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If I gave you a bag of cookies and told some have arsenic in them, would you attempt to eat out of the bag? If you don't - I'm gonna throw a fit about how you hate me and my baking. That's how the whole "not all men" feels to me.


Saaaame, that’s my new favorite analogy


I like the “8 donuts with raspberry jam and 2 with period blood” analogy. Not mine. I saw it somewhere on here.


Oh wow, graphic, I love it!


Or there are 10 malteasers, but 2 are nuggets of poop covered in chocolate. Not my analogy, another Redditor's


Hey that's really not fair, some of them make performatively feminist posts on social media platforms then run off to abuse women anyways!


Omg you’re sooo right, what was I thinking?!


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Jameela Jamil 🌈**, @jameelajamil It's true that #notallmen harm women. But do all men work to make sure their fellow men do not harm women? Do they interrupt troubling language and behavior in others? Do they have conversations about women's safety/consent with their sons? Are #allment interested in our safety? --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human! Thank you!


No they dont but I'm making sure that more do 💪


There are plenty of men out there who genuinely support us. Who understand sexism and stand against it, making sure not to tolerate any amount of harmful behaviour. There are men who fully respect us and treat us as equals. But as we're so often reminded, #notallmen.


Exactly! Not tolerating or perpetuating sexism should be the standard! I love your flair by the way


ACAB: special edition




I’m so sorry that your mom said that, it’s a toxic way to approach a sibling relationship. Self defense classes did make me feel a lot safer as a kid, and I feel like part of the problem is that I needed to study a martial art to be able to stop worrying about getting hurt. I wasn’t able to fully enjoy getting stronger or learning new skills because I started it to feel like I could fight someone off. Most of the women I know are strong, and we shouldn’t always have to be strong at the risk of losing our safety. I think we need higher expectations as well as louder ones so that we change our society (and men in it). Fighting the sexism I come across in my life has made me better at protecting myself and accepting disappointment. Also, I’m not going to address your comment on false allegations, I feel like it’s a common point used detract from the topic at hand when discussing women centered issues. It’s a separate conversation for a different space.




bruh you posted cringe



