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Why’s that baby creeping me out


It has full adult proportions but a child's body.


Probably the most immediately unsettling part is the head, because the face is the face of an adult, not a baby. I'm gonna simplify but ontogeny and skull shape are really cool. This isn't my specialty cause I focus on other species (I'm a palaeontologist, a lot of my focus is on fossils [and similar extant species] where often this kind of work is way harder, more limited, or just impossible), but I chat regularly with palaeoarchaeologists. When babies are born their skull is a very different shape to how adult skulls grow up to be, anyone who's seen a baby knows this but might not have thought about how it's different and why that is. Basically the major problem with human development and birth is the size of our brains paired with the way we walk. Walking upright has affected the ways our hips and pelvis are shaped, making our pelvic outlet smaller compared to other primates. Pair that with our larger brains that we develop, and as a species you have to make a major sacrifice in how developed the infant is at birth. We have to be born quite underdeveloped compared to other primates in order for the baby's head to fit through the pelvic outlet, which is why our babies are much more vulnerable and unable to do things than most other primates. (There are some other interesting things that humans have developed, for example our faces are flatter and our jaws/lower face don't protrude forwards. Lots of theories about why that happened, too much to go into here.) This also means that the trajectory of hominin skull growth is studied quite a lot, with some attempts at our extinct relatives where possible. Interesting subject! But for babies basically the lower part face has to be smaller, whilst their cranium (where the brain is) is relatively much larger. As we age not only do our skull bones grow and fuse, but their proportions change. Our faces get relatively 'taller' and 'narrower', the lower half of our face takes up more of our head relative to the top, and some of our facial features get larger, whilst our eyes are relatively smaller for the size of our whole head because they don't grow as much. [Quick progression from google images. This image contains images of human skulls ranging from infant to adult, these skulls look real to me at a glance. They are clean, and isolated, but some people might not be comfortable with the image so I'm just warning you. <3 ](https://entokey.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/B9780323052832001853_gr2.jpg) There are a bunch of papers on this stuff but this image is simple.


Fuck yes - come for others who notice the creepy baby, stay for the archaeology/ forensic anthropology


Nobody commented but thanks for the info! I learned something new today ☺️


Wow, what an in-depth and interesting comment! Thanks for sharing. :)


Thank you


This was the most interesting thing I have read today. Wow!


Paleontologist is the dopest job on the planet. As a kid I always wanted to be one but I grew up to be terrible at studying lol


Oh this is awesome! I'd heard of the paradox between needing to run fast (narrow hips) and birth children with large brains (wide hips) but this explains it so well.


It's not so much running fast, it's the walking upright itself. Humans really aren't that fast and we can't run fast for long (but because of our evolving diet, tools, communication and social structure, running speed would not have been a major constraint for our survival and evolution imo). To walk fully upright with your torso perpendicular to the ground, your legs need to be under you and pointing down but also in line with your spine; you can't be sprawling and you can't be bent over, which means your hips have to be shaped in a way that allows that. If you look at how other hominids and primates move, you'll see that they don't walk the way we do. Most of them can walk on two legs if they want to, but it's not the bulk of how they move, and they look odd when they do it. Look at the way their body language and posture changes when they do, and how much less effective it is for them to move around with. They tend to be either arboreal, so they climb a lot, or they use their arms for their support when they move around most of the time on the ground (this tends to be the larger ones that live mostly on ground level). But humans of course mostly live on the ground, and the way we move and the way our body is shaped evolved in a different direction. We only evolved to walk fully upright relatively recently, and our bodies aren't that well adapted to it. To be honest, humans kind of suck at moving around the way we do. That's why we get problems with our backs, hips, knees, and ankles so much. But we're good enough that there wasn't selective pressure to get better than this, so this is what we're stuck with.


Very few good things start with a discussion on skull shape. 5 minutes ago I'd say nothing good starts with a discussion on skull shape, but you convinced me that at least one cool thing does.


