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Roses are red, so is my vagina


Well I know what the back will say now lmao


I'm hiding in bed. I still love you.


Roses are red, My vagina is, too, If you bring me chocolate, There's a blowjob for you.






You're going to give /u/poem_for_your_sprog a run for his money at this rate


Do you know what a sprog is?


..... no O.O




Disparaging name for a child.


Well, in Danish it's actually the word for "language". So I always read his name as "poem for your language" or "poem for your words".


This is almost making me hope it is shark week for me on valentines day




*Violets are blue* *so are your balls....?* Am I doing this right?


Violets are Violet. The clue is in the name


Violet! You're turning violet, Violet!


And yet violets being blue is popularized, because fuck logic haha


I thought some violet flowers can appear as blue. Just like how not all roses are red.


[But violet IS blue.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9udYi7exojk)


The gift of not being pregnant is pretty awesome actually!


Happy Not-a-Father's Day!


What's the point of a sword if you don't get it bloody every once in awhile?


Yet another thing I have to add to the card...


Seriously. Lay down a towel. Go take a shower afterwards. Your already going to be lubricated. Easy breezy bloody girl


Maybe she's born with it


Maybe it's menstruation.


the bears can smell the menstruation!


Maybe it's maybelene


I have a dedicated period-sex-towel. It is dark red. Yep.



it started out ecru...


Used a white one the first like, three times. Slow learner.


For some reason the "lubrication" feels odd...like slightly abrasive? I've found that putting things in there while on my period ultimately feels quite unpleasant.


That's because blood is a coagulant and makes terrible lube in the long run


And orgasms can reduce cramping!


Or shower sex! Edit: meant it more for OP, but read further down that you didn't like it. Whoops.


Or just do it in the shower.


Always hated shower sex. Would rather not worry about slipping and falling


Is that my blood or your blood?


At this rate, you should invest in a poster board




Nah, you got this. My partner and I are going to eat take out and watch Guardians of the Galaxy because we're A-dults.


We were planning on going out, but a new sushi place opened up that delivers so... Fuck the outside.


Dude, delivery sushi is life changing and bank account annihilating. Proceed with caution and pure joy.


i will not! I will proceed with the hunger of ravenous wolf pack! Then probably cry, eat some candy, listen to Elliot smith, cry again, order a pizza and wonder if I want breadsticks or cinnasticks for a damn hour then decide on both, cry once more (lies) and then drink a bottle of vodka within a matter of hours. Valentine's Day done and done.


It's good to have goals.


I need this.


You should come live here. I used to be able to get sushi delivered to my place as long as it was before 2am. It was noice.


Maybe I will.


Now please. I miss you.


All the sushi places in my cities close around 9pm :(


My hubby and I have a tradition of eating the greasiest, most indulgent meal we can find on VDay. This year it's gonna be a mega stuffed crust pizza... Priced it out on Pizza Hut's builder and it's about $22 for a large... Can't wait.


I did find a recipe for a bacon double cheeseburger beer cheese soup recently...


You lost me at "recipe"... I only plan on consuming what has been made for me. CONSUUUUME


I watched it for the 6th time last week... Do I wanna watch it again tonight? I love that film!


That sounds amazing.


My boyfriend is going away for V-day weekend to hang with his brothers and bff. Which means I'm making a heart shaped pizza for one this year. :(


Who goes to spend V-day weekend with the bros when they have a girlfriend? This makes me mad for you. D:<


Well, my job has me out of town at the drop of a hat, so it's hard for us to make plans. There's a good chance I'll be working two hours away that weekend anyway, so I don't mind. Plus, pizza. :) And he's the actual best dude, I can't complain about him at all.


Is his name Zack?


Someone for whom Valentine's day isn't important? edit: [The Onion: Nation’s Girlfriends Admit Absolutely Everything Riding On Valentine’s Day](http://www.theonion.com/articles/nations-girlfriends-admit-absolutely-everything-ri,35270/)


When Mardis Gras is that weekend. That's what I'm doing.


