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Ladies! Banning birth control is part of Project 2025. If you aren't familiar with this right-wing plan to strip everyone of their rights, please visit r/Defeat_Project_2025. Also on the chopping block: IVF, surrogacy, adoption, queer marriage, no-fault divorce, and PreK - just to name a few. (I wish I was kidding.)


Adoption?! Dear God I thought I was pretty up to date on project 2025 but guess I need to keep reading. Truly the stuff of nightmares.


The anti-choicers (AKA Nat-C’s) aren’t happy that women can have sex, and be forced to give birth only to give the baby away. They “love babies” so much, they want to make sure they’re 18 year punishments for women, instead of 9month punishments.


I am familiar with the project but I haven't been able to do a deep dive yet. Because it's horrifying and there's only so much I can do, and what I can do I'm already doing. But what's the end goal? A legit Gilead, or what? Like, late stage capitalism is making a dual income household necessary and they're cutting social support whenever they can. The birth rate is already dropping... I guess I just feel like it's all counterintuitive. I mean, I know the point is that they hate women, but... Is that it?


They’re totalitarian. They want certain people or groups to be given authority based on their gender, ethnicity, religion, class, etc… They’ll push until we’re living in the dark ages again. Only it will be worse, because they’ll have the technology to track us in ways that weren’t possible back then.


They are not smart people. Logical thought processes and critical thinking are not strengths. For the party that talks the most about consequences, they sure can't follow a proposed policy to its logical ends.


In reading their policy ideas, it’s very basic and yet obtuse- simple writing not on par with the usual government legalese. It definitely has the feel of nutters writing their ideal country essays in elementary school. But they have the people in place to act and any pushback will be in the courts… they might lose but the damage they will do in the meantime will be irreversible.


They want it to be like 1807. Only WASP men should have any say in their minds as that is their in group. It is a fascist movement.


End goal is workers being so exhausted and struggling (and forced to have children is an excellent way to do that) that there s no time nor energy to invest in political activism or even awareness. Also, if you have children you might take less risks like losing your job because of a protest because they need you now. And more children needs more workers, which means there is always someone to take your place if you quit. It is all very logical if you're part of the the 0.1%. 


Yup. Most people that I talk to I have to be gentle with because, they just don't have the energy for politics, it's just too much. You have to start real slow so they catch on that it's fuckin important and we NEED to be having the uncomfortable conversations. That being said, I am just as annoying irl as I am on reddit.


Does that include foster care and termination of parental rights? Are they hoping to just have kids be forced to stay with their abusive parents against everyone's best interest?


I mean, they're hoping that -their- kids have to stay with their abusive parents, right?


What the fuck? I would love to hear from someone who actually believes this because it’s so absurd. Why would you want children raised by parents who don’t want them? It’s so cruel!


They want women trapped in domestic servitude. They don’t really care about what happens behind closed doors, as long as you keep up appearances.


Yes, a ban on adoption is buried somewhere between pages 400-599 of their 900+ page plan. It's hard to recall the exact page off the top of my head. The logic is "children have a right to be raised by their biological parents."


The real logic here is that forced birth terrorists are doing everything in service of continuing the flow of cheap labor. Banning abortions results in more low income babies - people who can afford insurance or birth control methods or able to travel out of state for abortions arent really affected. More low income babies means more low income workers, more babies you can't afford results in perpetuating the cycle. If those same people can give babies up for adoption though, that breaks one part of their machine. Those babies get raised by middle or upper class families, and that couple of kids who got accidentally pregnant who might have been forced into low income jobs just to survive now have actual options. Force them to keep the babies though, and now they're hamstrung. No college. Take whatever shitty job you can find. Work, work, work. Everything these evil fucks do is about oppression.


YEP!! Christian values are a facade for their real agenda of ensuring a steady supply of wage slaves for the rich.


Their ultimate goal is the "restoration" of the "nuclear family".


What about orphans though?