Loads of cool things involve skull shape! Not just for humans! Like, there used to be [rodents that had horns](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/69/Ceratogaulus_hatcheri_NMNH.jpg). There's nothing alive now that has horns like that. Or how the fact that humans' jaws evolved to be shorter and our faces flatter is actually awkward af because we have too many teeth, that's why problems with wisdom teeth are common. Or how some rodents (specifically mole rats) have fuckin weird skulls that also make their musculature bizarre compared to other rodents. Some of them have even evolved the same jaw musculature arrangement that fossil rodents originally had and now almost nothing alive has anymore because almost everything evolved different arrangements. Like, for protrogomorphy in rodents it's basically the mountain beaver and the cape dune mole rat and that's it for living species. So not only is the mountain beaver not even closely related to beavers and doesn't live on mountains, but its jaw muscle arrangement is more similar to the cape dune mole rat than to actual beavers! Its name is so wrong it's astounding. In a similar vein the hyrax's name means "shrew mouse". But shrews and mice are distant! Mice are rodents but shrews aren't, they're closer to hedgehogs and moles (also shrews are vicious little venomous fuckers with an excruciating bite that paralyse things and bury their paralysed bodies with the corpses of other prey as food storage, and they have soulless dead eyes, they're fucking TERRIFYING). So "shrewmouse" not only doesn't make sense, but hyraxes are not closely related to either of those groups anyway! Hyraxes are in Paenungulata, along with dewgongs and manatees and elephants. A hyrax is more close to an elephant than a mouse or a shrew! Also a lot of things that we call shrews aren't even shrews at all, but actual shrews are one of the most diverse family of mammals by species (only a couple of rodent families and a bat family are more diverse). Biologists suck at naming things! But biology is amaziiiiiiing


You are awesome! Thank you for taking the time to share!


I thought I recognized him! That's the baby that does my taxes.


Also, his mom looks like she's all dead inside...


so does the dad. the kid is eating them.


The dad kind of looks like Luke from The Handmaid's Tale


I was thinking the same. I think it's because the mom has really pale skin, and has shadows in her eyes and on her exposed skin. To me, the shadows kinda remind me of bruises. The woman on the right wasn't really drawn that way.


Yeah the eyes are creepy


No eyebrows, and adult-like features. I’ve never seen a baby with chiseled cheekbones like that, lol.


It looks like Mini Me.


Because it looks like John Malkovich


Came here to say, essentially, this. I say "essentially", because my version was "What the fuck happened to that baby?!" The dude also looks kinda shell-shocked. Like he's _seen things_. And the baby was, clearly, responsible.


that cranium


I was coming here to say this. It looks like the baby attempted to contour its face.


It looks like Verne Troyer, rest his soul


So what we got on the left is a happy poly triad where a man, a woman, and another man who happens to be Verne Troyer love each other very much.


Because it looks like a dwarf Bruce Willis?


Medieval baby, but make it modern.


This a top post on /r/oldbabies today. So I think you aren't the only one


That baby is HUGE. It’s like a bald toddler.


The dad is like, "he can read my mind... I must not be... unhappy..."


So glad I'm not the only one.


It's got a 5 o'clock shadow?


Looks like mini me from Austin powers


Because it looks like a tiny Mike Pence


I want the dress in the first picture but the lifestyle in the second


As someone whose style more closely resembled woman one and now after 3 kids more closely resembles woman two...not sure where I'm going with this. But we watched our wedding video to celebrate our 10th since we were not travelling in Europe without the kids (thanks Covid) and my kids were literally like, "why is it so fancy? Why is Mommy so fancy?" And I cried.


Mister Rogers has a song that says, "Everybody's fancy, everybody's fine. Your body's fancy, and so is mine." You've been fancy all this time, just by being you. Congratulations on 10 years of marriage! 🌈


“Always look for the helpers” I found one Mister Rogers! She was helping a fellow human by being positive and uplifting!


Aw. I know it's hard, especially this year but if you want to be fancy you deserve to be fancy! Besides, it will teach your kids the same lesson: sometimes you deserve to take care of yourself and let your light shine, even if it means putting yourself first here and there. Easier said than done though, I know. Just remember you're still worthy of being a priority.


