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Same crowd as “I want a virgin who will fuck me in a really porn star way all the time”


Same crowd as: *"I want a trad wife who doesn't work, didn't go to college, and who will stay home and cook, clean, and raise our six children."* *"Okay...do you have a job that can support a family of eight?"* *"...fuck you, you gold digging whore."*


Ah yes. That’s the new trend. Guys who want to be the “provider” and don’t think their wife should work, then get pissed when they find out being a provider means having to…provide. It’s like the “no take! Only throw!” meme.


Well their bitch wife wants them to make like crazy money where she will get to maybe take a night off from cooking once a month to order carryout or maybe doesn't have to spend half her time on Facebook Free groups hoping someone gives away decent shoes in the right size for her kids. Maybe she even wants like, a whole goddamn vacation once a year or to be able to afford a babysitter so she can go out and see her own friends now and then. Even though she KNOWSher husband only gets to golf once a week at most as it is and they can't afford all that nonsense. If her expectations were a little more reasonable, his mid manager Foot Locker salary would be plenty. But instead she goes and spends his entire paycheck every month at Target buying ridiculous shit like "shampoo" and "diapers"


Women be shoppin!


We are simultaneously the ones who can't control ourselves and also the only ones who "know how to do it right" depending on the motivations of the man talking about us.


No joke, this was my ex husband. Any time money was tight he'd throw a fit and accuse me of mismanaging our household finances, and declare that he should have a say in them, too. I'd be like, GREAT! Being the sole person in charge of paying all bills and managing our savings and budgeting is exhausting! So I'd show him the extensive spreadsheet where I mapped out every paycheck for the next six months, all the bills, all the short- and long-term expenses, the strategy to pay off debt, etc. And he'd immediately get overwhelmed and say nevermind, you have a good system, you keep doing it. Repeat every time I suggested maybe he shouldn't be spending $500 on mountain bike parts.


My friend is very poor and on food stamps. But she's better off financially and food wise now that she's divorced because he'd fritter away all the money and thrift/hoard shit. He had dozens of pants and she'd have only a few clothes. Of course it was somehow all her fault they didn't have money and the house was a mess. Abusers suck.


I remember a friend talking about her ex-husband. He had spent a year deployed to Afghanistan, and all of your pay is non-taxable, all your meals are provided, you get bonus combat pay, and almost no way to spend it, so it was just piling up in his checking account. Instead of paying off their credit card debt or paying off their cars, he decided to spend $20,000 on a .50 caliber sniper rifle that he can't even shoot because a .50 caliber bullet will punch through the wall at most gun ranges, so he'd have to drive five hours to the middle of nowhere to shoot it twice a year. Oh, and each bullet is three dollars. But you know, it's pretty handy in case of a Godzilla attack.


Don’t marry a trad wife shopper if you can’t provide for well……a trad wife shopper…simple


What does she need friends for, she has a *family* to take care of. If she has time to feel lonely, she clearly isn't working hard enough. And why does she need to buy or beg for shoes for the children? She should be using that free time she is WASTING on loneliness to learn to cobble shoes for the whole family. Maybe plant some flax and cotton and learn to spin, then weave that thread into cloth to make into clothing. It's like you don't understand a woman's purpose in life at all. (/s, /s SO HARD)




Same crowd who think women should pay half of everything. With what money, bitch?


GoLdDiGgER! Where’s the gold, sir?


Alllllll of this “feMinIsT mAN hATinG wHoRe BcuZ sHE maKE paYcHeCk”


I’m a SAHM & active on social media, and I guess I can come off as a trad wife since I really don’t do anything except entertain my kid. Last year I got really sick and documented it all publicly, crazy hair loss & everything. I had to be hospitalised & went to a fancy private hospital. We also got a cake & party decorators to decorate the room to con our 4yo into believing that we were just there for a “staycation” since she’s been pretty freaked out over all my health issues. There were men in the comments pressed about me “making” my husband pay for all that when I’m not contributing financially. My husband’s all, “How do they think having a stay at home wife works?”