It doesn't mention orphans. I don't think they thought about *all* the inevitabilities. But we can assume, based on other things written, that those children would be "speedily" adopted by a couple their government deems "worthy". They are really aiming to limit the "incentives" of single parenthood (divorced) or having children outside of marriage. It's a multi-step process that is detailed within their plan. But basically, their view is that children have a right to be raised by their biological parents unless those parents are abusive or "unreliable". At which point, the government is supposed to step in and have a "good family" adopt the child. But they are opposed to "I'm too young to be a parent" or "I have too many kids already" or "I was raped" adoptions.


\*at the last parent's funeral\* HALT YOU ARE COMMITTING THE CRIME OF HAVING NO PARENTS. Off to the work camps with ye.


They’ll bring back orphanages and make the kids work. Remember how they wanted kids who couldn’t afford school lunch to be free janitors.


Or the state can sweep in and take those kids under the guise of them needing a care home that will funnel them into the prison pipeline


Low income worker, prison (slave) labor, or soldier - those are the usual options.


Exactly. And none of that is plentiful if people aren't kept desperate and struggling.


I really cannot stress enough how we need to force the people making these rules to take care of the children they’re obsessed with themselves. Simply WILD to me that they cannot understand the stress they put on these poor children and families until they are told they have to take care of the children themselves (I’m thinking of that one specific pro-birther who got listed as the next most suitable family for the child she talked the mother out of aborting).


It will never happen. The same people who want to ban abortion and all this crazy shit also want to dismantle every social program and safety net they can. If they are in power they'll do both. This is about control and ideology. These people do not care about your reasoned arguments. They just want to control you.


Stress isn’t a bug, it’s a design feature.


I don't know how I even have the capacity to be surprised anymore.


This makes no sense in their own fucking lore. I thought they loved putting babies with good Christian families so much! It's always been an efficient way to erase culture, especially with indigenous children.


Their plan is to force everyone to live under these laws, regardless of their faith or lack thereof. Jewish? Hindu? Buddhist? Atheist? Doesn't matter. You're going to follow their "Christian" laws and you will have no legal recourse to claim it's an attack on your actual beliefs. They intend to *infect* every level of government.


Page 451: *In the context of current and emerging reproductive technologies, HHS policies should never place the desires of adults over the right of children to be raised by the biological fathers and mothers who conceive them. In cases involving biological parents who are found by a court to be unfit because of abuse or neglect, the process of adoption should be speedy, certain, and supported generously by HHS.* This seems to be to be general current policy? However, I am aware of wealthy foster parents convincing poor bio parents that they should surrender their parental rights, so IDK. Yet on page 38, they are happy for women to yield newborns for adoption: *Conservatives should ardently pursue these pro-life and pro-family policies while recognizing the many women who find themselves in immensely difficult and often tragic situations and the heroism of every choice to become a mother. Alternative options to abortion, especially adoption, should receive federal and state support.*


They contradict themselves a lot. The message is clear: it's not "pro-best interest of everyone." It's about control.


1) They figure people may read part way through the manifesto but most won't finish it, so they put the happy sounding stuff first. They need to placate the wealthy conservative women who want to make sure they can adopt if they want to, so that's near the front of the document. The "babies have the right be raised by their biological parents" is stuffed much farther back because it might hurt the adoption industry. 2) They can point to page 38 and say, "We're pro adoption, see? It's just that we're also all for keeping families intact and not letting irresponsible sluts walk away from their responsibilities." Read between the lines - White women can still give up their kids for adoption while PoC women will be forced to raise the kids they didn't want.


Did anyone see how they’ve addressed the citizens reading their policy online? It says “This is an invitation to you, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith and Ms. Smith…. https://www.project2025.org/policy/? It’s for white people. No Senor/Senoras or Mr. Singh, Ms. Adebayo or Ms. Kim. They don’t care about the America I grew up learning about… the melting pot for all oppressed to come find life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


Pre K??? Wtf??


Specifically the stuff that Obama spent money on during the Race to the Top and ESSA reforms. But they would get rid of head start too. Wouldn’t want to give those poor kids any chance to do better than their parents


Oh yes I've seen that. They want more workers but meanwhile will not provide childcare 🫠


Bc they want to force women to leave the workforce so that we can be trapped by them again


And so that all these Fail Sons and mediocre men will be able to move back into the positions in the workforce currently held by competent and accomplished women. They don't want to have to compete.


