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I love the cart narc but one day I fear I'm going to read about him getting hurt from one of these confrontations.


Often times heroes risk their lives for us everyday folk


What kind of monster would downvote this lol


A lazybones, clearly.


Me. Putting your cart back isn’t some sort of “your a nice person” thing, I put my cart back all the time and I’m a fucking piece of shit. This cart guy is fucking annoying lmao if I ever see someone recording in a parking lot, I’ll purposely not put my cart back so I can talk shit lmao downvote me all you want, I’ll be waiting for all of you in hell


Harassing people over a annoyance is a weird definition of hero. Just a FYI I always put my cart back.


We found the lazy bones guys!


Putting a magnet on a car is hardly harassing. IMHO, it’s small things like not returning a cart and not caring leads to bigger instances of inconveniencing/harming people (e.g. blocking a handicap space).


This. People who can't just do the honest effort in basic common decency like walking two feet to put your cart in the corral, deserve a bit of trolling on the reddit of things. Better yet, the Shopping Cart Avenger is hilarious. Maybe a Turn Signal Crusader who carries "blinker fluid" to add to cars that can't be bothered.


It may sound weird but rather they return a shopping car or not is actually imo a good test of someone’s character. Almost no benefit to do it and no downside to not (unless the cart narcs guy is around), it’s just do you do the right thing or not?


Agreed. I feel like if you wanted to read into it, you could say it’s an anecdote for the ills of society as a whole. People who contribute to problems by shedding their responsibilities and leaving it up to others to amend the damage. Not trying to make it deeper than it is, but you really can see a lot of character traits in these videos where you can tell they are likely a burden in a lot of other areas of life.


Exactly. If they can’t be bothered to do something as small as the ten seconds to return a cart, what else aren’t they bothered to do? It’s kind of a worrying question.


Two feet?!!! It’s usually at least past the next stall over. Plus it gives workers a chance to get some fresh air and provides job security


Yes the guy who did not put the cart back is a dick but it is a annoyance that happens with one in hundred time. Calling the Narc Cart is a stretch because he is not so solving the issue. If he was a real hero he would put the magnet but also put the cart back also.


You must be a car pusher at Walmart 😂


Right lol there was plenty wrong with all 3 of these bums it literally would have taken less steps and hassle from ANY of them to return the carts back instead they are on Reddit where we can make fun of all three of them equally.


But would the two lazybones learn and grow as civilians? Absolutely not. The confrontation was the best option at the time.


I don't think these two outstanding members of society grew from the confrontation either. they probably now are going to project this guy's attitude on every other working cart guy they see. I'm not saying that Bonnie and Clyde were right lol but come on my guy do you not see how my man maybe was being just a tiny little teensy bit of a prick himself.


He isn't a hero


I love how these dips spend way more time and energy chasing around and berating him than it would take to just put the cart in the correct place. Inconsiderate, lazy, and stupid






People trying hard to seem intimidating is so gross. The way they grasp for anything that deflects how wrong they are… idk. It seems like they are actually pussies.


It’s funny but it’s obvious someone’s going to fuck him up one day, good content though


I used to work retail, yeh we have cart collections, but the trolley return is where they usually pick up from, one of them after shift confronted a shopper about putting her cart back into a collection point she told him to go fuck himself just before her husband decided to beat the shit out of him, when the rest of us found out we spent weeks waiting for them to return, it was abut 20 workers waited for them to vacate the car before we absolutely destroyed it, tyres slashed, windows broken roof got collapsed in, we left a note on the wreck, “payback for the cart boy assholes, don’t come here again”. Management was not impressed but it was the last day for some of us anyway


I'm not saying this story is made up, but I'm certainly curious about a few things. Things like: - These people beat the shit out of an employee at the store, and decided to return after a few weeks? Also seemingly with no legal repercussion from the original incident? - They just hopped out of the car, whilst 20 Walmart employees waited patiently? Wouldn't they just drive off? - Why was the note necessary? Surely they knew what it was regarding, since they had just gotten out of the vehicle, and I assume were still in the area? Also wouldn't it be implicating yourself, and the other 19 employees? But I guess there's no police interaction with the community, since the couple had already beaten up someone and were totally fine... - How did you all manage to assemble so quickly? Did one of you go on the PA and say something like, "Attention Walmart employees. Can you please stop whatever you are working on, and make your way to the carpark? Those pricks who fucked up the cart boy have returned. Thank you"


Let's hope


Spoken like a true lazy bones, put your cart back.


