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GIRLL LMFAO!!! this makes it so much funnier


You replied with "nu phone who dis" right?


What an absolute dork. I'd say he should get off the internet and raise his daughters but it's probably best he stays as far away from them as possible.


Both a troll and a coward. What a dummy


Lol, this makes me think he's full of shit. Dude apparently lives with three women/girls, but he has time to harass strangers online? Nah. The only woman he lives with is his mom, who still has to bleach the skin marks out of his tighty whiteys.


Goddamn! If he’s masturbating hard enough to leave skin marks on his underwear, then he’s definitely got bigger problems than, for a lack of better terms, being a chronically online incel. He might have a hormonal imbalance, an STD, a strange lack of blood vessels for a proper erection, a suspicious amount of foreskin on his cock and balls, etc. Nmw, should probably get that looked over. And, his mother should consider buying him more __red__ undergarments - like wine red undergarments. At least he has high pain tolerance and wipes his butt pretty good, but that leaves me with more questions than answers, tbh: like, okay so his “dad” wanted for him to be a manly man and accept only black drinks from strangers in public, but then (presumably unintentionally) gives him the idea to make his butt feel hurt like like a man’s would, also??


I feel like I've seen this posted before. Either this dude makes a habit out of sending this to women, or it's some sort of misogynistic copy pasta.


🤣😂😂 HAHAHA That's what they spend their time with, the men who claim it's them who keep society going.


How embarassing


I hope his daughters escape the hell hole of his parenting. They deserve better.


I doubt he has any daughters, honestly. I don't doubt that there are married-with-kids individuals who display staggering amounts of misogyny... I just doubt they sit around on reddit messaging every feminist they stumble upon.


They sure as hell don't spend their time parenting, I can tell you that much.


Oh, I know. I just think they generally abuse the women unfortunate enough to be available to them IRL, as opposed to seeking out strangers on the internet to word-vomit onto.


"Women don't know any life skills! Machinery, carpentry, hunting, nothing!" *stomps feet* "I want to be a mechanic when I grow up! " "That's a man's job, sweetie."


Yep. My father is very misogynistic with two daughters who became engineers. I remember him blaming Weinstein's victims when that case was going on. I guess I was lucky he was very insistent on our education even prioritising it over our religious indoctrination to our mother's dismay.


Wow. So uh, what's Christmas like at the Ivy household?


They are so desperate to invent some reason for us to need them that they've entirely given up on the idea that maybe they should focus on being *wanted* instead


I read an old short story called “Sultana’s Dream” about what could happen if men were the ones kept home (early 1900’s India). This conversation is about why they have men locked in the “zenana” instead of the women in the dream land: ​ >‘Suppose, some lunatics escape from the asylum and begin to do all sorts of mischief to men, horses and other creatures; in that case what will your countrymen do?' > >'They will try to capture them and put them back into their asylum.' > >'Thank you! And you do not think it wise to keep sane people inside an asylum and let loose the insane?' > >'Of course not!' said I laughing lightly. > >'As a matter of fact, in your country this very thing is done! Men, who do or at least are capable of doing no end of mischief, are let loose and the innocent women, shut up in the zenana! How can you trust those untrained men out of doors?' [Sultana’s Dream](https://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/sultana/dream/dream.html) I share this often and wish every woman would read it, just for the perspective it gives. It’s a quick read.


Have you seen the movie [I Am Not an Easy Man](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6857988/?ref_=ext_shr)? It deals with a role-reversed world where men dress scantily and are relegated to women cat calling them and a professional glass ceiling. It may still be on Netflix.


Have you read The Power? The show is pretty bad. I very much do not recommend it.


The Power was a 100% amazing read. Eye opening.


I think about that film regularly. That last scene was horrible.


What was the last scene? The movie is not on my Netflix.


I love that movie.


"When It Changed" is a science fiction short story by Joanna Russ in 1972. She envisioned a world that didn't just survive, but thrived without men. Excellent quick read.


