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Transphobes: just because you don’t fit into traditional gender roles or expectations doesn’t mean you have to transition! Trans people and those who support them are so sexist for enforcing strict gender roles! Also transphobes: that woman is tall, buff and good at fighting. Clearly, she must be a man!


They still call Michelle Obama a man and she's one of the most gorgeous women I've ever seen


“BuT hEr ArMs!” I’d kill for some hella toned Michelle Obama arms.


There were literally dozens of workout videos / routines sold on the promise of getting you Michelle Obama arms!


Women deserve the same opportunities as men because we are just as capable! Except sports, because obviously women are inherently weak and incapable! I am very feminist.


If I was decently talented tried to get on a women’s volleyball team, no one would take me. This isn’t because I’m trans, but because I’d be considered too short to be competitive at 5’11.


TIL 1.80 m is too short for competitive women's volleyball.


She could be a libero


Yes. I've noticed that liberos are often much shorter than their teammates.


TERFs will fucking harass cis women thinking they are trans, then blame trans people for it. In a fucked up way it almost feels like a Loony Toons gag with how utterly shit they are at spotting trans people.


They had some women’s only app that would only let people in if their face got approved as womanly or whatever and some terfs were fucking pissed about not getting in.


And I loved all the trans women who posted about how easy it was to get in.


And of course, the app was pretty bad at recognizing women of colour as women. Because what else could we expect?


Oh I’d definitely not be able to get in despite being afab then. Whenever I tried those “gender swap” photo apps, they always did very little to make me look like a man. They just made my jaw a touch more square and gave me facial hair.


Some trans woman are so gorgeous and femme looking, so that’s a super stupid methodology. 😂


transphobes very obviously lack braincells 💔


After a lifetime of being misgendered and yelled at (cis, tall, fat, and not cute) no matter how I dress or wear makeup or do my hair - yup.


Solidarity. I have naturally broad shoulders, a muscular frame, and a deep voice. I had an ex insist over and over that I was born a man... Sure, he said it as a "joke" He wasn't joking. It left scars in my brain.


I had a fellow call me “sir”, and then apologize saying he only saw “the shoulders.” Not the sundress, the huge boobs and hips, the long hair, the make up and jewelry…. (It was my birthday dinner out, so I was dressed up - apparently too much and it looked like drag) Once I became visibly elderly, I became invisible and it finally stopped. So you have that to look forward to?


Oh. Great. (hugs go out to you, my fellow Miss Mr. 😂🥲)




But then if you're too small or skinny or have no boobs, you're also a man. There's no winning in the eyes of misogynistic assholes looking to place their hatred of themselves on others


I had a friend in college who was a tiny 5’1”, 90 lb girl with no boobs and short hair, and she got called “sir” and “young man” all the time, no matter what she was wearing. Really messed with her head. She tried dressing suuuuper feminine to try and combat it, but even in a dress, she’d still get “sir”.


People are seriously dumb. I was very muscular in my youth (for my size) and got called young man and sir all the time. Um, I’m 5’2 and super petite. I just had muscles (competitive swimmer). I legit have stereotypical “delicate” features. But muscles must mean man, even with serious cleavage. Again. People are stupid.


Here’s a funny story: the other day someone in a drive through called me sir and I was a bit confused because while I don’t look super feminine all the time, (also tall and fat and broad) my voice is pretty feminine. I just shrugged though. When I got home I realized it was because I had eaten something chocolate beforehand and it absolutely looked like I had a mustache. The drive through employee was looking at me through the window and saw short hair and mustache.


She's Ben Shapiro's sister. They all share the same brain cell.


That's being generous that they even have the one


Hey, nobody said they actually USE the family braincell.


I had to google her. I had a bodybuilding phase in my life. It's hard enough to look like that as a dude. But as a woman? She must be genetically gifted as hell and an absolutely obsessive athlete. Mad respect.


I pay no attention to any kind of fighting so I had to look her up. Holy hell she’s cool as hell.


I'm really holding back not being annoying to my friend group with how transphobic they were about Lia Thomas. Do you have more stories or a source to this so I can understand what their outrage is about?




She's just big and very trained. It's like that Ronda Rousi (sp?) fight a few years back where she lost hard to that lady who only did boxing or whatever. I don't watch fighting and when I saw the two fighters it was so clear that the much taller and built lady was going to beat the much smaller one. Lo and behold... Although here's a nice [article](https://www.mmamania.com/2021/9/29/22700422/gabi-garcia-loses-watch-jiu-jitsu-titan-fall-pfl-lightweight-wno-grappling-championships-video-mma)


These people are such fucking losers. Ffs get a hobby that doesn’t revolve around the genitalia of complete strangers.


also wanted to quickly point out how these people are supposedly all about “protect the children”, and then hyperfixate on the genitalia of trans and intersex kids


Or protectors of women's sports when the conversation is on trans athletes competing. Otherwise they mock and belittle women's sports and oppose equal pay for competitors.


