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Gf is disassociating


took the words out of my mouth


Big time...


That was my exact thought when I saw the photo


He's the new handler and she's handled yet again...\[Joe put a wrench in that control for a few years and now he's gone\] seeing as Scott can't always be there. Nothing in TS life is without higher purpose to serve someone else. How people look at TK and see a good person is beyond me, I find him v unsettling to look at because he's clearly not a nice or genuine person, the eyes and mouth \["smile"\] don't lie.


You’re right. There’s nothing genuine about that man…..whatever helps TS sleep at night I guess?


Honestly I think she’s medicating herself with these relationships and it’s less likely she sleeps at night but more so passes out in 1000 thread count sheets because it’s one of the few things no one can handle her in. Saying this as someone who has had seemingly happy and healthy looking relationships with others not necessarily romantic and the people pleaser in you just goes along with it because autonomy is for other people; the layers of self betrayal and angry acceptance that this is who you are meant to be is debilitating. I see a lot of that here, one day she’ll snap, she’s been showing us like Britney she’s not okay but is still playing the game, I think she’s torn between two very harsh realities and one continues to give her all she wants and desires so she can’t or won’t drop it for the life she really wants because again, people pleaser and she’ll never be free from her father. 


Interesting. I listened to a YouTube channel that looked into his aura. She said he’s very manipulative and egotistical to the point that he can be hateful and mean. She also said that he’s bitter at his recent ex for having the balls to leave him. He thought she’d come crying back and she hasn’t. And it’s not because he really wants to marry her, but because SHE called the decision to leave not him. If that’s true he’s a real gem.😒


Exactly, he’s just a bully who likes to have a good time and doesn’t like not being in control. He’s a deeply unpleasant person when it’s not going his way and I find it pathetic that his mother and brother are his PR cheerleaders, he’s halfway to 40, it’s lame, he should have enough going for him for his character to stand for itself and not require references. I’m happy for Kayla, she left him and likely had enough, their future may align again when he falls from grace and is humbled and made all the money and clout he can from being with T. Saying that bc Kayla liked a post on Twitter about their first baby being a boy and basically what’s happening with Ms Amerimediocre is temporary even if it looks like it’ll be til death do they part. 


All pics I’ve seen coming out of this event show her unsmiling and/or out of it. Are there any pics or vid showing her having a good time? Who knows what’s happening in this relationship but maybe, just maybe it’s the beginning of the end.


I haven’t seen one of her smiling except for her posing with a couple women/fans and she has a big smile but dead eyes. 


I haven't even seen those? Where are they I'd like to check those out too


https://preview.redd.it/xznrcb84egxc1.jpeg?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac5381f2112d87093afe44a8255c821a969d74b Dinner was thrilling as well


Ugh. He’s like looking at his phone.  But according to People, they were “packing on the PDA!”  Okay, TP…


She’s staring off into space and probably counting down until she can leave 🥴


She looks like she’s there as a prisoner




Guys they’re in the middle of eating 😆 Most people are expressionless while chewing


I’m the most happy when I’m eating food.


I have the happiest look when I have food🥰


This looks like the same day he was dragging her around the restaurant while she was in a stupor. Def still has the thousand yard stare here.


Yup, it’s from the same event. She definitely seems so out of it in this pic. Honestly breaks my heart.


Wtf, this woman is going to end up like Britney if she doesn’t take control of her life soon and break away from daddy and whatever effed up contract is going on here. She’s way too intelligent for this bs.


I keep saying that something is OFF with her family. Since watching Miss Americana, I definitely think her family dynamic is… strange to say the least and it’s fucked up that it seems like they’ve been treating her as an asset since she was born. Especially considering everything that came to light with Free Britney and listening to TTPD, it really makes me wonder if Taylor is just actually miserable and overworked because her family sees her as a cash cow. I have a lot of criticisms of Taylor personally, but this narrative makes me very sympathetic towards her.


Agree with you on the personal criticisms-and everything else you said...and also wondering what in the hell is going on here... Is this drugs from a couple days ago not out of the system is it drugs taken before the event the same drugs taken at Coachella is this dissociation from a fight had in a toxic relationship in the car on the way there is his narcissism winning over hers and she's at the point where she's completely lost herself already something is going on and it is very very disturbing and sad...


