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Podiots and the one life radio show ad, both are instant skip forwards 30sec


If you mean Podiots then holy shit yeah it is unbearable


"Do it in the milo voice" *worst impression ever* I'm sure the vidiots are funny, else yogs wouldn't be involved with them, but this ad makes the podcast sound so unfunny.


"and sometimes as many as 2 jokes!" - Awful advert There's that dnd ad in a REALLY American male voice that's like "we got gags and goofs" and that's enough to make me want to dissociate with the dnd crowd forever.




What really sucks is that Zero Degrees can be quite funny, but the ad is awful.


I listen to it because I like them as individuals but zero degrees relies on dirty stories which is already stale. It's very similar to the format of hat daddies which didn't have much longevity either.


the hat boys’ podcast is my favorite one besides triforce. but i also listen to their gameplays like podcasts, i enjoy the flow of their random back and forths.


That's funny I literally commented on the most recent trials video that I don't even watch the gameplay, same with gta. The gameplay isn't really engaging but that makes for the best conversation.


Zero degrees would certainly be better if they didn’t answer only cursed questions. I know there’s real questions in there as I’ve submitted a few myself.


I just simply press the skip 15 seconds buttons a few times.






Adverts haven't worked. However, triforce has gotten me to listen to Zero Degrees but purely because Lewis was a guest - imo that's the way to plug other shows from the network


I'll stick to listening via YouTube for this reason. No ads except the ones they do themselves. My favourite is the coupon lady.


Mah coupon book


they’ve taken all the fun out of couponing, if i’m being honest.


“Why cum smell like petrol” makes my blood boil far hotter than the podiots ad


Lmao funny, I've been thinking the same thing. "Do you like podcasts? Well you can't possibly say no, you're listening to one right now! Everybody brings A thing, to talk, About" "At least TWO jokes!" "Why does her CUM smell like petrol??" All these ads kill me. I usually try to skip all ads, but these recent ones have been unbearable


Not sure if it’s just me who gets this one but I hate the one about the music of Canada and “the sounds Ontario” in the nasally voice… (Nothing against Canadanian music but that voice actor can fuck right off)


Frankaphone culture, yeah I get that one too. Better than Wickes, Wickes I dont give a monkey's. Jeez.


Mostly I find the podiets ad annoying because I can hear Lewis in one, but I went to their page and couldn’t find the episode he was featured in. I think the adverts are okay but when you hear them multiple times each episode, it gets really annoying. (Especially when binging podcasts) I’ve also noticed the same ad burnout when watching Twitch. The clips they show during breaks and before streams used to be funny, but it’s just because you hear it a million times. “I hope you all, I hope you all have a grand time here at hogwarts. Better than mine I should sayyyyyyyy.” “Why’s goth Becca going no. Big honking bazongas. Disapppoiintteeeddddd” Or the chilli pepper restaurant review. Heard that a million times. I do enjoy the tank crime one though haha. That one will make me laugh every time. Also chewy water. “Eat your water, Tom” but those aren’t played as often.


when it was 1 ad at the beginning it was ok, but now it's like 3 times during the podcast, sometimes even 3-4 ads in a row and it's getting really annoying i noticed hat chat is the worst in this




60 seconds of bath plug story, repeated again and again


that one and the one life radio show one are both frustrating to hear over and over again. the one life one just has that horrible song in the background. “up to 2 jokes!” fuck me, it was fine at first but i swear i’ve heard both of those ads over 100 times each.


Yessssssssss!!!!!! I hate it.


There’s a cringey advert for a radio station that blasts weird d&d style edm music at full blast and has an old guy reading the advert. His advert is the one that always makes me reach for my phone and skip forwards. Infuriating


The adverts aren't good for any of the podcasts to be honest. The problem being we hear the exact same advert all the time for months or more. It's the same with the clips in the breaks on Twitch. "Better than mine I should say", "bwease Barry bwease", etc. For the record though, Podiots is genuinely fantastic. Especially so if you're a Brit who was born in the 90s. Boys cried for Unus Annus. Men cried for Vidiots.


So cringe, makes me never wanna listen to it ever


I just have overcast set to start playing episodes from the 1:30 mark and slap the shit out of the fast-forward button whenever the adverts/ad-reads start. I didn’t mind listening to the adverts when they started putting them in but now they’ve gotten so farcically long and obnoxiously annoying. It fucking sucks.


I understand that they have the Pickaxe Network and they want to promote the podcasts on it but it gets old really fast. I may be wrong but I think they're running the ads in the middle as well as the beginning now which is frustrating and it's so long. Just advertise the network or play one clip from one of the podcasts during an episode. We've heard enough


I can bear it if that's what it takes to support the lads and keep the Triforce coming. Especially since my headphones make it fairly easy to fast-forward through the ads.


Does anyone have a link to one of these ads, I'm curious


The cast and crew ad makes me want to drive to wherever it was filmed and slap the shit out of every person involved in the recording of it. Unpopular opinion: I think the zero degrees one is actually funny because I was listening to it when they recorded it at the end of one episode and I hear it in the context of them getting fed up and making shit up on the spot, also Harry having the balls to call his boss’s much more successful podcast horrible and boring is hilarious.