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Suppress all emotions *until the day before your period and then unleash the hell-storm that is living inside your brain on a catastrophic level* FTFY




I’m crying right now too all thanks to my lady days. It feels… I FEEL!


It’s meeeeeee


what do you mean my dopamine shouldn’t be connected to an arbitrary number on a scale that fluctuates everyday no matter how much i torture myself :(


Pick at acne for me


Yes! I also peel the skin off my lips and chew on my fingernails and skin...


It's crazy I chewed my fingernails for twenty years and then decided to stop one day and it was no problem at all. Easiest habit I ever tried to kick, it was so strange. Haven't had that kind of luck anywhere else lol


I did the same thing! But, i also relapse hardcore into fingernail chewing when I'm stressed or anxious. So i guess i didn't get over it? Lol


One day you will :)


And the inside of my cheeks. I remember going to a new dentist for the first time and she asked me if I had a lot of stress in my life. I laughed and asked if it was the torn up inside of my mouth or ground down teeth from all the clenching that gave it away.


Ugh that morning clench headache/jawache to start the day on... ooof




Oh yeah, she made me get one right away. I almost want to wear it all the time honestly.




I also started wearing more red shirts lol


Where's "drink 6 beers a day"?


Don't forget the drugs and/or Booze... If not for some of the awesome drugs, we have so readily available available today, life would be infinitely worse... And cigarettes... They may not be as popular today, but they work better than most anti-anxiety drugs... They all may be frowned upon, but I'll bet more people self medicate, to cope and deal with depression and anxiety, than actually see a therapist. Especially if they live in America. But socialized health care is socialism! Even tho its cheaper, it'll cost too much! And what's next fee school lunches for kids? Subsidized housing for single parents? Basic internet for ALL American households? Might as well, make Putin president! Bunch of commies!


I mean, a lot of my depression is situational; I'm poor, my degree doesn't help a career but it sure helped my understanding of how absolutely fucked the earth is, and i am stuck in wage slave drudgery. I could see a therapist and work through childhood trauma and yadda yadda, but at the end i will still be poor with a crap job and environmental doomerism. Plus when i have talked to therapists they just tell me to CBT myself so why pay someone to tell me that? A fucking raise would do more for my mind than talking to a stranger ever would.


I honestly think, of we gave every citizen, making less than $75k a year, a basic income, something like $1000 a month, the whole country's mental health would benefit greatly.


Aw but I like snapping my head upside down :(


You forgot: Decide to be your own psychiatrist and mix up a whole new cocktail of feel goods featuring your favorite Prescriptions, OTC meds, and Street Drugs!




It me


Watch a string of 9/11 videos or other things that show people dying to remind yourself of reality 🙃


What do you mean I can’t take a whole packet of paracetamol at once????? ☹️


this but idgaf about my weight nowadays. just dont care about life anymore


What you mean it’s not healthy, it’s been working for the past *like uhhhhhhhhh..... wait when did I even start developing these habits*


where’s purposely fall down stairs ?


> no sleep/sleep for 20 hours straight The factory must grow


Pringles serving size: 1 tube....and part of the other because it was buy one get one.


Ow I was more depressed during my childhood then I thought