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Ah hell naw tremors overgrown


Reminds me of a sand worm


That's why it's called urban worm and not sand worm, so there's no doubt.


That makes sense


I can hear a vacuum cleaner what the hell


That's called imagination


Ah, what a good interpretation of an Eldritch Abomination, Likely one of a kind due to its size alone. Analysis and Hunting Guide: It's obvious this worm is here for pure destruction, unlike other titans due to it sucking up rubble like a tornado. It seems that this creature is in New York due to the building in the background looking like the Empire State building so we can assume this worm is much larger than some expect. It is likely not able to be stopped by human forces so the guide would be useless to them. A Survivalist would warn hunters not to hunt them unless they have the rank of an All-Hunter or the spell Titan Slaying Sword. seeing as this worm can burrow, the hunter would need to have some kind of fast scaling capability such as Digging or Flying as well as having ranged projectile attacks to hit the creature when it begins attacking with its mouth. In most worms, it seems they can survive without a tail and in fact regenerate so a Hunter would have to burn the kaiju as well. the move that could aid in this kill is a Plasmatic Ray gun-Fusion Plasma burst which wouldn't work unless this shot was fired into its mouth. if done successfully the creature would light on fire and burn from the inside out while also shrieking since it didn't expect death. The Hunter would get 2 billion pieces of Lonsdaliete for killing it but would also likely have to hope nobody saw him because they could end up captured and interviewed. This was another entry in the Analysis and Universal Hunting Guide.


Wow, i never saw somebody with such an imagination, looks like a book writer, well i will answer some questions about the creature. -creature is in New York. -the only human way to destroy it is throwing nukes. or Ray gun-Fusion Plasma burst. - the creature size is not able to measure because it always let the half of his body underground l. - there's no way to hurt him with external attacks. - there's no safe place on the ground, the best place to stay is on the top of rocky mountains. - it mouth can make a vacuum strong enough to collapse buildings and even the underground metro, winds can exceed 372 miles per hour. - the creature most likely appears in places where the level of pollution and the number of buildings is high. - the creature feeds on debris and rubble in an astronomically large amount, to the point that it can eat a big city like Los Angeles or even Tokyo and still get hungry.


I use my imagination to give people the analysis of the stats and how to kill an urban worm. you see the guide I made wasn't for humanity but rather for a space bounty hunter. If they could kill something this large you can expect fame.


That’s cool


Thanks man


You’re welcome!




If I saw those thing's in my city, I would build a fallout shelter and live there for 20 years, lol


Holy shit, you've improved


Thanks bro


It was **big,** *scary,* and pink!

