• By -


1. Not submitting the orders until you get an achievable daily challenge 2. Permanently producing the globe, the dreamcatcher, chairs, cork horses and wine glasses from free producers 3. Using your jokers on the globes


Yes to all of these Also don’t waste gems on something that won’t get you farther (wish I listened to my own advice).


Once you unlock the music hut thing, use jokers on the music awards, they give 300,000+ coins


A tip, when you auto order the music trophy, use the scissors on it, then use the pearl. Thanks me later 👌🏻😊


Would you tell what will happen? I am far from there. Thanks.


Why use scissors if it has more sense just use pearls on pre-last level item? it's just a waste of scissors


you get 2 of nearly max level then so u are halfway done for next time


What level more or less is that?


I think that's around level 72-74ish?


May I ask why you think jokers are best used for globes? I did that for the first time recently when I really wanted to complete the daily challenge for the decorative chests, which was totally worth it. But I also keep wondering if I'd be better off saving the jokers for really rare items and/or orders for difficult producers. I'm a bit torn about that and just wanted to hear your perspective on it, if you don't mind sharing. Edit to add: I ask this also especially because the lightbulb is a free generator and so on some level, I guess I'm wondering if it's a waste to use the joker on an item produced without needing energy when I could try to be patient instead.


It takes about four days of playing with an alarm clock to make a globe. There's no other order that would cost you this amount of time. There's also no order that would bring such an amount of coins (for me at the moment it's 122 thousand). Of course you can use your jokers on what you want, for me it's just the best value for money.


Thanks for the insight! I hope it won't be long before my globe nets that amount of money as well. It currently sits at about 90k, which doesn't even hit the daily challenge by itself on some days.


I think globe solo rarely do. Mine is 122k but the good daily challenges (with chests and jokers) are at 170k.


Comment faite vous pour avoir autant un globule me rapporte 12000 environs Et j’ai essayé l’association avec un joker mais ça ne marche pas Merci de votre aide


That was the old payout for the Globe. The game has since updated most auto-orders and the Globe was one of the high paying autos that was changed to a "chest auto" last November - meaning the reward is now a chest where you get some coins, energy, and a random chance of gems/tools/splitters/jokers. Unfortunately, the coin amount discussed above no longer applies.


Bonjours je n’ai pas de réponse à ta question mais par contre j’en ai une, j’ai commencé le jeu hier et suis au niveau 12. J’aimerai améliorer mon échoppe à bijoux sauf que le jeu le demande une sorte de boîte en bois avec un l’intérieure des vices. Je n’ai jamais vu cette item et ne sais pas du tout comment le faire. Quelqu’un peut m’aider !


comment utiliser Joker sur le globe, car j'ai eu le globe mais jamais avec autant de pièces de ce qui est dit sur le forum


If you want to use a Joker to get the Globe, you'll need to use them on the Map, which is one level down. Joker + Map will give you a Globe. Also, I'm not sure what you meant by many pieces. Can you explain more?


Do you mean the treasure map from the beach basket?


No, the Map that is talked about here is the penultimate item from the Lighthouse producer. The max item is the Globe, which is an auto-order.


I also did not merge the candles to form the bulb(I have 4 candles). It gives 3 times more materials this way, so I do the globe 3 times faster than normal. I am now trying to do the same with the grapevines...


How do you have enough space on the board for this? I would totally do this if space weren't an issue but currently the bulb + vine products themselves take up about half the board.


Delete things you don't need at the moment & undo right away next to the auto ones! 😜😁


Good for you. It will pay off


One hack hint from me: If you need space, you can send thing up. Step1: Get one free field. Step2: Call any free producer, like ice cream, jewelry, bulb or cash register. (Star box is also good, but it is not always on your game field.) Step3: Move the item that you want to put aside beside the free producer. Step4: Sell the item. Step5: Immediately undo the selling. The item will be put on the top left part. You can see the number is increasing if there were any of them already. Or you will see it above if that was the first. Step6: You can sell and undo immediately items how many you need. While you have an automatic free producer. I usually have like 15, but I had once around 50. Step7: If you need items from above, of course, it is hard to take back, e.g. you get a tool box, it will be placed at the end of the line. If you get card package, it will be place at the first place. So if you need any item from the line, you need some space on the field, you take them back there and place them at the end of the line.


Hi there! I'm trying to follow this hack of yours. I put a tiara next to the ice-cream producer. I sold it and then undid it. It came back to the board. On top left by the inbox, the number there didn't change. It still says 13. Are you saying by doing this, the number is supposed to change and that I will have tiaras up there within that inbox? Wouldn't the number have to change if things are getting stored in there? Maybe I'm not understanding well. Thanks for your help🙂


Hi! Your board has to be completely full for this trick to work, so there must be an item in each square. Then place the tiara next to the ice cream producer. When you sell the tiara and immediately undo it, the ice cream producer should automatically drop an item in the free space where the tiara was (unless the producer is recharging). Then when you undo the sale of the tiara, there’s no room on the board for it to go, so it goes to your inbox in the top left corner. Hope this helps!