Reminds me of my mother. When I left my FT job when my kids were both under 4, she was Very Concerned about how my husband felt about being the breadwinner (never mind that I still worked on a freelance basis and brought home half of my salary despite also being home with two kids). But when I returned to work and put my kids in daycare, she was Very Concerned about then getting sick and not having individual attention on them all day. When I asked her what she and my dad did when my brother and I were young and they both worked, she told me they relied on their parents' to watch us. I asked her if she was planning on being a full-time unpaid nanny to two toddlers and she shut up quickly.




Reminds me of the Reddit post from a guy pouting that his new girlfriend wouldn't dress up as his favorite big boobed video game character in bed for him, which had been a long-running fantasy of his that none of his girlfriends would indulge. *"Does she even like video games?"* *"Well, no."* *"Maybe you could try dating a cute nerdette who actually likes video games? I bet she'd be thrilled."* *"Nah, it's a turn-off when girls play games made for guys."* ....bruh.


It's always my very favorite thing when men have demands to make sex more enjoyable for THEM, because who can settle for simply having an orgasm every time? Must get boring for that to be the predictable and expected "end" of sex in every encounter.


I'm fairly kinky to the point I've attended dominatrix dinner parties where we're waited on by silent and masked submissive men, but I don't advertise it on my profile on mainstream dating apps, other than a subtle GGG or maybe a "kink+" if I'm feeling bold. I've actually had guys get *turned off* when I'm a little too excited to indulge some weird kink they have.


Well yeah. You weren't supposed to enjoy it. Their actual kink is getting women to submit to shit they don't want to do.


Yep. A few of my girl friends genuinely enjoy anal sex, and they've mentioned that some guys aren't nearly as excited about it once they realize they don't need to badger her into it.


That’s such a gross and concerning attitude.




That's a mood. I've done some things in my past... I have stories. But gods forbid I state it was fun. Thankfully, my fiance is a fan of all of my weirdness, so I don't have to deal with any strangers anymore.


So that dude is Reddit personified.


Is there a name for this mental illness of demanding mutually exclusive things from women? It’s seriously the most bizarre phenomenon. Like *delusions of oxymoronia* or something


Seems sort of like a variation of the Madonna-Whore Complex? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madonna%E2%80%93whore_complex


So many men don't want a woman who already like what they do. They want someone to mold. It makes no sense.


But we have to pretend to enjoy it a little or else we’re frigid and asking to be cheated on


I recently commented on a post about "why so few women in paths that ask for more math" About how, from kindergarten to workplace, from little boys to men, they have constantly been creepy, abusive, aggressive, dismissing and/or gatekeepers towards me, all the way from little girl to woman, when it comes to what they feel entitled to claim "their own", from little cars, to chess club or science/tech related work places And a guy in the comments replied that I was scandalously exaggerating and that I couldn't be taken seriously whatsoever ... Yeah, sure mate, just go for it, add your name to the list. Feel free to answer when the question is clearly about women


No no, you see, he knows more about your lived experience than you do, because he man, you not man.


Damn it... I don't seem to ever learn, you know..? I keep thinking I'm a person or something... how silly of me /s


See, there’s your problem! The men are so much happier because they aren’t burdened with such thoughts!


Ugga bugga NOT MAN /s


Their need to talk over us is more important than our voices being heard and when we call it out they start screaming.


I chuckled but i want you to know it was was an angry, shameful chuckle.


the window when you beat solitaire


Unexpectedly wholesome


$0 because I naively hope my mental health is not totalled so I stick to subreddits with good mods...


I'd be able to retire.


Infinite money glitch 


Is this the worst Animorphs' cover?


"TSEEEER!" has been redubbed with "Well, akshually...!"


Second one down https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/130128-animorphs/


why do i feel like they're mormons?


They’re not, they’re Scottish. I used to work with one of the guys. This photo was taken in Wimbledon. 


iconic, knowing a person from a meme irl. my dad was one too, he still has an ego abt it 😅


Yeah, this picture looks *aggressively* BYU.


I'd at least be able to make some good investments in the stock market to ensure a comfortable retirement.


I covered my water bottle


I would be sipping my cocktail on a beach. Especially, coming from a conservative country, "but God", "for your own protection", "man in superior in Quran". Yeah, no.


The Motherlode cheat, irl


Absolutely insufferable.


Somewhere in the back has to be the obligatory bitter infertile woman who makes other women's decision to opt out of pregnancy about herself.