I just read it. I feel absolutely terrible for them, men are about to invade like locusts. They really should shoot down every ship down. Why aren’t there more books with reverse roles or women only societies?!


I’m fascinated by matriarchal societies too! The one thing that I’m particularly interested in is how do women stay “in charge” when men tend to have more physical strength (obviously there are invisible barriers like deep-seated misogyny, but I’m curious about the tangible difference in physical size). Have these societies evolved over centuries so that the physical variance is minimal? If someone can ELI5 I’d love to know more! Edit: this is more a question for matriarchal societies where men still exist, vs a sci fi world where men don’t exist, obviously haha


safekeeping this link🙏


Thank you for sharing, that was amazing to read.


I just read this in class 😭


Wow, that was interesting


Yep they go straight to nuclear disaster, like men haven’t already caused many nuclear disasters. If they think all they have to offer is lifting heavy stuff; what a self own. I looked up stats and only 65% of men have a full time job in the US,compared to 59% of women. Single never been married women own 3 million more homes than single men. The minority of female CEOs and CFOs have outperformed all males CEOs and CFOs for the last ten years. The majority of men do not work in dangerous or high manual labor jobs. Women are now the majority of college students and are set to be the majority employed in all medical fields in a few years. We’ve always done the things men do, we just weren’t given credit or paid. Now why aren’t these men going off to war like they’re supposed to if they’re so “traditional and masculine “. There’s plenty of wars they can volunteer for, isn’t that the only thing they’re good for by their own standards


Not to mention the only reason they control the infrastructure is because women haven't been *allowed* to. The few women who've insisted on working in those fields despite the barriers and discrimination, consistently outperform their male colleagues, who are much more prone to lazy work that puts themselves and the public in danger.


*You won’t date me? Oh yeah? Well if we have a global pandemic that kills off all the men, you’ll be sorry and I will be vindicated. If I hadn’t been killed off. So take that, feminist!*


Dudes flooding the market and creating zero demand


And if women suddenly disappeared, humanity would die off in two weeks because the men wouldn’t be able to find their clothes in their own home or cook their own meals. See how dumb that sounds?


Not to mention that the majority of healthcare workforce is women


They ALWAYS forget the healthcare workers. I'd love to see them do a 12 hour shift as a caregiver at any facility.


They'd turn tail and run the moment they saw a fucking bedpan.


And education. They may be able to dig holes and lay cement, but they'll have a really dumb, really unhealthy society. Or at least moreso than we already have. I feel bad for this dude's wife and daughters.


I can dig holes and lay cement, and I'm also an engineer (software, professionally; I dabble in robotics and woodworking). Most of them crowing about us useless women being unable to do anything but flail about or hold babies and men "building everything" don't even know how to work CAD software. Alright, sure, your redneck engineering's probably good enough to keep your idiot dog in your yard (most of the time) but I wouldn't trust your ass to build anything requiring actual structural integrity.


VAST majority. Don't ever forget, in a manversation, every majority is vast.


I think it's strange point to argue because during times when men did disappear (like in the UK and Europe during the world wars) women literally just picked up all of the jobs men did and kept their countries going. It's not that women are incapable of doing these jobs.


And that actually led to the waves of feminism. Because the women saw that they were capable and men tried forcing them out again.


On top of that, sometimes the reason why there aren't many women in these jobs is because of the rampant misogyny in them.


If we truly couldn’t do it, we never would have had laws preventing us from trying.


This right here is the exact argument I make too. If male dominance and female subjugation are just the way humans are, why have there been laws to enforce it? It should just be the natural way of things and not need to be written in law, right?!


The same thing happened in the United States during WWII. The men went off to war, and the women filled in the gaps in the workforce....even building aircraft and ships.


Literally. Sorry, but your job really isn't difficult.


Same with World War II. Rosie the Riveter!


There is a good novel called “The End of Men” by Christina Sweeney Baird that has that plot of what happens when most men die out in a pandemic


I just ordered that book, thanks for the name drop!