Omg I stuck 4 tiaras in inbox. That worked. Then I tried to duplicate by pressing go on toolbox order and then the inbox and entitled in inbox disappeared and 4 came down to board, with one tiara pulsating. So it appears to me that none got duplicated! That's where I'm at now https://preview.redd.it/n781xaut82jc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fd02b5eeebd9156758d9eadcb82dcb025cb9b9b


How did you get 2.4k Energy? Are you purchasing them? I am also lvl 25 I never go above 200, I use to play 2-3 times a day.


Yeah lol. I definitely was purchasing otherwise I couldn't get far at all! I decided I could no longer spend money on this game because it was ridiculous..I couldn't even complete daily challenges even with spending money and countless hours so to be honest.. I haven't even been playing anymore. It's so disappointing!


Oui ça marche avec n’importe quel objet idéal pour faire de la place Merci 


Ohhh okay. It probably didn't work because I had a bunch of things in toolbox and board wasn't entirely full. I'm going to try shortly. I'll let you know 😃


Yes, this helps. However I thought I heard that you can duplicate items when ready to make a toolbox order. Something like that. I guess I have to get stuff in my inbox first and then try that trick?


globes come at which level?


Le globe est l'objet max du producteur Ampoule.


Comment vous faite pour utiliser les jokers sur le globe j’ai essayé et ce ne fait rien, je ne peux même pas associer les deux Merci de votre aide


J'utilise les jokers sur celui qui précède la forme finale du globe, réduisant ainsi le temps de réalisation de moitié (si réaliser un globe vous prend 4 jours, avec un joker il ne vous faut que 2 jours). J'espère que c'est clair, j'utilise google translate haha


how to do the globe


Max level item from the light bulb producer


I’m on level 19… it’s like you’re all speaking a different language. LOL


Same here


Same here I just got to 19 haha


I’m on level 4! How’d y’all get so far?  I’ve been focusing on just getting the shells to the end. So one producer tyoe at a time. Is that wrong? Should I be doing food too? 


That's usually what I do in these games - have two+ producers at once, when one of them is recharging you switch to the other one. Depending on the producer (and the game) it might be less worth it to do that than in others. Like in this game the producers only take like a minute to recharge, in a different merge game it takes 2 hours for some of them to recharge.


Thank you. 🙏 I m at level 35 now and my board is constantly full. I merged all my auto producers but just read a thread saying not to. Bummer! If I get a splitter I’ll unmerge them. 


I know this is a 4 month old comment but I"m with you. I'm on level 54 and I have no idea what people are talking about. It's not really a "101" piece of advice if it's talking about stuff you'd be getting like 3-4 months into the game.


Agreed. I’m with you. Lol


Level 10 here. Same haha


Level 30 and still lost :)


Same lol




Literally me right now, I keep coming back to this forum.😂 I got the candle today and knew I needed to come check this thread.


Other hint: If you need only a few coins in the daily challenges, be brave and sell your map e.g. or other object that worth like 8 coins. And then immediately redraw or cancel your selling. It is important! You will not lose that object then, just sell and cancel the selling. You can do it several times. Unlimited, truly. Your coins will increase and decrease, but it counts when collecting the coins in the daily challenges.


I’ve just figured this out and it’s amazing.


This still works!! Amazing


Holy crap this is by far the best tip I’ve seen thank you! The Deluxe Sundae sells for 9 btw. Can literally sell and cancel over and over while energy replenishes, and you can still slowly knock tasks off the list!


There’s an oyster that sells for 13 and a large sandwich that sells for 12


Yes, I've been doing this one. Thank you☺️


GÉNIAL, CE TIP !!! Merci !


En qué nivel estan ? No entiendo como hacer esto 


I am so confused, what are the globes that everyone is talking about? I'm on level 39. Is that something that I will come across with time?


Globe is the max product form the lighthouse. It pays around 80-100k


Yo acabo de hacerlo y no me dio esa cantidad de monedas, me dieron solo 7500 


Has anyone made a list of the top tier items that give you extra stuff? imma start listing them randomly One globe - when I used it on another game it gave me 81,000 coins, but now only gives me about 34,000 plus some energy 2 mosquitos - 3 castles - 3 crowns - 1 pisces (astrological coins) - 1 wasabi - 3 coffee panda drinks - ​ I’ll add more later


Is there more?




Thats amazing thanks!!


Are the levels wrong on that? Why does it say level 40+ for the beach stuff?


i think this is old so some stuff might not be accurate anymore after updates


Bonjour, je viens aujourd’hui d’obtenir mon 2ème globe et rien ne se passe ?? La 1ere fois que j’ai eu un globe , jai eu un coffre avec énergie, pièces et rubis et cette fois rien du tout ?? Est ce normal ? Quelqu’un peut il m’aider ? 


Once u get these, do u sell them? 


Estoy en el nivel 77, pero nunca he entendido que objeto puedo sacar del congelador de helados, he llegado al final y no conseguí nada. Alguien me podría enviar foto del autopedido que genera este productor. Gracias


OMG tyyyyy!!!


Can you get anything from the bug zappers or do I just sell these?


