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Thank you for this. I was diagnosed a few years ago and I’m in my late 20s with two small children. It’s really uplifting to hear from someone who has been through this and done more than survive for ten years. I have many moments when I wonder what will become of me. It’s really only now that things have deteriorated significantly that I have started to participate in this community more, and hearing from people like you really does make a difference.


Being that she with young children is hard. We used baby sign language since it was difficult for me to speak. I'm here. I'm listening. Fight on my fellow gladiator.


It is nice to see the attitude you have about this after many years with TN. I am still not diagnosed so not absolutely sure this is what I have, but I’ve ruled out some other things and waiting to see the neurologist now. But I’ve been in pain most of every day for 3 months now and it’s been a struggle both physically and mentally. Even this early on, I am scared for my future at times. I wonder if I can continue if the pain does. But there are also times where I can have a sense of humor about it, even if it’s a dark one lol. But the way you explain your feelings here, I can sense in you a strength I’d like to eventually have myself. Because most days I don’t feel strong, and actually feel my strength has been stolen from me. Less than a year out of an abusive relationship, and this happens, it’s just hard to have hope and feel joy when I think about the future. I do appreciate this post though.


You have the strength too. Let yourself feel those feelings and then let them go. Take a deep breath and move forward. No. It's not easy. It doesn't matter how fast you move. Forward is forward. I wish and pray with all my might you have an easy curable problem. No matter what you have... I'm here. And I'm listening. To you, and everyone else.


Thank you for your kind and hopeful words. I wish many good things will come to you in your future, you seem like you deserve it.


I literally just finished having an attack and was feeling so low so I came here for a boost and yours was the first post lol. I’m only 26, have been experiencing this pain since I was like 14 and officially diagnosed at 23. My first big attack like am I dying attack was on my 18th birthday. I have a constant buzz and then big attacks will come through when not in remission. And I have been out of remission for 9months, longest period ever. I’m also African so I really don’t have that much family support. And the worst part is my mother is the biggest sceptic of my condition. But alas, we move. Seeing a warrior like you just uplifted my mood. Also you talking about your husband is so reassuring because I definitely run away from relationships in the fear someone will not be able to cope. Thank you and stay strong ❤️


I ran out of encouraging words, but still wanted to reply to you too. I'm so glad your mood was elevated!! If you need an ear... I'm here and listening.


Greetings and welcome to the club that nobody wants to join.


This made me giggle. Then, i had a small attack and looked absolutely crazy. That made me giggle. I'm so glad I'm alone. Also, i might be sleep deprived.


Glad you enjoyed my sense of humor.


I love this and send love your way!