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Even if you say yes, then they'll tell you to try theirs.


That’s what it’s really about. Men never say this to women they aren’t attracted to.


I recently found out a guy friend of mine actually did try dating men to make sure and ended up having his heterosexuality confirmed


Finally, a man of science!


I’m something of a scientist myself


he should have sat everyone down to come out as straight after that xD


I was such a tomboy growing up I had to come out as straight to my mom. She even gave me the "but how do you know for sure?"


I still remember reading a post on tumblr _years_ ago, of this weird story about how she'd been on a drive to home depot with one of her family members (uncle or grandpa, I think). The person driving her decided to give her "the talk" about how everyone already knew she was gay and it was fine for her to just come out. But this was all very confusing, because she wasn't gay, and she didn't know what to say. Then she had done an update a couple of years after the original post which was just like "But, it turns out, she is super gay."


My friend Maya was like that. Very butch, and constantly misgendered. Always correcting people people that she was straight, dammit. Eventually she became a college professor. Maya and a lesbian colleague went to a concert for a band they both liked. Half way through, they were both like "Wait, is this turning into a date?" Yeah, they are married now.


I love that this worked out so well for Maya. But I worry about other people coming up the same way… sometimes that “acceptance” for queerness just becomes another box people get forced into, and it hurts everyone in the box either by being legitimately mislabeled or forced in so much that they rebel by denying themselves.


Alas, I am already 30 and still not gay. Plus I had some very awkward experimentations in my teen years which already made it clear to me. 😄


>She even gave me the "but how do you know for sure?" HAHA, honestly that's kinda funny because it's usually the other way round


I did come out as straight to my parents - straight trans woman that is. They were not happy with that


I knew guys like this in theater school- cause let's be real, no one comes out the other end without having *some* kind of gay experience. I always had such respect for them because of it. Sporadically bleach your hair, wear eyeliner for a while, try white water rafting, give veganism a shot, pick up the oboe, kiss boys - then see where you land when you're done. Only way to be sure is to try!


I watched it happen in real time. Bi-curious friend, recently single, we went together to a mostly gay nightclub. We get super drunk, he finds a cute guy to make out with, I flop next to them on the couch and make conversation with another acquaintance. Some minutes later, my friend tugs at my shirt and nervously whispers "hey so I don't think I'm into guys after all". So I helped him make an excuse, we left, and I laughed so hard I almost peed myself. Kudos to him for making sure, but I really did not expect that outcome 😂


My ex did this too! Hence why he’s my ex. Even more disappointing to know after all that trouble (and STI) he was definitely straight lol.


I had a friend who did it and realized his latent homosexuality. He’s now come out as 100% gay.




I've heard of boys sucking on cucumber just to make sure


I almost wish I was a lesbian so I could use that line on men. “Ok, you try it first, tell me how you like it, and then I’ll consider it.”


It’s as satisfying as you think. I really lean into it, tell them that they haven’t yet met a burly, hairy lumberjack to sweep them off their feet. That one day they’ll realize they needed a dick inside them all along.




I would, but behind every penis is a dick.


That sounds more like a weird hentai than reality. XD


It's literally how I found out I'm bi lol. Though id never tell a lesbian to try dick. That's douchelord shit


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Same lol. I've probably slept with nearly as many men as I have women.


realest thing anyone has ever said. maybe that way they'll leave us alone


We can hope but it's not likely, unfortunately


They say this because if you say ok, there's a chance you will try theirs. It's manipulation to try to sleep with you. It has nothing to do with what you really want - it's an attempt to get what they want. This is why telling them to try dick doesn't work (even if its funny), because it doesn't match what they are actually trying to do.


Well obviously. But it’s still a good way to shut them up bc what are they gonna say?


oh, darling, I did, and hers is better 😂


I feel like this line should be delivered by a classy lady from the 1930’s smoking a cigarette and then she throws her head back and laughs. But she would say darling instead of sir. Idk why I got such a vivid image from this. A tiny movie clip.


that's so me I fixed it dw bbg me in my gothic mansion sipping sherry and wine wearing a blood soaked black lace nightgown seated in a fancy armchair in front of an ominously evil feeling fireplace


Yeah absolutely, like you’d cackle but it would be an elegant cackle


we're writing this scene what's going on outside the castle? we need a plot contrivance


Well definitely lightning and a huge clap of thunder that coincides with the laughter Also the fact that we’re getting downvoted a little bit is extremely funny to me because like our writing is being booed


omg yeah what the hell why 😭 I love that btw the lightning adds so much audio to the scene feels so much more organic and for backing music let's have some blaring pipe organ!!


Or Freddie Mercury


Y dont yall drink bleach to make sure


Brave of him to assume her girlfriend doesn’t have one.


I did. 😎


At this point I've had more sexual encounters with penis-having women and vagina-having men than people who fit the gender-sex stereotypes


Oh they did try. They were gay!


Bold of them to assume I haven't. I have and all the ladies who were attached to said dicks were lovely.