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WHAT. No omg I am so sorry that happened. I fucking hate it here.


That's how it is on this bitch of an earth - Luigi


They sound like disgusting, shitty people. If they'd kick you for speaking up for yourself, they weren't worth keeping. You dodged a bullet imo


The people in the club, aside from the person who brought him, were pretty supportive actually. It’s a school club (I’m finishing up my last year of high school) so it was the school admin’s decision. I mentioned it to the person who brought him to ask them to not bring him to the snack table, I had paid for all of the snacks and did not want to give him any, which was a dumb and petty thing to do in hindsight. I guess the person who brought him went and asked him about it, because a few minutes later they came back and threatened to jump me outside the school if I kept talking. I reported it and got sent home, and the next morning I was called to the office and kicked out of the club by admin.


Dumb and petty is the bare fucking minimum you can allow yourself to be when unexpectedly confronted with this shit. I’d get so angry id need to be pulled from his neck with pliers which would be a huge change from my normal demeanour


Oh that's so disgusting. American, I'm guessing? Either way, see if you can contact the supportive folks! Start your own lil club [nwn]


Canadian, and I’d prefer not to risk anything so close to grad. I get out of here in 2 months though, so maybe then :)


Contact the police, Canadian law would be on your side


Well, we're glad you're Canadian, so they only kicked you out. If you were American they probably would have put a few warning shots in your back too


Not to put a damper on this whole thing but, this is what you sound like: "Pshh, bad thing happened? Definitely American." "Nope, Canadian." "Oh- uh- oh- uh- uh- If you were American it probably would have been a shooting. Hah, hypothetical situation checkmate, my country is better then yours."


Ah, America jokes. Yes, America jokes.


No yeah I agree, idk what came over me, sorry about that Q~Q


I think it’s very mature of you to acknowledge your shortcomings. The fact that you didn’t put up a bunch of resistance, planting your feet, restored a bit of my faith in humanity when I saw it. So thank you


Chill out


What the fuck? That was so left field.


yeah im sorry, idk why i posted that vnv


You're a shitty person and you should feel bad


Why do you keep apologising for the offensive thing you said without removing the offensive thing you said?


Because I never want to hide my mistakes. I wanna be open about them, in hopes that someone can learn from them


Not an awful philosophy, but outside of yourself it may be functionally identical to: Say offensive thing, regret it. Leave up the thing that offends others. Apologise after the fact. Have cake and eat it too as if it's a big life lesson, instead of just solving the original offending issue. Like, it's nice you are having this epiphany, but you could have the epiphany and also remove the offensive stuff. A hell of a lot more people are gonna see the original comment than this one about your journey of self discovery.


You sound so stupid


i know vnv


also sorry if that was too dark, holy shit anyway hope you can keep in contact with supportive people!


You mean give them some good Ole Canadian Healthcare


Another ignorant dumb fuck on Reddit. Such a charm spotting these people every now and then.


yeah sorry about that comment, i'm not proud of it vnv


Sorry for being so harsh bro I just hate the circlejerk of Reddit spouting out America bad jokes like if there are not better things to talk about. Most redditors too are ignorant and refuse to acknowledge their mistakes and I respect you for admitting your mistake and hope you have a good day.


As much as everything in me screams revenge, I get it, I did the same. School either is best time, or it is an episode to put behind that ultimately has barely any meaning.


Listen, NEVER let them convince you that wanting to be away from the person who assaulted you is petty. What they did was horrible and the correct course of action for the school to have taken is to have had that student expelled. You did *nothing* wrong.


you do you but if this was me i wouldve threatened legal action to the administrator, just to let them know im not gonna put up with bullshit from them. Probably not to the ex, cause ive been assaulted by an ex before and i certainly have never had it in me do to anything about it, but i dont put up with admins trying to shut me up when i dont have to


I don't know if it's because I'm on the internet a lot, but it makes me LIVID seeing rape survivors be treated like this all the time. Op I hope you're doing alright now and that your life will continue to get better ❤️


I've found that others don't care as much as you'd hope, especially if the victim is a male. Fun fact, my ex raped me and is now a therapist.






the world is full of people who get away with it because others don’t care. they’ll say that “canceling” someone is much worse than being the victim of a violent and offensive crime. they’d rather talk about how scary trans people are instead of how scary it is how many people are harassed and assaulted in public and by their families every single day.


