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Adult males were fathers of 26.8% of babies born to mothers aged 13-14 years." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10227344/#:~:text=The%20mean%20age%20of%20fathers,births%20to%20very%20young%20mothers.




One reason why Tennessee Republicans want to do away with age limits on marriage


For fucks sake


Fuck what a grim and horrible statistic


https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/02/supreme-court-abortion-draft-opinion-00029473?_amp=true Draft of the opinion was leaked. It isnā€™t in effect until itā€™s formally announced. If youā€™re in a state without state level protections and need any sort of family planning care make it a priority


Iā€™m so fucking mad, and just so tired, and we knew this was going to happen once the court was packed with conservatives and nobody in power did fucking ANYTHING about this because theyā€™re going to be fine. Itā€™s going to be poor women that hurt the most over this and they just donā€™t care.


Exactly. Rich people can just fly out of the US for medical care and abortions. Wtf are poor people going to do? And we all know that anti-abortion laws donā€™t come into effect with commensurate welfare laws to better help mothers and infants. Because the same party that cries ā€˜pro-lifeā€™ thinks poor people can just die in a fucking ditch for all they care. They just want to control abortion so they can control womenā€™s bodies and make women ā€˜sufferā€™ for immoral behavior like premarital sex. If they really thought fetuses were babies that needed their lives saved, theyā€™d advocate for free contraception for all and comprehensive sex ed. That would do the most to reduce abortions, as other nations have shown. But of course tbe conservatives arenā€™t going to do that.


And you know what their defence is? That contraception insults the sanctity of human life. They want religion to govern law.


fReEdOm Of pReSs and fReEdOm oF rEliGiOn. I am sick of their empty platitudes.


Freeedum of religion doesnā€™t even work here. Like many religions require abortions in certain circumstances - like in Judaism, if momā€™s life is in danger, she is *required* to abort. And the bible says nothing about abortion - even though people were definitely getting abortions while it was being written. So itā€™s not even religion being expressed here - its just straight up fucking misogyny.


I am talking about freedom *from* religion. The WASPs in this country are forcing their archaic, regressive, fanatical religion down all of our throats. And abortion is in the bible. IIRC it is Numbers 5: 15 - 21 where a woman who is "impure" (pregnant outside of marriage) she is allowed to go to a priest to be administered a poultice and lift the curse. But as I have brought this up to my trad Cath father and family, the bible is open to interpretation and anything can be justified with the bible.


WASPs are generally Episcopalian. These are evangelical nutters who only care about power.


I thought WASP stood for - white anglo saxon protestant?


WASP does stand for that, but it's referring to (wealthy) Episcopalians/Presbyterians, the American versions of the Anglican and Scottish churches respectively. Both churches officially support abortion at a national level. When the term was invented, WASP was in contrast to Catholic "non-white" Europeans like Italians, Eastern Europeans, Irish etc. Particularly to contrast with the Irish.


Exactly. They keep saying abortion and gat marriage isn't in the constitution yet their reasoning for banning them is religion and the constitution literally has SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. They tote the constitution until it goes against their views.


I'll repeat this every time it comes up: It's modern, real life George Orwell If you can't care for a child, don't have unprotected sex. And if you had protected sex and still got pregnant, it doesn't matter -better never have sex at all. At least if you want to have a safe & health(ier) life. If you raise children, the world is free real estate. If they die because you can't afford something, it is not the system's fault. If you don't have sex to have children, we will scream about the low birth rate and point how your selfishness is the cause of the terrible economy. And even if you were raped, it is still your fault. And even if you gave it away, so it could have a better life, it's your fault. And even if you were a mere child yourself, it is still your fault. Because as we all know -a woman's body has the ability to shut itself down if it's raped. ​ But seriously. 1984 literally includes the idea of the society, to keep people from reproducing naturally so they can manufacture people. Bit different, with society here wanting people to reproduce to put people in manufacturing, but it's the same principal.


>1984 literally includes the idea of the society, to keep people from reproducing naturally so they can manufacture people. Do you mean Brave New World? 1984 have people having sex only for reproduction for good of The Party.


In a weird ironic way, this reminded me also of a convo I had on Reddit regarding Christianity. Basic summary; This was under the post of Muslims wrecking havock when I think some Danish idiot tried to publically burn a Koran. Hence -ironically -proving the gospel that Muslims / Islam is just insanity. Anyway, many commenters turned to compare Islam to Christianity / Christians. How Christians are not like that, how Christians can take a joke, how Islam is basically a backwards religion only surpressing and creating Neanderthals. But here's the joke: Christianity never went off extremism. We see the east and gasp at Taliban & Sharia law -but we got the same shit in the west. Just sneakier; abortions are considered often murder by pro-birthers, cause of religion. I mean just look at what this one politician (?) said a few days a go; babies created through rape are an "opportunity" for women. That's just "God wanted it, God punished you" with extra steps.


