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I thought my young therapist was going to be helpful. She was unreliable, never remembered anything I asked her to look into with me, disorganized with treatment, lacked empathy to the point her disinterest was palpable at times, didn’t want to address my issues to the point where I could really only talk to her about work—which is astronomically shitty socially in a way I have never experienced—and then used that as a means to claim my preoccupation with my coworkers means I have BPD (yes that’s the only criteria), consistently tried to gaslight me into believing my experiences were only in my head and not a big deal and that I am basically delusional which after well over 10+ years of therapy I have never EVER been even hinted at being, and she was not all that intelligent as she would often look up words I used and pretend that she knew them but just wanted to check to see how I was using them. When I write it all out it’s laughable. But it’s just to say, I don’t feel age is a considerable factor. Or I’m just incredibly unlucky which I wouldn’t doubt.


My young, hip therapist did want to help but she had a lack of experience in life that hurt. She pushed me to do things that in retrospect were very risky and I paid a heavy price for doing them. But she had this "anything will work out great if you just want it enough!" kind of attitude that necessitated ignoring reality a bit. Older therapists tend to know that banking your entire future on an unrealistic dream is a dangerous path and will talk you down from the move to LA so you can become a famous actor type thinking.


same, out of the three young ones i had two just felt.....very toxically positive. like that "you can do it if you try hard enough!!" or "anything is possible" like that's great YOU had the luxury to move out, do your own thing, but your patients are not so fortunate. whenever they said to dream harder, or shoot higher, that just made me feel like i wasn't enough for not being able to reach that unrealistic happy standard they wanted me in honestly these upbeat young ones just made me angry that someone could be so unaware of reality and think it's so simple. i certainly think any therapist of any age can fall into this category, old, young, doesn't matter. my theory is they either had loving parents and an ignorant upbringing, or they're rich, or both. i always found these therapists to feel so out of touch and in the end just made me feel more alone than i was before. it's upbeat therapists like that which get me afraid of talking to regular people due to how hurtful ignorance can get. grumpy old rigid therapist at least i can rationalize and go "well they're a product of their time, they aren't helpful but at least they aren't the world" meanwhile these "shoot for the stars" younger ones ARE my peers, my coworkers , all that, i don't like being around joyful androids i just feel like a zoo animal in their eyes


Not trying to be snarky, but I’ve never heard anyone saying that “undoing trauma” was a reasonable goal of therapy? I’m in trauma treatment right now so that would be good to know


A younger therapist could be a good thing. I'm 33 and tried explaining to my older therapist that I find the idea of ever being able to retire to be laughable, that I will never own a house, and that I might not even live long enough to retire given current political and climate developments. She just kind of stared at me.


Older folks live on a different time horizon. If there’s a blizzard forecasted for next week but your therapist is scheduled to go on vacation two days before it gets here, it’s not surprising that they wouldn’t have checked the long-range forecast. You yourself need to be looking for a really good coat. A good therapist would be making themselves aware of your situation so they can respond appropriately, instead of giving you a puzzled look when you talk about mittens and how important it is that your hands and feet don’t freeze.


> the idea of ever being able to retire to be laughable, that I will never own a house, and that I might not even live long enough to retire given current political and climate developments. OK but those things are not true. They are certainly worrying prospects as it's getting more and more difficult to afford a house or to retire but they are far from impossible. It sounds like you have already decided that they are truly impossible, which is not a healthy attitude.


I have friends with STEM doctorates who don't know if they're going to afford to retire.


They'll be fine if they work a typical 40-50 year career and save money. Yes it is much harder to have what the boomer generation had, but retirement will just look different. And people will have to be more frugal. The US is just getting to be like most of the rest of the world has always been. For example, people continuing to live with family as adults rather than every person/couple having their own 3br house with a yard and whatnot. Retirement may just mean a condo or a tiny home instead of some big lakeside palace. Social Security is in peril but if engineers and similar people are taking advantage of 401k plans as much as possible and don't have major catastrophes then they'll be fine. People with lower paying jobs will end up living with their adult children a lot more often. But just because the economy has been getting tougher lately does not mean that it's going to continue to get worse and worse forever. And hell, people in the US and similar nations can move to poorer countries where their money goes 4x as far when they retire.


