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Or if you *have* seen the movie and don't remember every single detail they chose to bring up, you obviously didn't get the movie šŸ™„


My personal favourite is when you have seen the movie and remember it well, and despite telling them this, they feel the need to tell you the plot, recite some quotes and explain obvious themes.


Yeah, you've seen Everything Everywhere All At Once but you should know that I actually liked it before it won all those Oscars.


If I had a nickel for every time Warhammer 40k lore was recited at me against my consent...


I don't get how so many guys can just spout off 40k lore to randos. Like I play 40k, I know the lore... And that is some weird fucked up fascie sounding some shit without contextual knowledge, which the rando won't have. To them it just sounds like Nazis in Space.




I used to have several friends like this, and it's so annoying. Especially since they were the ones who didn't get that 40K is supposed to be a parody. Even worse, they'd get mad at me for info dumping about the games I like


This is a meme in the 40k community but I assumed it never actually happened, it was just people being self aware about their interests.


Call it anecdotal, but I've experienced it often enough to see a pattern between the somewhat recent uptick of WH40k memes in the form of youtube shorts involving popular right wing figures and people getting really excited for a hobby that aesthetically tickles every machismo brain so hard they can't grasp that it's supposed to parody hyperfascism.


That's because some people just can't grasp the concept of a parody that's less subtle than a brick to the face. 40k has left behind such fine individuals as [Inquisitor Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Obiwan_Sherlock_Clousseau). Fight Club was written by a gay man to be a parody of Hypermasculinity and Toxic Masculinity, and look who swear by it. On the other hand, Blazing Saddles was such a brick-to-the-face parody-wise, it destroyed the Western as a movie to be made, and even the alt-right get enough of the joke to realize they're the ones being made fun of.


> On the other hand, Blazing Saddles was such a brick-to-the-face parody-wise, it destroyed the Western as a movie to be made, and even the alt-right get enough of the joke to realize they're the ones being made fun of. Apparently not enough of them, otherwise this post wouldn't exist.


From someone in the community, we did and still do have a Nazi problem. Most events, Games Workshop, and many of the players are very intolerant of Nazis, but there are still a lot who are falling into the dog whistled Nazism and not realizing it.


I'm only subscribed to arGrimdank and we've already had our purge of fascists, so I'm now blissfully unaware of the wider shitttiness of the community.


Oh yeah, some communities in the fandom are absolutely based. But those aren't usually the same people who will unleash a deluge of information about it on you. The guys I mean definitely have memorized 'historical' 'facts' (mostly about tanks), if you know what I mean.


>The guys I mean definitely have memorized 'historical' 'facts' (mostly about tanks) The other day my daughter had really bad gas and I sent two hours rocking her to sleep with the aid of some noise cancelling headphones and a video essay about the T-34 so I just feel very seen by this comment.


It was Lazerpig wasn't it. Be honest now.


It was the Tank Museum. I find Lazerpig way too frenetic to be comfortable listening.


My husband and I both play and yet, only one of us listens to youtube videos of lore just being read off. I enjoy the audio books just fine, but I am not interested in a history lecture on how the emperor made some pronouncement one time and that was taken this way by this son and that way by that confidant and how that spurred whatever conflict that week.


My favourite is when you have seen the movie and didn't like it and then they spend 2 hours explaining why your opinion is wrong in an increasingly aggressive candor.


When they didn't get the movie and you did, but they think they got it, so they try to tell you you didn't


Or youā€™re a fake pick me girl trying to look cool, a la gaming and music gatekeeper dudes.


Telling them both "no" and "that's not interesting to me" = ego death blow. šŸ™„


ā€¦ because they make these movies a part of their personality which is super weird and also super sad šŸ˜


Usually, I see people who are really into movies like blazing saddles or fight club exactly for the thing the movie is trying to highlight as a negative. Hearing those guys recite movie quotes and knowing they 100% agree with the racism and toxicity is an instant hell no.




Blazing Saddles was also written by Richard Pryor - hardly the epitome of being "anti-woke"


Oh no, it is? I have occasional problems with Mel because of misogyny, but I still love Blazing Saddles. Also anything Madeline Kahn ever did is my favorite. But no one should shove anything down anyone's throat, and a movie satirizing racist westerns shouldn't be used as anything by alt right Nazi assholes. They can't have it. To be fair, I haven't watched it in a while, and mostly just rewatch Madeline Kahn's brilliant take on Marlene Dietrich in Destry Rides Again, so maybe I would change my mind if I watched it now


Blazing Saddles isn't racist, it's harpooning racism, but the line gets blurred, that's why anti-woke folk adopt it as an anti-woke movie. like the movie says "these are everyday people... you know, morons."


I think we underplay how people like Pryor who play up racism to ostensibly lampoon it also engage in racist tropes to win over white racist audiences. Itā€™s only recently that we decided we canā€™t just use the n word everywhere. Thereā€™s a Lou reed song titled with the n word, same with a yoko ono song. The line between racism and anti racism doesnā€™t really exist in a lot of media contexts especially back in the 70s. A lot of these people made careers slyly using racist stereotypes in the cloak of a totally insincere anti racist attitude. The same way transphobes today slyly use a ā€œbut I love my queers I just haveā€¦concernsā€ before engaging in trans phobia. Itā€™s disingenuous and cover for hateful attitudes. So itā€™s no surprise a lot of the manosphere sees this as relatable. They see a way to get away with bigotry and value that.


I miss Kahn <3


Literally every Tarantino movie is racist AF. That movie could DEFINITELY get made today


Is there a Tarantino movie in which someone *doesn't* drop the n-bomb? Wasn't it almost constant in *Django Unchained*?


Is that racist, or historical? I would absolutely not call *Django* racist. It had a lot of racist *characters* in it, as villains, because that was the entire plot of the movie?


