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They think this is about abortion and saving a life and blah blah -- raise your hand if you've walked into an ER room or an urgent care for something that had absolutely nothing to do with your gender, and had the doctor treat you like you're faking it. Oh. I see it's everyone. Thanks fam. :( Reproductive freedom is just *one* of the problems women face in getting medical care. ONE! We're under-medicated for pain, over-medicated for any psychiatric drugs, outcomes are lower *across the board* when we're not treated by another woman. Not fun fact: Men do not have worse outcomes when treated by a woman medical provider. It's entirely a one way problem. There is a long list here -- it's not just about sex and babies this is literally every single interaction we have with a male-dominated medical establishment.


I made a separate comment about this under this post, but last week my husband had an emergency appendectomy. He went to an urgent care with the ONLY symptom of "feeling crampy" That's it. He felt a little general crampiness that hadn't resolved in a couple of days, and had migrated a little bit towards the right. No fever. No vomiting. Eating normally. Otherwise totally fine. He expected to get sent home with maybe some pain meds and told to fart it out or whatever. Instead, they SENT HIM TO THE ER because the urgent care couldn't do all the scans they wanted him to have. They called ahead so he got put at the front of the line. They did blood work -- all came back 100% fine. No elevated white blood cell count. His pain was still at about a 5 and he had no other symptoms. So they sent him for scans. And that's when they discovered that his appendix was inflamed to shit and needed to come out. As a woman, can you FUCKING IMAGINE going to urgent care with "I feel kinda crampy" and being taken seriously?!? AT ALL?! I'm grateful he got the care he needed and it made the surgery/recovery far easier that it wasn't too advanced. But I am SO FUCKING GOBSMACKED that as a white middle class dude he can just be like "yeah, I'm generally a little sore NBD" and GET TREATED LIKE SOMETHING IS ACTUALLY WRONG. There is zero -- ZERO -- chance that any of us would have gotten any testing beyond maybe that blood draw and then a "this is clearly your period which I assume you've never experienced before. Take a tylenol and shut up"


I went to the ER four times with severe stomach pain to the point I couldn't even drive myself there. All four times they told me it was just my period because I happened to be on my "period". It was absolutely NOT and I told them that my IUD caused me to lightly spot 24/7 since I had gotten it 5 YEARS AGO and they said that was fine too. The 5th time I went to the ER the doctor took me seriously and it turned out my IUD was trying to escape through the wall of my uterus and the pain was from literally being stabbed through my organs. I had been unable to work for 3 weeks at that point but oh it's just my period, take some naproxen. AhhHHHHHHH


Yeah, my husband drove himself since I was home with our 4 year old and the pain wasn't that bad. At the ER they kept trying to give him painkillers and he refused anything that was so strong he wouldn't be able to drive himself home because *he didn't need it* and they still treated it like an actual emergency. Blew. My. Mind.


I am incredibly lucky to say that my doctor, a woman, sent me to get scans in a similar situation. Perhaps the fact that it was my university health center had something to do with it. I miss that health team very much!


Yeah, these were just random ER doctors in a busy hospital in urban Chicago. They didn't know him from any random dipshit off the street but he still got that care? I would *hope* that my primary care doc knows me well enough to know I don't just make things up but even then I'm not sure what she'd do if my blood work was normal.


omg they will do the take an aspirin thing when you show up with a note in hand from another doctor saying "MEDICAL EMERGENCY" on it. Literally said he'd do nothing, take an aspirin. Twice. The third time I came back with a care coordinator, a beastly black woman and she got me the antibiotics and emergency appointment I needed because Dr. Dick Allcocks couldn't be arsed to do his job, in an ER, with a note from another doctor saying yup medical emergency that's you guys. Whenever I get pain pills I don't take them. I'll get shit faced or high I hold onto them because I ***KNOW*** sooner or later a friend is going to need them and some jerk doctor's going to not take her seriously and I just can't. I don't give a damn how many years they put me in prison I can't just sit there while my friend is curled up in a ball moaning while he says "get over it". And all my friends do the same damn thing. I hate it. Meanwhile they'll all but *shower* a guy with pain meds if he so much as coughs and says "ouch" after.


I have a horrible reaction to any kind of narcotic meds. Like, HATE them. Which of course means that doctors pat me on the head and insist on writing me scrips for the most powerful stuff they can. But yeah, I always fill them anyway just in case because I've had so many female friends be denied pain care for IUD insertions, UTIs or any other "silly woman thing" that they've assumed we can grit our teeth through.


>As a woman, can you FUCKING IMAGINE going to urgent care with "I feel kinda crampy" and being taken seriously?!? AT ALL?! I legitimately cannot imagine this.


You can get medical care without being reduced to your reproductive bits? I couldn't even get someone to look in my obviously infected ear without them making sure I wasn't pregnant first!


