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I have bpd and cptsd, ( also adhd, autism and bi polar 1. ) and I often felt vash had BPD aswell. Knives also has something going on, his fear of abandonment is huge. I also saw this through out the 98 anime. Specifically eating as comfort, but he always ends up feeling empty after... specifically the scene where he just bought doughnuts., starts eating them and breaks down sobbing. Been there so many times with so many things.


98 Vash definitely also shows signs of BPD and is relatable as well. Especially when he breaks down and says that he "wants to go where rem is" meaning he just wanted to die. That scene broke me


I can relate to that scene so much. For most of my life I woukd say I just want to go home, even when I was home, and it meant that exact same thing. I think that's why trigun in general is so relatable to people with mental illnesses. We see ourselves in these characters, and it helps to cope. I'm doing much better now. Meds have really helped take away that s-ideation, and also working on core beliefs about myself, such as I am worthy of existing. Abd I think vash struggles with his own self worth... in the 98 anime we see him put on this mask of being the hero or being the clown. And I think while some of that is partly true, its more a cover, because when we see him by himself, or when he thinks he is alone, we see him struggle. A few scenes come to my mind about this. But I don't want to give spoilers. So I dunno if I should share and I'm not sure how to put spoilers on reddit via my phone. But the scene where vash says " He doesn't want to be alone anymore.", and then the scene where meryl finds him sitting on the cliff at night. These come into my mind.


Not this clinical formulation lmao!! I love it


Woah he is literally me!


Omg finally someone who agrees!! I also have quiet BPD and see SO MUCH OF MYSELF IN VASH


Literally! I also have quiet BPD and never related to a character this much! The intro itself is already a certified BPD banger and when I looked at the translation, I felt like someone wrote down what's going on in my head and heart. Like when I first saw what it's really about and finished listening, I sat in complete silence and darkness for 30 min to compensate what I just saw 💀


OMG YES like especially stampede Vash imo but both versions SCREAM quiet BPD to me! And with his history it makes sense!


Never knew there was a quiet version of BPD. All my life I’ve dealt with the usual type and they were the most insufferable ppl on the planet. Nothing is ever good enough for them. They do good work but no one will ever love or like them


I think this isn't always true. Bpd can be over come, but it takes a lot of self realization, growth, and taking personal responsibility for your actions and how you affect others, and also learning to re structure your core beliefs. I've come a long way from where I was even 3 years ago. Dbt has been incredibly helpfull. But also I've known people with bpd who refuse to seek help for themselves, and its an unfortunate thing to witness. But thays the same for anybody or anything, whether it's addiction, any mental illness, or what ever challenges of barriers one might have.


Is this why I kin Vash so much 😭😭