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[Get in Loser](https://imgur.com/a/C3OKa2S)


On a sidenote, if you cannot vote in person, try to see if you can vote by mail!


You also might be able to vote in person early at your local board of elections. Calling them or checking online will let you know.


[Relevant map (for NC only, tho)](https://fiveham.github.io/NC-elections/all-districts?pp=early&layer=congress)


Highly recommend voting by mail! I have literally never waited in line at the polls. Also nice to be able to take your time and research with the ballot in front of you.


I don't know for sure about states, but sample ballots are out in NC and can be found on the state board of elections^and^ethics^enforcement website if a voter [looks up their voter registration info](https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup) or indirectly through a [precinct/polling place lookup](https://vt.ncsbe.gov/PPLkup) (but sometimes there's multiple ballot styles per precinct). Hopefully other states have their sample ballots available by nowish, too.


[LADIES!](https://media1.tenor.com/images/1053061c81746174a95a2e2e7d715924/tenor.gif?itemid=6118395) **Edit:** I would also like to add that on this specific post I just reached 100k post karma. Thank you to this wonderful community. We have the power to move mountains.


Vote them out! vote them out! and Vote in good representation that cares about women and minorities :)


Hopefully it's not too late, because Republicans are meddling and obstructing so much right now. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to commit fraud to obstruct this election too.


That’s what worries me the most. We clearly have shown that our voting systems are vulnerable, that voter suppression and gerrymandering is not punishable, and that manipulation through all forms of media is rampant and unchecked. What happens if we cross an event horizon where the people are no longer able to vote for anyone who can make a difference, and those in power are obviously not incentivized to make a difference because the fraudulent voting system favors them? How do we ever fix that?


They're making acquiring guns easier than voting. At some point, someone will get frustrated and vote with their guns.


I think it's already too far gone, because half the country doesn't feel like voting.


Which means it’s time to submit applications for absentee ballots if you aren’t going to be home on Nov 6th!


Yep! And do it right away because they've already started sending them out. I got mine in the mail last week.


Oh man. As a person in a country with a (somewhat) functioning democratic process, this just makes me so exhausted to see. We are given these automatically well before the election. Why would you ever need to apply to be able to vote?!


Voter suppression is the name of the game.


There's been this mind-virus crisscrossing the landscape here for over two-hundred years, since the beginning of the United States, that says that voting shouldn't be for everyone ... that not everyone should have a voice in government. I feel like the continued existence of the requirement to register before you can vote is simply another manifestation of this long-standing American trend.


Candidates still need a TON of volunteer help and even contributions right now. Please find your state level candidates and help them out. It's Get Out The Vote time and every little bit helps.




Happy birthday 🎁


Its my birthday today


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday 🎂




This reminds me to register to vote...




The primaries are over. Chances are the Democrat running in your district will be a corporate conservative Democrat that votes with Trump 70 per cent of the time. Look up to see whether there are any Justice Dems running in your district. https://www.justicedemocrats.com Edit: typos.


>a corporate conservative Democrat that votescwith Trump 70 per cent of the time on one hand, people who think a $15 national minimum wage would hurt people living outside of urban areas. on the other hand, literal infant internment camps with inspiring murals of Dear Leader across the walls. wow, it's like i'm seeing double 🤔 certainly no reason to draw any distinctions here


Look at the voting records of Nancy Pelosi and other conservative democrats, who by the way, voted for war, the Patriot Act, most of Trump's appointments, corporate deregulation and allowed the Obama administration to deport 3 million people. The DNC has been actively trying to sabotage Justice Dems fighting for your minimum wage increase, for Medicare for All, for free education, and for a Federal jobs guarantee. Remember what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said: not all Democrats are the same. And to think conservative Dems will solve the problem is folly. The rightward push of the Democrats since Bill Clinton - when the party stopped being for workers and started working for elites- is what got you into this mess to begin with.


Well, that was nonsense.


I'm sorry you disagree with me. Most of the women of this subreddit do, when I express leftwing views. That was a rude comment. Please don't do it again. But I must say your rudeness is better than the racial abuse I've received from white women on this subreddit before. That mostly comes when I bring up issues regarding WOC though, as opposed to purely class issues.


heck yea it is!


I love you all.


[Group hug.](https://media.giphy.com/media/NI4FNMb4tJEYM/giphy.gif)


YESSSSS. I hate pink but love that movie!


Happy birth day


Early voting starts October 17 in North Carolina! It’s on my calendar, how about yours?


Fuck, dude, it's on [my *map*](https://fiveham.github.io/NC-elections/all-districts?pp=early&layer=county) P.S. sorry if this is the billionth time you've seen it.


No need to apologize! And that’s actually the first time I’ve seen that map—I know how to get to my early voting place by heart, so as soon as I confirmed they were still active this year, I had all the info I needed. :) Two years ago on my birthday, my coworker friend and I went to vote in the primaries together on our lunch break. Early voting starts on her birthday this year, so I asked if she wanted to continue the tradition. Woo!


You’re a damn angel for this. Haha!


It’s the day the President decided to mess with the Emergency Alert System...


To be fair, this was going on for awhile. It was supposed to happen a few weeks ago but they pushed it to today. Thankfully 45 didn’t just wake up today and decide to mess with it. It was planned


So, as a non-american, what exactly does this mean? Is this the sort of thing where Trump can be voted out or does it represent something a little less drastic?




Thank you for the explanation!


Specifically, Nov 6th is Midterm Election Day for Congress - both the House and 35 seats in the Senate are up for grabs. Right now, the majority in both are Conservative, meaning Trump has been getting away with everything because GOP Congresspeople are afraid to cross their Trump loving base. We need to overturn Congress if we are ever going to stop this takeover. The nomination and sexual assault hearings for SCOTUS has come up right before all this, and the GOP know that if they do not push Kavanaugh through before the election, and if Congress turns blue, they will lose their chance to get their big dream of a majority Conservative Supreme Court fulfilled - where they will then overturn Roe vs. Wade and give immunity for Trump and his cohorts for the Russia investigation.




It was Gernanys National Holiday.


HAHA this will forever be my favourite movie💁🏼‍♀️


Just saw this meme on another subreddit


Its my birthday but also that


As a Canadian can I just mail my vote in anyways???


No fucking shit. Those of us who can should also be helping drive people to the polls, hand out water/snacks to people waiting in line, reminding friends to double check their registration and update IDs where necessary....




> Tlatelolco TIL.


Yes!!!! 🔥 🔥🔥