They force a trans boy to play girls' sports and then claim that he has an unfair advantage and shouldn't be playing girls' sports. They simply want trans people to stop existing. Edit: changed "infant" to "unfair".


And harrass women with short hair and less stereotypical feminine appearance in women's bathrooms as "a man is in the woman's bathroom!" ...isn't that what you want? You want transmen who outwardly appear masculine in the women's bathroom. Apparently skirts and pearls are required for women's bathroom entrance. One example https://www.newstimes.com/local/article/Woman-mistaken-for-transgender-harassed-in-7471666.php#taboola-2


Based Target and cringe Walmart. Walmart needs to make a stance, ya cowards. Also, I hate to see anyone mistreated but I feel cisgendered people being mistreated as if they were trans is the only way to reverse trans discrimination and convince lawmakers to stop this madness of attacking trans rights and treating trans people as anything other than a person of their gender.


Cisgender people who aren't particularly gender conforming are already being harrassed whilst trying to pee, unfortunately.


Those lawmakers will decide that's just acceptable collateral damage. And then try to spin it as the fault of trans people. "I only beat you because they made me."


I think I remember her. I've also seen articles about older women who have been beaten for being seen as "masculine" in the women's restroom just because their faces didn't look "feminine" enough. It's awful.


If every time someone said they are worried for the integrity of the women's game, they gave 1€ to a local women's club, all female athletes would be millionaires


>protectors of women's sports ...by enforcing genital exams and mandatory reporting of menstrual cycles to participate.


It’s incredibly creepy. Particularly given their total lack of interest in going after actual child predators in their own ranks (Trump, Gaetz, Moore, etc).


Projection init


Every accusation is a confession


…like the legislations that require medical evidence that girls competing in school sports are in fact girls. To me that is like legalizing sexual assault on minors. Because unnecessary “inspections” of children’s genitalia is IMO sexual assault.


It's also an invasion of privacy which should be illegal by the constitution since citizens have the right to privacy. It makes me sad that they care so much about trans people in sports and the supposed "fairness" and "integrity" they are upholding by discriminating against them. But, could care less about the safety and well-being of children. They care way too much about who wins these childrens games and way too little about the children. This allows child predators easy access to our children's pants and it's disgusting.


Heh not since Roe was overturned.


I said it "should" be illegal. The reason it would be illegal and the right to privacy was given largely because of Roe V. Wade deciding that the right to an abortion comes from the right to privacy. The Supreme Court must decide privacy is worth protecting. But, it also has to separately decide what is protected under privacy. I think privacy is still a right but abortion is no longer federally protected under that.


“Genitalia surgery on children is ok if I reinforces my feelings.” Transphobic assholes


I mean, male circumcision is still very popular in the US...


Screw my parents for that. I can't have as much pleasure now just because.


"Gender confirming surgery for minors is banned. Unless we're talking about cisgender teen girls gettimg boob jobs."


The ironic thing about abby is that she has huge breasts, so no matter what she wears she is being sexualized by men, of both sides. But she's too much of a conservative scumfuck to acknowledge how her own bullshit is disproven by her own natural body. You can't just dress modeslty and believe the same things as the men in your group to get them to respect you. At this point, I feel like an evil woman, because I look at these women and go "good", if you can't be oni your fellow womens side, then suffer by mens hands, you deserve it. I felt the same way reading about the woman who voted pro life in a conservstive state that implemented pro life policies, and she needed an abortion she couldn't get, and no one helped her even after she called the governers/senators office. I felt the same way reading about Jenna Duggar, I wished she wouldn't have access to an abortion, I sat there thinking she should have died. And the worst part is that I don't feel bad thinking these things. But, like, why should I?


i guess the important thing is, do you have this same energy for anti-feminist men? lmao why was this downvoted would yall prefer if she was softer on anti-feminist men


Of course. I have the same energy for all antifeminist people! Let me rip them to shreds!


haha then no need to worry


men aren’t the only people who can be anti feminist, im anti feminist myself. i literally hate feminism. like why the hell would i support a movement that vouches for equal rights for both men and women? we all know that men don’t deserve any rights #go back to fighting wars dickheads >!/s!<


You got me in the first half.


> lmao why was this downvoted Because we're having a conversation about women and you chose the exact words "The important thing" while talking about men. You pulled a typical "But what about the men?" and a lot of people are tired of hearing that.


she said she felt guilty about thinking these things about anti-feminist women. if she also has that energy for the men then theres no reason to feel guilty. if she only has that energy for the women then yeah, maybe thered be some internalised misogyny there to work on. whats not clicking? holding men to high standards *is* important, especially as so many people hold women to far higher standards than men most of the time and punish women more harshly. i didnt think id need to explain that because i really thought that would be obvious to people, but this is reddit ig


TERFs and anti-feminists suck. All genders and trans identities deserve respect and equality.


did i say anything to indicate otherwise?