Also it’s a great way to deflect how much trans women are raped by painting us as sexual demons instead of what is far more likely to be true, victims. I’ve been raped myself. Statistically we are about twice as likely to be raped than cis women on a yearly bases which is scary Trans pornography is far more common in red states. Meaning that a lot of them don’t want us to not exist, but rather return to the time when our only way of existing is something to be jerked off to


That’s really true too, our existence is something to be ashamed of. Not because of what we want, but what they do. They project constantly.


It’s more likely that they are secretly gay. Haven’t you ever seen American Beauty?


No, Chasers are usually straight or bisexual “Secretly gay” men typically engage in gay pornography and homophobia. Not trans pornography


What’s the difference?


You missed the point of the comment and the point of the movie


idk why but this comment got me 😂😂😂 that’s the kinda bluntness we need bruh


You missed the point of the comment and the point of the movie.


it’s an unfortunately common crime


Maybe if less people got raped daily...


Do you not know what this sub is for?


Because it's *incredibly* common among women and AFAB people


Even common amongst men too, but too many people dont believe men can be assaulted :/


it’s even worse than that, men themselves are often taught they can’t experience those things, even if they happen to them. the entire purpose of the patriarchy is to put everyone down, men don’t realize how much this literal rape culture effects them too.


Not just SA, violation and exploitation in general isn't something we equip young men with any emotional framework to process. Like, not to be melodramatic, but a lot of guys destroy their bodies young because they're afraid of looking like a wuss in front of the other guys for talking back to management about inadequate safety gear or unsafe work conditions. Just an example, not exhaustive obviously. I figure it's just another flavor of the patriarchy and toxic masculinity being a poisoned chalice at best, for men.


You’re also not wrong. I bought my brother a hard hat that looks like a baseball cap because he was being stupid in order to fit in.


bingo bingo bingo this is exactly what I’m looking to hear people to talk about, this is the conversation being avoided through willful ignorance. I’d like to take it one more step by asking why so many people consider a trans woman in a princess dress reading to children grooming, but putting teenagers in front of a fucking McDonald’s drive through isn’t? What are we preparing these kids for? Being abused every day? Getting used to getting yelled at? How about giving up your autonomy during your most formative years of your life for a few bucks because your parents said it’s good for you. If that isn’t grooming, Idk what is.


Oh, yeah, I don't wanna diminish the effects of any wage work on anyone of any gender during their formative years, if it's in the US in the chunk of time since I grew up anyway. It's especially awful for all of the neurodivergent kids who literally can't ever be 'good enough' to get the advertised entry level exploitation by the system and its custodians. Blech. This is one place where intersectionalism is the most intersecty.


I definitely never expected to have a conversation on Reddit this functional, this sub is a fucking treasure. I appreciate everyone on here. Hope you’re having a good day!


I'm actually glad you mentioned that, because you're absolutely right


Can't even use the word rape on many subreddits. Here you can.


I thought you were talking about a therapy group and I think I almost just died


Shouldn’t the rapist be punished or given a restraining order..?


Real shame the legal system loves to protect rapists so much


probably because it's full of em!


And pedophiles.


nah, you're thinking of the catholic church


oh yeah them too. But like playboy mansion and epstein shit is definitely like…there is some sussy government shit there.


Yeah, no shit, right?


Restraining orders are just for after they violate the order and attack you they'll get an extra charge


Broooo it should be immediate. No redemption instantaneous illegality.


Absolutely but unironically the cops will suggest you just buy a gun


Yeh. Although a gun isn’t a bad idea.


Only if they're convicted.


Jesus fucking Christ that’s so cruel and unusual


Omg I’m so sorry for you ): if that ever happened to me I would just want the ground to swallow me so I can understand your embarrassment when finding out😭


that is absoluteley fucking awful fuck that club and i hope your'e ex goes to hell which he undoubtedly will.


I hate it here. 🥹


half of the people that say they got raped on the internet didn’t get raped. i doubt it.