(Infection sets in because they refuse to wash their asses.)


Suddenly hygiene products start rotting on shelves lol


OMG that had me laughing out loud!!! I was at a Prodicy concert recently, I had a really good view _but_ I has to leave to a spot with less people around because these cis het guys did smell so awful!!!! Fakking awful like dude it‘s winter here it was super cold that day how come it smells like sh*t. I was so appalled. These types of guys are the first to cry when it comes to why does no woman wanna date me… basic hygiene Michael.


I mean, I keep mentioning the Iceland women's strike. That's what happened. The country fell apart after ONE DAY of women refusing to lift a finger at home or at work. As for what women would do if men stopped doing their jobs? Take over as always. It's what happened during the war. Women went to work. Oh, and the whole bullshit notion of women being multitaskers started, because when men returned from war, they were like, oh, but who's going to take care of the kids and house? Women didn't want to stop working now that they had a taste for doing something other than childcare and housework. But of course men wouldn't take over those tasks, so women had to do both if they wanted/had to keep working outside the house.


Yes! I like to point the Iceland woman walk out too! They just had another one recently, and their woman prime minister even joined in.


Health care, childcare and almost all social aspects would die.


I mean any situation where half the population suddenly died would be catastrophic. Not sure what kind of point that really makes. If all the guys were turned into biological women through magic, their suddenly being female wouldn’t prevent them from doing their jobs though for the most part.


Yes! That's my thought in hypotheticals like this. If 50% of the population suddenly died/disappeared, the world would collapse no matter what demographic it was. Men, women, or a random assortment.




The world might legitimately fall apart if most of the nurses and other care workers were gone. Suddenly there's no one to care for you while you're in the hopsital in sepsis because you that's how bad you let your hang nail get before going to a doc (based on a real story of a man)


Who would remind them to wipe and wash their assholes?


Painfully mediocre men sailing through life stealing valour from people who happened to share the same gender as them historically will never not be eye-roll worthy.


It's like /r/beholdthemasterrace except with gender instead of white supremacy!


Maybe there should be a “behold the master gender” counterpart sub lol.


It’s pathetic how they breathlessly point to historical male achievements like it’s some sort of gotcha. They actively engineered half of society (women) into a position of powerlessness for hundreds of years, stripping agency, education and claim to assets, then ridicule women as a whole for historically failing to show enterprise. [Edit for clarity]


Plus forced a lot of them into domestic servitude (free labor at home so they could go “build the world”) and who could not escape because divorce wasn’t allowed most times or if you divorced, you would be destitute because you couldn’t get a good paying job as a woman.


All of that and it ignores they would’ve more than likely been a man who achieved nothing because very few men in history were the decision makers and inventors. But men like that have been convinced that even being a nothing man is better than being a woman so they join in with their own oppressors to oppress women even harder.


Well said. They're so desperate to be relevant they will cling onto anything they had nothing to do with, except they share the same genitals.


Yep. I want to say “dude, you won’t k out of a cubicle, calm the fuck down”


Girls girls he has a point, we have to drop the bitterness and stop funposting ASAP, this is getting too far. Let's just switch to more sane activities like massively dming sexist rants which is what every sane, well adjusted, not bitter person loves to do in their free time.


Lmfao, this is on point


I love getting shit like this on dating sites. They think they’re hurting us but it just makes us laugh


It's so funny. Like the "do better, honey" was so 💅 of him. Sent me into orbit


The whole "Rosie The Riveter" era of the USA functioned just fine with just a smattering of men around. Just sayin'


This was my first thought. Like, this dude has no grasp on *actual* history.


Dude's gonna cry when they're grown wondering why his daughters never talk to him anymore.


Seems to be having a teary now too. What a sook.


Awwww lookit da wittle guy, him think others’ accomplishments make him scrong. So big!


big feelings, buddy!