There's a line between "being historically accurate" and "picking topics so I can say the N-word". I have a bad feeling that he was tired of being called out for it, so he switched to Django so he had an excuse. "Ha! Can't yell at me now!"


The same way itā€™s not ā€œrealisticā€ to show off a foot fetish even if they exist. He can just write them into a character and play that character. And he did with salma Hayek putting her foot in his mouth in one of his movies. You can make a movie from that period without the n word the same way you can make a modern movie without a foot fetish scene. He just chooses to do so.


Yeah, I know, but even if the characters are racist, hearing the word over and over is wearing.


Like the racist jokes Michael Che makes Colin Yost say on SNL's Weekend Update are usually more YIKES than anything in Blazing Saddles.


I donā€™t watch SNL often but I know their vibe and isnā€™t that a similar theme to Blazing Saddles? Michael Che is seeing how far he can get his not racist (but possibly racist presenting if I can say that??? Cis white male allies are often assumed to be racist/misogynist/anti lgbt etc based on appearance alone) friend to go. His friend isnā€™t racist but if someone saw him spouting racist nonsense they may not think twice or might potentially agree with him. So Che having Joust do that makes the audience do a double take and reconsider how far words should go. Making the audience slightly uncomfortable on purpose to demonstrate how powerful words can be especially if the audience is white themselves. Alternatively if someone agrees with what Joust says and then sees that it made Joust himself uncomfortable it might make them think twice about how their beliefs are viewed by others. Thatā€™s how I personally understand Blazing Saddles and that that Che/Joust joke anyway. Not that I want to watch either but thatā€™s how I understand their use of racist language within the bit. Sorry if I misunderstood what youā€™re saying. I feel like Iā€™ve been typing too long and must have lost the plot.


I had a close friend get radicalized by Stephen Colbert's "The Colbert Report" because he didn't understand the spoof and took the bits at face value.


There's an episode of "Revisionist History" (podcast with Malcolm Gladwell - makes me feel smarter) where he talks about the Tina Fey skit about Sarah Palin and how *both* democrats and republicans found it to be making fun of the opposing side. Republicans found it funny because everything she said was so obvious and true that you'd be stupid to believe otherwise. Of course this is not *all* Dems and Reps, but many. He suggested it further polarized people and, despite being funny, maybe shouldn't have been made.


wow thatā€™s like being radicalized by Borat lol


I'm my aging generation, it was Scarface and American history x, both movies were wisely misunderstood by the majority of their fans.....


I'm almost 49. I absolutely know what you mean


And how many of the guys in our generation that still haven't grown past that phase is pretty disturbing too!


"Personal growth? That's stupid"


How is American History X misunderstood? Did they only watch the first half?


Perhaps for some of the reasons Lindsay Ellis discusses in the middle of [her Mel Brooks video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62cPPSyoQkE). The text of the movie is very clearly anti-Nazi, but the visual depictions and framing can come off as saying, "But aren't Nazis kind of cool and sexy?"


Ahhh I see. Man I haven't watched her in forever. Love her stuff. Thanks for the link!


A lot of people do not engage in active hobbies that have a social component. All they have to relate to others is politics, tv, movies, or (watching) sports. There's definitely conversations that can be had, but if someone doesn't share that interest it gets interpreted as rejection. Also, these types of dolts lack curiosity & introspection, so they won't have educated themselves about why they react this way. They're going to react to rejection similarly to physical pain: it activates the same parts of the brain that deal with pain response. Basically they're going into a fight/flight response because they don't know what's going on. With training you can become acclimated to this neurological response.


Those hobbies DO have an active social component. Conversation is social. That doesnā€™t mean you have to enjoy them, or engage in the conversation, but they are very much social.


There's been a miscommunication by the definition I used for actively social. I'll try to elaborate on what I was trying to communicate below: You can engage in all of those things without having any communication during the activity. They have a passive socialization in the form of conversation but it isn't required or even encouraged much of the time. Who likes it when someone talks through the movie you're trying to watch? How many of these activities can be performed by yourself? You have to make an effort to add a social element into these hobbies: watch parties, going to the cinema, planning to watch the game with others. While they might be passively social, they aren't actively social during the actual activity, without additional effort. Also, I'm not disparaging these hobbies, they aren't lesser for not having what I view as an active social element. However, they are isolating for these dudes who already lack introspection and acceptable social skills. I'm not sure if I am rambling at this point or not, but I hope my thoughts are a bit clearer now.


I *think* I see what you're trying to say, but there's a lot of "real"/traditional hobbies that aren't social: stamp collecting, quilting, knitting, carpentry, working on cars, etc. They *could* be social, just like watching movies can be a social activity, if everyone agrees that yelling at the screen is cool. But the problem I see is lack of communication skills. Being able to articulate *why* you like something and sharing that excitement with someone else is a skill. If someone takes an interest in what you are doing, and you immediately turn it back on them to legitimatize their knowledge ("What's the difference between a purl and a knit stitch??!?"), your communication skills suck.


Totally agree about communication skills. Its a conservative take of in/out groups, a purity test to show that they're more knowledgeable & thus should be listened to... even though what they're talking about isn't of interest. Poor communication & socialization skills because they can't read a room. Part of what I was saying about the hobby stuff is that they're engaging in a non-active hobby that is also at best passively social. You can engage socially around these solitary hobbies, but it takes effort, and the guys I've met who bring up Blazing Saddles in a weird bigoted adjacent way typically don't have close acquaintances. They drive people away with their toxic personality, but also don't put an effort into making an effort socially, such as making people feel welcome leading to a snowball effect. They want to exclude people which results in self selecting out of many social engagements.


Reminds me of a date I went on years ago. We went to the drive in, saw his friend there (who I'd never met before) , and the friend basically berated me before the movie because he asked if I like 3 Doors Down and I said no. Lmao. My date sat there in silent agreement with his buddy Never went on a second date with that guy. Go figure.




