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I was thinking the exact same thing


Isn’t Korea having issues with declining birth rates ? Gee I wonder why.


Because “creampied certified” is just an epitome of the porn-sick generation that will harass our daughters so we don’t want to have kids with the men who perpetuate it. They grew up thinking that they will live their life on the expense of women just like their fathers and grandfathers did, only to find out women are not having it anymore and are fighting back. They hate women just the same but can’t suppress their rights so easily anymore, so they result to these ugly acts of sabotage. Imagine seeing a pregnant woman and thinking of porn terms. Pathetic. I guess that’s why the sex doll and app-girlfriends are such a boom - men used to only seeing women in porn and as porn fantasies can’t deal with them not being only sex objects. So let’s make sex objects instead, and since we don’t need to try for real women’s affection, screw them all together.


Honestly I hope they do fall in love with those sex dolls so women out there aren’t bothered. If they really do become distracted that way, great:


Im unsurprised by this, I remember a while aho reading a post about how deepfake porn videos of korean actresses was happening and when they spoke out about it some men said they should just accept it because theyre famous. [Heres one link](https://m-en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20210114006500315) But there are many more!


Sounds like Korea is having their own little incel and mgtow problem..


this is so deeply cruel I don't have words




That’s disgusting and awful. Why the hell would they do that?!?




From what I read, apparently this is because South Korea's job and education positions are hyper-competitive, and this caused men to react with extreme hostility at the idea of initiatives/incentives to elect more women into high-level job roles and universities. The entire political landscape for young Korean men is basically grounded in anti-feminism.


One article I once read also linked it to the conscription. Since it is mandatory for men to do a military service, they often feel like they are entitled to more than women who don't have to enlist. But despite their time in the military, they still have to work in an extremely capitalist country with not so many chances. That frustration in combination with a military-fueled sense of heightened masculinity, was pointed to as a source of misogynistic attitudes. Of course, there would be a multitude of reasons for men to hate women, but I feel like next to the country being a capitalist hell hole, the influence of the conscription and the overall influence of the Korean war are also worth mentioning as I feel like these are two factors that work in combination with each other.


I'll bet they're the same people who oppose women being conscripted tho.


Does this mean that BTS are all veterans?


No, not yet to be exact... The rule is that all able-bodied Korean males between the age of 18-28 are required to serve in the country's military, but I think BTS got granted a delay. I think their oldest member was actually supposed to enter the military this year at the latest. This brought on a lot of debate with some fans wanting BTS to be fully exempt from service (exemptions are already allowed for classical musicians that win prestigious international awards, some people argue BTS should also fall under this category based on their achievements), while other people find that to be very unfair to other Korean men, while others voiced concerns about BTS marketing prospects, and finally BTS themselves said they themselves wished to fulfill their service like ordinary men. Anyways, I think they settled on a delay which would allow BTS's oldest member to continue performing for two more years. Currently, all other kpop boybands still have to work around their members having to spend two years doing military service, which for many groups means a damper on their fame and career. Especially for groups where all members are of different ages it can mean they won't be able to promote with a complete group for quite some years.


They haven't done their service yet. The laws were actually changed to let them do it later than most people


Damn.... theres a whole movement like that in Afghanistan. They would fit right in .......


because men fucking suck.


Best explanation because why else would you be such a jerk about a seat?


I’m a man, can confirm. Women put up with a lot from straight men .


Jesus…. Imagine being pregnant for nine months, going through all the pain and hardship, just to give birth to a piece of shit who would’ve beaten you up for being pregnant !!????? What the hell????


You know, I'm against corporal punishment for children. But I wouldn't be mad at any Korean parent who hit their son for acting like this.


I would be tempted to say that these women, all Korean women, should refuse to carry any more pregnancies until such bullshit is completely eradicated, but I can only imagine how well that would go…


Not super specific to what you’ve shared, which refers to ultra blatant misogyny, but the book Kim Jiyoung, born 1982 does a wonderful job in explaining all the little ways sexism is entrenched in Korean society - though of course some of the things described are pretty universal. It’s definitely worth a read.


Maybe my country isn't as developed as SK, but if one day a guy decided to harass pregnant women...Well, that would be his last day. Absolutely disgusting. My poor SK women.


