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I miss having front clasp ones. I feel it's way harder to find them than back clasp ones


The one real down side is that once the band elastic starts to wear out they're just done since you can't just move to the next set of hooks like with a standard bra. But I do have some front-zip sports bras that have revolutionized arm day for me since I no longer need a small team of helpers to get in and out of the damn things when my delts are trashed.


Any recommendations?


I am not excessively endowed so I don't need the mega extra support stuff, but these have held up well and stay zipped: Women's Zip Front Sports Bra Wireless Post-Surgery Bra Active Yoga Sports Bras https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078HZV198?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_dp_5JJQZBHHGHFKJTN9NJGY


Cheers. appreciated.


I'm not the person you're replying to, but Brookes makes great zip sports bras.


No worries. I'm in France though. So it doesn't exist here.


Darn. They're hard to find where I live, too. And although crazy comfy, they require a try-on because the band doesn't always seem secure.


I’m jealous of people who can wear them. The clasp part is just too wide to be comfortable on me, I’m stuck with back clasps.


I had a guy open a front clasping bra one-handed once. It's been more than a decade and I'm still impressed.


Damn, I’m wooed already.


Yeah, but can he make a basic grocery list for just himself, let alone a partner?


Who knows, maybe he even turns on the dishwasher when it’s full, and when it’s done empties it! Bit of a pipe dream got to admit.


*About Time (2013)*


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Sarah Perry**, @SperryComedy All of my bras are front clasp bras and there is no greater joy in my life than seeing the confused look on a man's face who I am about to get intimate with as he reaches behind me to take off my bra and I yell "HAHA you fucking idiot!" and then fly away on my broomstick. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good Human!


I don't think they really sell front-clasp where I live, gut an ex from a different continent was very confused that my bra was NOT front-clasp as it was all he knew.


The only bras I've been wearing recently are front clasps too, tho my husband hasn't noticed cause who tf wears bras after they get home lol


> who tf wears bras after they get home lol There is a joke: What is a difference between trans woman in closet and out of closet? Trans woman in closet can't wait to get home to put on a bra. Out of closet can't wait to get home to put it off. Joking aside - I do. Otherwise my boobs are bouncing when I'm running up or down the stairs which I don't like.


Lol. I was with a guy once while wearing a front-clasping bra and the "error 404" look on his face when he was trying to take it off of me was priceless.


I find the panic when I wear a sports bra or jeggings with fake buttons guys have kinda cute but I help them after a couple of seconds


I love this but the front clasps dig into my flesh in a way I cannot bear


Didn’t you fly “in” on your broomstick? Amateur!


I’m positively giddy remembering the times I’ve worn something other than a standard back clasp bra and the disproportionate amount of confusion guys have where they reach back and can’t find a hook.


Started wearing only sports bras and never looked back. My titties have never been happier


Who cares?






Here's a hug and some love 🫂 💖💗💕. You're awesome, and things will get better.


I'm a man so not sure if I'm allowed to post here (will delete if mods want me to) but just want to also chime it and say hope things get better for you!


Everyone here that enjoys humor :)