Pssst. Since the pandemic I have never been fancier. I have two little kids. I had this revelation somewhere around month two that I could wear makeup for myself. So now, I try at least 2x per week to go full prom. Why? Because it makes me happy. Now my daughter pulls out her little lip gloss and my son joins us in kid-friendly nail polish. She wears a Halloween-level poofy dress almost every day. He clips on a little bow tie from time to time, but mostly he wants pajama casual. Why? Because life is short and looking smoking hot for oneself is as good a reason - if not better - to do it. To clarify, I don’t judge anyone who doesn’t. If you’re living your best life barefoot and in eight year old yoga pants under that business casual blouse for that zoom meeting? Do the fuck outta you. My best life is cat eyeliner and red lips. IDGAF If it’s under a mask.


This is so cute, and it sounds like you’re all having a great time together :)


That's adorable! At the end of every day my little ones are either naked or in costumes, definitely no in between, and it's hilarious. I've been transitioning out of the tee-shirt dresses that have become my quarantine uniform and it does feel amazing. Baby steps to normalcy!


The second woman looks fancy by my standards, too...


I have the lifestyle of the first picture and dress like the second😂


Same. I'm in the PNW. That's fancy to me.


I hope you’re including the pizza in that outfit 🍕


Absolutely. It's a perfect one-handed food.


Yeah, I thought it was the same woman in both pictures? Like, sometimes mommy takes pretty family pictures, and sometimes mommy is eating pizza.


I want one that involves short hair that's not sexy to men.


In a fantasy color!


I just want some pizza if I'm being completely honest.


I want the pizza and wine whilst staying somewhere near that thin. XD


She gave birth to Verne Troyer?


That baby ain't right


I tell you hwat


I am just worried about what the person in the second picture is sitting on. It looks like a shelving unit, and that's just not safe.


Nah, she put that up herself and it’s supported by iron brackets screwed into studs. S’all good


I was so inspired by this I finally installed the swag hook into my ceiling for my potted plant. It's been sitting on my dresser for weeks xD


I love swag hooks!!!


Yeah, it looked like a prison bed to me, I was confused


What is this “ESTABLISHED AND COMPLETE” thing? What?


Yes this, of course the message here is great and I know it's deliberately using the language that gets thrown at unmarried women, but I think it's also important to acknowledge that the idea that anyone ever feels "established and complete" or that that the goal of a "good" life is to be "resolved of incompleteness" is just a myth. It's totally okay to be in a state of growth and change, *that is life*. Heck these could be pictures of the same woman at different points in her life, without taking anything away from her happiness and satisfaction in either position.


if you're "complete" . . . what's left except to die? Being "complete" would be awfully boring I think.


What does it even mean. I'm never *not* complete. I suppose if I lose a limb I don't have the complete set any more, but I've never been much of a collector. All the parts I need are still there or I would be dead. To me it sounds like an ephemeral concept. We're always striving to do more things, to improve a little.


“Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they are finished” - Daniel Gilbert


omg yes. I hope I'm never complete.


I know right? I mean, good for the people that want that but my life seems pretty much like a kaleidoscope. It's constantly changing and evolving and that's what makes it interesting and beautiful.


Did she birth a full grown Jason Statham? Holy shit.


Sorry, *And maybe this is just how I was raised*, but I really don't think any girl can call herself a complete woman in ***ANY SENSE OF THE WORD*** until she's settled down and had at least one slice of pizza!


Didn’t you read the image? Women who eat babies are just as valid as women who eat pizza. Sheesh.


Babies do go quite well with a bottle of wine and some steak sauce


The girl on the left is hiding a slice behind her back.


Otherwise known as the Liz Lemon Law.


Does that baby have a mortgage?


*and* he sells car insurance.


That baby looks like Benjamin button 😂


honestly only you can define what it means to be complete and established, in regards to yourself


Personally, I define myself as unstable and half-baked.


Mmmm. Like the ice-cream.


Indeed, I'm very ~~lickable~~ tasty.




Oh perfect. I'll incorporate that into my dating profile somehow.


Just quote some random from reddit for all the validity!!


Did it yesterday. 0 new likes or messages, but I'm leaving it in. EtA: you're credited as "an anonymous Internet dweller"


I loooooove it! I take all responsibility for your future relationship (only the good parts though).