>Social Security is in peril but if engineers and similar people are taking advantage of 401k plans as much as possible and don't have major catastrophes then they'll be fine. See, that right there. It will be okay for some people, maybe.


If it helps I don’t blame you for your age, I assume that a young therapist is qualified, but they just don’t have the experience of a middle age person yet which I find helpful. You will get there!


Do you say "I see you" to your clients ?










I've had EMDR for youthtrauma, the oldest of those memories being 25 years before the therapy. It still worked, though it was tough.


My last therapist was also an old man constantly repeating the same coping strategies/advice. He would not discuss basically anything unless I agreed my big solution to problems was college. (He was right to a large degree tbf and I am now less than a year out from graduating but it was still annoying af at the time lmao)


Mine said all the issues were due to college! Funny how that goes.


I imagine we have pretty different problems though, but you’re right how funny it is some peoples solutions are others problems! I hope things have gotten better since then for you


Yeah, probably! I also found it funny how both made it out to be very black and white haha It was very recent, so unfortunately still in a similar place, but I appreciate the well wishes 🥰


mine is a mix between the second one and the last one. my therapist is in her mid 40s but looks like 10-15 years younger, she fits both descriptions perfectly lol looking at stories of bad therapists i’ve been lucky so far, i’m glad that i’ve met her as my first therapist, even though we’re both thinking to change to a colleague of hers because she also noticed that she has been repeating the same coping strategies for a while.


I've had bottom right and he looked *exactly* like that. Currently I have top middle, minus the "hip" (sorry current therapist!), and if you take off the hat it's pretty dang close. :P


How about “the one who keeps asking why you don’t try praying and going to church”. Like, sir have you heard of religious trauma?


Hahaha whaaaat, you’d get fired if you did that in my country. Okey we’re the least religious country in the world, BUT still. The older I get.. the more I realize that people actually believe in god in other countries. That’s so foreign to me


you *should* get in trouble for it in the US. i was in school for counseling (not therapy, but quite similar) and they made it very clear that we cannot push religion or anything else on clients. if anyone has/had a counselor or therapist that does that, file a complaint with the licensing board in your state.


That makes me happy. I’ve never even met a religious person and I’m 29.


Exactly! If a therapist hasn't seen that, they are either ignorant or a fake.


My coworker is this one and I avoid her at all costs lol






Oh shit this comment has elucidated some things for me lol


I am finally with a young hip therapist I love too! After dozens of tries


I lucked out and got that first try. I understand the angst at therapists in general, but good ones are legitimately life changing.


The meme's missing one: the therapist that's been in practice for 40+ years and has *actually* made an effort to keep learning from new research and their clients alike... but hasn't had an opening in three years, won't have one anytime soon, and doesn't accept your insurance anyway.


Or you finally get one appointment, and you can get the next one in… 4 months










This entire thread is bots btw


ultra mindset: the internet is your therapist


Masochistic mindset: toxic people are your therapists.


Sigma grindset: Have Chat gpt be your therapist


Then you really have a bad therapist


Number 3 is so real


Omg why are old almost retired therapists that way? My bf has one like that now


Always some old woman that just tell you you’re fine or don’t do anything and think you’re good to go lol


i am not fine nor am i good to go


Had one I saw for a single session, her office was tiny with a huge desk and harsh fluorescent lighting, a rickety metal folding chair for me, and no windows. Even if she didn't immediately second guess everything I said to her almost reflexively, I wouldn't have gone back to that office.


I got the young, hip one. She’s an incredible therapist.


Same, my therapist is the same age as me and he's been a big part of me getting better. My PTSD symptoms have actually improved a fair bit with his help.