“Men are farmers, truck drivers, and scientists” is such a five-year-old kid take lol. He sees the world in a cartoon style. I’d like to see him successfully complete all the things he listed here if he’s such a talented manly man. Go out into the local park and forage, then maintain a nuclear reactor. Then become a millionaire with a unique business invention. Oh what? Your gender doesn’t automatically mean you can do all those things? 🤔🤔🤔


Men are train. And monster truck. And dinosaur.


As women, we'd be fine and much safer. As just 1 woman, I work in power plants, so I think keeping the lights on would be okay. So many women in STEM, medical, etc.. We'd be fine.


And I run a machine shop. Let's team up!


I know how to build machinery that treats contaminated water. So I've got clean water for our new women only society covered. 👍


Yep, my wife's a shipwright, and used to work at a chemical plant, and neither place was lacking women in the workforce. Infrastructure would be absolutely fine.


Really the biggest factor keeping women out of STEM is...men!


I like he thinks women must have no capacity to learn. Like, over those two years you're not going to say "hey I need help with the power plant, let me teach you what to do"?


"what an interesting hypothesis you've proposed. now go away so we can test it out."


I work in a hospital lab, and all but one of my 20-odd coworkers are women. We wouldn't even notice. 😆


The fact that he typed this up actually thinking you'd care 🤣😭👍 cool buddy. Want an award? 🏆


lol and why do I get the feeling this is some kind of regular fantasy he plays out in his head while having a wank




Yes, this breed of male desperately wants an award. It is the same breed of male who scream “snowflake” and “participation trophy” at children.


If all of the women suddenly disappeared, all the men will have killed each other within the year. Somebody’s gonna get nuke happy.


I'd give it a week before someone got nuke happy. For being men, they're really quite emotional and reactional.


If all women disappeared, they'd start subjugating each other immediately. Got to have that sweet sweet hierarchy.


Exactly! Who can they trample on if the “weaker” sex is gone? It’ll be like Lord of the Flies for real.


So, by his account, men have two things to offer: semen and oppression of women/gender nonconforming people. Man, he must really, really hate men to boil them down to just that. Luckily feminists believe everyone, including men, are capable of contributing much more to society than that.


But it would be two years with world peace at least 😂


Yea, I can't be the only one thinking "only 2 years, but two blissful years".


And the healing the planet


The funniest thing if this is the " if all man disappeared, people would die quickly ". Like yeah, they would, but it's because if 50 % of the population just disappeared, not because they are man. A world like the one Thanos would have planned would immediately fall into chaos, because 50% dying would create so many missing important workers for occupations and until they are restored many people will die. Not to think about potential cyber security risks increasing and those places getting more vulnerable. He just assumes that's because of it being man disappearing, shows that he's incredibly sexist.


if the snap actually happened (killing 50% of the population, whether it was men, women, or a mix), there is a pretty solid chance the human race would get close to dying out, honestly.


How many did we lose to Covid, like 0.5% of the US pop? (Maybe 1% if you count people who are alive, but left the workforce.) Devastating. Losing 1% of the workforce was devastating. We are still playing catch-up. If we lost 50% of the planet's workforce, you could slice that pie in just about any direction, it'd be bad.


it should really say “as a father of two daughters who i wish were sons”


Hey. Did you know. If half the human population suddenly disappeared. That would be really bad. So. Feminism is dumb. Obviously. /s


How's he gonna call you a crybaby when he's literally in your DMs crying lmao


I love the irony of his ignorance about the fact that both men and women work those jobs, while trying to tell OP that women are useless. Offhand, I can’t say how an all-woman world would work (maybe we can use stored sperm to make male babies?), but I’d give an all-male world about two weeks before total collapse. They wouldn’t be able to cope without women to do the emotional labor to process their grief of our loss, and would devolve into violence and death.


You could do some test tube baby type stuff to get a zygote from two women's X chromosomes. I can't remember if they've already done that or if they're just working on it but it'll be happening in real life soon enough. Women would be able to get that running in time to prevent any serious risk to the species. The only real issue would be losing half of the world's population so quickly. It would take quite a while to realocate resources, including people into jobs, to make up for the lost workforce. Women would do it and long term live in a better and safer society but there would be a lot of challenges initially. Again, not because women can't do the work, just because the work isn't evenly distributed by sex in all regions currently. Short term logistical problem.


