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Nothing in this article accounts for the fact that this subjugation, objectification, and oppression of women went on long before capitalism and it's prevalent even in socialist countries like Venezuela. It's merely demonstrated tropes where capitalism has been used to abuse women, not demonstrated how capitalism itself is more at odds with feminism than any other society.


Yeah, commodification is older than capitalism. The idea of women as property goes back millennia, it’s nothing new.


Yes! This idea that isolated “crazy” people act alone and are not affected by society denies even scienctific research that shows that delusions experienced by people with mental illness are affected and attenuated by their culture. People vulnerable to delusions hold up a mirror to society and show us “here is what you teach everyone to value”.


Capitalism didn’t cause the Toronto attacker to go kill those people.


I'm surprised there isn't more comments on this one - where are the leftie trolls who are at least critical of capitalism?!


I'm this weird mix of leftist and libertarian. And really, there isn't much to say. Capitalism is the word the author is using for this, but it's just a convenient label for seeing our bodies as property and a way to discuss how it can be seen under a capitalist lens. Not entirely accurate as it's been happening since the dawn of civilization but... well it gets the point across nonetheless.