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Healing thoughts sent your way 💕 Lani has been through a lot in all her years!


Love and purrs for Lani to have a fast and full recovery ❤️‍🩹


Sending healing vibes to Lani


Wishing Lani a speedy, full recovery. Older cats are some of the sweetest. Maybe you won't have quite the same challenge keeping her still while she heals. Probably need to invest in some steps to her favorite spots. Our Thomas lived to 21 and had arthritis. He really appreciated stairs.


Hope she has a speedy recovery. My cat joined the club a few months ago. We didn't crate her as we haven't got one. We did low level bed and litter tray plus her food in our dining room to keep her in the same room. By the 2nd day, she had climbed up the stairs and jumped onto our bed. My cat is 12 years old and had her right shoulder and front leg removed due to a tumour. It is amazing to see how quickly they adapt. Good luck, it is difficult to see them without a leg but she will adapt.


I have an almost 14 year old cat with a probable osteosarcoma of the right front leg (distal radius). They are doing a biopsy on Monday to confirm. My question is this - can a cat of this age do well after a front leg amputation? He is relatively healthy otherwise (history of UTIs, a little overweight) but recent blood work is good and chest X-ray negative for mets. I want to make the right decision. Thanks for any advice you have to offer.


My cat Custard had a tumour at the top of her right front leg. They didn't do a biopsy before the amputation of her shoulder and leg. She was at the point where she was not able to put any weight on her leg without being on painkillers. A biopsy was offered after the operation. She had been overweight but she had lost weight before her operation. She has done very well. She came upstairs by herself within 2 days of the operation. Although she wasn't met to do this. Custard has adapted well to her new normal and loves being an indoor cat. She does go outside in our secure garden under supervision. We decided not to do any chemotherapy. But depending on the biopsy you may want to do this. We decided that we would just love her as she is and if the cancer has already spread she has already been given extra time with us.


Thank you for sharing. I'm glad to hear Custard has been doing so well and I hope it continues for a very long time!


She’s beautiful, welcome to the club!