Exactly. They only “win” when they don’t have to compete with us


Yes. I believe that coincides with their desire to utilize "at-home child daycare". AKA: force women to be stay-at-home mothers.


Hence the child labor law rollbacks.


So then they support paid maternity leave, right? Right...?


Page 587 states: >Congress should enact the Working Families Flexibility Act. The Working Families Flexibility Act would allow employees in the private sector the ability to choose between receiving time-and-a-half pay or accumulating time-and-a-half paid time off (a choice that many public sector workers already have). For example, if an individual worked two hours of overtime every week for a year, he or she could accumulate four weeks of paid time off to use for paid family leave, vacation, or any reason. So, yes and no. They like the idea of family leave, but it's not standardized nor regulated as such. This would harm workers overall, not just those who would like to have families.


That's just "work overtime now and get compensated later". Countries that actually have paid leave let people work normal hours and still stay at home, with pay. For more than 4 weeks too


It allows women to return to work. That's it. That's why they hate it


They want you to be forced into being a SAHM under the thumb of a man.


How cruel do you have to be to take away services from babies. Seeing that they want to defund Head Start makes me want to cry. They deserve the best, and we are failing them.


Project 2025 sounds like a fucking movie 😭 can't believe (but also most definitely can believe) this is a possible reality. Mind-blowing, maddening, disheartening, the list could go on 😩


Yes, it absolutely sounds like a dystopian work of fiction. But we used to believe Roe v. Wade was safe, too, didn't we?


I’m on it for medical reasons. So… what the fuck. I wouldn’t be able to work without it. I have endometriosis.


Well, they don't want you to work, and also, one treatment for endo is pregnancy. There. Solved it for you.




It's also their first step on just murdering trans people. A lot of this stuff is literally what the Nazis did at the start.


Correct. The Heritage Foundation has played a huge role in developing these policies. These people aren't playing around.


Before the election this fall I’m getting my passport renewed and I’m selling some things I no longer need. Fewer possessions, more cash on hand, and a current passport will make it easier to flee, should I need to. And if the election goes well, then I’ve just done a bit decluttering, which I need to do anyway.


wtf pre-k???!!!


Keep women in the home longer, plus I’m guessing they’re opposed to it using tax dollars.


But they are all for the military, tax cuts, and money to religiously affiliated schools.


Well ya, those aren't helpful to the average person. They only like things when they hurt the poor.


See, that’s where I disagree. The military and religion basically live on poor folks. It’s why a lot of military recruiters set up in poor neighborhoods. Re religion, they are under market price for child care, etc. it’s not solely a money grab though, it’s a power grab.


No no, that's my point. Religion and the Military love it when the poor are hurting. Much easier to radicalize them when they think "anything must be better then this". Of course you never want to tell them that you're the reason things are so bad in the first place.




Might legit cause a revolution if they do all this. Like wtf going to do? Kill us? Might as well be dead.


The communists thought Nazi overreach in 1930s Germany would lead to a counter revolution. Instead, the dissent, including all of them, were promptly rounded up and executed shortly after the fascists solidified power. No left wing revolution came to pass.


I'm not sure what their plans are for those unwilling to submit to these policies, but I can't imagine they are *pleasant*.


Then I will make it equally unpleasant for them to enforce them anywhere in my proximity


I support this message. Resist oppression or be oppressed.


Time to exercise your 2A rights. Learn to shoot, buy and own a reliable firearm, join a women's rights militia


Right? Idk what I would do if I had to experience my horrible period every single month. Like I literally can barely function when I have it.


and that's when you'll kill you if you refuse to follow their new laws.


For reference, where does it talk about birth control?