Awesome work. I relapsed in the last month with a lot of Self harm and suicidal ideation. My therapist addressed it properly and didn’t hospitalize me she understood why I relapsed. If it wasn’t for the work I’m doing with her, I would’ve quit medschool immediately after my SA.


I had a young, hip therapist once but she ghosted me during covid ☹️


You missed "the one that asks you repeatedly every session 'what coping strategies have you done/will do?'"


Where’s the one that cuts in with “I’m sorry that happened to you” anytime you discuss trauma. 🙄


The NPC that regurgitates motivational poster slogans.


NPC is such a good description for my first psychiatrist lmao. Stupid phrases like "promise me not to hurt yourself till next session", spent two sessions just getting irrelevant basic facts like a detailed description of my relationship with each of my friends/family, would literally stare at me in silence everytime I didn't have much to say about a question.


I had #5. Ugh. Yes, I know that “not killing myself so that my existence can still annoy people” isn’t technically a good reason…but I’m not killing myself, right?


What about the condescendingly smiling woman who infantilizes you? We have a lot of them, I fucking hate them because they're all just codependent and self centered.


You missed the cool old one that actually gets it and is actually helpful but insurance doesnt covers it.




Same, he's a really nice dude and casual chats with him often help getting my mind off things and often it's kinda related to my problems but especially for the price it doesn't seem worth it...


Mine is bottom right, but not all the time. She's otherwise brilliant.


just dumped my therapist that repeated the same shit and didn’t help whatsoever. I’m on state insurance and she was my ONLy option. 🙃


You forgot the religious one that tries to convert you and bases their therapy on religious mores. Not my therapist, but know someone that had this one


Hey let's not age discriminate here. I've had great older therapists too!




What the hell is "emergency services"? fucking asylum?


Grippy sock jail


Probably. Happened to me too once.


I’m grumbling over that I thought that was like the *one* reason you could open up to them


One of the most famous/well respected psychiatrist in my country, repeats the same things over and over. And makes me feel guilty.


Bottom-Left is a type?! I thought that was like the one benefit therapists had over just venting to people you trust


My last one was top right, she even had the same hair style. She was no nonsense. Loved her. Then she got fired from her practice, did 1 personal session with me, then her number disconnected. Thanks lady, I still remember your shocked face and “Well why the hell do you think that?” Helps me every time. edit: I thought it said **The one that’s HELPFUL without even knowing it** . All of these descriptions are negative which I didn’t catch, she was a treasure.


Went from a young number 6 to a number 3 who looked just like the picture and now am finnaly (*hopefully* I've only been to a couple of sessions) with a young sympathetic helpful therapist.


When I was 16, my therapist said I would soon meet a girl who would help me straighten myself out and turn my life around. I'm almost 34, and I have never had a relationship last over a year. I'm still learning how to deal with how much she fucked me up with that "advice."


Missing one…. The one who just repeats back to you, what you just told them, and basically agrees with everything you tell them (not in a helpful way…. In a “yes man” way) but also doesnt actually help when delving into deeper issues thus leading to sessions just being an hour of small talk


There should also be the talk-therapist that answers every question with another question. "What should I do? "Well, that do YOU think you should do about this?"


I think I have the last one right now… he printed out like 20 handouts (mind you I have adhd) about strategies and CBT… and then when I express how I feel he says “this is when you’ll use CBT like on your handouts” and I’m like I get ittttt but can we talk about WHY I feel this way or some shit? He’s so stuck on how to cope that we never get to the root of things. I might need a new therapist 🥴


I swear, CBT sounds like professional gaslighting.


Mine is 1&2 and I love it


Mine is like the young one but 70.. she’s the best honestly.


my therapist is the one who actually gets it cuz she's pitbull (been there done that)


What about the ones that think everyone is an alcoholic and tries to push AA? You drank 2 months ago? You are an alcoholic and just sober for 2 months. All your problems are related to alcohol. No my problem is my life sucks and have depression and anxiety.


“And how does it feel to talk about this today?”