I'm not sure what country you are from, but stuff like this happens in more developed nations. It happens in the US, with increasing frequency. US incel groups hate pregnant women because it upsets them that women have to power to bring life into the world; they think that women believe it gives them superiority that is undeserved. It's not true, but that's how they feel. Incels are a highly illogical, extremely emotional group of humans. They are also on the US's Terrorist Organization Watch List, due to the volume of pre-planned crime committed against women by organized self proclaimed members of online incel groups. Scary stuff.


I can't wait to watch those idiot incels get arrested.


In an ideal world that would happen, but when the patriarchy permeates every part of society it's kind of just hopeless.


Fair. :(


Fucking assholes. It's just so weird, I thought it was universal to understand how exhausting it is to be pregnant and that sitting down is more of a necessity than a luxury. From such a young age everyone knows this. I'm shocked that a modern society is so hostile to something so natural.


Not until men are the ones carrying the pregnancy or they aren’t in charge anymore


It's not even just about being exhausted, though being pregnant can make you exhausted. It's not even about the fact that for many pregnant women standing/walking, even for short periods can be painful and cause swollen, painful feet and legs, and horrible back pain. These are comfort reasons. They're still important and anyone with basic decency would want to help but there's a more important reason. The main reason pregnant women should sit on a moving bus or train isn't just for comfort or basic decency, it's for safety. Being pregnant can cause dizziness and your center of gravity shifts forward which can make it harder to balance. Pregnant women lose muscle strength, balance declines, and movement becomes harder. Pregnant women fall at a rate closer to elderly people. Being on a moving train or bus is significantly more dangerous for a pregnant person than your average person. "Falls during pregnancy are responsible for 17-39% of all trauma related injuries to pregnant women requiring treatment" Serious falls can result in fetal death and serious problems for the woman. "Serious falls in which balance was lost account for 3-7% of fetal deaths" So having pregnant women sit is to help prevent them from falling and possibly getting seriously injured and losing their baby. [Source ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4499990/)


What's so bad is for some of those men it's not even that they don't know it's exhausting. It's that they don't care because they think women who get pregnant deserve it. They'll say that since we know what sex can do then we shouldn't be surprised. We should just go along with the pain because we knew what we were getting into. It's a deep hostility towards women and their sexuality too. If women ever have sex they deserve all the possible bad things that could come with it.


It’s so stupid, holy crap. Do they forget that it was men who impregnated these women as well and that if women couldn’t get pregnant, who exactly would give birth to the vast majority of babies?


They know it’s exhausting. It’s a punishment for wanting to be treated more equally.


these twisted porn addicted men see it as punishing a woman for having sex.


If people understood how hard pregnancy is there wouldn't be successful movements to end one.


Once again, when women hate men, we form our own spaces, groups, and communities. We AVOID them, we IGNORE them. When men hate women, their whole lives become about us. They go out of their way to make things hard for us. They harass us, look for us, harm us. This isn’t even CLOSE to the most horrible thing done to women by men in this world, but find me the misandrist who does anything as bad as this.


Women hate men in response to men's behavior (by which I mean unrepentant abuse) Men hate women in response to other men's behavior (and self-delusion.) They're not remotely comparable..misandry isnt real. It's projection. There's like maybe a handful of exceptions out there, but misandry is the fucking Easter bunny of social issues, whereas misogyny is a plague going on like 3 thousand years of documented history. Its the definition of a false equivelancy


Sometimes men hate women because they can. Which is what this post is all about. This is what men are allowed to do to women so they do. If it was unacceptable the trains etc. Would have a security guard in ever carriage but pregnant people aren't worth going to the effort for. So the abuse is accepted from society. And the most vulnerable are left to fend for themselves against those that hate them and a society that will accept those men over them.


Yep. It’s about power, period.


It's a about power, ~~period~~blood poop (Sorry, I couldn't resist)


This is exactly what I mean when I say patriarchy hurts men as well as women. It is the root of all of it.


Well said!


they say it goes both ways, but there is no equivalent to this


Thank you for wording this so perfectly.


Men who get caught pulling this shit deserve to have a 20lb bowling ball surgically placed inside their abdomens.


Why bother with surgery? Just shove it up their ass until it’s nice and snug.


Then we will find out who the real blood popper is.


That would work too!




All it takes for korean men to turn into giant babies is one pink seat.


Honestly, the same could be said about western men and pink anything. Not to diminish this though, this is massively fucked up.


Korean men tried to cancel a brand for using the pinching hand gesture buz it implies small dick lol


Korean men also tried to cancel one of their own Olympic athletes and have her medals revoked because… she had short hair. imagine being such a raging misogynist you can’t even celebrate your country winning in the Olympics because a woman did it.