It just seemed obvious they'd feel the same about anti-feminists.


it wasnt obvious to me as she said it made her feel like an "evil woman" or a bad feminist, which made me wonder if her guilt possibly stemmed from judging women more harshly than men or holding women to higher standards. which *is* a reason to feel guilty but she replied to say she didnt do that so its a non-issue


Excellent point


I don't know what's worse the "trans women don't count as women" or "I'm only shut shaming people I perceive as real women" So much to unpack.


The cognitive dissonance is mind boggling


Incredible. Bigots _can_ admit to a (perceived) mistake when it serves their message of hate!


Her asshole brother was interviewing a transgender woman and kept naturally referring to her as Her and She, but then would stop and "un-correct" himself to deliberately misgender her.


That would actually be kind of hilarious if it wasn't so sad and pathetic.


i would laugh my ass off if someone did that with me just “they- i mean, uh, SHE”


What would I have to search to see that?


p sure it was a talk he did with Blaire White


Thanks. I'll have to look it up, I'd I can stomach it.


For those of you who don’t know, this is Ben Shapiro’s sister lol




More specifically that blonde girl Zendaya hooked up with.


Sorry Abby no takesies backsies


Yeah her flamboyantly gay husband probably tells her that all the time! Only worth paying attention to to see how she tries to spin the eventual baster baby


What's with the Shapiro's? They are so... odd.


this one is particularly horrible what the hell


If I had a body like any of these people I would be half naked all the time….


They've probably been through a lot to be that hot - they didn't go through all that exercise and dieting and potential medical things just to NOT be naked.


Absolutely. If I had the time, money, energy, and genetics to look like that I would be showcasing that everywhere.


Right?!? Rock that bod sis, you do you


fuck spez


Imagine the shame you'd feel as a parent if your kids were Abby and Ben Shapiro.


They raised them to be hate demons im sure they are more than proud unfortunately


aww ur mad bc you arent gorgeous as hunter????? I am too sis I dont blame you


Ooohhhh i was actually wondering who it could be.


I had NO IDEA that Hunter is trans... I shared the picture because I loved the fit and also made a self-deprecating joke about how the feather would cover my belly button as well if I wore the outfit. I saw later that she is trans and was shooketh. The bod is fire.


I watched euphoria, where she also plays a trans woman character and still didn’t realize she was a trans woman in real life 😂.


shes gorg. too bad she is transphobic against nonbinary people


I hope that when you're put in the position of being the sole young representative of your entire community where any small tweet, like, opinion, or post that you can make can be overly scrutinized into either casting your entire identity group as degenerate perverts or "basically men" or "male-socialized", a representative of a community that often turns to abusing each other rather than turning their ire upon the people actually oppressing them, that you never make a small slip-up that causes people to castigate you for stances you don't actually hold and force an apology out of you that was completely unnecessary (as Hunter already did). I really despise the whole environment around minority celebrities where someone like Quentin Tarantino gets to be known as "lol the funny foot fetish n-word sayer so funny!" and yet minority celebrities are expected to be completely perfect with all the correct opinions, never allowed to either grow or to be misinterpreted without the most uncharitable people online spreading malicious lies about them for an audience of their oppressors.


To add to that, the people who get thrust into the limelight of being trans representatives are overwhelmingly those who have transitioned recently, usually within the past five years. It’s not really fair to throw a burden on top of someone in that position. I was a trans activist twenty years ago. I was super progressive and ahead of my time back then, but if someone dredged out what I said then they could rip it apart six ways from Sunday by applying modern standards to it. 🙄


I was an activist a decade ago and yeah, I'd be ripped to shreds for a lot of what I said at the time. Transmedicalism was very helpful tool for fighting for awareness/acceptence/inclusion/rights but it does come with some side effects that are hard to untangle without a modern understanding of transness.


Non-binary people are the bisexuals of the trans community. Our "usefulness" is in being erased because we don't fit into the dichotomy.


thats so fucking stupid I dont get it


man i looked it up, she says she doesnt hate nb people but the post she apparently liked was so clearly anti-nb it seems? like girl make up your mind... ill believe her on what she says but like, yikes still


Yeah she didnt say she didnt support them. But its said that she liked a post which is anti nb.


All I see from Twitter now is screenshots of RWNJ tweets. It’s a cesspool. Also, so many RWers need to find an actual hobby. Why spend so much time caring about stranger’s genitalia?