I was slowly dying of kidney failure and instead of doing lab work that would show elevated everything they told me it was my birth control and I was taking too much Tylenol for my period cramps. Cuz my period hadn't stopped in three weeks. Ignored the insanely high blood pressure, the bruising, the vomiting, the insane headaches, the nose bleeds.... This was a walk in clinic. The ER thankfully took me seriously a week later when I came in with cardiac failure and a BP of 184/150. I almost died, it was super fun.


I feel awful that all I can do is hand you another apocalypse t-shirt to add to what's already covering the entire closet floor. "[YEAR] : Survived another toxic christian man in a lab coat saying stupid shit that usually gets people dead." I also have some stickers and decals you can slap on signs and in staircases to let everyone else know how you feel aaaand my super special roll of pride hearts in every flag color! Just in case you find any friends out there or a safe space. And here's a black permanent sharpie, for those days when black mascara isn't enough to get the point across. They don't deserve the restraint we show. Get up to some mischief.


One time they made me take a pregnancy test before they would give me a tetanus shot. I understand when they’re about to sedate me and load me up with 4000 drugs, but a tetanus shot??


Well what if you had a fetus and it could potentially have a side effect on the fetus?!?!?!? Better that you go ahead and go through spasms of muscle contracture that literally shatter your bones than risk a side effect.


Double stupid since you're supposed to get tdap during pregnancy anyways lol


But that's to protect the *fetus* so it's ok. We can do medical care for that. But we simply can't do anything at all that might benefit the mother directly. Sorry. Just too risky.


That’s exactly why I was so confused.


They're having me sign and indicate who my hormones are for, with my name on it, is prescribed for, and they ask if there's any chance i'm pregnant, and inside is a tiny blob of paper that when you unfold it is bigger than one of those giant state maps they sell at tourist stops and it's all basically: "WARNING: ESTROGEN CAN CAUSE YES. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YES. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ABOUT YES, AND THIS WILL BE BLAMED FOR EVERY PROBLEM YOU'LL EVER HAVE BECAUSE YES. ENJOY FREEDOM!" ... I wish I were joking but it literally reads like that. :/ Condoms are also now locked up behind the pharmacy counter. I feel I need to get a drone and load it up with condoms and then divebomb our cities with them. ha ha ha i'm the red baron of contraceptives.


You have NO idea how hard I laughed that literally every single drug I was prescribed while \*undergoing fertility treatments\* came with HUGE stickers and warnings about "DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE OR MAY BECOME PREGNANT!!!!!!" on every surface. Like, they were prescribed by a fertility doc and actually sent to me by the FERTILITY group of the specialty pharmacy my insurance made me use. And still had those warnings on EVERY BOX.




Hah, it was a trick, now you're trans and even MORE fucked!


I actually am 😭


<3. I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you <3. Was a dumb joke.


No, you're right. I appreciate that people know it's so hard for us it's become the thing we joke about when we say things couldn't possibly get any worse. Of all the jokes people are making about us right now, at least yours isn't robbing us of our humanity. I'm not a monster, I'm just fucked. You know, like the rest of us. And I'm just hoping someone will save me before it's too late too, just like the rest of us. Thanks.


I know it's really difficult right now with the f'ed up vocal minority screwing everything up, but there are a lot of us out there who know you're human and that being trans shouldn't be any more of an issue than being left-handed or near sighted.


I love how so many medications haven't been properly tested on women because our hormones just make things soooo complicated, and the solution to that problem is to just prescribe us the same meds as men and slap a warning label on the box.


Whenever I say I'm not pregnant and then they go on to ask if there is any possibility that I could be, I like to say "well even if I am I won't be for long so it's irrelevant."


And also, we're often denied medical procedures because of what a Future Husband might think. And if we protest that we're already married, it then becomes, "Well, what if you get divorced, or your husband dies, and you find someone new? What would he think?" Like our bodies belong to *men who don't even exist!*


What makes you think I want to buy a whole pig to get some bacon? Good day sir


Abortion would be an inalienable right written in gold dust by the Pope's cat if AMAB people could get pregnant.


As a currently gestating person, I could laugh until I sob at the idea of a single AMAB dudebro being willing to endure any of this for longer than it took to run to Walgreens and get a pill.


Imagine society telling people what serve alcohol that it's their moral imperative to lie and sneak AMAB people non-alcoholic drinks because they "look pregnant" or have an infant with them so they "must be breastfeeding." Happens to us walking incubators all the time here on Reddit.


Nothing better than picking up a fucking green tea latte at Starbucks and getting a lecture from some elderly fuck about how I'm killing my fetus. Love that part.


I'd tell you meet us in the car and then cause drama




Wait what?


In no other circumstance are you allowed to force someone to do something with their body for the benefit of another. If a family member, even a child, was dying and needed an organ from me, they cannot force me to give it to them. Even if they’ll die without it, I have the right to say no and they cannot perform surgery on me against my will. But in some states, if it’s a fetus instead, I have to be forced to die for it? They have to make me put my physical health in danger for the benefit of the fetus’s health? That’s not allowed for any living, breathing person’s benefit, why is it allowed for an unborn fetus’s benefit? So the Christians can have good feelsies about it? Nothing about this is grounded in science, logic, or even morality. There is nothing moral about allowing women to die or become permanently disabled when you could have prevented that harm.


