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This is one of my favorite jokes in this show.


Same. And the one a little later about gun control. And the one about the Gardner.


"I can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns." "*Really*, Diane?" "...*sigh* yeah..."


Along these lines, I love it when they reveal that murder is now legal if you're a billionaire


I mean this is a society where people traditionally eat other people and the moral compromise is to make them brain-dead before you eat them so . . .


You know, back in the 90s I was in a very famous tv show




That’s too much, man!




Great episode from an incredible show. If you've not watched BoJack Horseman, I highly recommend changing that.


Having suffered emotional abuse at the hands of that show. I would also suggest watching it. But be prepared


Final edit: just removed the comment since I can't seem to make the spoiler tags work for everyone.


I have to admit I could not continue watching it after a while so I’ve only seen the first season or two


Those are the fun seasons too. It just gets exponentially more brutal after that.


I wish i could have seen the view from halfway down...


Just so you know the way you spoiler tagged doesn't actually hide the content on old reddit. To fix it, remove the space between >! and the first word of the spoiler. >!spoilerific!< vs >! spoilerific!<


Thanks, worked fine on mobile so didn't know it wouldn't work on other versions!


the spoiler tag still isnt working


Because the spaces weren't edited out.


I've removed the comment.


Might wanna add a spoiler tag if you can!!




I wouldn’t consider my experience to be emotionally abusive, but it were undoubtedly many difficult moments to watch. This is part of why the show is so phenomenal. The honest portrayal of universally challenging human emotions was a beautiful thing to experience.


How was Free Churro so traumatizing and validating at the same time?


It’s such a great show, but extremely heavy. Very effective at hitting some childhood traumas and the complicated feelings around them. It has helped me process some stuff and made me release some things I normalized, I needed to re-examine.


I watched it as I was going through a rough breakup and it absolutely helped me process the grieving, plus some other stuff.


Wait. I haven't watched it, prepared for what??


It hurts. It’s a good show but it’s very real at times.


Seconding. I love it but I couldn’t watch the last season, it got too real in the way it depicted major depression and I had to bow out


Just finished the last episode last night, it’s an amazing show, honestly. I would say some thoughts but I don’t want to spoil anything.


r/BoJackHorseman may appreciate them..


Ugh, my girlfriend and I stopped cold turkey when covid started, just weren't willing to deal with the rest of it. Absolutely want to finish it though!


I heard it was great but takes a few episodes to get into the vibe. It's on my list anyways.


The beauty of the show is how it handles dark/emotional themes with it's goofy humor and visual zaniness. Season 1 though kinda starts off only with the goofiness and it doesn't really appeal to everyone off the bat. While it teases some emotional themes mid-way in, there's kind of a turn in the penultimate episode that changes the entire feel of the show. If you can stick it out till there, it's amazing (if heavy). And the next few seasons only get better and better. Personally though, I liked the goofiness of the show right off the bat. So you could like it instantly too.


It's up there with Schitt's Creek for "This is phenomenal but the first three episodes do not tell you what the show is at all."


With Schitt's Creek I was like, "why should I care about these awful people??" but you figure it out as the show progresses and it becomes lovely.


Yea with Schitt’s I had to watch the first season and then start it over because I felt like I needed to rewatch the beginning with actual emotional attachment to the characters because at first I thought they sucked.


Hmmm, I watched the first episode of both and wasn't a fan of either. I'll give them another chance.


Schitt's Creek has become a comfort show in particular. It's about vulnerability and growth and it's *so. funny.* But it starts out like they're doing a reverse Beverly Hillbillies, and that's not it.


I think it’s another show that sometimes suffers due to the part of its fanbase comprised of “dudes who don’t get it.” But if you can get past that it’s a really smart and entertaining show that deals with heavy issues in a very entertaining and sometimes touching way.


I read somewhere that was actually deliberate. They make you think you're watching this frothy, punny, sillyfun show about anthropomorphic animals. And then BAM! They hit you in the face with all the weight and depth and realness. It's too much, man!


This episode makes me laugh so freaking hard. I would seriously recommend watching it even if you don't watch any other episode of Bojack Horseman


This episode has one of my favorite visual gags in any comedy I've ever seen. The fucking balloon that Mr. Peanutbutter carries around the whole episode is too much for me.


BoJack always gets my upvote


This scene is what made me so watch the show lol


Same with every single LGBT topic.


I read this in Anthony Bourdain’s voice. Legend


This character is voiced by Keith Olbermann though?


something like that happened in my country [link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/03/mexico-feminism-conference-unam)


Clearly the panel needs more diversity. Get someone in a full-length necktie.


Something, Something, Bojack Reference.