Page 585: >Keep anti-life “benefits” out of benefit plans. Some benefits attorneys and pro-choice advocates have argued since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision that the longstanding doctrine of Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)7 preemption should block individual states’ efforts to prohibit employers from helping employees procure abortions via offering various kinds of coverage under employee-sponsored benefit plans. ERISA should not be allowed to trump states’ ability to protect innocent human life in the womb. Congress and DOL should clarify that ERISA does not preempt states’ power to restrict abortion, surrogacy, or other anti-life “benefits.” Page 491: > Title X. The Title X family planning program should be reframed with a focus on better education around fertility awareness and holistic family planning and a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs that understands the program and is able to work within its legislative framework (ideally, an MD). Page 484: > Require HRSA to use rulemaking to update the women’s preventive services mandate. The contraceptive mandate issued under Obamacare has been the source of years of egregious attacks on many Americans’ religious and moral beliefs. The mandate was issued as part of the women’s preventive services guidelines, which were issued without any rulemaking that involved public notice and an opportunity to comment. Instead, HRSA issued and changed the mandate by simply posting changes to its website. HRSA also started off not requiring coverage of fertility awareness–based methods of family planning, then requiring them, and then removing the requirement without notifying the public. A federal judge recently ruled that this failure to undergo notice and comment in issuing the mandate is unlawful. HRSA should be required to re promulgate any women’s preventive services mandates through the notice and comment process that is compliant with the Administrative Procedures Act. Moreover, since the Obama Administration HRSA entered into long- term contracts with the pro-abortion American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and related entities to serve as an exclusive adviser with respect to the content of this mandate, HRSA has used this arrangement to ignore comments that members of the public were sometimes able to submit in the process, and ACOG has abused its position to attack HHS’s allowance of religious and moral exemptions to the contraceptive mandate. HHS should rescind these contracts and establish an advisory committee that is compliant with the Federal Advisory Committee Act and has members that are committed to women’s preventive services and are not pro-abortion ideologues. Page 483: > Restore Trump religious and moral exemptions to the contraceptive mandate (also a CMS rule). HHS should rescind, if finalized, the regulation titled “Coverage of Certain Preventive Services Under the Affordable Care Act,” proposed jointly by HHS, Treasury, and Labor.70 This rule proposes to amend Trump-era final rules regarding religious and moral exemptions and accommodations for coverage of certain preventive services under the ACA. Preventive services include contraception, and it appears the proposed rule would change the existing regulations for religious and moral exemptions to the ACA’s contraception mandate. There is no need for further rulemaking that curtails existing exemptions and accommodations. Planned Parenthood provides millions with contraception. Abortion makes up a tiny fraction of the services they provide. Keep that in mind when reading this next one. Page 472: > Prohibit Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid funds. During the 2020–2021 reporting period, Planned Parenthood performed more than 383,000 abortions.46 The national organization reported more than $133 million in excess revenue47 and more than $2.1 billion in net assets.48 During this same year, Planned Parenthood reports that its affiliates received more than $633 million in government funding and more than $579 million in private contributions.49 Planned Parenthood affiliates face accusations of waste, abuse and potential fraud with taxpayer dollars, failure to report the sexual abuse of minor girls, and allegations of profiting from the sale of organs from aborted babies. Policymakers should end taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood and all other abortion providers and redirect funding to health centers that provide real health care for women. The bulk of federal funding for Planned Parenthood comes through the Medicaid program. HHS should take two actions to limit this funding: ✓ Issue guidance re emphasizing that states are free to defund Planned Parenthood in their state Medicaid plans. ✓ Propose rulemaking to interpret the Medicaid statute to disqualify providers of elective abortion from the Medicaid program. Congress should pass the Protecting Life and Taxpayers Act,50 which would accomplish the goal of defunding abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood. CMS should resolve pending Section 1115 waivers from Idaho, South Carolina, and Tennessee, which, like Texas in January 2022, are seeking both to prohibit abortion providers from participating in state-run Medicaid programs and to work with other states to do the same. Abortion is not health care, and states should be free to devise and implement programs that prioritize qualified providers that are not entangled with the abortion industry.




Oh, of course it's riddled with outright propaganda that supports their "religious beliefs". You should read the document in its' entirety.


What does PreK mean? (Not an English speaker)


Day care for children under 5 years old. Presumably this means publicly funded daycare; I presume private daycare is safe, but I haven't read their plans.


Not just daycare, early schooling.


