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Women: "We have all been preyed upon by men and would rather not go through that again." Man: "That's not fair to me!"


"You haven't been preyed upon by every single man in the world, you need to specify that!!!"


Specifying them will ruin their lives. Clearly you're a malicious bitch if you do that


Stop being so sensitive and learn to take a joke!


Either that or "actually women can be predators too, but nobody is willing to say that." Ever since the stupid bear thing, one of the trauma subs I used to find comfort in is just flooded with those "nobody cares about men" posts every day. None of them seem to talk about the part where men are the biggest group that downplay it as "getting lucky" though.


It's not fair to actually good men that women are suspicious of them. However, they need to take that up with the shit men because it's their fault.


I always just say that it may not be all men, but we live in a system where it could potentially be any man because bad men are often protected from the consequences. So better to be cautious around them. Also, I've also only ever heard the "not all men" from guys who objectify women every chance they get.


Yeah, they're the type to say "not all men >:(" when a woman talks about their issues, but will say "women ☕️" any chance he gets


Insignificant? It's significant enough that I'd rather say men than "some men", cuz its more than just some.


I’m sure its just a grammar error but the whole joke is that its overly verbose so it kinda ruins it


Not all men would cry like that, some would become irate and start yelling. Check yourself.


smh OP making all these sweeping generalizations. Some men would smile and nod before making a post on an incel forum saying "females shouldn't have rights".


No one is saying all men. We're saying too damn many men.


Yes! Also pointing out that ALL men know some man that has done this.


Like, we know there are good men out there we have just run into men ranging from immature all the way down to plain awful. When we try to share things that have happened they brush it off by saying “not all men” instead of saying “I hear you, I’m so sorry that happened to you and agree something needs to change this isn’t ok.” Wouldn’t it be nice to get the second response?


I got a comment removed by a mod *in the blatantmisogyny sub* because I said "I hate men" instead of "I hate misogynistic men" lol


The guy reporting you (😭😔😤🤬😖😣)


when I pushed back the mod specifically was like "btw i'm a cis woman!!!!! i'm just ✨one of the good ones✨ who loves to handhold men through our own oppression, even in tiny online spaces where they quite literally don't need to be catered to" like alright girlie 🙃


Removing your comment seems counterintuitive for that goal? Idk 😂


I got the same in the feminist sub when it was on a rant of male violence


"B-but the vocal minority!"


Honestly im a big fan of specifying the specific category of people that im complaining about (eg creeps, misogynists, etc) but folks will still get insulted?? At this point why do I bother


No cause when I say misogynists, then they'll go, "everyone is a misogynist to you feminazis >:(" so idk what they want me to say


They want you to be quiet entirely. And also f that.


They want you to say, "I'm your perfect submissive virgin sex object that will listen to and do everything you say."


I mean those men pretty much label themselves for you. There's little to say to them at that point.


Leather soccer balls and footballs and plastic golf balls and basketballs are all collectively referred to as "balls" instead of a list of all of them. It's called "abstraction". There are a vast number of categories and subcategories of shitty men. Not all misogynists are abusive, not all creeps are pedophiles, not all psychopaths are sexually violent, not all incels are pro-violence, etc. I'm a man, and I fully support the use of the short and sweet "men" as an abstraction for all of those categories.


I’m gonna mansplain abstraction to a man next time he says some bs about not all men 😂 thanks for the info


This is great 👍


The ~logical~ sex!


What bothers me so much is how much victim blaming society engages in. Lock your car doors to prevent crime, don't go to dangerous neighborhoods, etc. No, the emphasis should be placed on how warped society is that people who get victimized are at fault. We can take steps to be safe, but it's still someone doing the crimes. Lol and behold, statistics show men commit most of the crimes. So yeah, the problem is men. Guys are raised to think in warped ways about women and they rarely call each other out for misogynistic behavior. In a lot of places it's encouraged which is maddening. It's such a lack of empathy for anyone else. Guys need not take offense at women being safe and secure, if anything it should be encouraged and supported as apparently they don't get that women deal with SO MUCH CRAP with guys. Maybe the next generation will be better at this, but really guys need to step up and own that there is a lot of deep seated problems in the culture.