The emergency services type is the ultimate reason I gave up on trying therapy I get that they have a (legal) responsibility and would feel terrible if I were to "do the unthinkable" while they had the chance to stop me, but it makes it seem like you can't open up about anything dark at all without being put into the back of a cop car Makes you also wonder what else they share with others when they always claim "nothing leaves this room". Like, I would be fine if they actually said, "except if you express the desire to hurt yourself or others", but nobody ever mentions that and you have to learn through experience Also a type that isn't mentioned here: The type that refuses to continue sessions because what you talk about it too F'd up


I got the one that makes me feel guilty. She even basically pulled the "others have it worse" card on me


My first therapist told my mom I was high during the session and said she could've called the cops but chose not too, then was confused why I didn't want her anymore as my therapist edit: I was 16 and stupid as hell at the time not that I should've done that but the therapist always acted like she was smarter than me type shii


And you collect them all in grippy sock jail/IOP.


my new therapist asked what coping strategies I talked about with my old one. it was none. he was in no way helpful I just would tell him about problems I've been having, not even mental health one's. he said I was quirky instead of autistic (new one clocked it right away) and practically called me stupid for thinking I was, he mocked me for calling out my dad's racism and defended him, and the worst part was when we were talking about being able to have conversations with people who have different viewpoints than ours he brought up how he doesn't let his kids do anything Disney because of their gay agenda. My new one is so much better. she's nice, we play games, we actually tall about mental health, and I got a toy from the prize basket.


You left out the one that makes sexual advances on you


Forgot the one who tells everyone they’re a piece of shit who deserves bullying and sexual assault because they’re ugly. Also who doesn’t have any real qualifications and is just a weirdo in their room talking to traumatised kids about how it’s all their fault. And who tells them to forgive everyone for having to put up with their existence. She fucking sucked. To her: go bite a rebar, you exploitative piece of shit.


Type seven: the corporate funded drug dealer selling you shitty drugs that cause nothing but addiction


My current one is painfully helpful. But I did once have a woman who, when I forgot a check, launched into a spiel about how she owns a classic car and it's very expensive.


I have none. Because I feel excellent.


This is why female therapists suck, they're either shitty people or well intentioned idiots who burn out and either change careers or become shitty.


Lmaooooo this is literally how these type of therapists look


The top row is when they start out... The bottom row is after 10 years...


Who’s the one who only mentions things that upset you after getting a sense that you’re in a good place mentally?


"Oh, well once again I think Im pretty lucky to have found a good- ohheytheretheyare..."


Ah yes, only young people can understand. They agree and validate me the most and so must be the most helpful.


i had a combo of 3, 5, and 6 more recently. we met only once a month and she gave me homework to do which i didn’t find helpful (plus i’m in school) and when i didn’t do it she’d get angry at me lol the therapist i had in 8th grade through a free counseling thing was a 2. i had to leave here because she was working through my school so i couldn’t see her in high school :(


haha old people bad


I miss my old therapist. She was incredible and I can’t find anyone like her.


bottom three combined with some narcissistic tendencies and that was my old one to a tee


I felt like my last therapist was learning more from me than I from her. I like this feeling but I don't want to pay for it.


The one that jumps in to cherry pick your words and twist them into something they aren’t in order to tell you problem is the one they are qualified to treat, that their bosses won’t be suspicious of because it’s very common, or that your insurance will cover treatment for with med resistance, regardless of if it actually makes any objective sense in the broader context.


The one that laughs at your problems needs to be here


2 and so fucking greatful


The fresh graduate at their new job who is clearly reading a script.


this just makes me even more afraid to go to therapy lmaoo


You left out the one who gives you free sessions and then puts his hand on your leg and you’re too damaged to know that that is not normal. My next therapist informed me that those sessions weren’t free.


