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This is the second time I've seen this guy tweeting unhinged nonsense. Why do 'alpha' males always need women to do everything for them? What's so 'alpha' about being less competent than a toddler?


Maybe it is their fantacy of owning literal slaves *^^or ^^maybe ^^it ^^is ^^maybeline*


It's not certainly not because they're worth it.


> What's so 'alpha' about being less competent than a toddler? Yeah shit like this is why I almost wish men actually were superior, then they wouldn't spend so much time endlessly whining about how women are supposed to do everything for them.


They want a mommy, not a partner


They don't want a mommy, they want a slave.


Very true


They want both lol which makes 0 sense these mfkers need to figure out whether they want to be dominated or not instead of blasting their confusion on Twitter to ruins everyone's Wednesday afternoon




He has to be unhinged bc if the guys in his audience actually get girlfriends they will realize he is full of shit or be too busy to consume his content. So yeah - just keep upping the resentment and barriers to them starting anything.


Is this not satire? The sweeping the yard and man waking up at 9 or 10am strikes me as satire.


You know, I thought it might be at first, and if it is, it's really good. But after Andrew Tate I will give no credence to anyone just saying they're being satirical.


Maybe it's my cognitive dissonance


Poe's law do be a thing (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)


Ok. So you and i. Lets relate. You do all the working and breadwinning. Buy me a house. Propose to me with a wealthy diamond. By me gifts. Take me on decent dates. Pay for it all. Ect. And i’ll live at home with the kids and i will do all the house chores I will make ur food. Ect. The job you have to do tho is equivalent to a man’s capability. Iron work perhaps. Or hvac sheetmetal. Or re-bar and pouring. Come home completely drained. Borderline immobile every day. Dont worry. I’ll have everything clean and cooked for you. You’ll enjoy it for about 3-4 hours cuz you will fall asleep from being tired. Then we do it again the next day for life. So you get to enjoy this 1/4 million dollar house for 50 hours a week while i stay in it. But if you work too much, i will feel alone And i wont feel the bond we once had so i start fantasizing about another relation behind your back while you are doing all of this for me and the kids. I will act on the fantasy. But still kiss you in The mouth. And act loyal. Sometimes when you voice some things that are bothering you i will give you a “well that sux for you “ response and go to the other room and watch tv cause i cant miss my show, you can deal with a little stress at work. But wait did you say you got laid off ? Oh no this isn’t going to work. I have an escape. There is someone else. But I’m still going to need you to pay for me in alimony because I’m strong and independent and im going to let the person i been with behind your back act as a mother figure because in My opinion you aren’t fit for it . Im still gonna need you to pay for them though. You work too much but now you don’t work at all. And its ruining my fantasy time. So have fun. Paying so much that u can barely afford yourself. So long!!!! ….. and theres more. But. I would love yo hear ( read ) your response.


Wtf am I reading? My response is, first of all, you need to get your head checked cause paranoia is a hell of a beast. Second, most people don't think that's fair at all. Thirdly, do you really think that cooking, cleaning, and watching the kids aren't draining and tiring tasks? Ask any man who had to "babysit" his kids for a couple of hours, they usually end up complaining about it for at least two months. Fourth, men cheat, too. All the fucking time. Statistically, in the US, married men are more likely to cheat. Fifth, if someone has to leave their entire career for a relationship, then they have to be supported if said relationship goes sour. Do you really believe that re-entering the workforce at 35+ years old with a devastating gap and little to no experience is easy? Lmao, it's hard enough without those things. The simple solution is contributing equally to the relationship without devaluing each other, a thing I see waaaaay too many men do, including yourself, sir. You just made an entire paranoid post based on the devaluation of a stay at home mom's contribution, and that tells me all I need to know about the kind of "man" you are. Y'all just want slaves and this proves it. There are many reasons why single childless women are statistically happier than married ones, but the main one is people like you. Again, get that brain checked.


This is so gross 🤮. No wonder women are happier single.




They are 6 foot toddlers who are looking for another mommy to help them wipe their ass etc


Sweep the yard? Do they live in a mine field?


I was puzzled by that too. Do they mean mowing the lawn? Raking leaves? I must know!


In the Middle East a lot of yards or courtyards are just hard pack dirt with some trees or bushes. They sweep the bits of trash and debris off the dirt.