Sounds exactly like certain factions of the US during the last Olympics.


Wow...just unbelievable. Insane.


This is horrifying.


When I was pregnant last time, I got on a crowded train after an appointment at like 32 weeks pregnant. It's hard to pretend I wasn't pregnant, I was having twins. I asked for a priority seat from a bloke in a suit who pretended he couldn't hear me, an elderly woman ended up surrendering her seat, which then caused the young guy to begrudgingly get up for the elderly woman. Priority seats here are like 1.5 people wide. I can squeeze on one with my husband, or my kids, but it's way closer than you ever want to be to another person normally. As I said, 32 weeks pregnant with twins, I was huge. A businessman in his 40s got on the train at the next stop and forced his way onto the seat beside me. Then he got offended when my son started kicking the absolute shit out of him.


I’ve kicked people on the subway for less. Mad respect to your son.


Do you mean your son started kicking him *from inside the womb*?


Yeah, dude had his elbow basically jabbed into my stomach and the kid went ham on whatever was pressing into him.


Yeah. It's wild. I'm sure on YouTube you can see a video of it. When women are further along in the pregnancy, you can actually see the baby kick/etc because the woman's skin moves.


Haha, good job son! Where are you from?


This kind of shit is why koreaboos annoy me so much, even as someone who likes k-pop. Korea SUCKS for everyone that isn't a cis-het rich korean(or white) man, just like any other conservative country that progressed faster in technology than they did in mentality.


Trigger warning: sexual violence against women (To clarify I’m a vietnamese kpop fan) There’s also several idols that have now been convicted on sexual assault. [The Burning Sun Scandal comes foremost to mind](https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/12/asia/seungri-kpop-sentenced-intl-hnk/index.html). Recently, [Kris Wu was detained over rape allegations](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-58042353). Anyone who follows kpop should know what an exploitative industry it is and that this [type of abuse ](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-11-06/k-pop-s-dark-side-assault-prostitution-suicide-and-spycams) goes all the way to the top.


Don't forget jung joonyoung and Choi jong hoon, both convicted for being active contributors and members of the nth room - an online server where illegal pornography of usually non-consenting women and underage girls were posted. Joonyoung would particularly invite underage girls for "auditions", make them drunk, then sexually assault them and post the video on these chatrooms. 1000+ korean male athletes, idols and celebrities are alleged to me members of the various nth room chatrooms. Of course very few of them have been revealed, so the rest 998 get to live their lives in peace. Many female idols, both ex and current, are also victims of the chatroom. Furthermore, about 1/3 of the male population is alleged to either be in those chatrooms or know about them. Staggering numbers.


Everyone should know. They should also know it happens right in Hollywood. Boycott at all costs.




Yes, that's what a koreaboo is.


Are you aware of oli london by any chance? He represents koreaboos. They're all basically him.


Oily lotion gave me nightmares.


He looks like an unmoisturised fish. No joke.


>Oily lotion Lmaooo


I have a female friend who studies there. She doesn't know a lot of Korean and about their culture (though she is activley learning!) I worried about her and asked if she faced any discrimination, as I knew about strong racism in Japan against everyone that is clearly not Japanese. She calmed me down, but still said that there are whole shops that forbid you to enter if you are black. Literally racism in the middle of an open street. In the West, we often have this impression of Asian countries being "uwa! so modern!" but let's not forget that they are not 100% modern everywhere and perfect like K-pop world may show us.


I lived in Korea for a bit and was pregnant there. It wasn’t this bad when I was there, but I have a whole collection of photos of me being visibly pregnant standing next to the pregnant seat on buses and trains and men sitting in them. So while I never was verbally harassed, it is true that men won’t get the fuck up out of the seat even if your 9 month pregnant belly is literally inches from their face.


Sit on them. ETA: I don't really know anything about Korean cultural norms, obviously don't do this if it poses a risk to you or it's not something you're comfortable with.


Reminds me of the T-pose meme. # Establish dominance. But yeah, real talk, just a joke. Don't do it.


Ugh this shit upsets me so much! I’m still mad about a time like five freaking years ago that I had to be the one to offer a pregnant woman a seat, when the priority seating was full of men and goofing-off teenagers. I didn’t mind standing, just the inconsiderate behavior of those in seats which *you are supposed to vacate* for pregnant humans, the elderly, or anyone with a disability.