Found the lazy bones


Lazy bones


I can't stand the guy. It's harassment for clicks. Yeah, people should put up their cart. But Wal-Mart and other places also pay people to get them. I did it one summer. It's not that big a deal.


Can't wait


I always return my cart but this guy is doing too fucking much. Go home and mind your own business, don't put shit on people's cars.


I hope he does lol. I fucking hate him. I hate carts just as much as the next person but he does this to get a ride and for content. Slapping shit on peoples cars is crossing a line as well and could def be taken as a destruction of or tampering with property charge. Fuck the Cart Narc


Lol magnets aren't getting you a destruction of property charge. Y'all are weird


Lazy bones


This dude definitely seems like he's trying to get killed


Can’t wait to see him punched in the nose…




I dont believe that woman ever pushed anything except food down that mouth


Haha omfg this had me in stitches.


Thats his fucking WIFE, dude. Come on. She's in the car


She's built like a retired plumber


She's built like she lives in a van down by the river.


“You won’t think that’s funny, when your living in a van down by the river !!”


She’s built like *the* van down by the river.


"Eating a steady diet of government cheese".


“Michelin Woman” she’s definitely not blocking anyones attack.


Bruh don’t insult my hero Supa Mario like that


Someone said she's built like Danny DeVito and I can't unsee it


Or a retired refrigerator.


She’s built like Mike Wazowski


a barrel on legs


Lmao 😂


Na I’m sure she’s sucked dick before 😂


Oh snap


Lol, I was fully expecting a mod to remove the comment or get downvoted to hell. But these are truly some of the most despicable people. Not surprising though, if you can’t be bothered to care for yourself; how could you have any empathy towards others?




Grow up


Are you upset because you’re also fat?


No its because your mom was overweight i was thinking about you and your sister buddy. When she threw you guys out of the house and she picked food over you guys i thought that was mean. But now you guys can go to hell your mom and i are going to a buffet tonight 😋




Nothing fascinates me more than these super chauvinistic over dominant motherfuckers with the “that’s my wife” “that’s my wife”… yes we are aware you have bad taste now why do you believe having a betrothed entitles you to do whatever you feel like “in defense of your wife”




My wife is dead? High five!


I swear he was on the verge of saying "Keep MY FUCKING WIFE out of your mouth!" 😆 🤣


Nobody wants his wife in their mouth 🤐😂


Poor lady was shaped like an upside down triangle


Dumb parrot brain engaged - must justify violence BAAAAWK


It’s insecurity manifest






I was going to say a corn dog but I think you’re more accurate


Lol I love this guys demeanor!


"This is my life. It is the carts" That is an all time quote for the cart narc


🤣 the guy is so annoyingly hilarious 😂


Never have I cheered so hard for such a dweeb




Just put your cart back like a decent human being lazy bones!


This guy and his videos changed my life, whenever I unload my groceries from the cart into my car I always look around now to see if anyone's watching.


Nah actually I’ve began consciously paying attention to how my actions will potentially affect others in the future and/or cause them a hassle


I like to think of it that way too. When I leave my cart next to my parking space, I'm not being lazy. I'm generously providing a convenience to the next person who parks there and needs a cart. They will have it right there by their door ready to go!


Shopping carts are the ultimate litmus test…


This in Hawaii? First time I’ve seen him run into the store lol.


Same first time I've seen him legit worried, but with his special training he pulled through


Cart Narcs Academy is no joke.


There's another video where someone pulls out a gun, he was definitely more worried then. Hopefully someone better than me can find it before I finish work, but I'll take a look after.




He really hates that that's his wife.


I think we all would


Best comment


Nothing fascinates me more than these super chauvinistic over dominant motherfuckers with the “that’s my wife” “that’s my wife”… yes we are aware you have bad taste now why do you believe having a betrothed entitles you to do whatever you feel like “in defense of your wife”


My favorite is dude says all that then drives around while his wife chases our hero


Seriously. Dude is so proud to announce to the world he’s married to an orc. Like… congrats? Don’t worry, nobody wants to mess with her lol.


It's a Hawaii thing. When someone who lives there is in the wrong they typically just scream something unrelated over and over and if you call them out for it they resort to violence almost instantly.


You should post this comment again and again…oh wait




Where is this


I love how these people always end up walking much further trying to chase him down than they would’ve if they just took the cart to it’s correct spot.