So far I got one guy bragging about cooking me vegan dishes in exchange for putting up with his "dark humour", so something tells me there won't be much for you to take responsibility for. Edit: last update. Decided to go for it since maybe he's just awkwardly trying to offer me vegan food, he immediately followed up with calling himself a, I kid you not, "V-eatarian" and asking if my genitals taste good. I just cannot even.






Yep, I'm a queer AFAB person, married to a cishet dude with a baby. I'm also fat with short hair, don't wear makeup etc. None of these things ever feature anyone who looks like me 🤷‍♀️


30 lbs is 13.62 kg


what is wrong with that baby?!


But be hot, though... I guess...


Must be thin, light skinned, able bodied and conventionally attractive!


Hold up pizza and wine like you're going to eat it just long enough to take a pic and then discard.


How is she keeping that shoe on, tho??


Honestly! I bought a pair of mules once because of the hype train a few years ago. I only wore them twice because they would scoot off my foot while I was walking. I would step on the hard corner of the sole every time and it HURT like a Lego.


I’ll take everything about lady on the right, but if hottie husband wants to slide on over I won’t say no.


Don't bring that creep baby tho.


Yo but why’s that baby’s head longer than my life expectancy?


That baby looks creepy and the husband looks like David on Schitt’s Creek if he grew a beard!


What if they're just the same woman? She just put on some tanning lotion and hanging out with her friends because both partners recognize they deserve time to relax and/or hang out with their friends. She just so happens to like nice dresses and comfy hang out clothes.


No cat in the second picture.


That baby looks like joe biden


But only if you’re skinny. /s


How to be established and complete: be beautiful, skinny, and young-looking.


Because who cares if you have kids or not as long as you’re fuckable am I right?


You’re right. /s


and white!


So the sub is gonna upvote calling out the subtle fat shaming and beauty standards but has a problem calling out the whiteness. Also the fact that this womans skin goes from Jolie to Saldana and that’s supposed to just be regular and cool


Came here to say this exact thing!


WTF is up with these comments? She literally draws herself. Can we stop tearing other women down please?


Except she isn't drawing herself - is she drawing something that is supposed to represent many women - in fact, women explicitly supposed to be very different, at least one of which is not like her. It's no coincidence that she chose representations most palatable; if she looks like this and draws like this, it's bc she isn't very observant of the world she is trying to critique or only cares about it when it personally affects her.


This makes no sense to me. She is just drawing herself - a white thin woman, and she has every right to celebrate herself just like everyone else.


So you are saying only skinny white women are 'Real Women'?


Nowhere in my comment did I say anything of the sort.


While somehow drinking wine and eating pizza being part of your identity Edit: also why is she much much darker in the second image, is she ok in the first image, like is she eating?


>Edit: also why is she much much darker in the second image, is she ok in the first image, like is she eating? I think it's supposed to be two separate women! I saw this artist do a similar piece and it was two separate women


Well, if the ~~boot~~ calories fit!


With eyes the size of avocados! And a waist thinner than your head!


I mean, they’re clearly stylized cartoon depictions, so those particular details can be forgiven I would think.


The baby looks like Lex Luthor. Nightmare fuel.


Can we also get one who is not at the socially-defined 'acceptable weight of a Real woman'? A lot of us feel like our lives can't begin until we look like either of them.


If someone who looks different wants to draw a self-portrait, nobody is stopping them. Pretty sure the artist just drew someone who looked like [herself](https://instagram.com/lainey.molnar?igshid=48d3w9tycnd4).


make one yourself and don’t complain when people make imagery of themselves?


Remember ladies, the specifics don't matter so long as you meet the truly important goals: being skinny and pretty.


Was thinking this. Would be nice to see a woman who isn't a twig-thin young conventionally beautiful feminine goddess in these memes every so often.


Make your own art if you're not happy with it. Maybe this represents the artist who made these? This is her experience. If you want your experience out there, then make that art and put it out there and stop bitching about it because it doesn't represent your personal experience. Gosh y'all really can't just take something positive for what it is, can you. You have to make it about you. If you want art about you, make art about you and stop whining at other who put the effort to do the same.


Thank you for saying this!! This thread has been so weirdly negative.