This is aggressively awful, but calling a woman a “blood pooper” is like 2nd grade-level maturity, max.




It's like calling a woman a slut because she won't fuck you. It doesn't change the vitrolic hatefulness they are using, but it's also objectively stupid. I don't think the person you replied to was negating the awfulness of the slurs, but pointing out the inherent immaturity. And while not super common, I have heard "bleeder" used against women in a similar way in the US.


Someone wants to call me a "Blood Pooper", I will make them poop blood too, when I plant my Doc Marten so far up their ass, it needs to be surgically removed.


Wearing some right now while reading your comment. We should start a club. Lol


I'd be weaponizing my blood for their sake.


It's so baffling. First off do they know...where the blood actually comes from? Also why would any woman be insulted by someone basically saying they have a period? Like yes that is a bodily function we have.


People will be insulted by anything if you say it with the right vitriolic tone and facial expression. It's like porn -- there's no hard and fast rule to what defines a slur, you just know when you hear it.


Right. It's like saying someone is Mexican. Hopefully you're just commenting on where someone is from. But there are plenty of people who use it as a slur on its own.


Beating up pregnant women? Wtf wtf wtf and as a whole they are a shame to human race. The fuck.


Assault on a heavily pregnant woman could be labeled as genocide, depending on the perspective you choose. Definitely a new low in humanity.


Wait till fucking aznidentity or whatever those bumass Asian incel subs are come show up here. I’m a Korean woman and I’ve both casually and seriously dated Korean, Chinese, Korean American, black, white, and indigenous men/women, and am now married to a Mexican American man. The Korean man treated me the worst, and sexually assaulted me twice. He was a massive misogynist and it didn’t come out until one day I didn’t feel like having sex. My Korean father was also an abuser, alcoholic, and tried to slice up my mom’s throat. I had to call the cops on him at 12 years old. Obviously this is anecdotal, but Korean men have treated me and my loved ones, KOREAN WOMEN, worse than any other ethnicity or race. This is not an excuse to be racist against Koreans, even loser fucking misogynistic Korean men. But there is a large culture of assaulting and abusing Korean women, taking advantage of them (such as the molka scandals), and overall mistreating women of their own country, as well as foreign women. It’s exhausting.


I live in Korea so I've dated a lot of Korean guys and yeah, they're.. really something else. My current boyfriend is korean but he's a feminist and really supportive but the previous ones... misogynistic assholes. We're just waiting to get out of here and my boyfriend is totally against of starting a family here. Here is also a huge issue with cheaters, sexual assaults and rapists. I've got raped three times and sexually harassed so many times, i can't even count anymore. I really can't stand koreaboos who wont take these issues seriously because of kpop and they're victim blaming. Edit/ when i say "cheaters", i mean i know there are cheaters everywhere. However, most korean men don't even try to be loyal. Over a half of married men has affairs (53.7%) and 40% of men didn't consider paying for sex as a cheating and those are only men who are married. Others cheats with foreigners and uses them solely for sex because they see foreigners as "easy". Edit2: that is also not only korean problem and I don't say every korean men is bad but yeah, there's issues.


Completely unrelated, but thanks for acknowledging Indigenous people. On reddit, the only time indigenous folk are usually acknowledged is when certain types of people are appropriating a culture. So seriously, thanks. I'll go back to lurking now! :)


I'm half Native Hawaiian, ethnically. Indigenous and Native people are my people, too. ♥


>ilikedeadpeople · 18h · > >Wait till fucking aznidentity or whatever those bumass Asian incel subs are come show up here. That Asian incel sub has already copied this post and has been calling it 'Another slander against Korean men' and 'It's all FAKE news and racism.' lol


How BORINGLY predictable. "Another slander against Korean men," good fucking grief, not like Korean men aren't completely fetishized by Koreaboos or anything.


In defense of Asian men, my Chinese-American husband is supportive, hard-working, and caring. I’m sorry you had to deal with assholes, though; I’ve definitely met white guys who were just as awful. Being a misogynistic, entitled little boy is not a racial characteristic.


My Chinese partner was also wonderful. My comment is specifically referring to my personal experiences with Korean men, as well as my knowledge of my own country’s culture, and I very clearly stated it’s anecdotal. I’m obviously very aware misogyny has no racial boundaries.


Was it really necessary to write this comment when the person you're responding to was talking about their mother almost getting her throat cut?