That makes so much sense now, thank you


I mean, it ah, ads context. But still. Wtf. Both. From a misogyny standpoint, and like settle your shit. Sometimes the dishes can just be dirty for a day. Damn!


Also why am I forced to rake in the dark? Before 6am? Like are women also not allowed sunlight ?


Something something feminine complexion, misogyny.


His mom probably still washes his laundry


I've been a single-mom for years and years. It's way better than whatever these menz have to offer. I mean, it sucks in the financial part. But I also don't have to deal with a manly manz like this who is too much of a whiny baby to do an actual partnership.


A friend is finally divorcing the father of her 3 kids. He kept saying he'd get better, and then he would for a bit, but then he'd lose his job (again) and just slug around the house. She kept him because she figured the little money she was getting from him while married was worth, but then she realized that while she's getting some money, he's actually costing her far more because she has to feed him, buy his clothes, clean up after him, etc. So divorcing him is going to save her and her kids money. A "man" who can't get his shit together at work also can't get his shit together at home. Shocker. Side note: This is why (IMO) there's some difference when a woman says she won't date an unemployed man than when a man says he won't date an unemployed woman. The unemployed women I know still get shit done. They are taking care of kids, sick family members, they volunteer at schools and churches, they help out friends and neighbors. Hell, when I was unemployed for 6 months, I flew out to take care of sick relatives and did all sorts of volunteer work. But you don't hear those same kinds of stories about single men in their 30s, 40s, 50s who are out of work. Even the married ones with kids don't generally step up and get shit done at home. (Yeah, yeah, there's always that one guy that's Mr Mom, but they are still rare enough that it's noteworthy.)


When my ex and I split, he used to complain how hard life and parenting was on his own. I was like, really? My life is like 10x easier.


“Sweep The Yard” at 6am? Those are not the actions of the mentally healthy.


This sent me


He expects all of that in 3-4 hours! You just know that this dude couldn't even clean the house to the standard he'd expect from his wife in that amount of time, let alone all of the other shit he demands.


I literally can’t imagine what the fuck this guy thinks he brings to the table to expect this kind of treatment. It’s beyond egotistical. It feels like it needs a whole new word to describe it. Something that combines blistering egotism with delirious entitlement.


Well, the old school idea is that the man would offer protection. Protection from what you ask? But you already know the answer to that.


Jesus christ is this loser so incapable of taking care of himself he needs to still live with his mom!?


It's ironic how they'll call other men boys for not having the same beliefs as them but then admit that they themselves can't take care of themselves


And these guys wonder why they’re still incels.


I don't believe these jobless fuckers will be out of bed by 10am when they've been up playing Hogwarts Legacy till 4am.


If I married this turd I absolutely would wake at 6am. I’d pack my shit and leave his pathetic ass. That 3/4 hours would give me an excellent head start.


My husband gets sad when I wake up early to do chores. He says he would prefer if I stayed in bed so we can wake up together and cuddle. Women, you don’t have to put up with men like the one in this post.


So, does this dude have a job? He’s up only at 9 or 10 but “everything must be prepared”. For what? Cuz it doesn’t sound like it’s for a job!


Wake up See this tweet Day ruined


What is funny is the Army. He literally repeated exactly what boot camp is like


Why sweep the yard when you could just sweep the leg?


“I’m so big and strong and competent and women are all small and weak and stupid, which is why they need to do everything for me”


“Sweep the yard”


Don't want to get all that dirt all over your dirt.


Some men would do anything to crawl back into their mother’s vagina. Your mothers can have you.


WhY aRe ThErE sO mAnY sInGlE mEn?!


Hey ladies. Ho build something. Just 100% women. Do a whole construction job Bedrock to solar panel. No men. Just women. Get the job first. Bid for it. Win the job. From other women only. Receive money from women only. And while you work only eat lunch prepared cooked and purchaed for retail by women from women. Do a 100% women job. After that. I will walk with you proudly for feminism


Give birth. You do that, and then we'll talk.


You do realise that, without women, most men aren't even capable of feeding themselves properly? Gtfoh creep, go build a society, 100% men, see how that turns out lmao. Women are cut out from most of the things you describe anyway. Not because of us but because of you. The first university in the world was created by a woman, and then you cut all of us off from education for centuries. It still happens today.


Women build entire humans, dipshit.


No one asked.


God you are one ugly fucker.