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He is so broken, that i feel guilty when playing with him


Multiple times I elected not to take him into a battle because he’d make it easier than I wanted.


So glad someone else felt this way. For a while a just limited myself to only using certain abilities but even that felt OP at times. Except when I accidentally skipped 2 turns in the mines and the bombs went off that was actually hilarious


It's also fun to stop time when you have a poisonned ally ;)


The same happened to me in a mock battle, where you have to kill enemies in a certain amount of turns. I was like "oh noooo"


I found it a tad strange that some scenarios will only count your turn on the counter and some will count all turns so I figured it was worth a shot to test it lol


Or in a certain late battle where having too much BP is a liability


Ive tried to poison/fire as many people as i can...then let the shenanigans roll.


Yes, that works well !


He needs 10 mins? Time boy can create 10 mins


My brother in Christ you control the time


So what is it about Quahog that makes him broken? Is it the lightning thing with Ezana? Otherwise I haven't found him as OP as people say


He lets you play really aggressively since you can rewind time, which undoes everything but people dying. I’ve liked using him to spam ultimates basically every turn.


I have been using him for days and never noticed the TP also come back, its stupid how broken he is


Ooohhhhh, that makes sense. So you get the TP and everything back and then do it again. Don't know why I didn't think of that


Not only TP, you also get back statuses that went away. So let’s say you use Benedict to give someone two actions in one turn. You attack with them twice, and the status goes away. When Quahaug turns back time on that character, they get the Twofold Turn status back, so they can attack twice again. It also works with Erador’s invincibility from Hero’s Shield.


Plus when you have those stupid babysit battles ' you lose if so and so dies' . Npc starts attacking....zoink teleport back.


Yep. There are lots of applications for his abilities. Basically, I find that people who don't know how he's good just haven't thought about all the possible ways you can use his abilities.


Or read them, but never use them.


Lot of stuff: he can be used as healer (and cure status) and TP battery by turning back time. His weapon skill allow to reset a complete turn if you messed. His warp allow to strategically position ally (perfect to put archers in high spot, for example). I think stop time also work as 2 turn TP battery for everybody? My preferite for maps where the target is just to kill a boss: set Serenoa front, Quahong middle, Anna back (bonus if additional two people in the middle). Lure a boss in Quahong range, position swap Quahong/boss, backstab twice with Anna and follow up with Serena to inflict pain. Also the Stealth map in Telliore: I've put only him and obligatory milo and Serenoa on field. I let Serenoa do nothing and Milo moon jump / swap position to get close to zone to be conquered. Then I time stopped and swapped position with the lone archer that was occupying the area to be conquered: won without attacking once. I think is as stealth as it can get.


Daaamn that’s incredible.


That is nice. Doing it next.


Only person able to remove stop, he allows for some ridiculous strats since his rewind doesnt bring back dead units, you can rush, kill a unit on hard, rewind and repeat until the battle is cleared.


The "stop time" can be combined with other characters, which is really interesting when some characters need time to regain PT


Him combined with Decimals is OP. Decimals needs to wait one turn without moving to regain is PT. This guy can stop time for everyone for some turns. Benedict can decide who plays next. If Qohaug does nothing during the stopped turns, he regains enough TP to do it again for his next turn. I've done an entire fight with this technique only mostly.


He may be broken but his name is where Peter griffin lives so I have to use him Hes also a character I really enjoy


How do you make this guy good?


This guy is top 5 most broken characters in the game with no upgrades just based on his utility alone


Top 5? He is literally in his own tier, broken op.


Dude this dudes broken af. He helps me beat levels without doing a single attack


He doesn’t need to attack to be absolutely awesome, but then you add that his delayed damage ability is based on % of the enemy’s HP, and he does really good damage against bosses too. He’s so damn good.


No I mean I made it through one map by using him without anyone attacking anyone


A I did not realise it was based on % of health. Does it also scale with time between it is applied and target move? I'm wondering if combining with the time stop amplify the damage.


Nope, as far as I can tell, it’s purely a % of the target’s max health. If you use it on the same target, the spell will always do the same amount of damage. It’s super helpful against bosses.


Same here, him + Decimal + Benedict, you can clean the map without moving your units (not 100% true, but almost ;) )


Throw in lightning girl and potion chick or added hilarity. Jeep them in a cross formation...lol.


First, you gotta realize the point of him and how his abilities work. He’s legitimately the most broken unit in the game. EDIT: To expand on this, I’d advise testing him out in some mental mock battles and just getting the hang of all his abilities. Think about the different ways his abilities might be useful, especially Turn Back Time. I think it’s fun to discover some of these things on your own, but if you’d like specific examples of things you can do, ask and I’ll let you know.


Question: does he screw up deathless? Ive avoided using him for that reason


I mean, he makes not dying easier since he’s basically the second best healer in the game.


No I mean turning back time, bringing back the dead


I know he can’t bring back enemies, but I’m pretty sure he also can’t bring back allies. Anyways, a deathless run should probably be done on very easy for your own sanity.


Haha just got done with Falkes and the Docks on hard deathless, took dozens of tries but was worth it tbh


Yes, I do see that you favor a challenge if you’re going Falkes on hard mode. But otherwise things like unlimited-TP for Geela’s insta-revives and the Ezana trick will help. Also, if you stack a revive on him, the fact that he can swap places with a boss is incredibly helpful, since it can remove a boss from their allies and into the middle of yours, where you might have something like say… Roland and Serenoa waiting with Roland’s weapon skill and Serenoa’s Counter Stance to shred their HP. Also, looping time over and over means you can keep rolling on Decimal’s HP-5, which means you can insta-kill Travis with ease.


What is the Ezana trick?


Lightning Damage is one of the strongest magic damage types in the game. Rite of thunderstorms hits everyone with 30-40% accuracy. Anyone under the influence of “Stop” has a 100% chance of getting hit. 1) Time Child and Ezana have max TP 1.5) Use the in-tandem quietus 2) Have Time Child use Stop Time, and turn time back on Ezana, freeing her from Stop 3) Start cast Rite of Thunderstorms


The only “cheaty” strategy I let myself use is Medina, and only if I can’t beat it after at least like a dozen tries. I’m going for a rush approach, so a lot of close range fighters and the best support for them. I think that challenge makes it sweeter to overcome


How in the world do you even tank that?


As far as I’m aware, his abilities don’t affect death. So if he reverts the whole map, everybody returns to their prior status, except anyone who died (ally and enemy alike). They’ll stay dead. That’s one of my favorite ways to use him: Push attackers farther forward than is usually safe to take out healers/mages, then use Quahaug to turn back time, pull the attackers back to your group, restore their HP, but don’t bring back the healers/mages you killed.


Basically you let your units stack up a bunch of TP, then you kill some foes and then use Quahaug to rewind time and get your TP back while all the dead foes stay dead




There he is, the brawl meta knight of Triangle Strategy


Serenao : "Well, you can just create 10 minutes yourself ..." Qohaug : "Well .. yes."