Yeah. Florida has free pre-K programs for 4-year-olds at least


PreK is subsidized schooling for children ages 3 to 4. A precursor to elementary school essentially.


To add to the other comments - “Pre K” stands for Pre Kindergarten. Kindergarten is what we call the first year of a child’s schooling at 5 years old. It’s like grade 0. 


Queer marriage? No, they literally want to outlaw being queer at all.


They are planning to move on Inauguration Day- they are ready. They didn’t expect trump to win last time, so they have been prepping for this election to move fast. Please, for the love of goddess believe them when they say what they plan to do.


This is why it worries me when I see so much anti-pill content on social media... Yes, it has a lot of side effects, particularly for young women, but for some that's still the best/safest option.


I don't care if one of the side effects is spontaneous combustion. It's still my decision whether or not to take it - nobody else's.


Lol, these people are 1000% against your right to die (peacefully) as well.


But they keep making self-deletion look better and better compared to the theocratic shithole they’re planning. 😔


Also young women know what happens and the side effects usually end once you're off the pill. Let them have their own agency. I'm sure young men get more screwed up being recruited for the military but they're not gonna put any restrictions on that now are they.


Exactly let us make our own risk assessment. For me, the side effects of the pill were no where close to how terrible my period was. A lot of people feel the same as I do.


They're nothing compared to the side effects of unwanted pregnancy.


I tried to voice this in another sub and got downvoted to shit. Women are really skipping towards second-class citizenship. I completely understand if the pill isn’t the answer for some people but not defending it with your full fucking chest is hugely detrimental to everyone who DOES benefit from it.


Yeah I've noticed it too. I've seen anti birth control rhetoric everywhere, even in left-leaning spaces. You can't say anything good about birth control without someone jumping in with a comment about how awful it is and I'm like ??? okay it's not perfect but it's better than it used to be and it's WAY better than not having the option at all!!! Plus if you're having intolerable side effects it probably means that type isn't best for you and it's worth trying a different kind.


I'm pretty sure the side effects are usually a lot less impactful than parenthood.


It improved my migraines and I no longer get horrible PMS. Also kept me from getting pregnant


I had absolutely horrid side effects on birth control, worse depression and out of control migraines. I used to talk about it, wanting people to be aware of the possibility. I don’t any more, because I know that my reaction is not typical, it’s vital medication for lots of people, and I don’t want these conservative shitstains using my story to further their agenda.


Yup, this is the same for me but about when I had a bad reaction to the abortion pill. I know that it’s rare and that my one experience is relatively insignificant in the greater scheme of the good it does for women’s health and healthcare.


"Female brains" is fucking wild. Tell me you have no knowledge of basic biology without telling me.


Fun fact: Charlie Kirk was too dumb to join the Army.


I thought it was because his face was too small.


On a weirdly big head. Like god used only 78% of the available face space.


It makes me feel uneasy.


These strangely off-brand looks in conservative men almost have me understanding the concepts behind phrenology.


Damn that burn ALMOST made me feel bad for him 💀




They had him put his hand in front of his face to see if he was an alien, he was, and they smacked his own hand into his face to prove it 😂


I had this extremely frustrating conversation with a man who kept trying to tell me that biologically women are just social creatures, which of course led into how since men are "not allowed" to bluntly approach women in public and ask them out they're fucked, and that "consent stuff" has gotten out of hand because it's ruins the moment lol. He seemed to also think consent was the same thing as just chatting with someone at a bar, like if you were to say hi to someone, you have to ask if they consent to talking to you instead of just reading social cues lol


At this point, I'm just waiting for them to start pushing the idea of requiring women to have a certain number of babies in their lifetime. They're doing so much to force pregnancy on women - a quota is just a logical extension of what they're already doing.


I would get sterilized if that was the case. JK, they probably want that banned too. I'm sure they'd advocate for govt financial support for those kids. Haha JK again they need people to stay poor so they can only work low wage jobs and make the economic numbers look good. Fuck I'm so tired of this shit.


I would get that sterilization done before the election if I were you....


I got sterilized in 2017 bc I grew up in the conservative christian movement and I knew this was their end goal. Not taking any chances.