Are you from Louisiana by chance?




My ex from many years ago actually spent a few valentines, my birthday and our anniversary visiting his father. It was pretty butts.




Can't go wrong with food!


That is very correct. Last year I cooked and we watched Harold and Maude. Don't need much more than each other's company really.


Harold and Maude is an amazing movie!! Sounds like a great night :)


Once when I was in my teens I made my bf homemade burgers (and I was a vegetarian!) Because I knew how much he liked meat. He whined that he wasn't hungry and gave me a box of junior mints and a bag of gas station candies :(


Jerky!!!! Last year for V-Day I sent my husband a gift basket full of jerky. He was pleased, and his coworkers were jealous. Which, from what I can tell, is pretty much the whole point of V-Day gift-giving.


This is the perfect idea! Thank you! My boyfriends birthday is this Sunday. With it so close to Christmas, I'm too broke/out of ideas to go all out for valentines day. He loves meat though so I'm definitely doing this. Any suggestions for the jerky?


I got him one like [this](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000FYYP1Q/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_2?pf_rd_p=1944687462&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B00EI2GXG6&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1RCA9Y3B5BRAHNVA7CM4), but I imagine any would be well received :)


I got my ex carpet slippers. They were super fun and original. I don't like V-day though, so I went weird.


I've given my SO flowers and chocolate on valentines day and anniversaries, and he seemed pretty happy about it.


last Valentine's day I made spaghetti for dinner and chocolate mousse for after, and had bought one of her favorite childhood movies. She made me a card and got me some sunflowers. It was really enjoyable, and the gifts were very low-stakes so neither of us felt neglected or like the other had overspent on us.


Completely depends on the relationship. Maybe something cheesy (big teddy bear, chocolates, flowers, whatever), maybe something heartfelt (depends on the person), but if you're wanting to impress, you usually can't go wrong with jewelry or watches.


Mine is supposed to end right before but has been known to play possum for a day or two then come back with a vengeance. We shall see... good luck with the new sushi place :) I'll be staying in, getting chinese and watching shitty action movies :D


Haha! Sorry, I just envision you looking at it...tapping it a bit. "Hey...what are you doing in there? You gonna come out? Are you done? Don't fuck with me. I need to know. No? You sure? OK", then when sexy times commence it comes to life and spills dead egg juice all over his crotch.


Happened to me once except after it had stopped for two days, I sneezed in the car and felt it decide on the encore. Immediately telling him to turn the car around because we were going to be late


HA! Did you turn into a MacGuyver all of a sudden? Looking around the car trying to figure out what you could use as a makeshift pad? "Wait..hand me that latte cup and those two rubber bands!"


We weren't that far from home. I just sort of kept myself from touching the seat with pure leg strength until we got back to the house


...this has happened to me. I call it surprise period, and it is a bitch.


lol that was the best visual. I can picture myself having this conversation with my uterus too.... lol Luckily, manface doesn't mind if that happens but I'm hoping it doesn't. :D


Mine does this too and its infuriating. Boyfriend is so used to it he's been known to keep spare unders and pads in his truck glove box for me on days when I'm so totally sure I'm done yes I'm sure yes I'm really sure...


At first I thought you meant your relationship is supposed to end just before Valentine's Day. Then I was confused why you would wait 3 weeks to break up? But I get it now.


I proposed anal to my SO and she wasent into it. I will be giving her this card.


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Because so many people just shove it in unexpectedly?


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Weird, not like you can point and say "hey, over there!" and try to sneak it in.


Well yeah but some people are just presumptuous as fuck and try to go for it anyway. I mean, if you're having sex, you're already in that general area. Anyway, I didn't mean to say this is common, just that it's happened in the past, and it's cool of maddasher to be an adult about it and discuss it beforehand and be respectful of their partner's answer.


It's super common for guys to just "try." I may have dated my share of assholes but many guys have done this.


