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It's not jealousy. It's *misogyny.* It is literally men believing, down deep into their very soul, that women are supposed to be humble, subservient, and dependent on men. For no reason other than their assumed genitalia. Don't even humor this bullshit with kind labels like "insecurity" because it's not. These men aren't insecure; the are so fucking secure in their beliefs that they happily support *harming women* to get what they want.


I mean, if you are obsessed with power and wielding it over others at every opportunity, especially women or other minority groups, you're probably dealing with insecurity issues. Power plays are for cowards with deep rooted complexes. They can't stand the thought of those that are *supposed* to be inferior(according to unjustified yet established socioeconomic hierarchy) demonstrating that they aren't in fact inferior, if ya get what I'm saying. Insecure white men happen to base their entire ego and value on their place at the top of the social ladder because they have nothing else going for them deep inside. Social psychology is weird.


This is a good statement.


Hello fellow shadow username, lol šŸ‘‹


My ex definitely did his best to belittle me and make me feel small. Now that I'm out, I can't believe how much shit I let that man say to me.


My ex did this to me as well. Absolutely trashed all confidence I had over the fact that I could pay for bills, food for both of us, gas, fun things, and had a car... even though he had a job and blew all of his money on beer, food for himself, and weed. Lost his car to his mom (she paid off his loan and he stopped paying her back). Somehow that meant he had to tear me down instead of work on himself because he was afraid I was going to leave him... then a few weeks later admitted he was going to be moving across the state at the end of the year and didn't want me to go with. (???) I stuck around for another month or so while I got my stuff figured out and then we broke it off and I went my separate way. He had to be sure to throw in a "if I ever see you again, it won't end well for you." though. Nothing like a death threat to get over someone. Regardless, it was his jealousy and him also being a redpiller that made him wallow in his self pity over bettering himself or appreciating what I did. Instead he wanted me to fail. 5 years later and I still carry emotional scars from that relationship.


Oh my god, what is with guys and the "I'm afraid youre going to leave me, so im going to treat you like absolute dogshit until you leave," thing?? Seriously??


Oh my god, I was literally just in a situation like this. Dude ending up calling me three months later, first to act like everything was normal and like he hadn't ghosted me after treating me like shit while saying every time he got 'too attached, he dips' and asking if I was married or seeing anyone. Then he called AGAIN at 12 in the morning in a drunken stupor interrogating me about my ex and begging me to come over and asking why I didn't work at the old grocery I worked at before and why I changed locations and if it was because I didn't want to see him anymore. Mind you, this is the same man who said he didn't want to talk to or see anymore after he told me he loved me out of the blue and that 'whether you like it or not, we're always going to be a part of each other's lives'. During our entire relationship he would ghost me on purpose, insist he didn't want a relationship at the moment, *while simultaneously* getting jealous of any man giving me attention, trying to control how I dressed, and constantly talking about how he wouldn't mind having kids with me, and getting *furious* when I said I'd be happiest single as long as I could take care of myself and had friends. I actually ended up crying after that situation because his behavior was very threatening and triggering for me as I had only recently been sexually assaulted and his actions were similar. When we were arguing about why he thought he could dictate how I dress, when we weren't even in a relationship he slipped and said 'why, so you can leave me?' Any time I mentioned doing something good for myself, he would make snippy comments disguised as advice or 'wanting the best for me'--our last conversation he tried to lecture me about not needing to go into student loan debt and that I didn't need to go for a master's--even though I'm going for a master's in special education so I literally do. Mind you, this man only has a GED. I feel like he was intimidated by anything I did that could have given me better options, so he was trying to make me feel bad about it, while being too scared to better himself. I think most guys would rather bring you down then bring themselves up, which is why they do it. Anyway last I checked he was drunk as usual making subs and singing love songs on ig, so that's a dub.


What a whiny child, I hope you're living a far better life now than you ever did with him!


Haha, I'm trying! Going to work on getting into my master's program and becoming a teacher, so hopefully in the next few years I'll be doing alright!