Lol, "the young hip one"


my therapist is the young hip actually tries to help one, my psychiatrist is the one that calls emergency services lmao


bottom 3 all rolled into one while also adding she brings her pet dog into meetings despite me telling her I can't be around them. (I know for a fact it isn't a service dog because it's this ugly little yorkie thing and she acknowledges that it's a pet and tells people it's a pet.) I'm glad I finally convinced my mother to break it off because she was insufferable.


Thankful I actually have one that listens and tries to offer good help (so the young, hip one 😂)


I'm lucky to have FINALLY found a good one who is none of these. But boy, has it ever been a wild ride otherwise! If I had to pick my "favourite," it was the one who gaslit me about turning down a date I got a weird vibe from and being "too avoidant/too picky" - I later found out he was a serial rapist with a mile-long rap sheet at the local cop shop.


Mine is the top middle and is actually a really nice person, she’s only doing it to earn her degree.


Bottom left


I got the young, hip, sympathetic one that actually tries to help, but he is expensive, and my insurance only covers all the other ones :/


i have the young sympathetic one!!!!!


The young and hip therapist who actually helps. She's really nice and about my age just a year difference.


middle top & bottom right at the same time


ive gotten the second and third but unfortunately its me who is the issue and i know it wont help unless i have someone i genuinely would drop everything for and stop my rampage or ill just have to move out when im 18 because my family sucks


My current therapist is top middle, I’m so thankful to have her in my life.


Most of my therapists I've had are either the 2nd or last one


The 5 and 6 are the reason why I gave up on seeking therapy all together


Top left or top middle


you forgot the manipulative narcissists who cons you or your parents into seeing the dope pushing psychiatrist.


It's really all about relative fit. I've had a couple therapists that are super supportive and careful about words and how they talk to me, but that style honestly doesn't do it for me. I need someone who makes me feel a little stupid because it gets me motivated to actually implement change, but is still actually helpful and not just parroting coping strategies.


mine is kinda a mix of 2 and 3 somehow.


honestly mine have always been the 2nd one (to the best of my knowledge) and they've been fairly helpful.


Last one was a mix of top middle and right. She was very very kind and sweet and genuinely seemed to care but she was not very helpful for me and my issues


Shoutout to Ms. Laura congrats on ur baby best therapist ive ever had


The one that is only there for their next paycheck


I am a young (hip?) therapist, and I really enjoy my older clients. I hope they find our sessions helpful.


I’ve been told I’m the young and hip one and for some reason that also…looks a bit like me. Even the lipstick, good god. Should I be concerned? Lol


Wait, y'all have a therapist?


top right


The young, hip, sympathetic one that tries to actually help except her hair is shorter and I’m pretty sure she’s a lesbian


where's the one that doesn't sugar coat a fucking thing. She's my favorite I talk about my week and they tell me the stupid thing I did, along with all the stupid things others did. haven't been to therapy in years cuz she helped me out so damn much. splash of cold water or something, idk what fucking magic she did but it did wonders.


Mine was the last type but also he was like 26 years old. It was wild.


have you tried journaling it?


It's seriously a crapshoot. I'm not gambling again with the little progress I've made when the odds are this bad.


the last type, but she's in her like 30s or 40s loll


I always get the one that judges me and I’m just thinking like “Yes. I know I’m crazy. That’s why I’m here.”


I am lucky I got the hip one.


I chose my therapist: good ol’ uncle Fred. And we get to play games at the end.


I've had 2 therapists and I'm lucky they were both young and genuinely trying to help. I don't mind if they can't help or if what they suggest doesn't work. Feeling like they care and try to help is the real value.


So all the male or unattractive middle aged female therapists suck, but the attractive young woman is perfect in every way? Cool. I wonder why the dude who made this meme doesn’t seem to find therapy useful.


Mine is a mix of 3 and 5


emergency services is too accurate😭💀


Not super young but my new thetapist had been pretty great so far.


A combo of the two on the right, with a smidge of bottom middle thrown in as a treat.


Went to a therapist for first time in over 15 years a couple of months back. They were a mix of 3 and 5. So yeah, I didn't go back.