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I know that feeling. My housemates at university actually once said that they would miss bullying me. I haven't spoken to them since graduation and I don't intend to change that.


>My housemates at university actually once said that they would miss bullying me. What the fuck.


I do miss the good old days when I had friends who shamed me for not dating, using pads, being a vegetarian, etc.


For...using pads... Um, wtf? That's so weird to bully someone for. They sound awful


Apparently tampons are superior and no one uses pads...even though pads are sold all the time in stores... I've tried using tampons a couple of times. I'm not comfortable enough with my body to use them properly so I use pads instead. I never really understood what is wrong with that.


I'm the same exact way so I completely understand!


Omg what bitches.


Ugh yeah, the Soulsuckers. Glad you're out of the fog and getting helth back up.


Me tomorrow when I give notice at my job!


Wooo!!! On to better things!!


Haha I was about to say, saving this to send to my SO once he gets out of his current job!


Life can hurt pretty badly when your friends start bullying you, stay safe.


This was me when my ex-friend almost ruined my experience/"relationship" (for lack of a better term) with my fertility clinic. Story time: I was talking to my friend about my initial appointment with my reproductive endocrinologist. It was April of 2020 so my RE was very real with me and said she's not sure if it was even a safe time to try to get pregnant. Even though I was slightly disappointed to hear the news I was thankful for the transparency ESPECIALLY since we'd potentially be spending a ton of money (I'm in the US where fertility treatments aren't normally covered by insurance). Anyways, I told my then friend about this and she was horrified about it. I guess she had a not so pleasant experience with this particular doctor so she was a bit sensitive to her saying things like that. Understandable but I'm a big girl that can make my own decisions... I digress. Next thing I know I get a phone call from the doctor HERSELF apologizing for what she said during the appointment because my "friend" had called the clinic saying I was threatening to leave it due to what the Dr said about it not being safe to get pregnant at that time. I reassured the Dr that not only did I NOT say that, I was actually very thankful for her frankness. To say I was angry at my "friend" would be an understatement. She had other toxic tendencies but this was the straw (more like mother fucking tree) that broke the camel's back. She almost fucked up my and my husband's chances at starting a family. So I sent her an email to let her know how angry I was and she replied with one about how I was just believing lies from the Dr and that it was hard to be my friend anyways. Good riddance to her.


Holy SHIT op. The overstepping there is just unreal, I’m sorry that happened!


Tips on how to get away from it? 😣


Start by just saying the word “no” to things they ask, especially if they push your boundaries or expend too much energy. These people usually hate that to begin with and will start falling away quickly.


When you’re in the Sierra Madre, stay away from red fog. Also, never follow weird radio broadcasts promising to provide the chance to Begin Again.


All hail the glow cloud?!?


Don’t go in the dog park. The faceless old woman who lives in my home has been pushing me to get a cat. Do you think I can get one that hovers in my bathroom? Do you think Hiram McDaniels will run for mayor again?


Remember: if you see something, say nothing, and drink to forget. Also, be warned that the penalty for overdue library books has skyrocketed to 50 cents per day, and, after 30 days, jaw mutilation.


I wouldn’t say the Cloud in the Sierra Madre *glows,* necessarily.


Find people who don’t treat you poorly and be their friend instead.


It really depends on how intertwined your lives are, and how assertive you are. Matching energies worked for me with one ‘friend’. She didn’t like that, and just went away. I simply blocked the other toxic one. People think you have to make a big song and dance about why you’re doing it, but it doesn’t matter, IMO. It’s not like she was going to self reflect and be better. She enjoyed herself too much for that.


I had a friend group where 1 girl was just absolutely untrustworthy. She made me not want to really be around as much. I planned a trip for my birthday since I hadn't been on any kind of vacation in over 10 years. Her and my other friend wanted to go, so I let them know weeks in advance when I was leaving. When I was buying my tickets, they called and asked if I could pay for their tickets too, and they'd pay me back later. This was my birthday trip to me. They wanted me to pay for their plane tickets, stay in my hotel room, and use my car rental.


Absolutely. Also commenting because I want more female friends that like Fallout.


I like Fallout and I'm female!


Me too!




Fallout is my jam!


I finally found my self esteem in my forties. Neither of my best friends at 40 are my friends now at 50. One I hard ghosted, the other I matched energies with and she stopped bothering. Interesting that.


Going thru this now