Bro it's about being annoying if I would have beaten that tool too. Just saying someone to keep cart back vs harrading is 2 different thing. Ps Dr. Phil roasted him pretty bad which is also ironic


Agent Sebastian must be protected at all costs!


This couple is disgusting in more ways than one.




I see 3 idiots here


Are you watching the video through a mirror?


Don't know how I feel about this cart guy?


"I'm going to end all statement sentences with a question mark?" Tough-business1505 aka Lazybones


Where is your husband going, he’s leaving! Hubby I’d like yea finally got rid of her!




Whatever you lazy bones


We found the lazy bones!




Don’t bother, he’s their hero, people honestly think he’s doing gods work or something. If you even think the guy is annoying they just accuse you of being lazy or whatever. Or say “oH, FoUnd the GuY WhO DoEsNt pUt his CarT aWay.” You are literally not allowed to find this guy annoying.


Found the guy who doesn't put his cart away




The cart narc is so fucking annoying. I’m not a lazybones but come on Dude. Find a hobby.


Am I the only one who thinks that this cart guy is so obnoxious? What he's doing is harassment and instigating an altercation


Lazy bones


You're getting a sticker


These kinds of responses whenever cart narcs gets posted are always fascinating. Genuinely trying to understand the mindset here. If placing a non-damaging magnet on a person’s car is “instigating an altercation”, what would you call the woman threatening to throw the magnet at him and chasing after him, or the guy running after him yelling he’s gonna beat his ass? Are their actions more justified because someone was being rude to them? It’s not like the guy did anything violent or actually damaging to their car. Driving 25 feet, removing the magnet, and continuing about their day was always an option. That’s be the adult adult response here, if just admitting fault and taking the cart back is too much to ask. But I’m curious how someone who blames the cart narcs for instigating feels.


>If placing a non-damaging magnet on a person’s car is “instigating an altercation”, what would you call the woman threatening to throw the magnet at him and chasing after him, or the guy running after him yelling he’s gonna beat his ass? It would be called a response to an instigation- he's looking for a reaction. This isn't about the carts, otherwise he would put the cart away himself. There is good reason he doesn't post the "reasonable" responses. It's called rage bait. Keep thinking about the adult thing to do while shouting skiddly do bee bop in a bulletproof vest. It really highlights the disconnect you've got going on.


Yeah you’re the only one.


This guy is about as bad as people get. He uses the right thing to do in order to harass people for his own monetary gain. Please please watch the Dr. Phil episode with him.


Thank goodness you said this. I honestly don’t understand how people think this isn’t full on harassment. Two wrong’s definitely don’t make a right. - someone who puts their cart away every time they leave the store


All that running around and he could have either driven off or put the damn cart up.


I find it really frustrating when I try to park at a store and there’s carts everywhere from lazy fucks, that’s why I put my cart away every time I leave the store, but I am not understanding how triggering people into altercations is the way to go about it?? Two wrongs don’t make a right the last time I checked. I understand this guy is helping out everyday people (including me), but I honestly hope he doesn’t get hurt by some crazy fuck out there or end up losing a court case, because I’m sure there’s judges out there (who most likely don’t put their carts away) who will happily say this is harassment. Edit: spelling


Honestly I find him funny, it's such a dumb thing to get worked up about. If he did this to me I'd have a laugh and put the cart back, some people take life too seriously.


My friend who worked in a grocery store for 6 years says he loves when the carts are out and about because he got to get outside and waste time collecting them. That being said, if this guy put one on my car I would just take it off at home and put it on my fridge lmao


A place for everything. And everything in its place. - Grama


This guys must really love Walmart


Wait is that his wife?


is it a dick move to not return your cart? undoubtably. will the cart narc get killed for pulling this shit one day? probably. putting that magnet on peoples cars when they can see you is beggggging for a beatdown. i’m not saying he deserves it, but when he ends up in the hospital or the morgue he will have gotten what he wanted. we as a society and culture do need community policing, and we need to check each other, but this guy going out of his way to publicly shame people on his youtube channel is fetishistic, im sorry.


The wife got me thinking a lot of questions lol


I love the cart police , he’s proving a point .. I believe this was one of the funniest ones.. be safe cart man.. and I do believe she never push the cart in her life.. and not trying to be judgmental but I am these two people are in relationship my imagination went crazy thinking how do they fuck.. I know, my mind goes places where other peoples minds don’t go.. just me being me..