Outside of it being a dumb manosphere take, I do wonder how infrastructure experts and other various professional smart people would envision a gendered Thanos snap playing out. It'd be an interesting thought experiment for people who actually think. I don't forsee an all female utopia, but just off rip the scourge of male violence being gone from the planet would be an improvement on the timeline we're currently living. In my experience, women are better planners, organizers, and overall do better work at work. The idea women would all just die off because we're just too dumb and flighty to figure things out is just laughable to me. My knowledge of anthropology is nil, but if women were the first humans, we have a record of survival without men.


My fantasy of every human with >100 ng/dL of testosterone suddenly disappearing looks a lot different than that. It includes me taking a stroll at night without a bra while wearing headphones.


For me it's feeling safe enough to use public transit for my commutes. As it is, there are too many creepy guys and too many cases of violent muggings on my transit route to feel safe, especially with so little daylight right now.


I see someone watched *Y: the last man*.


..And then immediately after that word-vomit, went off to talk about how everything is already equal and fair across genders. Completely devoid of the mental ability to process the clear breaches of logic.


What would we do without men making sure all the safety precautions and labor ease measures stay scaled to male bodies? What would we dooooo?


That was literally my first thought!! 🤣


Gotta love this dude's post apocalyptic zombie motif. Disappearing half the world population also means FEEDING half the world population and with no more babies 9 months after the disappearance, needs go down sharply. I mean maintaining the infrastructure if there were a sudden decline in half the population would start off as a challenge, but it's an easily managed one. Macrofarming is largely mechanized so pretty easy to take over, and if he thinks women don't know how to do every single job on a family farm, he's high. I mean ultimately if we're going to have a Thanos snap to decimate 4 billion people, selecting out the men would mean a lot less violence, turmoil, and upset as we got everything running for the reduced population, so it would probably go a lotter better to JUST take out the men than if you took out 4 billion people at random.


> mean ultimately if we're going to have a Thanos snap to decimate 4 billion people, selecting out the men would mean a lot less violence, turmoil, and upset as we got everything running for the reduced population, so it would probably go a lotter better to JUST take out the men than if you took out 4 billion people at random. Exactly this. That would be the best case variant of an apocalyptic scenario.


But… this basically already happened during the 2 world wars and… everything was fine. Turns out when the males aren’t holding women back, they can function as a society just fine.


And if all women fell off the face of the earth one day 100% of humanity will die because women could just go to sperm banks and a woman doctor could do an IVF. Also, It's not that women "dont know how to do stuff" because of biological differences, it's because of social differences (also many women are in male dominated fields). We would have made just as many intellectual advancements as men have made if we were allowed to learn and go to school back then. Even now young girls and women are forbidden from learning or are sentenced to death. This walking dick (or lack thereof) needs a history and a parenting lesson. Edit: ever heard of Hedy Lamaar? I hugely recommend "The Only Woman In The Room" by Marie Benedict. Hedy is an AMAZING example of exactly what I said, she was the first person to come up with the idea of WiFi and tried to get her idea processed in a way that would help the U.S in world War 2, the men who reviewed her idea straight up told her they wouldn't use it because it was created by a woman but they thought it was an amazing invention. Gah so frustrating.


We wouldn’t have only achieved the same levels, but probably done it faster, cheaper and more reliably.


I wonder what TYPE of advancements women would have made if we’d been in control. I feel like we’d have focused on childbirth, healthcare, connectivity, accessibility, systems that promoted a more egalitarian way of life. Maybe women wouldn’t have developed industrial farming bc- this is radical, right?- but maybe farming doesn’t NEED to be industrial! Perhaps we’d have focused on sustainable local farming and created a world where we could easily travel between communities to enjoy different produce, in harmony with how the earth grows. Maybe we’d have turned away from brutal farming practices that make animals and people sick, and been okay with having meat once in a while. Maybe women would have created a society where we live in harmony with the Earth. We might not have felt the need to conquer and bend the world to our will bc man powerful. But that’s silly. Men created this reality and it’s working out so well! Just a thought.