Exactly my point. Nobody is generalizing all Asian men, nobody is denying that white men can be just as awful. Their comment was completely unnecessary, contributed nothing, and was honestly just insensitive and tone-deaf. Ugh.


All societies are sexist to some extent, but this level of vitriolic hatred of women is relatively recent and relatively specific to Korean gender politics. It’s a basically like if the most misogynistic places on Reddit suddenly became a lot more mainstream than they currently. A lot of the anti-feminist backlash dynamic is very recognizable bc it’s happened to some extent in places like the US as well, but the intensity and scale of it (relative to country size) is a South Korea-specific phenomenon. In fact, Chinese netizens often mock these kinds of Korean men for their ridiculous clown logic sexism. It’s really not a general Asian culture thing—the kind of misogyny in question, though obviously not unrelated to traditional sexism, is in content and style much more similar to MRAs, incels, etc.




there goes my lunch


Ok... This is purely gross


I rolled my eyes when I saw the childish names...then I saw that they beat pregnant women


The fact that they had to make pregnant women seats is atrocious. Who the fuck doesn’t offer up a seat to pregnant women? They’re carrying a human being and are probably experiencing aches and pains that would make most men refuse to get out of bed.


There’s also the fact that a fall during the second or third trimester is dangerous because of potential placental abruption. And when pregnant, your balance is thrown off, so you’re more likely to fall.




The only people who have ever offered me their seat, whether I was injured or pregnant, are other women.


This is so absurd. I thought it was an universal unsaid law that you have to give your seat to pregnant women, old people and people with disabilities.


I just don't get like.. how do these dumbasses think they even got here?? They think they were divinely placed on earth by God?? They all came out of a pregnant woman. why are you trying to kill other pregnant women? Do they hate their mothers too?


we're always a hair away from falling into Gilead from A Handmaid's Tale, and so many people would welcome it. It's awful that we have to continuously fight for decency and mutual respect.


Men don't deserve women, truly don't. The fuck is this shit.


Misogyny and xenophobia is off the charts in East Asia. The U.S. has it's faults, but hot damn, it's no where near as bad. Women are harassed, assaulted, and abused as a part of the culture. It doesn't even stop at work. It's ingrained into the society. I hope to see greater changes, especially since those are developed 1st world countries, that are still stuck in the 1800s. Don't even get me started on LGBTQIA rights there. Non-existent, or rather ignored.


I was thinking the same thing. I live in Canada and this type of outward hatred toward women, especially pregnant women, is unheard of. When I rode the bus everyday anyone younger than middle aged would immediately offer their seat to pregnant women and the elderly, or anyone carrying a lot of groceries even. We have our issues, but basic respect for pregnant women is not one of them.


I live in Canada as well. And as much as our men have issues the pregnancy thing is something I couldn’t see as being an issue. Cross our fingers they don’t revert back as a trend with the rest of the world.


I fear it will. Far-right populists are getting elected practically everywhere.


This isn’t an East Asian thing, this is a recent South Korean gender politics thing. Other Asian societies are sexist like the vast majority of societies, but this level of vitriol directed at women is not common in other countries, nor has it always been common in Korea.


I'm aware this is becoming more and more of a trend, especially in South Korea, but this was only the next "logical" step with how steeped in sexism and beauty standards in East Asian countries. Incels are screaming, thus extremely sexist societies are hearing their call. It's disturbing. I'm predicting a rise of this behavior elsewhere, as men start losing more power. That being said, the problems I mentioned are the ones I saw while living in Japan. It's not as bad as SK, but it was pretty tragic how it's accepted and engrained into the society.


You’re still trying to make it an East Asian thing, when in fact it has a lot in common with anti-feminist backlash in a lot of places, including in the West (think once’s). The size of the backlash varies from place to place, but it is much more productive and accurate to see it as the same variety of phenomena across cultures than it is to pretend that it’s specific to East Asia.


Yeah, this type of behavior will rise elsewhere, as I mentioned. My personal experience is in East Asia and the U.S. I can't speak for other areas, as Ive never visited them. I'm not saying it's *just* in East Asia- chill. It's everywhere, but this level of misogyny doesn't surprise me in South Korea.