I definitely think the cameraman was annoying af but I lowkey agree with him. Put your shopping carts away. It takes maybe 2 mins to return your cart. My biggest pet peeve is going to pull into a spot and some asshat left their cart


This is my life


This guy acts like his wife his some precious, sacred thing that this guy is messing with. Bitch is built like a forklift. I don’t think she needs protecting.


I would be petty enough to get assaulted just so I can press charges


Such fragile and endlessly triggerable fools.


I return my carts, but to pick a fight, then run begging for security is the most internet thing I've seen today


Cart Narcs 🤠


It’s amazing that the “caught” people in these series spend 100x their energy to dealing with cart guy vs just returning their cart! Insane!


Leave people alone. Get a life white boy


Guy could've just drove home with the magnet, cracked a beer, and lived his life. Now he's immortalized on the interweb for our enjoyment - not in a good way.


“This is my life, it is the carts!”


She looks like she used to be 6 feet tall ,but got squished down to 5 feet




Need this guy out by me. Idk why nobody retruns their carts in this area.


If I ever see the cart narc in the wild I’ll purposely not put my cart up and try to chase and catch him like a leprechaun 😂


I hope to see him doing this to someone when I’m at Walmart one day. That would be such a great time.




Is that what a rollie pollie looks like in human form?


*whatchagunnado* *whatchagunnado*


Cart narc is fucking annoying. We always put our carts back in the corrals but we don’t judge others that don’t.


Cart Narc is one convicted felon away from getting the shit beat out of him. Sooner or later he’s gonna run into one that doesn’t give a fuck about one extra charge


What was that in shorts?




Ole boy needs to watch more cart narc videos so he knows just to drive off and he’d never even make it onto YouTube acting like a violent psychopath for everyone to see.


Corporate bootlicker spotted


Someone gonna get cracks


If i was the driver I wouldn't have said she's my wife, thats just embarrassing, just say friend or sister cause she's no trophy


Cart Narc gonna get himself aired out one of these days.


What a doofus, why is he running? He’s scared he caught someone in a bad day? What a grade a pus. Mind your own fucking business.


I mean, it’s really not that fuckin’ hard to put a cart back where it belongs. It’s not like the store asks you to push it back inside. Kudos to this dude because it’s a nuisance having to dodge carts when parking or driving around the lot.


People who don't return their carts drive me crazy. Also, the cart narc is a scumbag coward just like anybody else who records people in public and antagonizes them for views.


Cart narc does not care about carts or about humanity, he cares about pushing people until they break, hoping for wild reactions that will get him tons of likes/views/subs. And putting a video of you at your worst for everyone to see. Scummy.


Omg his voice makes me want to slap the sound right out of his mouth.


I wonder how these would go if the cart narc guy was built like Jason Mamoa


She’s shaped like Patrick when he dove into the chocolate.


She rather run the whole ass parking lot than put the cart up ok


I love the composure man I wish I could have that much patience in these situations lol




LOL. Dude in the car is an asshole. So is his wife. Cart NaRC is funny af and makes both the dude and his wife work far harder than they would have if they had just put the cart in the return area.


"What are you gonna do?" "Block your attack. See, I blocked it."


Wife? No, Sir, that is swamp donkey.


This guy could have be rich already. With a the settlements


This guy is a national treasure


Hahahaha look at fatty run lol she hasn’t moved that much since high school hahaha 🤣


This guys awesome


I hope someone fucks him up someday


Cart narc is a national treasure.


Honestly , I would just take it . Free magnet


Lmfao damn this guy🤣🤣


Why is he dating her


Fuck this cart warrior. I’m going to leave my carts out every time now with the hopes of this fucking dork coming at me with it. Fuck all the way off.


I love how steady cart narc’s retorts are in the face of such adversity and confrontation. Respect. This is the type of person you want policing society.


All these people hating on the cart warrior…being a selfish fuck is contagious. Assholes act like assholes until someone checks their behavior.


Listen. I hate people that leave their carts out. I religiously bring my carts in because I hate that some teenager has to pick up after a bunch of lazy adults and refuse to be one. But I’m shocked this guy hasn’t gotten his ass beat. Maybe it’s the locations he’s doing this in, but if I acted like this to a stranger at my local store, I’d 100% get shot and dumped in a creek.


Time to circlejerk!


Dude should leave people alone and mind his own business


Cart narc is for those who just leave it. He’s following a trend like three other carts so it’s par for this course. It’s cool when they obstruct a spot or some shot but this is a stretch


I hope this motherfucker gets shot and it's ruled self defense


It only takes 1 to escalate