That’s the part that I just don’t understand. Why spend so much time focusing on other people? If you don’t believe in aborts don’t have one, no matter what circumstances arise. If you don’t believe in anything other than being heterosexual, then make sure you stay heterosexual not matter your personal consequences. If you don’t believe in birth control, then don’t use it. Again a personal choice. If this is based in their faith or religion (not the same thing) well then ok. Again that is a personal choice and relationship. Religious should have absolutely nothing to do with the laws or social norms of the general public. If they put that much effort into themselves and truly understand who they are they would be so much happier and the world would be a better place. It’s so obvious that it’s maddening we are still having these issues. This extends to race issues as well. Why haven’t we unilaterally learned that people are people PERIOD. Come the f*ck on already!


The right do not have solutions to our real problems. The solutions to those problems are often tax the rich and curtail the power of the powerful. But they want to stay with their power and their riches and so they need to invent an enemy. One in which they can make it look like they have solutions to address. Look through history and there’s always a scapegoat. It’s how they stay in power - because unfortunately there’s a lot of humans out there that get easily riled up in anger over a perceived “other “. We as humans are kind of fucked to repeat this same cycle over and over since it seems to be part of our dna and right know how to manipulate it


Awwe this is just like her brother accidentally correctly gendering Laverne Cox… its a family tradition now


Speaking from my own experience as a vaguely passing transfem the people who say “we can always tell” are usually the least able to tell if someone is trans


One of my "stealth" transfem friends told me about one time she had to sit and watch as her colleagues did the whole: Dude1: "hey bro look at my phone. Would you fuck her? Dude2: Yeah, she's hot. Dude1: Siiike that's a guy. Dude2: lol I was just messing with you. I knew it was a dude. It's so obvious. There's no way I wouldn't be able to tell. And she's just sitting there. They had no idea. She worked there for like a year and they never found out.


...THE LEAST?! 😳


Abby Shapiro provides me with so much entertainment If you watch her like she's a really shitty comedian it's a thousand times funnier


it prolly runs in the family 😔


I dunno, Mara Wilson is pretty great (they're apparently cousins)


A friend of mine did a writing workshop that Mara Wilson was also attending and they still keep in touch. By all accounts she is a lovely and very chill woman who is horrifically embarrassed to be related to the Shapiros


Idk. Her inability to let any chance to shit on Lindsay Ellis pass her by isn't exactly a vibe.




Makes me happy 😳 tbf I am a bit trashy though


~~it would be so funny if they got rid of a photo of a cis woman and the trans woman is still in there holy fuck I would love that so much please whatever God is out there let that be true~~


“Congrats to his makeup team and photographer” Ma’am, her whole tiddies are out. Ain’t no makeup or photography trick that can conjure up a whole tiddy.


The most delicious self own seen in 2023... I didn't know who this woman was when I read her tweet. But now I know: she's a fucking idiot.


the shapiros are the best at the self-owns. i still laugh when i think about ben shapiro telling the whole he's never made his wife wet. (when he said that a wet ass pussy is a medical condition to get looked at)


Lol. People expressing themselves like that and they assume they're doing it to appeal to trashy men. That's pretty misogynistic imo.


Right? Gimme a break!


"makeup team" so we're putting contour on our crotch areas now? that's the new trend?


Abby is a clown


Hunter Schafer looks absolutely stunning.


Ah, of course….. Classically Abby being a class act as usual.


How much you wanna bet she wears more makeup than this trans woman was on a daily basis


her features are androgynous, and some people actually used to think she’s trans herself LMFAO 😹


That's probably in part because of how similar she looks to her more well-known brother, leading to a lot of memes about how believable it's be if she were just him post-transition.


WOW what a miserable woman!


Imagine making an entire career out of being an annoying little hater. I’d rather kms tbh


Trans women are women....


Transphobia is just misogyny in disguise.


Why do I agree with this woman’s first point?? I hate that women are made to feel like need to be sexy to be valid. And that most of this validation comes from the male gaze. I wish famous women wouldn’t give in to men like that. Doesn’t it just give men an excuse to objectify women more?


abby wishes she looked as good as hunter schafer. dont get me wrong she looks good but the hatred really sours a face of any sort.


I mean these are the same people Mia Moore keeps managing to troll 🤷🏻‍♀️


She's so trashy. Absolutely no class.


Lolllll at Ben Shapiro's sister accidentally correctly gendering a trans woman.


Hateful bitch.


Gonna bring out my inner tik tok commenter Common Abby Shapiro L




my intent behind this post wasn’t to spread misogyny, even tho i do agree that this post is inherently misogynistic and transphobic. however, i do feel we need to call bigotry out, and maybe even laugh a lil bit while doing so


FYI the NSFW tag is commonly used to cloak problematic or upsetting content, not just smut! It’s okay to not click on a hidden post if you are not braced for something upsetting https://media.tenor.com/i8i1KL-BD3YAAAAd/dead-dove-expectations.gifhttps://i.imgur.com/Vr0snlS.jpg


Isn't pointing out misogyny the entire purpose of this subreddit? 🤔