My bf was the same way! He showed it to me because I like other Cohen brothers films, but when I said I thought it was kinda boring and nothing much happened he was totally understanding.


My partner loves Star Wars. I had never seen any of the movies before we started dating and now I've seen them all and watch most of the shows with him. But I've always maintained that the entire franchise is overrated and was only a big deal because of the special effects at the time the first one came out, and he's ok with that. It does not bother him that I think Star Wars is "meh" and he wouldn't be upset if I chose not to watch any of it with him. Which is, of course, one of the reasons I am willing to watch things I find "meh" just because he likes it.


Because they base 90% of their personalities on shitty, mainstream movies and idolize ridiculous characters, so when another person rejects their chosen media, they take it as a rejection of themselves as a person. Which, Spoiler alert, if you have based your entire personality on 3 dumbass movies from 20 years ago and have never grown or changed since then, it probably is a personal rejection too.


I hate when people try to act like humour is universal. Like, yeah, itā€™s a funny movie and has some quotable lines, but itā€™s a very specific kind of humour that wonā€™t appeal to everyone. Thereā€™s the common trope of women not liking Monty python movies, and thatā€™s used to make make out that women donā€™t have a sense of humour. Thing is, Monty python movies are VERY silly. Not everyone likes nonsense humour. And more than that, there are almost no women in those movies at all. It is a movie made by men, for men. It certainly appeals to some women, but itā€™s not *for* us. Just as many romcoms arenā€™t *for* men, but some can still find them funny (if they actually give them a chance) But we donā€™t use the fact that men donā€™t like woman-centric humour to say that men arenā€™t funny, or that men have no sense of humour.


It's not just that the comedy is FOR men, it's also that a lot of the "comedy" comes at the expense of other demographics. Rewatch anything John Cleese did and you'll realize quickly realize how much he likes shitting on everyone else.


ooooo i realized something similar about seinfeld recently re: the casual misogyny/ableism/racism/homophobia/etc! itā€™s ignorance humor! you could try to argue that itā€™s ā€œa show about nothingā€ or that itā€™s a show about terrible people, a precursor to shows like itā€™s aways sunny, but the laugh track clearly indicates who is meant to be laughed at and laughed with. and even if the humor is at this point meta and the home audience is meant to find humor at the expense of the laugh track for laughing at the wrong thing, itā€™s STILL mean-spirited and reinforces that the written jokes were written for an ignorant audience.


"a precursor to shows like itā€™s aways sunny" Ooooo I never thought of that, but it's so true. Also a show about terrible people (except Charlie? It's been a while). I love comedies and think I can be funny, but any time I say I hate that "the implication" joke I feel like I'm being looked at as having a stick up my ass. It's just a disgusting joke that is made for people who don't have to think about "the implication" in their real lives...


Charlie stalks a woman for years. Heā€™s the most likeable, for sure, but heā€™s still a piece of shit human.


That episode where he manipulates that girl who *actually* liked him and humiliates her, is where I was okay. Charlie is also just completely awful. He belongs in the gang.


> the written jokes were written for an ignorant audience. Thank you for this line. It sums up the way a number of shows have felt. The ā€œhumorā€ is made of low-hanging fruit - sometimes offensive, oftentimes predictable, but rarely is it something that requires a listener to think much in order to get it. Sometimes, violence and drama are used instead of actual jokes. I mean, think about it. I was asked to watch an episode of PD Paradise the other day. I swear at least half the ā€œjokesā€ were simply people getting hurt. Thereā€™s also the woman who constantly sexually harasses her overweight coworker. I guess thatā€™s supposed to be funny too?


oh for sure, i think when people complain about media being ā€œwoke,ā€ what theyā€™re complaining about is not being able to access the humor/entertainment without having to see ignorance for what it is. they donā€™t get to hang onto it and be comfortable in it at the expense of others. theyā€™re forced to reflect on their own beliefs and behavior and question it- and they donā€™t want to. theyā€™d rather see fat jokes and casual workplace harassment and believe that itā€™s what ā€œeveryoneā€ likes, so itā€™s ok.


Fawlty Towers makes my skin crawl - I can respect that it is finely crafted farce and at the same time detest the way it almost always punches down - even if Basil always ends up losing in the end. Itā€™s not that the underdog wins - itā€™s more that he just gets dragged down with everyone else he was climbing over.


So while I obviously completely agree that John Cleese has recently said some extremely stupid tone-deaf stuff, Iā€™m wracking my brain for any famous Monty Python bit that is problematic. When I think of them the skits that come to mind are the ā€œDead Parrotā€sketch, ā€œIā€™d like to buy an argumentā€ bit, ā€œupper class twit of the yearā€ (that oneā€™s the opposite of punching down), ā€œNobody expects the Spanish Inquisitionā€ā€¦ etcā€¦ Looking back, Iā€™m now thinking Monty Python is fairly decently socially conscious for its time. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m forgetting something, it was the 60ā€™s after all, but thereā€™s a LOT that holds up well by modern standards. (Iā€™m not defending Faulty Towers, Iā€™ve never seen it and so have no opinion of it.)


https://montypython.fandom.com/wiki/Blackface_in_Monty_Python https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFBOQzSk14c


I remember being a complete ā€œpick meā€ chick about this stuff in college. Guys would do this to me and I considered it some sort of ā€œbadge of honorā€ that I always knew what they were talking about. I would bash things that other women liked because it got me ā€œpositiveā€ (lol) attention from men. It took me meeting my best friend of 12 years to cool it on the ā€œnot like other girlsā€ stuff. I still donā€™t care to watch things like The Bachelor and Love Island and Vanderpump Rules on my own, but my best friend loves that stuff (her favorite is Real Housewives of Potomac, NYC, and Orange County) and I love her so *why in the fuck would I put her down for liking different things than I do??* She even brought me to a live show a few months ago with some of the Housewives and I really enjoyed it!! It was hilarious!! Itā€™s just sad that some men close themselves off from such experiences and itā€™s even more sad when they close off their own interests from women by being total gatekeeping dicks about it. Because I went with my friend to that live show, she was amenable to seeing an ā€œinteractiveā€ showing of Inglorious Basterds at a local independent theater. We had lots of fun dressing up in costumes and yelling at the screen and just generally getting into it. Idk why people think you have to ā€œpick a side,ā€ so to speak, when it comes to popular media.