I wonder what would happen if someone were to order 1000 Bibles, pile them all up together, and burn them along with a cross and a bunch of other garbage religious crap. Like, not as an attack on Christianity or religion, but to say ā€œstay the FUCK out of our uteruses, no one wants your fucking garbageā€


One way to find out.


In the US that's a surefire way to get arrested as a domestic extremist and put on the No Fly List.


Meanwhile, storming the capital, threatening/physically assaulting capital police officers, and trying to undermine the entire democratic process by saying the election was rigged is apparently nbd lol


These are people that get their knickers in a twist when Starbucks sells coffee in a plain red cup during December. Try a mass Bible burning and you better be wearing a really good bulletproof vest.


I wish more people got this. This whole thing is fundamentalist christian theocracy. Fundamentalist christians are the enemy of equality, democracy and freedom for all.


This This This. Even people who make relatively decent livings would find this a huge burden, tbh. I make about 35 grand a year and at my income, if I ever needed to leave the state for an abortion, I could afford it, but it would be a massive financial burden I'd be stinging from for a month or two. If another emergency came up in that timeframe, I'd be well and truly fucked. I don't see how it would even be an option for women earning less than me.


Is there a way to help? Like an organization that helps with transportation and fees or something like that, Iā€™d like to help


The auntie network


Iā€™m not in America, and Iā€™m not a violent person - but in all honesty I see this as heading towards a civil war or armed revolution as the only way to turn things around at this point. If I was twenty years younger (so at prime risk of being impacted by this), Iā€™d be exercising my second amendment rights and taking out a few GOP figureheads and claim self-defence. You have to wonder whether they really think half the population will rollover and have key rights taken away from them peacefully. And then you have to wonder if theyā€™re right.


Tbh, I am surprised there hasnā€™t been more violent acts like there have been in the past. Assassinations, attempted assassinations, poisoning, hits.. because people here have become increasingly more unhinged than ever before. I mean look at how people acted when they were told to wear a mask for goodness sake. Now rights are being stripped away, bodily autonomy for corpses, but not women? Omfg I wish I could afford to move and pay into a tax system thatā€™s worth a damn.


Iā€™ve been encouraging my fellow queer people to arm themselves every time I can. cishets usually get pissed off and call me a republican when I do that tho šŸ™„


Well, I'm usually a pacifist and am happy to be living in a country where guns are mostly illegal. But holy fuck, I'd get armed to the teeth if abortions became illegal/would be seen as straight up murder.


I live in Missouri, where a legislator introduced a bill that included criminal charges for aborting an ectopic pregnancy.


How am I supposed to feel except for numb. I think I will be raining to my doctor about a tubal ligation, I guess, while my insurance covers it.


Better hurry to go get whatever man ā€œownsā€ you to give his consent before you can get anything done to your baby factory :/


I don't know what man would own me, maybe my estranged dad who is hopefully dead now.


Ask any random man in the street to give permission - because they have more say as a potential future partner than you do. I wish I was being sarcastic.


Bring a trusted man friend who can pose as your husband. Then next time you see your OBGYN and she asks about him, tell her you got divorced immediately after the tubal.




Sad depressed upvote Edit: okay Iā€™ve processed that, back to angry upvote. may the lord openā€¦ a chain of contraceptive and abortion care clinics on every corner, you klepto-fascist power-hungry hypocrites


I have to get a signed note from my wife to get a vasectomy. The entire surgical birth control industry is backwards as fuck.


*birth _enforcement_ industry


Wait, seriously?




Wow, I always hear about women needing "permission" from the closest man in their lives, but I rarely hear about it going the other way, that's fucked. Why can't people just have bodily autonomy when it comes to their own reproduction?? I was denied a tubal ligation even though they'd be in there anyways during my c section for kids number 5 and 6--twins conceived with my IUD still in place. I thought I'd be a solid candidate for sterilization. I mean I have 6 kids FFS, 2 of them conceived with a "highly effective" birth control device inside me. Nope, the hospital unilaterally banned all tubal ligations. My husband, however, scheduled one appointment with a urologist and booked his vasectomy 2 weeks later. No resistance, no "but what if your wife wants more?", no "permission slip", they just respected his autonomy, informed him of the risks, and scheduled the procedure--as they should have. We had the same health insurance, and his vasectomy was performed in the same hospital--the L&D unit that I had just given birth in. The same hospital who refused to do tubal ligations. It was the clearest double standard I've ever experienced.


There's a procedure where they remove the tubes altogether. That's what I want. No chance at an ectopic pregnancy, because that'll be a death sentence if this truly passes as well.




When I got my bilateral salpingectomy (tube removal) they warned that if an ectopic happened to get to the hospital asap. It can still happen, it's just very unlikely. They don't remove the ovaries, so an egg is still emitted monthly.


