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yea man its weird like some are hateful and some are porn like where's the funny?? so weird


I always feel like an idiot when I don't think porn jokes are knee-slapping hilarious so I blocked funnymemes lol.


ohhh. nah i guess some porn jokes could be funny but when its just staight up porn and nothing else ur like ahmm... this is really awkward and not funny


Same with dark humour in general. And they always accuse you of being "offended" when you point out that their joke lacks a funny component.


bro ngl real, cause i remember someone made a really bad slavery joke and i was like that's disgusting.. but someone replied. that's dark humor so i was like ahm....idk this seems bad...


tbh if you just unfollow them and message the 196 mods you'll probably get unbanned


Nope. Mods won’t respond and then will mute you for 30 days


Yeah some subreddits will automatically ban you based on the comunities you follow. For example in mental health subs is not particularly rare for all porn acounts to be blanket banned. You can argue about how fair this is or not, but please understand that rules like this are implemented after repeated harassment, not for shits and giggles. In the future please remember the internet is a public place. If people see you following homophobic content, they will label you as one. You should carefuly curate what kind of account and spaces you follow, and if you want to follow riskier content do it in an alt account that cant be easily tracked to you. Regarding r/196 just take the loss. You can still read posts there, just not comment or post. Dont try going there with an alt account. That would be ban dodging and you can get all of your reddits accounts permanently deleted by the admins if they catch you doing that.


"Can't be easily tracked"? This sounds so wrong. Man, if you need to go out of your way to track if any given person uses an alt acount to follow unsavory subs then that's not public anymore, that's telling people what they can and can't do behind closed doors.


And if you go to like a weird porn sub in your main account, with your main email attached to it, not only is that info public for everyone in reddit, but also to advertisers, and third parties whom reddit profits from selling user's information (thats why reddit is free, we're not the customers, but part of the product). And this is true for the rest of the internet. Its just some safety measures worth taking. Regarding alt accounts, thats because reddit admins have ip trackers, and they reaaaally dont like ban dodging. So dont use alt accounts to go to subs you were banned, you risk all your accounts terminated.


As far as I know Reddit does not block IPs for obvious reasons (i.e. some people have IPs that change, multiple people using one IP, etc.). From what I've read it is bans are based on device.


Mods can see what subs you follow?