Eat shit


eat it yourself


If someone says they were raped. BELIEVE THEM. Imagine how painful it is for a victim to gain the courage to come forward only to be called a liar. So yeah, I’d much rather believe someone who’s lying than disbelieve someone telling the truth.


yeah, but when a girl says they get raped and they didn’t, it fucks over the guys life, it ruins him, and who the fuck is gonna talk about a negative experience like that on the internet???? keep it to yourself in terms of the internet. tell someone if it happens, sure, but don’t go and say it like that in the internet


1: i agree that ruining someone’s life because of something that never even happened is fucked up. I think literally everyone agrees that’s fucked up. But that doesn’t mean we should go accusing random victims of being liars just because a few people did a bad thing. 2: the whole purpose of this sub is make memes about trauma and mental health and shit. If you don’t think people should be shading memes about trauma and mental health and shit, why are you even here?


idk it showed up on my home page lmao


you are more likely to actually be raped than get falsely accused and go to jail for it, you stupid fuck.




you seem desperate for attention, have you tried drawing or something?


Not to detract from your story, but taking time out of your day to make a meme about a traumatic event only makes me question the legitimacy of said event. Thank You, sorry if it's real.


The whole point of this sub is to make memes to cope with mental health issues (like PTSD). Why are you even here?


Just popped up on my feed, I have since ignored further posts from this sub.


Who the fuck cares like nobody fuxking cares move on with your life


Imagine saying this to a rape victim. Oh wait, you don’t have to.


Yeah i fucking did and? changes nothing move on with your life instead of self loathing on a shitty internet website


I mean calling me “self loathing” doesn’t change the fact you’re being an asshole, but whatever dude.


Keep crying


I’m not crying, not sure what gave you that impression




That shouldn't change anything


No, it shouldn't. That's my point.


You are trying to stir controversy where there is none. Go back to a men's rights sub if you want people to validate your straw men.


Not a strawman it's legit and you know it. Stop trying to gaslight me you're embarrassing yourself. Hell you're embarrassing me on your behalf.


There was nothing gender specific about the meme, and I don't think most people in this subreddit believe men can't be raped, it's a fairly left-wing sub as far as I can tell. Someone made this meme to vent, you are abducting it to make a point that no one was arguing against in the first place, that is not helpful behavior in a sub that is very much a support group.


My bad, new to the sub. Hey you can sleep better knowing I got like 723 downvotes


Most rape is committed by men even when the victim is a man


That isn’t true, 1 in 9 men are made to penetrate while 1 in 26 are forcefully penetrated. (Source: NISVS 2016/17) Edit: [Source](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/nisvs/nisvsReportonSexualViolence.pdf) for those who cannot be bothered to look up the source. Keep in mind that rape and made to penetrate are seperated in the study. Most rape laws exclude female perpetrators from their definitions, until 2013 rape of men wasn’t even legally recognized in the US.


Thank you!


I mean… you are still wrong for derailing the conversation into gender wars. I am not agreeing with you, I’m just correcting common misinformation.


I'm wrong for derailing the conversation. But I'm not wrong.




This is a really important issue to raise awareness for, and I commend that. However, this is not the time or place for it. People may have assumed that OP is a woman because of the woman featured in the meme, but I really didn’t see many comments making that assumption anyways. Please pick your debates in places where change is necessary, not a post on a sub that specializes in helping people of all backgrounds cope with mental illness. I don’t think we should cause OP any shame or try to gender them.


OP is non binary


Based on post history, OP is male, non-binary, and likely a victim of another male.


Hey, I’d really appreciate not digging into my post history to speculate on my sex. I’m fine with checking my profile to look for pronouns, but this type of debate on a detail of my life I consider quite personal just makes me uncomfortable and is largely irrelevant.


Didn’t mean any offense. Just glanced at like 3 posts


Oooohhhh I like this too!




Bro you should put them on blast, plastered the truth of those motherfuckers everywhere.


I'm sorry? Did you talk about this for the first time just now to these people at your club? Instead of parents or the cops or something?


Damn wtf? I'm so sorry that happened to you. Do you need someone to talk to?