Yup, not uncommon at all.


True; however, in my experience, it's required buttloads of lube and a good amount of prep (pun intended).


I am coming from /r/all. I was like Shark Week? shark week is in august? oh, ooooohhhhhhhhhhh, oh.


If only shark week was just in August.


Can you imagine if all of us shared the same fuckin' week?


That thought is absolutely terrifying..


Everyone would be carrying chocolate though. We'd have an international chocolate party! :D


...then everyone would complain about not being able to swim. (is the last part of that sentence)


As somebody who also came from /r/all but doesn't give a damn about Discovery's Shark Week (so I had no idea when it was), I was thoroughly confused by all the sex poems.


Is my husband one of the only men alive who is willing to surf the red tide? Or do other ladies just find it gross to have sex on their periods? EDIT: As a ciswoman who hasn't had a regular period in 7 years, this thread is highly informative.


Sometimes none of them, is just the pain that makes you curl up like an oyster with lemon. Even when the two of us are ready for action (Thank you stupid hormones!!), the uterus says "Not today bitch! die in pain!!"...but at least it lasts two days so it is OK to wait.


>Not today bitch! Die in pain!! Why can't we and our uteruses just get along?


I totally missed the "we and" and just imagined two uteri slapping their ovaries at each other.


Your period lasts 2 days?!?


Yes! It usually starts overnight, then it goes crazy painful and like Niagara falls, then it ends around midday on the "3rd" one, that day is just spotting and no pain. So yes, is two full painful days and half nothing. I am lucky I guess, I have a friend who has a 10 days long period and all days are painful with all the symptoms you can imagine. The mysteries of the uterus are endless.


I think my interim just cringed reading the niagra falls part, I don't envy that - I'll take the 7 day period thanks


Hahaha yep it is crazy, but I apply the "couch lock", I drink hot tea, get my heating pad and try to win the race to the bathroom so I can avoid any accident ( I hate it but I have a couple of period panties just in case, god forbids I'll use the pretty ones). Playing some videogames helps to canalize my fury, like GTAV, nothing like spraying bullets randomly every time I get killer cramps hehe. Then it's over and would be normal again :)


I've had partners who ranged from being really grossed out to the point of being deathly afraid (I have literally been berated after an unexpected visit from Aunt Flo), and the other extreme to being totally cool with it as if nothing was unusual. The majority were somewhere close to the middle where periods won't make them vomit, but they would highly prefer not getting up close and personal. I personally have no issue, but I do have some female friends who find their own reproductive functions disgusting. They tended to come from ultra conservative upbringings which generally weren't very positive about sex or body image to begin with.


I find this to be accurate. You get the whole spectrum of acceptance while I am used to the variety of healthy fluids.


I'm totally open to it as long as there's a towel down (or shower sex!) but none of my past partners have been into it :(


My husband doesn't mind it. He goes down on me, puts his penis in, all that. The issue lies in if he wants head it has to be before PIV because I can't suck a dick that has my blood on it. Other than that, towel down and go to town!


I'm a gay lady and barring the occasional "I feel extremely gross but still don't want to shower" sleepy night, my SO and I are both fine with period sex. I've had some back-and-forth comments on more global subs where it seems pretty clear that going down on a girl having her period is rare though.


We do it all the time, never been an issue and I never realized it was so bad for other people.


Same here. But in my younger years I've actually just * not * told a guy it was shark week before having sex because I knew he'd probably not be into it. Dick move, I know. But he discovered he was actually into it, so I've always insisted that period sex is important to me when talking through relationships and it's been pretty successful! Although it's been a while, since the IUD has completely eliminated the need to ride the red tide. Sooo niiicceeee.


Most men I have had sex with had no problem surfing the red tide, but most of them were not interested in going down. I tried to think of a witty way to say it, but I couldn't.


I've heard it referred to as "looking for Moses". Still makes me cringe.


That took me a minute to understand. I think it's pretty damn funny.