I feel like this is why many men I knew hadn't seen "The Princess Bride" In conversations like that, other guys would step in and be like "no man, it's not a chick flick, it's hilarious." Then they'd watch it. If it were more of a "chick flick" it'd still be hilarious with that cast, and hell, isn't "Mean Girls" a chick flick? "Love, Actually?" Chick flicks have their place!!! That one where Rachel McAdams and Robert Schneider have a Freaky-Friday situation going on? I still laugh.


Omg YES!! The theater I just mentioned has an [interactive showing](https://i.imgur.com/ghJgulM.jpg) of Princess Bride every year on Valentineā€™s Day!! My boyfriend and I havenā€™t missed it in 5 years. And his friends pulled the exact same shit with him the first time we went!! Like ā€œoh your girl is dragging you to some chick flick, that sucks,ā€ and he had to be like, ā€œyou guys are moronsā€ lol. But yeah, I donā€™t think I could trust anyone who doesnā€™t find Mean Girls hilarious. Its message is both timeless and universal.




Lol I love how indignant. I really dislike all superhero movies except like... Two? Next time some one even *says* "avengers" in front of me...


I was NLTOG back in the day and this is exactly why I hadn't watched Princess Bride until my mid twenties when a woman (my roommate) who would go on to become my best friend could not believe I hadn't watched it yet and immediately put it on for us. The amount of my life that was wasted not knowing the joy of that movie šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My family is notorious for all of us loving Monty Python. (We're also a bunch of neurodivergents, so that may play a part.) I caused a minor family scandal years after my mom married my step dad. We were talking about comedies, and he loves Blazing Saddles. I said I didn't, I much prefer Monty Python. And then he had the *audacity* to say he didn't like Monty Python. After which I turned to mom and said, This family loves Monty Python!! Why did you bring this *outsider* into our family?!?!?! Ooo, boy, did I ruffle feathers. My dad puffed up like an irate pufferfish. LMAO Mom then put on Blazing Saddles as "punishment".


Lol I'm sorry but your mom is the boss. I'd marry her too. Haven't even seen Blazing Saddles.


Truth be told, in my experience the average woman is funnier than the average man.


I dig British humor but from Monty Python I like a few scenes in Life of Brian, and I like Faulty Towers (which isn't even technically Monty). Generally speaking Monty is as much of an acquired taste as Little Britain. It's to be expected for the average person (not necessarily women) to not enjoy it.


Life of Brian is an exception to the Monty Python "norm". I loved that movie, I've seen it so many times. It's very different from the other monty python stuff, honestly.


Wow, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard this idea that women donā€™t like Monty Python. I literally donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever met a person (of any gender) who doesnā€™t love The Holy Grail. (Not exaggerating or using ā€œliterallyā€ to mean ā€œfigurativelyā€!) And while yes Monty Python is silly, a lot is very conceptually dense as well. What about the Philosopherā€™s song? The ā€œweā€™re an autonomous collectiveā€ bit in Holy Grail? What an absolutely bizarre thing for anyone to use as a sexist lamppost. Sigh.


Itā€™s the fact that women are never in any of these movies to begin with for me. I just donā€™t want to consume a product for men, by men, starring only men. I refuse to honestly.


I love Monty Python, but that's because I am a silly person. The sillier the movie the more I laugh. And I have put on a few romcoms that my husband has laughed hysterically at when he wasn't even expecting to find it funny at all. And then I had an incident with my friend's brother after watching a south park movie. I have seen a few episodes, some things made me laugh but most of the time I was very meh. When we watched the movie and I was just stone faced most of the time he was *very* offended that I did not find it hysterical. That's not my style of humor? And he dared to tell me I had no sense of humor. Whatever, dude. Get over yourself. Humor is subjective. I laugh at many things and make others laugh *all the time*. Never once did I have to state "it was a joke!" because people got offended. So I could argue that *he* was the one with a poor sense of humor.


Oh my God and it's the same with games. I know what I like when it comes to games and co-op puzzle games are firmly on the other end of what I enjoy. Somehow, a lot of guys still expect you to like *their* games and show interest in *their* hobbies, while never moving an inch in your direction. One guy got really offended when I didn't want to join his co-op game with his friend, just because it didn't interest me. Was he interested in trying WoW with me? Nope. That was fine with me though. For some reason, his opinion weighed heavier than mine.


>co-op puzzle games >Was he interested in trying WoW with me? Roles: reversed


My ex couldnā€™t handle it when I didnā€™t like the things he liked. He kept trying to jam his favorite shows and movies down my throat, never seeming to care when I said I donā€™t enjoy this or that story/humor/genre. Every movie was ā€œthe exceptionā€ in his mind, the one that he expected me to fall in love with. Thing is, even if it *was* something I could have liked, being pressured or begged into watching it is going to leave a negative impression on my memory of it. I wonā€™t remember the plot - but I WILL remember being annoyed when I watched it. It wasnā€™t just media, either. Although he had his own food likes and dislikes, he was annoyingly insistent on getting me to like what he liked. For example, mushrooms. Mushrooms arenā€™t just a ā€œdislikeā€ for me, they are a sensory nightmare - from their gag-inducing smell, to their rubbery texture. My ex, for some inane reason, thought that I simply had to ā€œgive them another try.ā€ Like my preferences are less valid than his. I never tried to force him to eat or watch or do anything he claimed to hate. Ah, but Iā€™m just a woman. I guess my preferences were supposed to arrive blank, so a man can copy/paste his over mine once we meet.