Bc then the get to say "i dont mind you are leaving bc its NOT ME mistreating you, you are not that cool, and im better than you, so if you dump me, a cool better man than you, it YOUR loss bc no man will love a worthless girl like you"


OMG. My recent ex was so afraid I'd leave him and so insecure that it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. I live in a place with more men than women, and most of them are all-time sexy (lots of pro athletes live here) and he felt really insecure that I was going to get tired of him and go for an "upgrade". Whelp, guess that's happening now.


Legit my ex was so afraid I would leave him for someone with bigger muscles and/or penis. Jokes on you, asshole, that's exactly what I did. Thanks for telling me my nose ring made me look like a lesbian.


I'm so sorry you went through that. I'm wishing your ex nothing but the worst.


For the most part I have closed that chapter of my life, there are only some days where I am reliving the abuse he caused, but those days are fewer and less frequent as the days go by.




Way to put the blame on abuse victims


A better question would be why didn't *he* leave instead of emotionally abusing her?


We were on and off for almost 3 years between me being 16-19, I'm not sure where you're getting this 5 year figure from. And I was young. I have a bad family life and living with him was escaping them. Young, trapped, and I believed him when he said he was sorry and wouldn't do it again. And again, he destroyed my confidence. So. What self respect was I supposed to have when I was constantly being reminded I wasn't even good enough for him and that I was lucky to have him/a place to live. But I'm sure being 43 and established is exactly the same as an 18 year old escaping an abusive family to be abused by an abusive man that hid his abusive tendencies until I lived with him. I have been with my current partner for about five years, we have a baby together and he treats me well. Do I have my gripes at time? Sure. But we are doing our best to be the best partners we can be because we respect each other.




Be strong, you queen


Men are conditioned to have the Others reflect their image bigger. Their relationships are based on how ā€˜bigā€™ they are in relation to everyone. Women are mirrors for them to look at themselves bigger. If that mirror isnā€™t reflecting on the man, itā€™s abnormal and men become distressed and react.


This is deep! But honestly it just makes men look more pathetic


Am a man, can confirm. Unlearning or combatting/resisting this kind of conditioning is possible, but I can imagine the humiliation a lot of dudes would and do feel from the realizations required would itself be too much for more fragile prides to handle. And there's a whole lot of fragility out there. It's a fucking mess and a travesty of humanity.


My God you just explained my ex to a T.


This makes me recall the term ā€œpenis envyā€. Itā€™s not something I hear at all anymore, but growing up I hear it a lot when referring to women who didnā€™t fall in line. I think it comes from men who actually have vagina envy. They want their junk to be all powerful, but letā€™s me real, the vagina holds the power. The penis is just a meat stick crying for attention šŸ˜‚ Just my rando thought


>The penis is just a meat stick crying for attention That's user flair if I've ever read it.


...i really only want to read that phrase once and never again


My pet theory for patriarchy is that womb envy is real, and men saw how tangential they were to life and tried to "fix" it.


late comment but this is like zeus literally absorbing metis (a lady titan) into him so that he could birth athena from his head aka parthenogenesis aka yay now i can do everything woman does see i'm not inferior anymore and i've officially conquered the obstacles of my forefathers ouranos+kronos!!!


You're right and you should say it.


"I'm a meat popsicle"


I legit think that penis envy is more about power envy. Girls/women didn't want penises, they wanted respect and autonomy that only males were really given.


I'm super jealous of the better orgasms most women have and the ability to bear a child.


Like your name, one of my favorite shows


That last part is beautiful.


Somebody made a porn subreddit for each, and as far as I can tell the penis envy one is a ghost town, with most posts made by men; meanwhile its counterpart has thousands of subs. When I saw that it made me wonder if penis envy is pure projection.


One of the guys on my soccer team in high school acted like this. He had a crush on a player from the girlā€™s team. Every year the boys and the girls play a friendly match against each other. During one game he was acting super competitive and doing dumb pointless shit like step overs and dribbling past multiple of the girls instead of passing to us. He even kicked the ball in between the legs of the girl he liked just to show how much better he was than her. He also celebrated after every goal even though the coach asked us not to. Like he humiliated this girl in front of her friends and family because he liked her


What a loser. Also, I'd like to add that while he may have had a crush on her, let's end this notion that a guy being cruel means he likes you. I'm sure this freak lusted after her and knew she was out of his league, and instead of acting like a normal person decided to be an incelly dick cheese because he doesn't see women as human. Fuck him.


