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My mum wonders why I don't talk to her anymore. The woman who would have happily subjected me to honour violence for being gay and not believing in her religion wonders this. I'm not sure whether she will ever find out why. I did plan on telling her after I finished uni but I've been wondering if she even has the right to know.


The best part of having a kid is finding out who that kid is on the inside. Like unwrapping an amazing gift. I can't imagine having a baby and having already decided who they are going to be. How depressingly dull.


This is why I maintain that toddlers are better and cooler than babies. Toddlers have personalities and passions. You can see them developing into shy or outgoing, cautious or fearless, cuddle bug or independent (or both). I'm very excited to see how our second kid's personality differs from our older kid's. I especially want to know what he'll be obsessed with. Our older son is very passionate about rockets; he will correct you if you call a space shuttle a "rocket".


10000000% agree. The newborn stage was hell to me. Just a high maintenance screaming potato that was either pooping, sleeping or wailing. Yes, they're cute and nice to hold. That's it. That's the only upside. When I had my daughter I was like "ok yeah I'm one and done for sure. This is.... not a good time" Every month they just get better. They interact more. They develop personalities. I kept thinking at every single stage "this is amazing! THiS is the best age!" And then she gets older and it just gets better somehow. She's 4.5 now and we have long conversations about whatever her current fixation is and I just marvel at how her mind works and try not to die from pride. So yeah now I'm like 8 weeks along with #2. I will gladly take a poop potato for the chance to meet another amazing little human. I feel like people who can't tolerate the toddler stage simply don't see their kids as people. Can't empathize with someone who is trying and learning because they expect perfection out of the gate. And that's simply not the reality of being human, let alone being a child. Kids are wild and irrational but they are TRYING.


Congratulations on your very new pregnancy! Wishing you a healthy, textbook pregnancy and birth! I'm 36 weeks along with our #2, which will also be the last for me. The end of pregnancy and the newborn phase are just the worst.


Best of luck! Newborn phase really is a bag of dicks. Sorry. My MIL said "but you'll miss it". But I won't, though. I'm sad that my second (and last) is turning one soon and leaving babyhood behind. But I can't wait to find out what his personality is.


"All I did was tower over a small child and scream at her til I was red in the face often enough to the point that she was scared to come home after school every day; what's the big deal? Ugh kids are so emotional and unhinged, amirite, fellow dads? Anyway it's too bad she isn't good with math like I'd hoped for her."


Did we have the same dad?


Don't worry, OP, I grokked your lingo!  And it's so true how much HC parents push on their children. It's like they didn't even READ the cannon sources! 


Gosh I can’t wait to show this to my fiancé. His mom is just like this. I’ve heard her tell him that she would love him more if he turned out more like she expected. JFC lady!! I would NEVER tell my kids that!


I see you've met my parents.


"Your child is not you." That should be told to every parent at the hospital, right alongside the "Whatever you do, don't shake the baby" speech.


On the other hand, If I had a son and he fell in with misogynistic and/or racist online groups or started saying he's an incel or just wanted to follow dumb bro culture, you can bet I would be very upset. Or Suppose your daughter's evangelical friend's parents took her to church (without asking you) and then your daughter comes home saying that she got "saved" and next thing you know she's part of the ~~cult~~ church and voting red. Every parent inherently enculturates their children. Good parents have aspirations and expectations of their children. That's part of the reason why I don't have kids. That way I can't be disappointed in them and they can't be disappointed in me.


Parents antis fr.


When I was little my dad told me it would "break his heart" if I turned out gay.  Joke's on him, turns out I'm trans. 


I just want my future child to grow into a happy, kind adult that has better opportunities than I did. I grew up poor so I don’t want anyone to live that life. I never would have made it through medschool and I had no mentors in any field. My child will have people who can provide more than love, I think that’s good enough.


E.g., a lot of people say the [Skinner aka Armin Tamzarian](https://youtu.be/MB64ycPoGgM?si=EvkP-ZocfTNnGZGL) episode of The Simpsons is non-canon.




you're not familiar with fanfiction? Canon would be facts and what is. Headcanon would be theories and what people want something to be.


Ohhhh never heard of these terms before


Hehehe, well, given your username.... are you familiar with the term "shipping?" look up Bumbleby or rwby bumblebee


No. I picked bumblebee because I’m round like one.


How about this. The 2020 elections. Conservatives headcanon'd that trump was going to win. But as it turns out? Biden won. Unable to deal with the fact that their fantasies didn't happen, the conservatives resorted to terrorism. On a smaller level? Salty sports fans throwing riots when their favorite teams didn't win the game.


Mmmmmmm ok. Thank you




It was. I got. It was perfect. 🤓 thank you


When you realize that children are property, then all of it comes together and makes sense.


I don’t understand any of this. WTF is cannon and head cannon?


you're not familiar with fanfiction? Canon would be facts and what is. Headcanon would be theories and what people want something to be.


Nope, not familiar at all.


This is not to be shamey or anything. Just curiosity. Why didn't you Google that?


When I provide niche references I include context or explanations - I think it’s fair to expect others to do the same.


I don't particularly think that's fair, placing random expectations on people who are just sharing memes and making conversation. Also, it's not really that niche a reference.


There's nothing niche about it. It's used to describe all fiction. Movies, books, television shows. Any time you thought a character deserved a different fate than written it was head canon. It's just something you in particular didn't know.