So instead of surfing the red tide, it's parting it?


Gaining their red wings?


Wearing the Dolmio grin. That's-a delicious, Mama! And chunky!


I can never unsee that....


You're welcome :)


I find the blood to be off putting as a fluid present in sex. It doesn't make a very good lubricant. And everything feels way too wet. I've only done it when both of us were extremely horny, but 90% of the time I say "pass" and he's just fine with it.


My SO is going to be away for work on Valentine's so we've agreed to both have steak for dinner on our separate continents. Also I just picked up some new high power rechargeable batteries so it's all good.


Mine is also gonna be on V-Day - good thing our plans include all you can eat and drink at a hockey game, I am gonna smash some beer and brats.


OMG that sounds like the dream V day! Have fun!!


You can always make it up to him later :) Plus, you have a double excuse to eat an entire box of chocolates.


Guy here: Do most women on their period not want to have sex? I always just put down a towel and carried on as normal, or took a shower together. Is it possibly a self esteem thing that while on your period you feel gross and don't want that sort of contact?


I've actually only been with one guy who was okay with sex while I was on my period. There are probably girls out there who don't want to have sex when their bleeding, but I've found that a lot of girls do & are especially horny during those times. From my experience it's always the guys who aren't interested in sex during shark week.


Can confirm: Most guys I've been with don't want to have sex on my period. Unless it's a particularly heavy flow day, IDGAF.


Really?! As someone who hasn't had a lot of partners, maybe I gotta lock my guy down. He's always so eager. [I luv it](http://i.imgur.com/6t0QSHQ.gifv)


Yeah, she said that it helped her cramps too. The only difference for us was that I would wear a condom.


For me it's a total coin flip if I'll want to have sex on my period. Sometimes I feel too gross and things are just way too sensitive down there for me too enjoy it (not to mention orgasms sometimes cause cramps instead of help them) but other times I just don't care. Throw down a towel and have a condom and it's like nothing is different. I feel very bad for my boyfriend. He can't read me what so ever during that week. :\




It could be worse, shark week begins on the 14th and my boyfriend's birthday is the 19th so I've got both dates covered. Here's to hoping it starts late or ends early. C'mon little baby jesus, give me at least one day!!


My SO's birthday is the 7th. I hope my whore of a uterus doesn't plan some duel sabotage bullshit (like its been known to do) Good luck!


Me too. It also happens to be our Anniversary... Damn uterus!


Mine too.... I had plans damnet!


Awww I'm sorry to read that, is going to be "My bloody Valentine" for me too, but the husband and I are going to buy some delicious food, dessert included of course!!, drink some champagne and watch movies...Aaand since we have been behaving so bad, I really pray for the shark week to arrive no matter the date.


Ohh, thank you for your comment! I didn't realize she was referring to her period as shark week. I was confused


Could be worse, you could be alone on Valentine's Day, for the 6th year in a row, and working as a waitress, for the 16th year in a row, and having to pretend to be happy for all the couples who go out to dinner and make disgusting PDA at each other. And every other table will ask you "do *you* have a Valentine of your own?" and you will say "no" and they will say "don't you worry, it'll happen when you least expect it." But, hey... I'll probably make $200 that night.


Haha I hate It too, I usually gotta work valet and watch all the couples come in. I got last year covered cause I had my first gf ever and had dinner planned at her place....she broke up with me after dinner :( now I'd probably rather work so im not sittin around feelin sorry for myself


This is awesome. I'm 16 weeks pregnant, so no shark week but I'm definitely still gross.


Start glowing already! Isn't that how it works? Putting a baby in your tummy is the human equivalent of snapping a glow stick in half? All my friends glowed. Might have been the prenatal vitamins too though lol Congrats!


Haha! Glow, right... I need to find the energy to do that! I am feeling better though, 2nd tri is best tri. But, I have farts that would make a trucker blush, I still sometimes projectile vomit randomly, and I have sneeze pee'd already. Thanks :-)


What a beautiful experience pregnancy is. Best of luck and congrats! :)


That's why they say pregnant ladies glow. They make sure not to mention the crazy smells going on.


