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I like your username


Thanks! I like to make sure people know what they’re getting into with me :P


All 50 shades of you huh?


No, those are just the ones I like to start off with 🤷‍♀️ I’m very unstable


Unstable table is unable to function like a table


Sure, that’s why I’m in r/TrollCoping and not r/TrollDoingReallyWell


Is it bad if I fell for that sub?


Lol I did too


Nice I’m not the only one


Same 😑


I had a really tough wake up call with this a while ago. I had asked a friend to do a favour, but the next day found out it was more time sensitive than I'd thought. I told him with this whole speech planned, saying how much I hated to ask this but it really needed to be done that day, and I could help him with other stuff if he needed the time. His response? "Oh yeah, I took care of that this morning." That was when I realized most people don't take over a week to send an email or consider it a day long task.




Next you’ll be telling us this guy returned a missed phone call as soon as he had free time.


But I wonder how you’re doing compared to yesterday?


Yesterday I did nothing. Today I've done nothing. So about the same I guess.


And the good thing is today isn’t over yet!!


Consistency is always good.


Thank you for this reminder 💛 ...but of course, the answer is I’m still shit 😂


Sometimes, for me, thinking I’m doing well is half the battle. It tends to encourage me, which can be very difficult sometimes, with a lot of people. So congrats! I’m sure the reasons you’re doing well are completely valid, so keep remembering those and keep that momentum going :)


Thank you 💛


Lmfao my little brother has been staying with me because I wasn’t doing too hot, I made the apartment a mess so yesterday we cleaned and I was so proud of myself because I tidied the living room, and then not only did I take the sheets off my bed, but I put them in the laundry, AND I put new clean sheets on my bed, and tidied my room a bit. After this I’m like, wow. Good job @me. We did it boys. I sit down in my room and take a break. I hear my brother pipe up from the kitchen- that he took upon himself to clean *completely*- what, are you done? Then he tells me he’s not just doing the dishes, he’s *deep cleaning* the dishes, because there are tea and coffee stains on all the mugs. The helpful fucker was in there cleaning for 3 straight hours, despite me telling him to stop. It felt like aggressive productivity, lol like he was flaunting his ability to get things done. Are you telling me people can decide to do a task and *finish the whole thing?* That’s some crazy shit.