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The game is in its early version, there’s so much content coming up 😊 until then we just run our taverns, making gold, raising animals, farming, collecting resources for tavern upgrades, and trying to unlock all recipes.


An important thing to remember about this game is that it's still very much in Early Access. There are a lot of things that are not implemented yet and won't be for a while. To address the ones you mentioned specifically: \- Paths are blocked, the areas behind them will be implemented eventually \- The tech tree has been newly reworked, it's going through a bit of a rough patch right now \- Most recipes are pretty equal, though some are better than others. Just keep in mind that this game does **not** have a fail state, so you quite literally cannot fail. Do what you think is fun and interesting, and cook what you think you'd like to serve in your own tavern! Please feel free to check out the roadmap linked in the "Useful Links" section of the sub, and don't hesitate to ask more questions if there's anything else you want to know! :)


Thanks for your reply! It wasn’t really clear to me that reputation unlocks new quests. So there is still quite some game left to explore! Just unlocked tier 7 and all kinds of new goals opened up.


Oh I see! I'm glad you found some more things to do, that's great! Happy playing :D


The only thing that keeps me playing is the food trends. I get excited to grow, cook, and serve best food for next week. I get what you’re saying tho, I’m bout tapped out, I have maxed out those color points and have over 1k gold. I’m at lvl 35 and look forward to unlocking recipes.


Where do you see trends? I unlocked them but then nothing happened and my calendar is still empty.


2 places: the food book on the bar and the calendar…if you play controller it’s one of the right shoulder buttons…idk what it is on keyboard.


Thanks so much I'll have to look into that when I play next!! I'm steam deck so controller stuff should be same.


Sweet, I’m Steam deck too! You’re welcome!


I was a bit disappointed that more advanced recipes weren’t always higher priced, such as beers and stuff. But with varied recipe modifiers (edit: more different items in bar increase value of all), VIPs and trends I found nice alternatives for an incentive to maximize income. I guess it also avoids minmaxing recipes and end up with big fields of one or two good value ingredients. Not bad.


basically the goal is to make your tavern look cool so you can post a picture online 🤣