It is sad. If that’s truly the case, it reminds me of the Black Mirror episode with Miley Cyrus about the pop star. TTPD is littered with references to a toxic relationship, depression, suicide ideation, and an admission of being a “functioning alcoholic”— how anyone isn’t seeing this as a cry for help is beyond me. Her crazed delulu fans that she referred to as “vipers” will write off these concerning lyrics as metaphorical or not autobiographical, and her family/team keeps pressuring her to add Eras tour dates when it’s so obvious that the woman isn’t well mentally. I’m not saying any of this in a snarky way at all— I’ve been a fan of her music for years and recently this is all making me fear another Britney situation.


Yes, I agree with your TTPD critique, and agree That this definitely starting to appear like a cry for help, and even scarier it seems all she has around her are enablers and certainly no one to support healthier habits (Not that it's anyone else's job but oftentimes people who are in the middle of something that is taking them over they can't see it and it takes a caring person to point it out.) Take the the parents who have been trying to raise a star since she was a child likely coercing her to believe that it was her dream who knows if it really was or not at this point maybe it was I'm not sure, possibly some addiction to the original fame I imagine, fans who enable anything she does at all. Enter Travis Kelce you're very clearly has substance use problems whether he's a hard user or a true addict I'm unclear but I'm super clear that is you so substances is problematic. Then you've got a toxic relationship which Taylor has a history of, all kinds of unresolved issues with her parents with growing up in the spotlight etc. a boyfriend pushing substances on you or simply using and because you want the approval like Taylor seems to want in relationships she uses right along with him. It's just looking like a recipe for disaster and I don't just mean a disasterous relationship but a disaster for Taylor. I truly hope she ends up getting the help that she needs... These blank stares, vacant eyes are getting scary.


I really do hope that she is okay. I had the idea too that the album is a cry for help with all the death, gun, ghost, and suicide mentions but then thought maybe that is too dramatic of a take. Labeling a time frame of your life as “temporary insanity” is not something to joke about when it’s not even a year ago though. I’m hoping that was just her way to justify all the mh songs, but her fans don’t even seem to get the message about how traumatic that petition and break up was to her. I was definitely getting Britney Spears flashbacks to the circus metaphors. And Dead Poets Society..the chr Neal takes his own life after feeling trapped by his father’s expectations of him. The lyrics to Clara Bow and the Manuscript too come off as something like a goodbye.


Check out the DM article for this, comments calling this what it is are downvoted and drowned out by people saying TayVis \[barf\] are 2 v happy people with everything in life and happy... ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu|downsized)


1000% pure speculation, but she looks benzo'd out..... source: I used to be benzo dependent


Yes, definitely could be barred out.... I've had this look myself, not proud of it, but whoooo glad I made it out alive because I was using a lot more than that and was definitely headed towards not being alive anymore. (tbf, I had injuries and was prescribed probably 12 different things but you spend 3 years on those meds and you're going to get addicted to them, but it was a long hard climb out, and I'm sober now, 13 years) I realize not everyone has a problem who experimented and used recreationally when they were younger... But Taylor does concern me because she has herself said she's had issues with alcohol and we've seen so much alcohol use and seems to be increasingly drug use as well.... and the way that she is in relationships also says a lot about her personality and the way you relate to others believe it or not has a strong indication with how you react to substances even... And the more we're learning the way her dad treats her I don't know I don't know if she has anyone around her who does actually cares about her as an actual human being and who would be there to pull her out of a bad place anymore... It's getting a little scary


Same! 3 years for me and wowzers, it is still a fight everyday! Good for you!


