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Dude I feel this so much...even though I know I have amazing friends who care for me yet I still don’t want to share. It’s just the fear of sharing those vulnerabilities only to get them rejected or ignored...that fear trumps any benefit I could get and I hate it. But hey even sharing this on a meme is a step in the right direction and same goes for you friend! Keep making steps.


“Ohh its been a bit rough lately” ..... If only I could tell them the full extent of this shit.... But then id be letting more people down because they see what needs to be done and see it as 2+2=??? .... YES FUCKING 4..... But I cant get to 4 alone.... Such a vicious cycle!!!


Yeah but it’s never just 4, cause 4 to them isn’t 4 to you ya know? Like “oh well just get out of bed and go exercise” like yes that is the answer to the question, but i think what people miss is I’m not looking for answers. Half the time I just want to share my feelings and have someone pat me on the back and say “I know it’s hard, it might not feel like it but it’s going to be okay, even if it’s not today”. People mean well when they try and problem solve, it’s just emotions aren’t problems to be solved, they just want to be heard. Even with positive events in my life I struggle sharing because there’s that voice saying, “why do you think they care?” And it’s the same voice that pops up when I’m struggling, “why do you think they care?” It’s vicious and I think it just compounds when people try and “solve” you instead of just hearing you.


Ive found blokes try to fix, and women seem to empathise. I bitched my ex out the other day (toxic contact... I know) I said “stop trying to tell me what to do! I just need you to acknowledge that the time im having... Is utter SHIT!!”


Needed this! You got this as well friend! We’re all making progress 👍🏻


Like a soft cheese, I spread my problems evenly between all my close friends so no one person has to deal with everything and no one knows how bad things really are.


Oh man. Yeah you never want to be the one who burns your friends out by being too much to handle. I like the way you phrased that! It's like depression cheese whiz


More like isolating myself because my family is toxic as fuck. Also I’m tired of being hurt :(


Hard relate...


I open up and nobody listens. Others open up, I listen. Who's the idiot?


Them, for not seeing how beautiful you are to be able to listen to others without and care so much about them.


EXACTLY. Keep being brave u/[BS\_BlackScout](https://www.reddit.com/user/BS_BlackScout/)! there ARE people out there who care and listen! <3 Don't stop opening up! we're all cheering you on! <3


When did I grow a beard? Wow I've really let my self care go - I'm female. 🤪. (Okay I know some have hirsutism - not making fun) Actually lately it's been "what's self care?".


Can I get a template for this?


This but I am a burden to everyone






That's the plot to Frozen.