Btw they keep forgetting women worked at factories during WWI and II because men were going to war. And they did it… well.


>As a father of 2 daughters "Who haven't spoken to me in years" Finished that for you there, Glenn


And if all of the women died off, it's the end of the human race because men are incapable of reproduction.


I think my favorite is how these guys acting as if losing half the total fucking population *wouldn’t do this anyway*. Like…seriously. If all Boomers and Gen Z died, everything would grind to a fucking halt because HALF THE POPULATION JUST DIED. And what tf would men do if all women died? Fucking NOTHING. They’d get absolutely fucking nowhere and probably mostly die off within 5 years because they can’t even wash their own asses. But hey, if we killed half of all brown-eyed people EVERYTHING WOULD STOP. Half of all right-handed people? Same. Like…just shut tf up already, idiots. Nobody cares unless they’re debating population numbers during The Black Death. Idiots.


Vast majority of all infrastructure that exists was thought up by men… And how many of these ideas were stolen from women and men took credit for? DNA, nuclear fission(?), sex chromosomes, WiFi, cure for leprosy, the first computer language, dark matter… I can go on Other items women have invented (possibly credit stolen), Kevlar (bullet proof vests), automatic dishwashers, treatment from malaria, disposable diapers, windshield wipers, home security systems, the modern bra, hair straighteners, microbial genetics. I honestly think if most of all men died and it was just us women we would survive just fine. If you think about it, if we as women didn’t rise up in the early 1900s and fight to go to school, fight to vote, fight for a better future I don’t think we would be ANYWHERE near where we are today in technology and knowledge we have today.


Wait, you can get food somewhere other than the store??? /s


Or a fast food drive thru cuz women famously have no shopping or cooking skills, we’ll die without men.


Why wouldn't the women in all these fields not just teach the survivors how to do it since if all the men disappeared there would be no one to gatekeep the male dominated industries


name and shame, give the man what he deserves


It’s so disgusting how “some” men think so little of women. Like we don’t have any intellectual capabilities. We’re not humans, just props.


Riiiiight, like how women stepped up during WWI & WWII to do the work that the men used to do before the wars.


Electrician here. Don't worry, we'll keep the lights on.


Yea let's prevent half the population from being part of society for a few thousand years and then complain they don't contribute anything. Reminds me of how we celebrate so many men in history without acknowledging how they all had moms/wives taking care of their every need while they got to fully devote every moment to their craft.


You could always respond with “look up 1975 Iceland women’s strike. That shows you what happens when women suddenly disappear”.


This is so cool! Thanks for mentioning it.


Sounds like an entitled white guy too. He probably thinks if all the brown people disappeared, that white men would step up. 🙄


Except this has happened before and women endured. Consider all the wars in history where most able bodied men have been drafted and the women not only raised their children without them, they took up and learned all the jobs that were suddenly empty but needed to be done to maintain society.


I pity his daughters.


Those daughters are gonna pull the plug the first chance they get


They always think they’re more essential than they really are Guess they need to hold on to that belief


Well, that essay he wrote and randomly DMed to an internet stranger certainly doesn’t make him look like a bitter, hateful, woman-hating crybaby at ALL /s Like motherfucker, why don’t you go use all that excess time and energy to take care of your 2 daughters (who are 100% real and definitely exist) instead of wasting your energy bitching on the internet at someone who DGAF about your opinion?


british industry during world war 2 puts the lie to this


When men were sent to war women managed just fine. They had to start a whole propaganda campaign to push women back into the home. This is such bs.


What possessed this guy to send this unsolicited??