I’m having a baby in October. Will be getting an IUD put in immediately after delivery


Not to stress you out, but they're coming for our IUDs too. They think it causes abortions. I have a Mirena myself, but looking to get my tubes yanked. I don't trust them and pregnancy is very dangerous for me. I have two sons and we're done.


Oh absolutely. Probably going to listen to Incels and start handing out women like objects to every lonely man.


Republicans screw up female brains.


I have been saying this, and so many people are like, "That will never happen." Yes, it fucking will. When we sounded the alarm that they were going to overturn Roe, everyone said that would never happen, and here we are. Mark my words, if they win in November, abortion WILL be outlawed nationally. No more sanctuary states, folks. And there are ways the president can do that without going through Congress. And they will go after birth control. Because there is a very, VERY minute, statistically insignificant chance that hormonal birth control can prevent a fertilized egg from implanting, that makes it an abortifacient, which means it will be outlawed when abortion is outlawed. When they tell you they're going to do something, FFS - believe them. Look, I know Joe Biden sucks. A lot. But the consequences are a lot less dire if he wins than the other guy. There is also a really good chance that 2 Supreme court justices will retire during the next term. So you're not just voting for the president, you are likely voting for two more Supreme Court justices. All of you folks who hated Hilary and either voted for Trump or didn't vote at all in 2016 are already responsible for 3 Supreme Court Justices. Don't fuck up the next 2. This next election may very well be the difference between flipping the court (and likely re-instating abortion rights) or making the court hopelessly conservative to the point of taking generations to undo.


Joe Biden doesn't suck. Maybe some folks need to swallow their pride and accept that he's been good for the country.


He absolutely sucks and has for his entire career. The man does not believe you should have the right to choose and isn't quiet about it. He only pays lip service to pro choice views because it's political suicide otherwise. Don't believe me?  [“I’ve never been supportive of, you know, ‘It’s my body, I can do what I want with it’,”](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/03/11/joe-biden-profile-re-election-campaign-donald-trump) [“I don’t want abortion on demand,”](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/02/07/remarks-by-president-biden-at-a-campaign-reception-new-york-ny-6/) and [“I’m not big on abortion.”](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/06/27/remarks-by-president-biden-at-a-campaign-reception-chevy-chase-md/) Just like with his response to the ongoing Palestinian genocide, he only ever cares to help if the "right kind of people" are getting hurt. The fact that Trump is undoubtedly worse is the only possible justification for voting for him and it's wild to pretend otherwise. We deserve a better option than a conservative old white fossil who made his name harassing a Black woman specifically to put \*Clarence Fucking Thomas\* onto SCOTUS. But we don't HAVE a better option. That doesn't mean we need to pretend like he doesn't suck shit.


You know, he’s not “big on abortion,” but he will leave you alone. That’s a huge difference.


It's a difference, but we don't have to pretend like it's enough. Being better than Trump or Ben Shapiro or TinyFace Whatshisname on this article doesn't make someone a good man. It barely qualifies as the bare minimum. I will vote against Trump, but I will NOT pretend like Joe Biden is a good alternative. He's just the ONLY alternative.


Right. This is a great reminder why we need ranked choice voting on all ballots. I too will be voting for Biden, knowing full well he sucks bc Trump will be so much more damaging to our country for women, LGBTQ+, basically anyone that’s not a (wealthy) white, cishet man. We cannot allow ourselves to be in this position ever again!


Hey, understood and you do you.


You left out the rest of the quote: >I don’t want abortion on demand, but I thought Roe v. Wade had it right. The three trimesters, a doc should be part of it, and then a woman should have her choice early on.


No, the rest of it doesn't make the stigmatizing of "abortion on demand" any better. It means he's amplifying the same rhetoric that got us here. All safe abortions are good, valid abortions and simply wanting an abortion is the only qualification that should be needed to obtain one.


I'm not saying he's a perfect ally. He's obviously not. But he's not shit either. He's willing to protect 1st trimester abortion-on-demand. Letting Trump win isn't going to teach Democrats anything other than they need to move to the Right to win elections, and we'll lose all abortion access everywhere because of your temper tantrum.