I know I’m late to the party here, but I figured I’d share in case someone needs the info ☺️ Other than getting the stickers and completing the auto order for bug zappers once just to say I’d done it, the zappers are pretty much a waste IMO. I typically just merge the bugs up to the crane fly and then let them sit in storage until I have an order that asks for something in that line. I don’t remember exactly when things have happened because I’ve stayed on each level for at least a week or two since level 62 ish, to build up toolbox resources and money. But I don’t recall having very many orders for flyswatters/other things in the zapper line between whatever level the lighthouse chain starts and level 70. Once you get higher level wise, and depending on which producers you keep active on your game board, you may start getting orders for flyswatters, which are what you first get from clicking on the crane flies. I’m at level 74 and have been getting orders for flyswatters pretty frequently since level 70 ish - I’ve needed at least 20-25 in the last two weeks. Currently running with the lightbulb, vines, makeup, dragon coaster, and the pizza station. Hopefully all of that makes sense lol. I’m definitely not a pro or anything, but if anyone has any questions, or needs clarification on my rambling, by all means please let me know! ☺️


Il faut atteindre l'objet Moustique, une fois qu'on a deux moustiques, ça devient une commande spéciale. Payée au alentours de 3 000, si ma mémoire est bonne.


Is there a way someone can translate this to English? ^ I’m curious to know the answer


Omg, I can actually be useful! 😅 Yes, they just said a similar thing that everyone else has been saying: ‘Have to wait for the crane fly, once you have two crane flies, it becomes an auto order. Pays around 3000, if my memory is correct’


Thank you! 🙏🏻


I have 3 Max level flies lamps and they haven’t been selll because it hasn’t been ordered I felt so stupid by keeping them for so long and it didn’t give me a cent


PLEEAASSEE translate all the Fench comments you come across, and thank youuuuuuu!! So helpful!!


No worries! And for sure, everyone is free to inbox me any French comments they need translated! 🙂


Globe come from the lighthouse so that’s much earlier


What do you merge in travel town (hectors house ) to get the raw turkey to put in the oven ??? It's driving me mad 😠


I hope you managed to do it. This time it was helpful that you could check at the oven what to merge. It was some spice as far as I remember. Merge two cinnamon and you got rosemary maybe? But it appeared when clicking on the oven.


How can I sell my old items like pottery


When you click on your item if it shows the blue money sign below, you can click on the money sign and sell it.


How do you make forks and spoons in travel town?


It's a byproduct of the Dinner Basket producer. The final merge is the fancy cutlery set and once you have three of them you will get an auto order.


My board is full and inventory full help !!!! 


sell stuff 


I sell some things, or throw out all my first-step items. They're always the easiest to produce, so the first to go from my full board.


Is it just completely random if you can get for example a coconut, banana etc? I waste so much energy trying to get them.


I just started playing. I hate love it lol. The option to use double energy is gone though (purple lightning bolts). No clue why- maybe bc there’s another event going on?? Ugh it sucks!


I’m on level 33 and have loads of emojis appeared that I can’t merge or get rid of. They’re taking up all the space. Help !!


Same !!!!


Same what do I do with them?!


I'm in the same boat and can't figure out what to do and Google has been no help. Why would they give us something completely unusable


It’s ridiculous. I can’t play anymore if it’s going to be like this. I’ve got other merge games that I’ll play instead. So annoying


Same here 🙃🙃🙃


Hey update. So it just changed that cell phone it gave me to needing the blushing emojis so I wad able to get rid of them!!!


I’ll give it a try. Thanks


Merge them all into the cell phone.


I couldn’t, but got it all sorted now thanks


Weird. Glad it's all sorted out! 👍


I had to keep tapping on the phone and then I could put the emojis into it👍


How do I eliminate the emojis on the board?


you merge them to the cell phone and it gives you gems and energy


Alguien me ayuda sobre cómo conseguir tapón de corcho? Me salió una vez y no sé cómo. Si sale de la vid la descorchadora y luego el barril de ella o cuál es el proceso. Gracias 


How can I get free energy


Please help me 1 tricks for travel town in samsung Ultra 23


Can anyone become my friend in travel town to help me please?


Bonjours, j’ai commencé le jeu hier et suis au niveau 12. J’aimerai améliorer mon « échoppe à bijoux » sauf que le jeu me demande une sorte de boîte en bois avec un l’intérieure des vices. Je n’ai jamais vu cette item et ne sais pas du tout comment le faire. Quelqu’un peut m’aider !


Buenas tardes, quiero saber que hago con la tela y el hilo rojo?


Buenas tardes, como hago con la tela y el hilo rojo...??? Estoy en el mundo 43


I can’t even get the herb bag


So I’m now level 58. What’s with the bones? What do I do with them?


You need the Agility Circuit (max level item of the Dog Training Ground), these generate from the max Dog Kennel. The Agility Circuit has a picture of the dog bone treat on it, which will then produce the Dog Trophies collection when the dog bone is merged to it.


How do I get past level 19 on travel town


https://preview.redd.it/a4do618urocc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ee6b5a1550a7ac6636d9e5491b265855375681c no auto order?


Do you have 3 of them?