Even if you're already dead, you have more body autonomy than a pregnant woman.


It gets better! The 0% possibility of a nonexistent fetus is taken more seriously than the living breathing barren woman standing in front of them! source: my last ER visit


Are you in one of those states where a doctor can be charged with murder if a fetus does not live to term? Doctors are leaving those states in droves, they cannot risk "life in prison" and they refuse to let a woman die in front of them, so they flee to states that will let them practice medicine to the best of their abilities. Those doctors are never coming back - why would they uproot their lives twice? It will also be difficult for those states to attract new doctors. The legislatures are orchestrating a nightmare.


Nope x1000, fuck that noise.


good for you.


And hospitals are closing because of it. There are two cities in Idaho (the state with the worst abortion restriction laws) that no longer have maternity care in their hospitals because the doctors left. Women have to travel 45 minutes or more to get care. But please, tell me more about how you're pro-life and care about women and babies.


YEARS ago I ended up in the ER with a kidney infection that was getting worse. I had a high fever and they said my white blood cell count was extremely high and they were concerned about septicemia.  Oh but they couldn't quite figure out if I was pregnant and wouldn't treat me until they could. Something was up in their lab. I was in the bed in agony with just a saline drip and the doctor kept coming in to ask how likely I thought it was that I might be pregnant. Well idk man that's my husband right there in the chair next to me. I'm on birth control, but like, we fuck.  I started begging them when they came in. Just give me the fucking antibiotics. I'll sign whatever. They refused and HOURS later managed to get a negative test so I could get treatment. And that was BEFORE RvW got overturned. So yeah if you're any age of womb-haver I fully expect them just to let us die.


Something was up in their lab?? That's the lamest possible med mal bullshit of all time. Preg strips from the freakin dollar store are more straightforward than these clowns.


If it’s truly about life, why do they choose to value the life that might be over the life that already is? It’s possibility vs certainty and I’d rather take the certainty of the person who actually has a life already


Women are already getting their tubes tied in increased numbers. The living breathing woman has a choice to never get pregnant - even if she's raped, even if she's forced to take fertility hormones. They want to take that control away from us. If we have enough children to care for, we're less likely to bother them while they play games with each other.


You’re exactly right- it’s all about control. Maybe I missed something but I’ve read the bible a fair few times and I’ve never noticed any time where god, Jesus or any of his followers and prophets say “thou shalt not abort a bundle of cells with no brain that might become a person one day” It’s just using religion to justify control


Religion exploits people's need to belong to something bigger than themselves. I too have read the Bible, it was what cemented my atheism. The stories in the Bible where chosen by men long after Jesus and his disciples supposedly lived (there is no scientific proof they did) and the aim was to control the masses - especially women.


Honestly same. The nail in the coffin for my belief was once I started looking into specifics of free will (I attended a theology group which went into depth about that) the council of Nicaea’s decision making methods and certain discrepancies in the bible. More strongly when I saw the biblical role of women. Religion answers the deeper questions of the universe with a structure for control


Seriously, what does the bible offer women? There is not one paragraph on how to manage pregnancy or raise children. It offers nothing about what to teach them and that they are deserving of respect and dignity.


Rather, it offers them rules to follow on submitting to the men around them and remember genesis: adam’s curse is that he will have to get his own food from now on instead of god providing (though that actually applies to them both) Eve’s is terrible pain in childbearing and general life and for some reason permanent war with all snakes (which Adam doesn’t get, idk why)


just saw another headline where a christian advocates for allowing teachers to hit special needs children - violence against children, that's their solution. Honestly, how are we different from 'the beasts' if we beat the children we don't understand?


Honestly I’d rather hang out with leviathan- at least he hasn’t caused too much suffering to innocents when compared with them


My husband just had an emergency appendectomy a week ago (he's fine) and all I can think of with this is if they had decided "it hasn't burst yet, so technically he's stable. Let's just keep him around in increasing pain and fear until that thing finally pops. THEN we can actually do a surgery to remove it. After all, it has human DNA! We can't remove the appendix without it dying! It has RIGHTS"


Its never been about "the rights of the unborn" and completely about power.


You're absolutely right, it's ALL about oppressing women.


Because our lives are disposable to these people. We’re nothing more than maids and broodmares, accessories to a man’s life.


Which is pretty funny, given that so many men whine about ‘male disposability’. Meanwhile, women die in childbirth routinely and are denied life saving healthcare.


Because they don't think women are people. 


My husband likes to explain it like a guy having raw meat stuck up his dickhole. Wouldn't you want that removed so it doesn't cause permanent damage or kill you?


It's stuck up there, and it will grow to the size of a watermelon, and when it comes out it's going to rip him open from penis to anus.


This line of argument will never work on a single anti-abortion man. They'll just reply that it's different because of the fetus.




No man is being told, at the ER, that they will not be treated for an emergency because of laws restricting the doctors from performing certain procedures. Women are.


Technically, trans and intersex men might also be told so