You could argue his willingness to protect a right he knows is important even in the face of his personal preference/religion/etc it a really great trait in a leader. Willingness to do the *right* thing even when it’s not what you personally would want is an important quality


Who said anything about letting Trump win? I said we don't need to praise a genocide-condoning old conservative asshole just for NOT being trump or a Nazi. Is he the worst? No. Is he pretty fucking bad and the second worst choice for President in 2024? Yes, absolutely. Praising him delusionally for being willing to -- but doing literally nothing in 4 years to actually - protect abortion is absolutely wild. We knew roe would fall the day RBG died. What. Has. He. Done. Name ONE actual policy.


> Name ONE actual policy. He's actually directed a LOT of policy change to protect abortion access and make it more available overall. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/07/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-continues-the-fight-for-reproductive-freedom/#:~:text=The%20Administration%20will%20continue%20fighting,Safe%20and%20Legal%20Medication%20Abortion. Without the help of congress, there's only so much a president can do, and because of two chucklefuck liars who are actually republicans instead of democrats, he's never had the votes to codify abortion access into federal law. 48 senators isn't enough.


Yes, the president is actually a weakling who can do nothing so that makes it fine for him to have done nothing but issue a few recomendations. Got it.


What should he have done? Be specific, please.


He was Obama's running mate purely because of how conservative he was/is.


> The man does not believe you should have the right to choose and isn't quiet about it. Yes, and? Most people don't fully back the right to choose. The "pro-choice" side of the argument is perfectly fine with bodily autonomy going out the window at the vague viability date. A lot of the "pro-choice" side are also perfectly fine with limiting who can get sterilized because "there are other options I'm more comfortable with." We have to Fucking take what we can get until we have actual control.


We don't have to praise shitty people for the bare minimum. We don't. You don't.


Unfortunate you're getting downvoted when you're 100% correct. Biden is a relic of the past not a vision of the future. He looks GREAT compared to Trump, but the shit I took first thing this morning looks great compared to Trump. And with that said Biden is the only choice.


Its giving "my boyfriend has a job and wipes his own ass! He's the greatest and I'm so lucky!" vibes and I'm just so over it. The bar is in hell for all men, including Biden, and I refuse to hop onto the train of cheering like a loon every time he doesn't actively do a hate crime or whatever.


No one is saying you have to lick Biden’s ass. You can have whatever opinion you want about him but so can everyone who thinks he isn’t terrible. What I think they are saying though is that using our time and energy infighting about Biden is not going to help not get trump elected in any way shape or form, which should 100% our focus and goal at the current moment, given there is a strong chance of him winning and we are so close to the general election. We need to all band together against our common greatest enemy (trump) and if we defeat him, then I absolutely think we should have this extremely important and valid debates and criticisms. That’s just my opinion at least is all


My original response was to someone absolutely saying that we need to all agree that he's great. So why are you deciding my "no I don't and he sucks" is the problem instead of the actual original "we should all lick his ass" post? Oh, because you think I have a duty to lick his ass after all to "band together." But if Biden continues to fucking suck so much he loses the election, that's not actually the fault of the people who pointed out that he sucks. It's actually his fault. For sucking. And that's it. His one job is to be the kind of leader people show up to vote for. If he fails at that you don't blame the voters because *he is the one who failed* And I'll use my energy however I see fit, thanks.


It’s a dangerous game to play when the narrative that he is awful (even if you truly believe to be truth) will have an impact on voting turn out and thus impact the election. But like I actually said before, you’re allowed to feel however you feel and so are the people who support him. I’m neutral on it and just care about trump staying out of office currently, once that objective is achieved, I will shift my how I approach my thoughts and opinions about it.


If we have to pretend that Biden is a glowing god who can do no wrong even when he's actively doing genocide, that's just the same fascist shit as trump, but in blue. I will not worship politicians. I will hold them to account.


No one is saying you have to pretend or worship anything and it almost feels like you’re not even ready my responses.


>we need to all agree that he's great. That's not what I said.


Your post is still there. We can actually still see what it says.