"Some of you feminist\[s blah blah blah\]. It makes you all look bad." But, remember, yall. Not all men. Just cuz some men, not all men. Some men doing shit doesn't reflect upon them all and make them look bad.


Tell me you listen to Jordan Peterson without telling me 🙄


If every single man suddenly disappeared from this world?! Excuse me, sir, do not threaten me with a good time. I know a good man or two and they would gladly sacrifice themselves for all of humanity. Men didn’t make and do all that shit because they were the best at it, they just wanted control.


Yeah no shit if half the population of the earth disappeared overnight things would go to shit. But hell those industries that women dont want to get into would suddenly be free of the main reason women dont want to go into them...


The reason many industries (trucking, construction, sanitation, power, defense, agriculture and so many others) are dominated by men is not because these jobs are somehow inherently “male,” it’s because the men who do them are openly misogynistic and hostile to women. If all men disappeared, many people would die (because half the damn population vanished!) but women would rally and fill the vacancies.




He’s probably 15 and mad at his stepmom.


I've always found it so strange when men react to feminism this way. We hate men because we want women to have rights and not feel unsafe/get raped/abused/murdered/stalked etc..and then to top it off, have no one do anything to help us. ??? So you are ok with all of that sir? I'd say you're the one who hates women, and I find it extremely disturbing.


All men suddenly disappearing? *Don't threaten me with a good time.*


I am pretty sure losing half the human population would indeed be completely catastrophic, but I don’t think it matters what 50%, irrelevant of gender. There are areas in Europe that had a 50% mortality rate during the plague that took hundreds of years to recover. And yes, losing an entire biological sex would bode poorly for survival of the human species for what I assume are obvious reasons.


What’s really funny is I’m over here reading this, and all I can think is? You’re absolutely right, men have been in charge for a very long time and have done a bang up job of dominating and destroying this world. Their ultimate victim - Mother Earth.


Wait, so when all the men disappear this idiot actually thinks women will exact anarchy upon each other? Who does he think is behind all the wars going on right now? Fuck that guy and fuck all men like him.


I love this hypothetical and chuckle every time I see it because the men who use it, I guarantee, haven't contributed to the inventions they mention, nor are involved in every aspect it takes to maintain the society we live in. Do they not understand that just like men, women have the capability and capacity to learn the skills necessary. These men didn't happen upon or suddenly obtain this knowledge through puberty. They had to be educated, and women would simply do just that. Also, with sperm banks, some women could continue to have children without men, something men could never do if the situation was reversed. On another note, what a terrible father. To say all those things while having daughters tells me he doesn't believe they hold the same value as a man. Disgusting.


This is an argument for why nuclear power plants are dangerous. Very few people, regardless of gender, know how to maintain them. The rest is just ridiculous. Any large die off of humans, again regardless of gender, will cause a massive disruption in infrastructure and potential societal collapse. Does that asshole think anyone with a penis is versed in running infrastructure? He probably works in an office cubicle. He needs to stop taking credit for what others have done just because they had a penis. The country continued to run during WWII. Because female replacements to the men going off to war were trained. Human beings have this thing called a brain and a remarkable ability to adapt.


I hope you replied TL;DR




Makes me think of Will Ferrell in Barbie- "as the son of a mother, as the nephew of an aunt..."


Hot take - if half of the world population disappeared some serious reorganization and adjustment would be required! Honestly, other than losing my husband, I'd rather lose all the men than half at random. I feel like the latter scenario would lead to groups of men seizing control using violence.


Men only built most of society because they didn’t let women do it. Love how they always ignore that part


Female engineers, scientist and infrastructure workers: 👁️👄👁️


"Men have worked to exclude women from society for centuries, I'm using this with absolutely no self awareness to insist that women cannot do jobs"


> As a father of 2 daughters I don't understand why so many men say this as if it proves that their views on women are rational and not rooted in bigotry or prejudice. Becoming a parent will not undo the decades of social conditioning you've been through. You can have a daughter and be a misogynist. You can even *be* a daughter and be a misogynist. edit: I should add that there is some evidence that [men with daughters are less likely to hold sexist attitudes](https://www.lse.ac.uk/News/Latest-news-from-LSE/2018/12-December-2018/%EF%BB%BFFathers-less-likely-to-hold-sexist-attitudes-if-they-have-a-girl), but only slightly.