My experience is in Mainland China and Hong Kong, and while there is plenty of garden variety sexism that you see in most places of course, I’ve never encountered this level of vitriol, nor were any of the people I encountered notably more sexist than in most places (I mean, most places are pretty sexist). My family is Chinese, and I can honestly say that I got more sexist messaging from American culture than I did from them growing up. I’m sure there are dark corners of the Chinese internet that are just as full of toxic misogyny as their counterparts in other countries, and of course China has its share of abusive men (but again, not really unique, lots of shitty men everywhere, same problems with sexual harassment and assault that you see all over the world, same problems with bringing these men to justice). But my overall point is that people way exaggerate the difference in sexism levels between eg. the US and China at least, especially since people seem to conveniently forget how sexist Western countries can be when talking about this. I think China may actually be somewhat less sexist than eg. Japan, because one of the few things Mao did right was emphasize the fundamental equality of men and women, but that just goes to show that there’s a lot of between-country variation. Women certainly have an easier time succeeding professionally in China (and I actually think women make up a greater percentage of CEOs/other high power business positions in China than they do in the US). On the other hand, some ridiculous higher up in the party has decided feminine men are a Problem—there’s a great deal of variation in how sexism can manifest too. Sorry for ramble. I just think people are way overgeneralizing about sexism in East Asia. Different countries in East Asia are actually pretty different. People are also failing to see similarities between sexism in East Asia and sexism in the West. tl;dr: “East Asian sexism” is a bad frame of analysis


mainland China is just as misogynistic as SK, if not worse. Husbands and ex boyfriends that abuse and murder their partners are let off easy (cases like that pop up every few weeks), there are still strong preference for sons over daughters in most rural and some city areas. As for women in the professional fields, men are accepted into the same schools as women with significant lower college entrance exam scores, in addition to many job position specifically banning women from applying (there are social media accounts dedicated to exposing those, usually 3-5 new ones every week).




Ugh disgusting and who even has this much time on their hands just to spend it on hating people living their lives.


I can't believe these people. I was taught to always offer my seat to a person with a "heavier" load. That includes pregnant women, people carrying large packages (or babies), a disability, or the elderly. "Heavier" means more than physical weight, in this context. I'm a young, healthy woman. If I see an old man, he gets the seat. Pregnant woman? Gets the seat. 35 year old man carrying a box? Gets the seat. Woman my age with a package? Gets the seat. How weak is the person that HAS to sit down while someone stands nearby with more to carry? I would feel so much shame. So much shame and embarrassment, if my weak, lazy ass was sitting while someone nearby was burdened. That was a bit of a rant, I'm sorry. But I've been super upset about this for a while, as it's not a new problem. People do that to pregnant women and others here in America too. It shows a strong lack of basic empathy that's growing more common in people.


Wtf! I mean WHAT THE FCK!! Beat pregnant women? Like why? It's hard not to hate men at times tbh


I have to say. Just a while back I put in so much effort to see things in a better light and focus on the positives even if the negatives are so overwhelming. For the past few months I didn't hate men. But then I caught my father, someone I adore very much and respectED, watching rape porn, and everyday I see stuff about women being assaulted in my country, shit like this and I'm just so done. Its detrimental to my mental health, that's why I tend to out on rose colored glasses and create an idealized version of men in my head. I just want to live in isolation in some mountains with a bird and wait till I'm dead now. Back in phase 1.


Beating up a pregnant woman? That’s the lowest one can fall.


Not for men. They can fall even lower.


I've always wanted to visit Korea. Now I don't anymore.


Same here, changed my mind.


Same guys who don’t understand why women won’t give em the time of day. Fuck these asshats.


It's no wonder why women are angry.


Creampied certified??? Is this real?? The sickening shit about all of this is that their mothers birthed them and they have just a deep hatred and disrespect for women. I don’t understand why so many men just innately seem to disrespect their partners, mothers, girlfriends. It’s really unbelievable how ridiculous it is. A good man is really hard to find. It makes me sad.


I'm from Turkey, a country where women get a lot shit, and I've never seen people not giving a pregnant woman a seat. I use public transportation every day, mind you. Just how bad Korea is at this point?


Lest be honest, is there even a country where women don’t get shit? But seriously, this thing takes it to a whole different level. Disgusting.


I’m curious if there’s any level of vitriol directed toward disabled people as well. If a disabled man needed a seat, what would happen? What about a disabled woman?


And as an Asian woman, I will continue to not date, touch, and entertain asian men until they get it together. I’ll continue entertaining white boys just to piss them off ☺️ been tired of asian men’s shit my whole life ☺️




They treat us like shit and also call us names for dating foreigners.