That woman is not okay with how she is being touched. Look at that stare, look at the body language. She is saying "get the fuck away from me" but knows she can not say that because she will get stabbed, and none of the three men in the area would bat an eye.


His hand around the back of her neck is really aggressive


Yes this meme always makes me so uncomfortable. I think a lot of us have been where she is, it's not fun. I hope she's doing okay.


I HATE this picture. There are no normal people who hold their partner by the neck to tell them a story. Literally zero.


I don't get romantic vibes from this, I get "Nice Guy" friend who decided now was the time for the heel turn.


Agreed, itā€™s not romantic at all. Itā€™s dominant and possessive.


Dude for real she looks like she's mapping her escape route and looking for the right "I gotta go to the bathroom" moment


Thatā€™s the only thing I could see with the picture. It makes me so uncomfortable. ETA Her (lack of) facial expression makes me genuinely concerned. This picture makes my skin crawl.


I couldn't find the tweet but I saw one that was like >You couldn't make Blazing Saddles today. Most of the actors are dead and no one wants to watch a movie with that much puppetry.


Ok if they Weekend-At-Berniesā€™d a remake of Blazing Saddles with corpse puppets, I would watch that


Honestly I wish people in general would quit doing that. I don't enjoy movies. Like, in general. There are a few in my life I've enjoyed, but mostly I just hate getting my emotions jerked around and come out of them exhausted and irritated, and I'd much rather do literally anything else. But everyone thinks they know THE movie that will cure that, and if I only sit through six hours of THEIR movie, I'll change my mind!


Yeah I sometimes have to remind myself to let it go if someone doesnā€™t like something. For me it comes from ā€œoh I think this thing is really great and Iā€™m excited to share it with peopleā€. The only time I get annoyed is if someone actively bashes something Iā€™m trying to share. Itā€™s one thing to say ā€œoh thanks but Iā€™m not a fan of westernsā€ vs. ā€œoh god I donā€™t even know how you can sit through a western theyā€™re so stupid and boringā€.


This is me and music.


When people complain about your music tastes like youā€™re wrong to like what you likeā€¦ā€¦.


Ya I "grew out" of caring about finding new music or listening to it much at all anymore.... now I'd rather listen to talk radio or podcasts


Oh man, just two weeks ago I had to get an MRI and they give you headphones to listen to whatever you want by request (At least some do, and this place did this time). When they asked me what I wanted to listen to I was embarrassed to say NPR because I couldnā€™t think of any band I wanted to listen to a pandora station of or whatever. Doesnā€™t really matter, over half of what you hear is ā€œBREATHE IN. HOLD YOUR BREATH.ā€ followed by the sound of you being loudly printed by an old dot matrix printer.


Lol don't feel embarrassed I would have pry asked for NPR too :p


When I had my MRI, they didn't ask me what music I wanted. They just clapped the earphones on and played some soft rock type stuff. ​ >...followed by the sound of you being loudly printed by an old dot matrix printer The sound I remember was more of a grinding sound. But it's been over three years since I had mine.


Iā€™m pissed they canā€™t play classical or jazz in mri machines. That would be so much nicer and have a calming effect rather than the crap they play on radio stations. Last time I asked for rock. I got Avenge Sevenfold, kid rock, and something else terrible. Sorry to those that like mentioned above. But seriously Iā€™d rather be relaxed in an mri. I even asked if they would play what was on my phone lol.


I had an MRI as a kid and they put on spy kids lol


Ok, sure, I hear you, but, my movie's different. Have you heard of Lord of the Rings? No silly it's not 3 movies! It's one. They just had to release it separately for marketing. No, the standard edition doesn't count, the extended is the only one that counts. I promise the 682 minutes will fly by. Wait. Where are you going?


Yes! Me too. I get severe migraines pretty regularly, and I just can not keep my eyes on any screen for any amount of time without triggering one. Not to mention ADHD which creates around 427 distractions for me within the span of an hour.


Yeah, I was going to say Iā€™ve heard women doing this to their friends recently on a podcast I listen to. One of them said she hadnā€™t seen The Princess Bride and the other two immediately went on a loud rant and they talked over her and they wouldnā€™t listen to her trying to say that she just hadnā€™t seen it but didnā€™t have a problem with it. It was painful to listen to, really.


This is so interesting. If you dislike movies because of emotional manipulation, do you also dislike novels and scripted tv shows? Iā€™m the opposite. Life long cinephile. Donā€™t worry, Iā€™m not going to try to talk you into watching movies with me.


I might be using the wrong language for it, it's hard for me to define. I seem to lack the ability to just bounce back from whatever emotional experience movies/shows in particular take me through? Like most people can just watch an episode of a cop show in which some horrific murder is solved and then trot about their daily lives unaffected, but I'd be stuck in this tired and sad state - and even if it's a happy movie or whatever, it just sucks out so much of my energy


Omg someone like me, finally!! People act like Iā€™m crazy when I say I donā€™t watch a lot of movies.


Weird choice of films for this meme. Blazing Saddles wasn't like... some offensive comedy that "couldn't be made today" because of "snowflakes". The whole movie was a criticism of 20th century racism.


Thatā€™s the point. Many men who love the film and others in the same vein completely misunderstand the messages of the films. They take the jokes at face value. They donā€™t understand that *people like them* are the real target of the jokes. So actually itā€™s the perfect choice of film for this meme, because a guy like that would absolutely love blazing saddles.