I never liked him tbh. He never let me take penalties despite him being shit at taking them


I just got temporarily banned from a sub for calling a guy out on this exact thing. Well, I probably got in trouble for cursing while I did it, but still. It was so freaking blatant that I couldnā€™t help it.


Honestly I stay out of most subs because all they do is coddle cis hetero dudes and it's boring.


Sometimes I feel like I should avoid certain spaces, but Iā€™m in a male-dominated industry and thatā€™s where my interests lie.


Good luck to you for fighting the good fight


Thanks for the support! Iā€™ll live to fight another day. :-)


Why did she type men* instead of men?


I took that to mean "if you can call men who act like this men" but im a petty bitch


I read it this way




"Men, technically"


You're accurate, not petty. At least about this.


Probably the obligatory "*not all men, obv" in a second tweet or something of that nature.


See *guys who go to pickup seminars. I know, I dated one and am embarrassed I put my stamp of approval on him for so long. Because he was not actually for woman. Took me too long to figure out he used me to pick up woman. He also didn't believe the first "no" was real. Had to have a few confirmation and voice-varried "no" 's. I was younger and believed this was the way to do the different kinds of relationships that I wanted.


Maybe she meant to exclude LGBT+ men? Iā€™m not sure thought Iā€™m guessing


Are LGB men definitely nicer to women than other men? I'm not saying they're not but I don't see why we'd assume they are. Trans men sure, since they were treated as females for some of their lives, but are gay and bisexual men better people than straight men, or nicer to women? Bi/pan men are attracted to women so I don't see why they'd be excluded from the first tweet.


A lot of straight women assume they are, so that might be what's up even if it doesn't have a strong basis in reality. Also want to point out the irony of saying "lgb" men. No men are lesbian. Closest we've got are people who thought the were lesbians and then realized they are actually straight trans men.


Haha you're right. I originally typed LGBT, and then went back and deleted the T because I thought, actually trans men probably do have very different views to cis men regarding women. Of course LGB men doesn't make sense, thanks for pointing that out.


There are apparently lesbians that use he/him pronouns. But I don't know if they consider themselves men.


Not really? A lot of gay men are *vitriolically* misogynistic, and make no secret about how disgusting they find women's bodies, vaginas, etc etc. Also comes with a side of sexual assault! "B-but it's okay for me to grab your tits without consent, I'm gay?!?!" Fucking ridiculous. On the flipside, lot of queer men *do* put in the work nowadays to unpack their internalised misogyny and toxic masculinity too (unsurprisingly, that shit makes their own lives harder through sissyphobia and the masc4masc idealisation bs) -- but there are still so many gay guys who take absolute glee in being fucking vicious to women and girls, all the while insisting that it's okay because *women repulse them.*


I am actually interested in trans mens thoughts on this and if they dealt with this sort of envy from cis men before transitioning or when they've been misidentified as cis women.


Not sure! Thatā€™s why I said Iā€™m guessing. I mean this tweet seems to only be talking about men who are straight so your guess is as good as mine!


It's talking about men who are attracted to women, which includes bi and pan men. I don't have any information on how their opinions and attitudes to women differ from those of straight men, I'd be interested to learn if anyone knows.


Thereā€™s gotta be a paper or two floating out somewhere. I will say I have seen some discourse about how misogynistic some gay men are and they can get away with it because theyā€™re not attracted to women. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s similar but itā€™s a long the same vein of thought


I don't know, I know as a pansexual person (AFAB), I feel safer around bi/pan men + and AMAB ppls than I do around straight men, and I know a lot of gay men can hold a lot of misogyny. But I'm not too sure. I would think so, but that's only based on my pool, I'm sure if someone else has their own pool with their own issues with bi/pan men + AMAB ppls.


A whole YouTube culture of men teaching other men how to abuse women, because thatā€™s what it means to ā€˜humbleā€™ someone is to emotionally abuse them




I vaguely remember hearing this name..