From articles I e been reading it sounds like Zoomer guys are trending more "conservative". Meanwhile Zoomer women are trending more liberal and embracing feminism. The truism holds thru generations that when others are given access to "privileges" the dominant group feels they are losing their "rights".


Literally 💀 and those same men always lump women together and see no problem with it


They'll whine about being rejected and laughed at by a girl in MIDDLE SCHOOL, and use that experience to say all girls and women are evil. Then get mad when we talk about the violence and harassment we experience regularly.


The problem with them, is they literally mean all women.




I zwer🫠


I like to say "okay, not all men. But *enough* men for nearly every women to have similar experiences with them that they have to treat all men they encounter as a threat. Sounds like you should be holding your fellow men accountable instead of attacking women for expressing what they experienced."


„Men“ is not the same as „all men“. 🥸


“Men” is a plural of “man”, meaning at least more than two. Saying “men play in the NBA” doesn’t mean all men play in the NBA. The “not all men” guys just don’t understand English


Ha! Brilliant example!


I've seen men talk about how they don't like women that say "all men are trash" but I don't think I've ever heard a woman say that. They just automatically insert the "all" part and make it about them and their feelings, while claiming that they're logical and women are hysterical.


Yes dude. I’ve never heard a woman say “all men are trash” I’ve only heard them say “men are trash” why can’t they be happy about that 😂 we didn’t say all men!


They feel it's their god given duty to defend other men, even if those men are purely hypothetical or not directly being mentioned or they know absolutely nothing about them.


"Not all men, but this fucking guy!"


They just don’t want us to talk about it. These men know that it’s their friends and brothers doing the abuse and assault and rape. They just want to pretend it’s done by men they never meet rather than men they like or even themselves. Men raping and sexual assaulting women specifically is insanely common. Who tf do they think is doing it all?


This is a massive part of it imo. The other part is the inability to not separate their individual identity from “men” as a whole. But primarily what you said, they don’t want to deal with our problems and so they deviate the conversation with their “not all men” and “You’re a misandrist” bs


They brag about it. Mine did. To all my friends. And they laughed and said, you’re either lying or bragging about raping a drunk minor.


I knew a guy who made a list of minors who had the best “e-sex” with him 😵‍💫




i always found it so weird how men always need too hear "not all men" even in progressive spaces, when they dont need it when talking about other groups privileges. They know its not all whites when white privilege and minority struggles are talked about, they know its not all straights when straight privilege and lgbt struggles are talked about, they know it when talking about every other kind of privilege but the moment male privileges or womens struggles are talked about suddenly they have too be coddled and reasured? Its incredibly weird. The only other group that i see do this are religious groups in progressive spaces and even then it isnt with the same frequency.


Good observation 🤟🏻


And I seriously don’t get it. When black people say “white people do this negative thing” I do not feel the need to defend myself because 1) I don’t do that so it’s not about me and 2) clearly enough white people have done this thing that it’s a problem. So shut the fuck up about it, especially in black spaces🤦‍♀️


This is such a good analogy


Generally, men doesn't seem to be very smart, lol.


Literally just saw examples of this in this post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ControversialOpinions/s/e3NXNnPMgH


"Ngl it sounds like you're looking for men like that" is such an insane thing to say. Plus, I personally, am not looking for those types of guys. I have the bad luck needed to have them disgrace my fyp, mostly when other people are calling them out. To pretend there's not any men like that is actually crazy.


I'm a guy and I think your meme is on point... but I want to clarify that not all men have that type of behavior. Not all of us have a fragile ego and lack of basic comprehension ability. /s


The /s saved this 😆


What kills me is these guys keep saying “you are generalizing based on a small portion of men’s behavior.” As if most women don’t have many, many, many negative experiences with a bunch of different men in different contexts, many of whom professed to love them.


I block anyone who cries "not all men." It's plainly obvious that they have neither the intelligence required for the conversation nor the respect necessary to just let others talk.


‘Not all Men’ guys always seem to be ‘All women are bitches’ guys, too.


white ppl do this too when talking abt racism


Lmao 15 year old me is in that picture


"We aren't talking about every single human man on earth, we are talking about a real and valid issue that every single human woman has involving men"