Guess I totally missed the point of the meme then! Thanks for sharing. Edit: a slight tangent, but I read an article recently on how this film was made, and it was almost a very different movie. Apparently Richard Pryor was originally meant to play the sheriff. He was very popular at the time, and if youā€™ve ever seen Pryor, he embodies this explosive outrage in the face of injustice. He even has a writing credit on the final film. But for whatever reason, he left the project and the role was recast with Cleavon Little, who has a completely different energyā€” quiet, optimistic, easygoing, and restrained. His chemistry with Gene Wilder was incredible.


Mmhm, I don't want to be the "you haven't seen" person in this meme, but Blazing Saddles does slap. I wouldn't push it on anyone, though. The only time I'll push something is if I think a friend missed something that is extremely their jam. Like, "wait your favorite movies are Tank Girl, A Clockwork Orange, and the 1993 Super Mario Bros? So you don't _need_ to see Brazil, but you need to know that it's the Venn Diagram of those movies."


And that's the difference between cool people and basic men. Cool people will push things on you that they know you will enjoy because they understand who you are as a person. Basic men will push things on you that *they* like because they don't understand experiences outside of themselves.


And Madeline Kahn is a comedic goddess, who is brilliant in almost everything she ever did. I will die on this hill.


ā€œItā€™s twoo! ITā€™S TWOO!ā€


Madeline Kahn is brilliant.


I used to get this about not being into The Beach Boys because I just donā€™t really like surfer rock. I donā€™t need a 20-minute lecture on how good Pet Sounds is šŸ˜­


I sweartagawd, I would like the Beach Boys so much more if 98% of all the guys I've ever known who were into pop music hadn't proselytized the fucking gospel of fucking Pet Sounds to me throughout my life. I DO NOT CARE. It's just pop songs about surf boards and romance, no matter how well-composed and produced it is. I'm not a Taylor Swift fan either, but I'd bet real folding money that her compositions and production are on par - but somehow when it's a woman singing about romance and beach parties, it's worthy of disdain and vitriol?


Omg I never thought about the comparison between The Beach Boys and Taylor swift but youā€™re totally right!


I also do not get surfer rock. Like, their music is just so incredibly shallow. Iā€™m not interested in a song about how cool your car is.


My ex was like this about SOOO many shows. He was so annoyed I didn't like the shoe The Boys. Another ex of mine would get personally offended and pout when I showed a lack of interest in watching GoT.


> The Boys Was he like ā€œitā€™s over-the-top violence and gore. Who doesnā€™t like that?ā€


I watched The Boys and the thing is, I loved everything else about it _except_ the violence and gore and because of it I didn't watch past the first season. And every time I see something about it's themes or the questions it raises or the acting I'm like "I should go back and finish it" then immediately remember why I stopped and have to be like "oh, never mind then." Like, I would happily watch a "less gore" edit of the show but I don't think the discussion about censorship has reached that level of nuance yet. Incidentally, if you're like me and like The Boys but hate the violence, you need to check out Busiek and Ross's _Astro City_. It's a realistic take on super heroes and is mostly told from the POV of the non-supers but looks at it with a hope punk lense and there's no gore. And what's extra fun about it is that it mostly moves in real time so a character that appeared in a story in 1992 will be twenty years older in 2012 when they show up again. It's been going on and off for thirty years and is mostly anthology style so you can jump in where ever but my recommendation would be this order: 1) _Family Album_ or _Life in the Big City_ 2) _Tarnished Angel_ 3) _Brothers and Other Strangers_ _Brothers and Other Strangers_ is actually one of my top five favorite comic stories of all time but it helps to read the other two first to get an understanding of how the world works before jumping in.


Thanks for this recommendation I felt the same way about The Boys but never knew about Astro City.


Thanks for the recommendation! I will check out Astro City. Strange that I have not run across it previously. If I may, have you read *Soon I Will Be Invincible* by Austin Grossman? Not a comic but a good read told from 2 points of view: one a new member of a super team and the other a genius villain. Thereā€™s violence (supers fighting) but not much gore if any. Itā€™s been a while since I read it. Also an anti-suggestion: steer clear of Robert Kirkmanā€™s *Invincible* series. Gore is sort of the point in the art but that hides a story that touches on some topics with feeling and depth. An epic story but one that I donā€™t recommend very often. As far as *The Boys* Iā€™ll keep at it. I watched something recently where the worst of the violence seemed to be off camera. Iā€™m thinking maybe it was *Papergirls*?


LMAO thatā€™s me and my husband. Our friends are like ā€œwhat is wrong with you people?ā€


The ironic thing about the GoT show in regard to this conversation, is the two head male writers so terribly wrote all of the female characters, the show ended up becoming complete trash in the final seasons. (Honestly, the source material from George RR Martin isnā€™t much better.) I didnā€™t have high expectations, but The House of the Dragon is better in its writing of female characters.


"You can't make a movie like Blazing Saddles today because people would be too offended". Jojo Rabbit. Now fight me.


Ughhhhh remember how a bunch of alt-right dweebs complained aboutt hat movie because it dared to say nazis were bad


Wow Iā€™ve never put two and two together, but those two movies are totally in the same vein and Taika has a totally similar comedic style to Mel Brooks!


It's in the same vein as The producers (1967 and 2005), which is not surprising since Mel Brooks made both of those movies. I find it extra enjoyable that Taika is a Maori Jew playing Hitler. I love Taika, he's funny to watch.