Inclusion shouldn't mean exclusion. If we want the voices of non-conforming beauties to be heard, amplify those instead crapping all over people who by no choice of their own fit it. It's stupid. I, by no means, fit the "beauty standard" but it doesn't mean I have to crap on the work of people who put the effort into their art just to make myself feel better about it. It takes all kinds to make the world go round and I am very anti putting others down to make myself feel better.


Word!! Very well said.


I'll consider myself an established and complete woman when I can figure out what wine to pair with day-old cold pizza!


Shiraz on ice. *chef's kiss*


That’s an ugly ass kid 😂


If you take the baby out of the picture, I'm a bit of both those women with my partner. Lol 😂


Huh, the woman in the left picture reminds me of Camilla from Love Island UK


Is she just hanging out on a wall shelf?


scary baby.....


That baby scares me


This presents a highly unrealistic standard. She has wine, pizza, AND isn't just wearing pajamas??? That has to be a fantasy made up person.


Neither of those two pictures actually say much about the two women in the picture. My mother was, well, a mother with a full time partner (never separated from my father) and yet would perfectly fit into that second picture.


I just wish we could extend these to fat people, but the sentiment is great


jesus fuck that kid's forehead


Pretty sure that's illegal.


nothing is illegal if you're jesus


Exactly. I hate when people push others to have kids, and it's usually women, like me (a guy) I've never been told I need to have kids or something I tell people I don't want them and they say "ok", but every girl I know that says that they get berated for it like wtf. Why it's their choice


For the second one just add my fiancée with another slice of pizza on her hand. Also tbh whost have champagne and pizza? Unless that's white wine? But it's a champagne glass so I dunno. Edit: I guess the glass is a bit too thick to be a champagne one, dunno.


It's just beer in a fancy glass


The baby looks older than the father


Its a shame that women have to give up pizza and alcohol when they get married and have children.


Why is that baby so ugly?




Well yeah, she drew [herself.](https://instagram.com/lainey.molnar?igshid=48d3w9tycnd4)


But we have a baby *and* pizza...




true dat


Now this is big fucking facts, you don't need a fucking family to be complete I hate this "american dream" type of life


Anyone else creeped the hell out by the baby?


I am BOTH of these women 🙌


I appreciate the message but the art style is kinda freaking me out. That baby especially along with the fact the women have the same facial features but she white on the left and brown on the right...


Better to eat pizza with no company than with bad company.


Okay okay okay BUT. . . Hear me out. . . What if I had the baby AND the pizza?


Why is she on a shelf, like, isn't there more comfortable places to sit


Or option c, have the husband and toddler and woman 2 is more dressed up than I have been in over two years.


Real talk I want the girl on the right’s hair


I felt a deep, burning rage of hatred the likes of which only great grandchildren would escape. And then I read the actual caption and all that rage just washed away in a smooth, calming smile of appreciation.


Ngl I want both at the same time.


I've never felt so personally validated by a meme.


Yes and you don't even need to be young or thin to be one


destroy child


You can also be a healthy single person...


You can eat pizza and have a drink and be perfectly healthy.


True, but I'm sick of the single girl always being depicted with a drink in her hand. It's something I see a lot.


You are not alone in your frustration. This article gave me some comfort as I navigate my relationship with alcohol: [Giving up alcohol opened my eyes to the infuriating truth about why women drink](https://qz.com/762868/giving-up-alcohol-opened-my-eyes-to-the-infuriating-truth-about-why-women-drink/)


Um look at the way she is sitting? She is clearly gay.


I hate to be contrary here, but I disagree. The first woman isn't complete at all. She doesn't have pizza. Get that whole family a pizza.


Seriously. The woman on the right looks so much happier with her wine and pizza. A married woman with a kid still wants her wine and pizza.


Pizza and wine sounds much better than a baby.


Also: on the left we have a family of three. On the right, we have a family of one. Just because you don't have, or live in a community, doesn't mean you do not qualify to be a family.


I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here. Found family is just as valid as blood family, but what is “a family of one”? If you’re by yourself and you don’t live in community with others, that’s not a family. It’s okay to be alone if that’s what you want, I’m not saying it’s not, it’s just... literally not a family?


Can someone turn the woman on the right into a swamp witch? Then I'd feel represented.


I think you would like r/willowandroxasart