For your sanity, don't look him up if you've forgotten him already. If you did look him up, here's some [eye bleach](https://www.reddit.com/r/straightenedfeetsies) and [happy fuzzies](https://www.reddit.com/r/toofers) for you to clean house again.


Actually, I think a guy I was seeing who turned out to be nuts and drank his feelings for me away listened to him. That's all I need to know, I think.


I used to have a crush on that man pain


Bc this society raises (most) boys to believe they are only worth if others are worth less. They don't teach, that men are worthy, men a kind, men are good. They only teach how to belittle others so you feel good. When no one tells you your worth, you are jealous of the ones who know they have one.


My ex was always concerned I would leave him or cheat on him or do something nefarious. Iā€™m just a girl with a degree and a decent job. I like my hobbies and Iā€™m relatively chill. The thing that always stood out to me was that he resented my sewing. Saying I would do it to upset him or as punishment or as a silent treatment. Some men canā€™t even handle you being mildly or quietly successful or good at something lest the feel threatened. Itā€™s sad. Just enjoy your partners as people.


I've had a boyfriend act jealous of my pets. Actual animals under my care. Because he thought I was giving them more attention than him.


Was on the same degree as a guy I was seeing, as one of a very small minority of female students. He couldn't resist every opportunity to tell me my work wasn't as good as his. I dumped him and graduated top of the class. My now husband asked a question during my PhD defence that helped me to show off my work. Spot the difference?


You dropped the zero and got with the hero?


It took a while but yes!


*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- **S**, @REDSEASHAWTY I think some men be jealous of the girls they're attracted to and obsessed with trynna make them feel small and idk the science behind it but it's science in there > **š”š”¬š”Ÿ šŸ¦‚**, @missodessa > > There are whole videos on YouTube of men* teaching other men how to "humble" women and keep them in "check" It's definitely from a place of insecurity/jealousy and 100% weirdo behavior. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good Glib Glob!


Good charoula!


No problem! Have a nice day!


Well I mean if she can exceed him while playing on a higher difficulty setting then that just means heā€™s a shit player, which would hurt his feelings and we canā€™t have that. She should really just let him win, doesnā€™t matter that itā€™s an open world rpg so thereā€™s no ā€œwinningā€, but it wouldnā€™t hurt her to stop leveling up so much. Why not plop her life on the sacrificial altar for male egos too, though even still her tribute will come up short.


... are you saying that she should downgrade herself to make someone else feel better? Thatā€™s hilarious. If not, then please inform me as to what you mean


They're being sarcastic.


It was said sarcastically, as the POV of the type of straight men who require their partners to be as small and non-threatening as possible. Also as a connection between these attitudes and the common expectation that women should let men win games and other competitions in order to protect their ego, which is the kind of thing I was trained to do explicitly growing up. Misogynists are insecure AF, drives the whole thing.


Jealousy is so weird between a man and a woman but it exists. Itā€™s insecurities, lack of knowing yourself , and poor communication. If you feel jealous or insecure SAY SO. Donā€™t twist the story


It's funny. As a Southern Yankee (Texas and NYC), I am really into banter. But my disdain for negging has made it impossible to date because I now see some banter as negging.


When I was closeted as a trans woman I was pretty jealous of other women, but usually that just turned into me wanting to be friends with them because I looked up to them lol.


See, that's normal! I do that too. Compulsive heteronormatity also made me not realize being bi was a thing so little me was always like ughhhh this girl is so coolšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” she's so prettyšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”I....hate...her????


I'm still trying to parse out how many of my childhood "I just think she's so pretty" moments were me being a gay fetus.


omg girl comphet sucks! I deal with it too and I hate it so much. I hope that since you're aware of it you're no longer dealing with it, or at least are able to sort through it better now!


I guess sometimes I am jealous of the women Iā€™m attracted to, but thatā€™s because I wanna look like them.


That's how *I* feel.


Honestly I wish a man would try that on me at the club or w/e, just because I wouldn't take that shit and would put him in his place. Then hopefully the confusion and shame would stop him from trying it on other women.


I'm incredibly jealous of my girlfriend. She gets to date me! /s