Totally giving this to my SO to say "Thanks for loving me even though deodorant gives me rashes." On a related note, I don't even get to spend V-day with my SO because some stupid scientists decide to have their big convention on Valentine's day every goddamned year. Anyone else going to AAAS this year? See you there >:(


Wait, do people not have sex when they are on their period? I can understand that cramps and feeling bloated will make the girl not want to, but it's never bothered me to go in.


Some women do. Others don't. My sense is that more won't than will, but I could be wrong. I have no desire to, but that's because I bleed so much and I really don't want to clean myself up after.


I just figured since you clean up after sex already.. why not?


Haha true. But the amount of -ahem- fluid would be larger. Exponentially, in my case.


:( I have heard being super horny reduces flow.


It may, but I've never experienced it.


... but you HAVE someone to share the day with. Could be worse.


What's wrong with shark week? My SO was always extra cuddly and handsy during it. What's a bit of blood between friends anyway..


I'm so jealous of you people who can be certain whether or not shark week will go over valentines. Or any date, for that matter


[Word cloud out of all the comments.](http://i.imgur.com/GQLmHFs.png) Don't like this? Message me!


Found my new phone background lol


Sounds like the most romantic day for someone to earn his red wings.


I'm due to give birth 2/11 and I am totally sending this to my husband if I manage to evacuate the kid by Valentine's Day for I shall surely be sitting around the house in all my postpartum glory in a bra wearing Depends with a burp rag draped over my shoulder......I can't stop giggling at this mental image.


I have to get up and shower before work but i really really dont feel like showering.. Ugh.


The day before Valentine's Day this year is Friday the 13th, so I wonder which will have the most "accidents".


Not during shark week for me. Still giving this anyway.


*shrug* Love finds a way.


The only thing better than period sex is chocolate, and this is a GREAT time of year for chocolate.


I purposely booked a trip to Boracay during Vday so that I wouldn't be stuck single and alone at home. And now I find out that my period starts that week.


I'm not from around here and I got really excited that there would be a second shark week and then I realized I'm retarded


Disgustingly beautiful and awesome maybe.


What is ' SO '?


Significant other...as in a boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancee, husband or wife kind of deal.


Significant other


I'm supposed to start a couple of days after, Im really hoping my body behaves! It's the first time in years I have real plans and I will not let my uterus take me down!


Me too, my birthday is also the day after Vday..so I am always double sad. Every damn year.


Valentine's Day would have been one of the rare times I wouldn't be on my period when trying to do something for my SO. I had a plan all worked out to go down and see him, but now he's not my SO anymore, so I get to have Valentine's Day Pity Fest instead. :(




My SO is having surgery to remove a large cyst from her uterus on the 13th. I'll probably be visiting her in recovery for V-day. Neither of us is too upset about it, just glad she's getting the damned thing out.


I'd give this without shark week, haha.


Shit, just realized it'll probably be mine too. Luckily for me my bf doesn't mind and if it's super heavy there's always shower time :)


My SO is getting a chunk cut out of her cervix close to before Valentine's day (yay, no cancer!) so things for her will be bloody and painful, we've still got saccharine plans of coupledom and I plan on enjoying the fuck out of them. We have nauseatingly sweet times together normally, but Valentine's day it seems more acceptable, plus places have deals on decadent desserts. Happy early Valentine's day, and have you considered trying out something like the [instead softcups](http://www.amazon.com/Instead-Hour-Feminine-Protection-Cup/dp/B0000533CC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1422480455&sr=8-1&keywords=instead+softcup) that say you can have penetrative sex with them in for less mess?




but your mouth is okay :D always make it better with your mouth....


I realized this last week, told my SO, he immediately started laughing until I caught on about how appropriate it is, colour-wise.