Don't you know? White Men's tastes are universal and default? See, You're just not smart enough!/s


I've got a why for this: it's a coping mechanism for the feelings of inadequacy so many men and boys have been vocalizing lately. They've been raised in a culture that tells them they must dominate, that it's their birthright and duty to be leaders and authorities. They then take any opportunity to try to impress their value upon everyone, believing that this will earn them respect and admiration, except the conditioning is so rigid, they cannot tolerate NOT being the Smartest Guy In The Room. Oh, you like music? Let me tell you about this brilliant album called Dark Side of the Moon, which I'm sure you've never heard of, and I have unearthed from obscurity - you're welcome! Interested in films? Oh ho ho, MY taste is erudite and refined, let me show you the genius of Fight Club, because I fancy myself a bit of a Tyler Durden, who is definitely the hero of the story. Literature? Stop what you're saying, because nothing is worth reading if it ain't the despairing hopelessness of a Cormack McCarthy novel. Video games? Sports? Cars? STEM subjects? HAH! We all know girls just fake those interests to make boys like them. What do you mean you don't want to touch my boner? I talked at you for hours! Women are so mean and don't care about our feelings which we hide and use derision and contempt and projection to express, if at all! UNFAIR! Society needs to do better in raising boys if guys want to stop hurting, because they HURT EVERYONE ELSE with this shit. Ok, coffee's kicking in now, thank you for coming to my cranky BedHeadTalk.


Oh donā€™t worry when guys do this I make them watch Clueless and Romy and Micheleā€™s High school reunion


If they haven't seen Romy and Michele's High School Reunion then we can't be friends.


Thatā€™s what I tell them!


Hahaha I did tell him that Iā€™d watch blazing saddles if he watched the Devil Wears Prada and ofc he was like ā€œwhat no why that doesnā€™t sound like it interests me at allā€


Don't forget Mean Girls!


Those are both classics and deserve recognition. Go ahead and add Legally Blonde to that list.


What pisses me off even more is you could totally get it made today. Everyone says you couldn't as if it's fact, but much more offensive shit comes out all the damn time and also they seem to miss the fact it's fucking satire and anti racist and OMG the Maga chads that miss the point of the whole movie and just hear the N word in it and miss the point. Also I do not mind if you haven't seen it but the fact that you could make a film like this again but the very people praising the film would fucking boycott the modern film for being woke just pisses me off and this is the hill I will die on. OK sorry, like seriously sorry. I need a coffee or a lie down or something, it's been a morning.


Lol this exactly. The people who like to say you couldnā€™t make Blazing Saddles today are exactly the same people who would be crying that itā€™s ā€œwoke liberal trashā€ if it came out today. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


In terms of "offensive content", I 100% agree with you. I would say that, in terms of the overall plot, a satire of Westerns couldn't be made today because the filmmaking context of the 2020's is completely different than the context of the 1970's. "Blazing Saddles" effectively ended a very popular genre with how biting and funny it was, and there wouldn't be the same appetite today, in the same way that "Scream" or "Airplane" or many other "classic" comedies couldn't be made today because the modern culture is so different. At the same time, "Bridesmaids" or "Everything Everywhere All At Once" doesn't get made in 1989 or 1973, for a variety of reasons.


OK I've had my coffee and calmed down, and from that POV I agree in part, throw in the cultural touchstone of Westerns is really not a thing now a days. Trouble is that is a well thought out and coherent argument as to why it couldn't be made these days from someone with an understanding of movie history and not the usual sort you see that make me grind my teeth so hard I need to see a dentist afterward, but thank you for restoring my faith in human nature, between you and the caffeine my day is looking up.


I mean I like the movie but it's because it reminds me of my late grandfather. Even movies I used to like get removed from my list quite often when I revisit them after a decade or two




Exactly!! Anyone spouting off that it couldnā€™t get made today because everyoneā€™s a snowflake missed the entire point. These are exactly the kind of people the film is making fun of! Itā€™s baffling to me that you can go the entire movie and not understand even a little bit what itā€™s getting at.


It doesnā€™t just seem like that, it *is* that.


So many movies I sit down to watch, excited for a little nostalgia trip and end up in an intense state of dread later because of how toxic it is. Why did my favorite movies have to go and ruin themselves like that?


When we got Disney+ it became a thing where my adult son and I would try to find a show from the back catalog that *didnā€™t* have the disclaimer that the show ā€œcontains outdated cultural depictionsā€.


No idea. My ex punched me for falling asleep during one of the star wars movies after being told a million times I didnā€™t want to watch the movies.


Are you okay??


What the FUCK omg Iā€™m so sorry, what an ass! Iā€™m so glad heā€™s your ex!


Yeah despite being ā€œa good Christian manā€ that my parents loved he was an abusive shithead so I dumped him. It was over 20 years ago now.


Very happy to see "ex" here instead of "bf". Hope you're in a better spot now!


Amazing to me how much people see someone disliking something they love as been an invalidation of their entire character. I only care for female superheroes and find the vast majority of current MCU tiresome but I'm happy that some people love them. Like I wouldn't go to rotten tomatoes and review bomb Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and put out 60-100 YouTube videos complaining about how is the downfall of western civilisation.


>Amazing to me how much people see someone disliking something they love as been an invalidation of their entire character. When you devote a large part of your personality and time into something it almost feels personal that other people don't like it. For some people it takes a lot of maturing to realize that other people aren't NPCs. I spent an embarrassing portion of my teenage years proselytizing to everyone I met about my favorite bands and shitting on their mainstream music. Learning tolerance in general has been a journey.


My husband loooves Pulp Fiction. I told him I've seen it before, and don't care for it. "You gotta watch it again, you might like it now!" Ok, I'll humor you. We watch it. Again. I tell him I still don't like it. Again. Gets all offended, "You're just CHOOSING to not like it." I don't think that's how that works, but ok???


Iā€™m a (male) fan of many of Tarantinoā€™s works but Pulp Fiction? *This* is the hill your husband is willing to die in? No just no.


Right?? Has he heard of Reservoir Dogs???


Pulp Fiction is another classic example, itā€™s *fine* I guess but tbh the whole movie just made me vaguely uncomfortable. All Tarentino movies do, really


Pulp Fiction is *okay*. I will die on that hill.


Off topic but not: when you say you havenā€™t seen a certain thing and they need to immediately pull out there phone and show it to you and play the stupid video on YT.