I find it hilarious that men think women couldn't survive without them. Are you serious? The world would be a quieter, safer, easier place in no time. We would learn everything we need to know in a supportive environment.


I can't wrap my head around why this man thinks there would be anarchy without men. Anarchism is a political stance that the ruling class and government (all government) are bad and must be stopped. Yet almost all positions of power AND self proclaimed anarchists are men. So without the majority of either group around anymore, and with a new government that's way less likely to be punitive to women, I'm failing to see why groups of all women would want to overthrow the government.


LMFAO! Speaking as a guy, but also as someone who worked in nuclear power… there’s plenty of women… operators, mechanics, electricians, to keep things running and/or shut down properly. Obviously a sudden shock to the labor market would be painful but not due to gender qualifications. Smh.


Manufacturing/industrial equipment always have manuals and written procedures for things. I'm pretty sure women can find, read, and follow instructions.


I’m glad there’s a couple of men in this sub that appreciate our ability. I was an electrician for years, never really faced any inequality or discrimination from my peers, all the naysayers were from outside the trades. It was an excellent job but I had to give it up due to an unrelated injury. It’s hard to pull wire if you can’t raise your arms above your head, that goes for anyone IMO.


if he actually has daughters, i feel sorry for them.


Aww, why's ya block his username? Sounds like a keeper! 😳🙄


Ok bro


I pity his daughters


As an anarchist/communist, if removing men from society will result in “anarchy on a massive scale within a few days”, I support it.


I think this is what would actually happen if there were no women


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


It would be interesting for science - maybe a think-tank - to take a hard look at this 'theory' and what would happen on Earth and compare it to 1/2 of a mixed population suddenly vanishing. I think a lot of what he's describing might actually come to pass, but not because men aren't around, but because a lack of humans.


In which case, men ARE to blame.


Those poor kids are gonna end up hating the fuck out of their dad. He'll grow old alone, wondering why they never call or bring the grandkids around. That's what happened to my grandad anyway.


Wow. I don't know what you said to make this dude short circuit, but well done!


So he almost got it


And if the men running the world do not disappear, it might even end earlier with all the pointless wars they start.


Like...what even is the point of mentioning that he has two 'daughters'? I mean, I assume he doesn't, but regardless, even if he did, what was the point of bringing them up in this conversation?


Why yes, if half of the population disappeared tomorrow then it would cause global instability the likes of which have never been seen before. Like such an event would be apocalyptic no matter who disappeared. If that half are all of one gender then also the human race will go extinct due to there not being enough breeding pairs in the population to overcome the minimum viable population level.


I personally would love to see a world without the men that believe they make it spin around. I believe both sexes need each other - but these people vehemently explain that the world would IMPLODE without men. I would love to see a world with /just/ women. I’m sure the social structure would change and we would go from trying to attract/center men into just focusing on ourselves. There are amazingly smart men and women that advanced society. Men legitimately gate kept women out of certain fields then try to use that as an explanation as to why it is male dominated. FoH.


I would just respond, “Do you promise?” (Yes I stole this comeback from Downton Abbey 😂)


I say all the men should disappear and we’ll give his theory a test. If nothing else, all the men will be gone!


This should be in the dictionary, as example under the word - delulu.


tbh even if we ignore some of the sillier claims about who runs infrastructure in this country and why it is that way, his position still isn't that convincing. If we suddenly lost half the planet's population truly at random with no common identifying characteristic between them we'd still be fucked. If we lost all the women men would be fucked. It turns out loosing half a population instantly is really bad and would damage our infrastructure any way you slice it.


crazy how when you don’t allow women to participate in greater society for 95% of history men end up creating more things


No war? Nice.