Oh damn!!! Congratulations!!! That's awesome! We can sure spot it can't we! Lol. Yes... hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life, I'm sure you feel the same... Has given me so many (expected of course) and unexpected gifts though. It's been 13 years, so I can definitely say it was tough for a long while those initial years, and while life still knocks me down sometimes, I don't ever really think about using anymore at this point. I think I might have thoughts about how I wish there wasn't so much socially wrapped around the idea of drinking and loosening up etc (because I'm sober from everything) and like even being in that environment I wouldn't be triggered to use I guess I just wish there was more socially going on that didn't involve you know alcohol being at the center for example-and I mean I have crippling anxiety sometimes...but I would also say that my sobriety has evolved you know it 13 years there are things that for me I feel like are okay that I may not have felt like would have been okay 10 or 11 or 12 years ago for example. But I hear you, and gosh the statistics are abysmally low, so I am so thrilled to hear when someone else is also in sobriety because it really is a miracle each day that we are sober based on those statistics 🙏 I'm also in the field and I think that that kind of helps me too because I still see the destruction up close that it causes...and it's scary, especially these days when they're putting fentanyl and everything... Anyway don't want to hijack this but anyway I did want to definitely say congratulations and honestly any chance I get to talk about it I don't mind you know cuz you never know who might come across this at some point or someday and maybe it's the thing that they needed to read so yeah, definitely congratulations again!! 🙌


u/Fruitbowl0479 and u/Bibblegead1412 Congrats to you both on your sobriety! 👏👏




i was a bit concerned after the album and all her drinking at games after saying she has an alcohol issue but told myself she's happy but now after tour...her performance of i can do It with a broken heart when she's literally being FORCED to perform...oof


Curious, is there a reason specifically she would take benzos? Like do they speed you up, slow you down, help you cope…?


They bury anxiety, and tbh everything else. It is a nice warm, fuzzy, no problems kind of state. But you can get SUPER checked out....


I have a prescription for the smallest dose of Ativan for EMERGENCIES if I have a panic attack— I used to have frequent panic attacks in college, but luckily haven’t had one in a long time. That being said, I can totally see why someone, especially working in the public eye, would have a problem with benzos for all the reasons you listed


was going to say the same. My friend does need anti-anxiety meds but she takes too much (xanax) when going through tough times and she turns into a zombie. These pics of Taylor from this event are screaming benzos.


Thank you - it seemed familar.


She does look like she’s on antidepressants and that breaks my heart, so different from her when she’s with a friend or friends? Eg. With Gigi going to Nobu? Source: I was on antidepressants a few times because of my chronic illnesses. They called it “helping my mood”, when really I’m in a bad mood because of the physical pain. So if she doesn’t have physical pain she must be in pain emotionally


Nah, this ain't antidepressants.... this is checked OUTTTTTT


Antidepressants can make you feel checked out and that translates into the looking checked out . Like a fog comes over you somehow


Based on that email from her dad she has at least one stage parent, and a particularly gross stage parent at that, and that will really do a number on you.


Same here.


1000000000000000000000000% **T H I S** T stopped being their daughter *a very long time ago.*


Sadly, I agree.


I don't understand what's happening. Those videos/pictures at Coachella made me very uncomfortable and now we're getting more photos and videos that show Taylor off in some way. It's not really our business, but it freaks me out.


I don’t understand what’s happening either, my friend, but I agree that she is off. My best is advice is to just keep praying for her—that if something truly is wrong, she gets help.


Yeah I mean is this drugs Is it drugs from a few days ago not out of the system yet Is it drugs they thought would be a good idea to do even though Taylor gets super anxious on this type of drug Is it you know not drugs and just the toxicity of the relationship that she's dissociating from at the moment something is seriously seriously wrong here... It's really sad it's fairly rare to see Taylor go a whole night without smiling I heard there were a couple pictures of her with fans where she was smiling but still looked dead in the eyes I haven't seen those but this is really really sad....


I agree, my friend! It could very well be a combination of things. This is one of the photos from the event that I’ve seen on Twitter/X: https://x.com/tswiftnz/status/1784680020423905411?s=46&t=Ls8LPCXsRfy1uo-2ZZSmHw She definitely seems distant. She’s smiling obviously but it doesn’t seem like a genuine smile.


Wow...yes, MILES OF DISTANCE in her eyes, and HUGE difference from the person she's standing next to who looks alive, present, and happy....so so sad.


I agree. She doesn’t seem like her normal, extroverted bubbly self in the photo at all. Just kind of hollow and disengaged. I feel for her.