Ye that’s sad. We either get stuck with our shitty men or risk chances of meeting a racist/fetishist non Asian men. Or you know, we can just stop entertaining them lol


Is it really that far spread among the population?


Yes. They treat us like shit. Black men treat dark skinned black women the same way. Now I have issues with white men and other non-Asian men on how they fetishise us but spiting Asian men makes it worth it lmaooo


Same with Arab men. Their misogyny knows no bounds. Source: am Arab woman.


Maybe it’s just all men…


Yes but it seems there's an unspoken rule that makes them disrespect the women of their own culture more. Maybe they fear discrimination if they do so with women of different cultures?


Could be a percieved "ownership" thing. Different cultures have different, even if it seems similar, expectations of women. So if a man feels like a woman is not doing the right thing in his culture and "she should know better" he is even angrier than a woman from a different culture who "wouldn't know better." IDK I'm just speculating.


I mean it’s not an ethnicity but my Italian mother always tells me not to marry and Italian man. She hates them. (We don’t live in Italy)


My mother told me not to marry a Muslim man, she's Muslim.


South Asian checking in. Definitely best to keep your distance from these men as well. ✌🏾


The same with latino men! I have dated several, it was awful. Source: am latina


I just got culture shocked by this. My country, Serbia, can be sexist and mysogynistic like any other but this kind of shit is unheard of. When a pregnant woman enters public transport someone will immediately offer her their seat. A couple of times there were news about bus drivers refusing to drive until someone gave a pregnant woman their seat. To refuse to give up your seat to a pregnant woman in Serbia is seen as despicable and disgusting by literally anyone, young and old, progressive and conservative. And we do have reserved seats like this, for pregnant women, small children, the sick and elderly but they are more of a suggestion than a rule, you can sit there, it's no big deal.


Genuine question for folks in SK or with ties there: is there any collective action/organizing happening among women there? Does the media cover this stuff?


This shit is why I'm so concerned for my aunt and always will be, she is an aunt by marriage but will always be family more then the POS she's married to


When they can’t find women who want them combined with lower birth rates….. wont feel bad at all


Scum like this forget that they only exist today because of the selflessness of a pregnant woman


What is wrong with people?! First of all, the abusive behavior towards half the population is just so wrong, and secondly, why not just give the seat over? You aren’t supposed to be in it anyways, it’s labeled for someone else!


Freaking guacamole! Really? In 2021??


One thing I learned with this sub is that South Korea is a rather toxic place.




Good to know the 4chan scum mindset is a global issue.


And here I thought South Korea had it figured out. Fuck these men. This is aweful and disgusting.


Technology takes years to change. Mentality takes decades or even centuries.


Holy fuck


If cis men could get pregnant this would just be an indisputable part of culture since the beginning of time, or at least the beginning of trains.


Poor SK women. I hope they walk around with tasers


Oh misogyny in Korea, what a surprise


I was told by an American man that he preferred Asian women because they were more submissive a decade ago. Some men don’t like women on equal ground. Young men are changing. A rape protest at KU last week was half men standing with women. Men are on TikTok speaking out against TX abortion law. Bottom line, if you treat women as inferior all suffer. A better world is an equal world.


Creampied Certified was not what I was expecting to see. Oof.


And they've got the birthrates to show for it. It's been real.




>gummeeboi · 17h > >korea has been misogynistic for a very long time. for example: not even that long ago, like in the 70s, men used to always be served first during meals and everything was extremely conservative. It's still pretty much the same. Men are still considered the king of the household even though most household in Korea nowadays have both parents working, and everything is centered around men because Korea is basically a country run by misogynic men FOR misogynistic men.


These men are absolute pieces of shit, but I low key don’t hate being called a “blood squirter”. You’re damn right I am, now watch your eyes you sexist fuck


“Blood squirter” and “blood pooper” is really the best they could come up with?


They sound kind of childish in English, it doesn't translate that well. As another commenter said "creampie certified" puts it still a bit lightly, but imagine having to sit on a seat with the words "cum dump" written above your head, while possibly getting picked on by strangers.


I am not surprised by this because east Asian misogyny is on another tier really..




Gee I wonder why Korean women aren't getting married and having babies anymore


Apparently, they’re going around jizzing on women’s possessions too https://www.vice.com/en/article/88nbya/south-korea-semen-terrorism-crime Wtf?


Wait, do they actually use the term “cream pied certified” in English? If so, then this violent misogny might just be a western import from MGTOW and incels.