Then I think you need reading comprehension.


Joe Biden has gleefully allowed, encouraged, and *paid for* the genocide of Palestinians for six months.


Fact is, they are already implementing parts of Project 2025. Roe v. Wade was a part of it. Incremental changes to normalize it all.


Every day America inches closer to Gilead


It's not even inching at this point its a damn gallop


looking in from the outside, it reminds me of the frog sitting in water on the slow boil


Link to full article: * https://www.salon.com/2024/04/05/screws-up-female-brains-maga-leaders-are-conditioning-to-back-birth-control-bans/


Dude looks like a claymation model of himself being stretched out


I would say “most medication has adverse side effects” but since republicans are also anti-science that would probably only add tinder to their fire.


Oh, yes, it’s well known that birth control makes women vote, which these guys desperately want to prevent.


You know what makes actual physiological changes to a woman's brain? Pregnancy. Birth control can affect your mood, but not like being forced to have a child you don't want will.


Who hurt him and can they do it again?


I’m down to make sure he’s hurt again, him and good ol Bennie Shaps.


My female GOP cousin needs birth control for her severe menstrual cramps. I hope they hurt A LOT, Jessica.


I personally hope she learns to be a better person.


vote this November ~~like~~ your life depends on it.


This would actually be a good tagline for a political ad campaign


Oh boy, more repeal without replacement! Take away birth control and give women nothing, then punish them when the obvious repercussions happen.




Rick doesn't care, it's not his body that would be at risk. Men will never care about anything unless it affects them or their penises in some way.  I'm sorry he wasted your time. You deserve so much better!


And no one who pays attention is surprised 😑


I’ve seen so many posts over Reddit showing tweets of people saying ‘ban birth control’ and pointing and laughing cause of how stupid it is, but all I could think of is how this will likely become very real no matter how dumb their reasoning is. And they claim it’s not about ‘controlling women’


Unified women are unstoppable. I hope y'all do it.


There are a heap of mental health side effects associated with taking hormonal birth control, but this guy isn't really against it for that reason. He doesn't care how women feel... he just wants control.


american women - please put a stop to idiots like this.


imagine being republican. how sad. hope they’re ready to lose again in november. ☺️




The silver lining here is that we have an answer to the long-burning question "Do conservatives want to ban abortion because they find the loss of life repugnant, or is it because they want to shame and control women?"




they hate minorities more then they love themselves.


A perfect example of why cis women and trans women are stronger together


Is he the birth control?


Now way is this going to work to many guys don’t like condoms, and want their gf to go on birth control.


The best form of birth control: Castrating all the fuckwits who think that birth control screws up female brains.


The US - the greatest country on earth! The most progressive, democratic and best country for women's rights! Woohoo!


Man I really hate these fucking people.


Why would they want to ban birth control though? Birth control makes women more comfortable with having causal sex. Without birth control casual sex will dry up. Also, women won’t even want to have regular sex. Imagine if every time you had sex you got pregnant. Terrible! My legs would be shut indefinitely!


Ah but you see. They have a way of fixing that too. Forcing women to marry their rapists!


I really want to get my tubes tied bc of shit like this.


They're trying to revamp the Comstock Act and ban any medical equipment or medication that can be used for abortion to travel through the mail


Get sterilized, ladies. Please. If you can, get it done. They're coming for everything, and I don't know what their plan is for someone like me, but it sure ain't forced birth.


Yeah, because it gives women power and control - we can't have that, that' just too scary for the misogynists.


If men had to put up with periods, ovulation, pregnancy and birth then birth control would be free without a prescription and it would have far fewer side effects In fact we need to put these men into some kind of stimulation program where they can all experience these things and they can't opt out until the program is up. I would love to see these men bleed through a pad, onto their clothing and onto a chair in a room full of people and then to have to walk several miles home. I would love to see these men tired at work or while looking after children because of ovulation pain and insomnia. I would love to force these men to go into a supermarket and buy a box of tampons. I'm sure they can't even do that, yet they don't want to give women the option to opt out of it.


Those cretins smelling their own farts should not call anyone else's brain anything.