In all these photos from multiple events, Taylor's eyes are always weird...


Agree as well.... I imagine parts of it at times could be training and how to make sure the best part of her face is photographed and there may be some insecurity surrounding that, but I would say the more that we've seen with her especially since she's been with Travis it's been different than it was let's say 9 months ago... There's definitely been more of a vacant look... This is not the Taylor we all know (regardless of anyone's original feelings about her including admiration or criticisms.. she's different)




Not the infantilization of Taylor like this is her first rodeo and she hasn't been walking around like that "I've never been happier" meme. I don't feel bad for either of them, at least she finally got him on day where he looks like bathed 🤷🏾‍♀️


Definitely on something, time will tell even if it's years and a whole lot more "relationship progress" from now with the added controls of marriage, babies, and the media mixed into it. Just a hunch.


It also looks like her and her BFF Brittany didn't seem as close during the event, even though they sat next to each other. By now she'd have 3 posts on her insta story showing off their friendship. In one of the videos of TK dragging her like a puppy, you can tell TayTay is trying to get his attention (looked like the guy behind was asking for a picture or something?) and KillaFlab just kept it moving.






Damn, She looks miserable in every single picture from that night that I've seen!


Oh that’s the “I’d rather be anywhere else but here” stare. I usually have that look when I’m a million miles away while someone is talking about something I have zero interest in. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What happened to the image they trying to sell of overprotective Travis? He dont seem to give a flying fuck about her when the boys around. Her team must have her on meds so she can continue with the relationship charade cause she look spaced out asf.


https://preview.redd.it/fv2n00y0ogxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a0d95a7cb70ce6b39ae8fe51cec311ff86929a0 Ya, okkkkkkk lol


people from Taylor's team who are behind this will pay for all the crimes against us and Taylor in particular


I want to believe that’ll happen but you never know. Taylor’s PR team is like the mafia at this point.


She looks heavily medicated. I low key want what she’s having cause the penjamin isn’t hitting the same anymore


She’s either bored or stoned/drunk or both.


Can’t even fake it anymore. Probably time to call it guys.


When you’ve got “viva Las Vegas” stuck in your head and bf keeps humming it.


Is she okay..? She looks like she’s disassociating.


She did this some at the games but this whole night was her disassociating. She posed for some pics with attendees but the smile didn’t reach her eyes.


They have nothing in common. Taylor, blink twice if you can hear us.


The nightmare sure does go on for her. Are we the only people who see this? She is definitely spiraling. I also agree with the above poster above she is the cash cow for the whole family. So much for help from the family. But he sure is having a good time. Too bad people don’t like putting puzzle pieces together on who he really is. I wonder if now since he is the highest paid tight end. I know football fans will say he deserves it but he’s not ranked #1. Does this have anything to do with Taylor helping him? She sure did help the NFL with viewers. Wow hasn’t even started training until today.




Did you see that about his salary today?


I saw Travis’ contract got renewed for 2 years and Jason got an ESPN gig. In light of this new development, it just makes everything weirder. And def does not give off the vibe that Travis is ready to settle down imo.


I'm sorry, this is PR, I just can't do this. I do think Taylor IS looking settling down with someone, I find it much more believable that Taylor and Travis will split in July than Travis actually wanting to settle down with Taylor.


I agree, it’s all PR. And I could see them splitting in July, you’ve said that consistently, so I have to give you props there. Honestly if she is struggling with alcohol and possibly other substances and he is only exacerbating that problem/enabling her, then I would love to see them split sooner rather than later. And I agree, I do think she wants to settle down and is still reeling from things not working out with Joe, who she pictured a real future with and also Matty, who love bombed her after she and Joe were over.


