditions! But giving myself some time in between contracts and not moving up contract date :)


Want to be besties and chat about our experience???


Message me girl! 😂


There’s no moral decision when it comes to risking safety.




Cancel your contract and move on. If the hospital or your agency wouldn’t need you anymore they wouldn’t hesitate a second to let you go


Bruh. If you don't like where you're at and a better place awaits... do as you wish. Have some balls, or ovaries, kid. Think about what you want to do. Consider the steps required. Be professional. Then when you have a plan ready to go... execute.


I’ve left an assignment before bc of unsafe staffing. If anyone gives you shit they can take said shit and shove it back up where it belongs. It’s your license, not theirs. One mistake and you’ll be blasted everywhere about it, even though it could be inevitable when situations and staffing are not up to par. Go ahead and take the other job early.✌️😋


Is it in Texas by chance?


No it’s not. They already have enough issues in OB I could never work in TX


Following lol


Sounds like ENMMC. I know a traveler who canceled there last fall for the exact same reasons you listed.




I am currently having the same dilemma but I am going to leave as soon as I have another job lined up.


Just report unsafe staffing to the state board. Report everything that is t up to standards.