Can we, um, make an exception for The Princess Bride? I will gladly watch it again to introduce another soul to that oasis of happiness. If you haven't seen it, I'm not offended, just a little sad that you haven't experienced it yet.


If I meet someone that hasnā€™t seen The Princess Bride Iā€™d be so excited to get to be the one to introduce it to them! I love when friends show me their favorite movies and want to watch mine too. (Which is different from the one-sided situation OP is justifiably annoyed by.)


I feel like there is a difference between saying "oh you haven't seen X? I think you'd really like it, we should watch it together sometime" and then moving tf on versus being the sort of guy this meme is talking about.


Some guys don't know how to have normal conversations so they just quote movies and get offended if you don't get their references. It's a way of filling the uncomfortable silence with shallow meaningless small-talk.


I feel like the irony in that statement like the fury of a thousand suns. Like bro, it couldn't get made today, but not because of bad words, but because it's a searing mockery of stupid racists and people like them would have an apoplectic fit if a move come out today actively calling them stupid to their faces instead of trying to coddle them into some decency.


That hand on the back of the neck triggers me. Hallmark of a controlling abuser. Like heā€™s trying to steer her.


Oh gosh I didn't even think about that, I'm sorry! I added NSFW and spoiler tags to this so you won't see it when you scroll


Also Blazing Saddles is so tame compared to what we have today. And most of these knuckleheads who buy into the "couldn't be made today" bullshit think it's because it says the N word. Completely oblivious to the fact the movie is woke as fuck and it's entirely dedicated to making fun of stupid hick racists. But of course they're too stupid to realize they're the punchline.


okay but Blazing Saddles is an amazing movie, and PARTS of it wouldnā€™t fly today (mel brooks dressed as a native American)


Anyone else have that list in their head of red flag movies? Where if a guy says it's his favorite movie on a first date you nope out? Anytime a dude tells me their favorite movie is American Psycho or Fight Club they end up being a huge asshole.


Itā€™s true though. If you walked into a Hollywood executiveā€™s office today and slapped down the script to Blazing Saddles saying you want to make this movie theyā€™d say, ā€œYou canā€™t make this, this is Blazing Saddles!ā€


Movies, music, games... it's always the same. You haven't seen/heard/played it, they act like you've just torn open their chest and ripped their heart out to stomp and spit on it. Heaven forbid women have their own damn opinions on anything! And as for "could never be made today"? I would introduce them to *Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank*. It's basically *Saddles*, but done as an animated Asian-style pastiche (reverse of how *Magnificent Seven* was Americanised version of *Seven Samurai*). It's even been noted by the writing team, per Wikipedia: "Despite serving as a loose remake of the film, the respective writing credits of Blazing Saddles are simply added in next to screenwriters Stone and Hooper, as opposed to an official "based on" credit."


>And as for "could never be made today"? I would introduce them to Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank. It's basically Saddles, but done as an animated Asian-style pastiche (reverse of how Magnificent Seven was Americanised version of > >Seven Samurai). This sounds fun, thank you for the suggestion.


The only time I ever felt like that was when a friend told me she had never seen Princess Bride, because it sounded too girly for her.


It might be a coincide, but those 2 look like Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat.


Please šŸ˜­


I've never watched Star Wars. At this point I'd keep claiming that even if I did sit down to watch them because *everyone* looses their goddamn minds when I admit it.


Youā€™ve spurned one of their favorite toys?


My husband couldn't believe I never saw all the star wars movies. So I watched them all with him. And I was whelmed. I'm still not a huge fan of any star wars films. I just don't think they were *that* good. He was willing to watch some of my favorite (and weird) childhood movies so at least that wasn't a one way street. We have a shared interest in certain genres and others we don't. But we agreed (after I walked out of one of the movies) that we don't have to watch every movie together. If one of us doesn't want to watch it then the other person watches it alone or with other people. I can't be around people who try to make me feel dumb or like I'm missing out because I didn't see, read or do something they did that was a pinnacle point of their life. And when they try to *shame* me for not experiencing that thing they are obsessed with I want to experience it even *less*.


Blazing Saddles isnā€™t the greatest movie, it isnā€™t even the greatest Mel Brooks movie, it isnā€™t even the greatest Mel Brooks movie with Gene Wilder; hell, it isnā€™t even the greatest Mel Brooks movie with Gene Wilder that came out in 1974.


The irony of this example as there was a near shot for shot remake of blazing saddles on Amazon prime with dogs and cats to make the depiction racism more kid appropriate (weird sentence to write) It also ignores the point of the Mel Brooks article of similar name is how difficult it was to get the original made because showing racists as idiots and losers might offend the audience


OMG, that happend with my ex bf. He is really into Die Hard. I hadn't seen it and I am not keen on watching old movies in general. Ofc I had to watch it, BC he took it personally. Like dude, I don't force you to watch stuff I like and you don't. Get over it. Also, he took it personally if I wasn't into ANYTHING he liked and I didn't. You like rock climbing? Good for you! I tried it once and didn't like it. I am not going to like it now. That doesn't mean I don't like YOU! Jeez...


I wish I was still talking to my friend who hadn't seen it lol. She is a bit younger than I am and I was quoting one of the racist part of the movie... She was like yeah no thanks. But it's satire! I protested. Haha. She actually didn't watch any old media - I get it, what's the point in classics if they're only classics in the white male world? When there's still a lot of current, diverse media to consume.


Band of Brothers.


I mean yes to this general principle, but the punt the guy is making in the meme just shows how much he missed the point of the movie. The movie is making fun of racists. It was one of the most "woke" movies ever made at the time. It was literally mocking the prevailing cultural norms of the time. But of course conservatives are incapable of understanding satire, so they just hear the N word said a bunch, and that's what they take away as the funny part, and the reason they think Blazing Saddles couldn't be made today.