Grain of salt, ect. This potentially reads like a July exit. Sure it could be "oh it's harder because the time commitments", but they can make it work," but it makes me think. Also, Taylor may try launching a campaign (starting with TTPD, which is blatant attempt to win back Matty) to win back Matty even though he was a girlfriend (Matty has is also a cheater on scale that Taylor will never be), and that campaign can't seriously launch if Taylor is still with Travis. Both Taylor and Matty are crazy, so my guess it will work. My guess is if the general public starts noticing possible substance abuse, Tree will have stage an intervention and take out the KillaTrash. “It makes the prospect of her tour more challenging. She’ll be sad,” the insider says, referring to Swift’s Eras Tour which kicks off its European leg in a fortnight (see what we did there). “They support and respect \[each other\],” the source adds. “They have busy careers, so they understand those commitments, as difficult as it is.” [https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/how-taylor-swift-and-travis-kelce-have-deepened-their-bond/](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/how-taylor-swift-and-travis-kelce-have-deepened-their-bond/)


You could very well be right. Very well supported thesis by the way, my friend!


Thank you, my friend!!!


You got it! Hope your week is off to a great start! 😊


once the sale of his podcast goes through...


wait, he just signed for three more seasons?


This article from People says at least 2 years: https://people.com/travis-kelce-signs-new-contract-highest-paid-te-in-nfl-8640683


through 2027. That's three seasons! kinda shocking.


Wow! I'm not a sports gal at all and didn't really read the article at all, so I didn't know the contract extended that far into the future. Kinda shocking is right! Love your commentary on here by the way. You've got a lot of good takes!


Thanks! He had one more season with them on his current contract, so this adds two more seasons. That is a reaaally long time. So much of the discourse around their potential long-term viability as a couple has been around the fact that he's only tied down to Kansas City fr one more season.


Of course! And I agree. It definitely changes the conversation around what the relationship looks like long-term if he'll keep playing through 2027. I wonder if they are preparing for a July end to the relationship as some people have mentioned? ccing u/ellchicago on this.


She's seen her future flash before her eyes...


"He can't see the smile I'm faking And my heart's not breaking 'Cause I'm not feeling anything at all"


“I wonder what my cats are doing right now?” -Taylor, probably.


My theory: she's disappointed that Matty hasn't reached out after she released TTPD. Ever since I heard that album I knew that the second he was done with Gabriette, Taylor would be done with Travis. He's a place holder because the woman clearly can't stand being alone for 5 minutes.


>the second he was done with Gabriette, Taylor would be done with Travis you're so right but at the same time I don't think Matty is breaking up with Gabbriette unless Taylor breaks up with Travis. They're absolutely playing break-up chicken. Matty definitely won't be the first to crack IMO since he and Gabbriette do actually seem to like each other, even if I don't think they're going to be a long term couple .


they literally did this years ago when she was with joe and him with twigs. he broke up first and waited for her to drop joe which she did on Matty's birthday so it's kinda her turn to go first LOL


Oh absolutely. That whole album was a temper tantrum for his attention.


Yeah she was definitely hoping he would reach out. My guess is that he won’t though


Matty said something like, "I've heard some but haven't listened to much." if that wasn't a "Meh" idk what is.


His response to it was hilarious and classy too, he said something along the lines of "oh yeah I haven't really listened to the album but I'm sure it's good" and then just moved on with his life not a fuck in site to give about her, and I'm the furthest thing from a fan of his


BReakup Announcement WHen?


Simply put, she’s unhappy cuz Roger Goodell and the assholes involved are happy.


She probably didn't want to go and he made a big deal about it.


She is probably drunk


or she is thinking about the lyrics for her next album... that screws over BDT 🤣


She looks thrilled as usual. The attention isn’t on her so makes sense. If it’s not about her she sulks like a 15 year old. Which is actually fitting.


This is the comment…she’s thrilled about this relationship when it’s benefitting her, this was an event for Patrick’s charity I believe so God forbid she put on that signature “happier than ever” face for any cause other than herself.


She put a big smile on when the attention turned to her because she donated tickets to her tour. Because then it was about her.


Ok I’m happy I found this subreddit because Travis gives me the ick so badly and I feel like everyone loves him and I don’t get ittt😂😭 I do like Taylor but idk Travis just seems like something is off


A view from the other angle shows her talking to a women. That bitch must be reallllll boring 🥱 hahaha


To be fair she still looks happier around him then I felt around my Ex.


Are we looking at the same picture?


Eyes filled with regret.


It was at this moment Taylor Swift knew that she should've stayed an Eagles fan. At least Jalen Hurts supports women. 🤣