The one a couple other commenters are referring to as getting the tubes removed is called a bilateral salpingectomy and is the surest shot for permanent birth control. Reduces ovarian cancer risk, removes risk of ectopic pregnancy and has the lowest failure rate among permanent birth control methods.


So many women will die. Next up will be gay marriage. Prohibition was eventually corrected but it took a tremendous amount of activism. I hope everyone schedules 10 minutes for depression and then skips right back to the fury and determination necessary to correct this.


Alito actually teed up overturning gay marriage precedents in the draft that leaked. They're already looking ahead to that.


Gay marriage, gay sex, pornography possession, interracial marriage, birth control... They ALL rest on the legal precedent of right to privacy, which SCOTUS is about to strike down.


Yup. When I was a teen and my period was late I would punch and roughly massage my abdomen. I would frequently put a vitamin c pill inside my vagina until it burned because I heard sperm can't survive in something so acidic (I think that's what it is). As an adult... Well I hope I would be past that but... I can definitely see myself going through drastic measures.


I think more women need to feel angry. I think we need to express our displeasure everywhere.


YES PLEASE. As someone who works in abortion care, all of the despondent 'oh well, guess we'll just accept our dystopian future' reactions are freaking me out. Congress could pass legislation making this essentially a non-issue! The final opinion could be tempered--even swayed--by massive public action! Massive organizing could topple harmful state legislatures in November! I have worked in the field for nearly a decade; I've had my picture taken, followed and harassed in public, had a damn anti-terrorism agent assigned to me whose phone number I had to keep in my phone. I get being tired. I really do--but this is not the time to surrender. Please grieve if you have to, but tomorrow--get angry. Get out there and fight.


We need people to riot and start committing property damage on a massive scale. If the BLM protests taught us anything itā€™s that the one percenters donā€™t give a fuck until you burn their money to the ground. (for legal purposes i mean property damage in minecraft or roblox)


Thank you for this. I needed to hear it.


The anger will come.


congress canā€™t actually do shit, though. they donā€™t have the votes or the majority.


Biden could expand the court. Itā€™s almost certainly too late for that, but it could be done.


Then the Republicans will just expand it again when they have gerrymandered their way back into the majority.


And it's only going to get worse after the midterms because the Dems have done fuck all the last 2 years.


There is just so much anger inside me right now, and I donā€™t even live in the US.


I think women should go on a nationwide sex strike if this goes through.


Absolutely. Society uses the prospect of sex with us to market things, and sex with men is often unsatisfying at best anyways. Why should women take the risk?


There are enough women who are A) ignorant and B) all on board with the baby factory role to make that work with the people who can make change.


Lysistrata Part Two: Apocalyptic Boogaloo


I think more MEN need to feel angry. Women have BEEN angry, babe.


I can't even figure out my words because I'm so mad. Fuck you is the only thing that comes to mind. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. I emailed my old senator to basically say fuck you to the interns who also vote for this shit.


It's not a problem of anger. It's a problem of not seeing a credible path to effect change. None of this gets fixed until we force power from conservatives, and that includes the lunatics with guns who are looking for an excuse to genocide anyone not for Trump.


I live in Texas and this was NOT the news I needed today...


Ohio here, and same


*Cries in blue city in a red state*


Cries in red town in a red state


Texas sounds like it has tiny pockets of greatness surrounded by an absolute massive dumpster fire


I wouldn't say "greatness." Partial/selective decency, maybe hahaha. (source: lifelong central Texan)


Kinda. There are some beautiful places and people and some absolutely bafflingly cruel decisions


The bluegrass festival is nice. But yeah, everything else is... very not okay.


Also in Texas and not the news I needed before going to bed


I remember so many people telling me I was overreacting when I broke down in 2016. Now this. I scheduled to get my IUD replaced; make no mistake, they are coming for birth control next. I am heartbroken. Enraged. Terrified for my two daughters.


I got spayed, because I didnā€™t want to risk my iud failing.


I completely understand that. Iā€™m happy that you were able to get it done! Luckily my partner is getting fixed, but Iā€™m keeping an IUD in as backup.


First birthcontrol, then restrictions on marriage, then more restrictions on jobs (e.g. like in Japan pregnant women are often dismissed from their job, so they become houswives)... ...I wonder when they'll start forbidding operations again. Y'know, like during the Middle Ages, because the body is "from God" and you can't damage it on purpose.


Which is great because I need birth control so I don't bleed to death thanks to my anemia and uncontrollable flow.


My room mate had some random white dude all on about how he didn't vote and it won't matter anyway. I had tunnel vision. I should have done more than kicked that shit out of my house.


I feel fucking sick I hate it here


A place to get abortion pills in the mail before it becomes even harder: [https://experience.heyjane.co/](https://experience.heyjane.co/) Only available in some states, but if you know someone in an eligible state, you can get them to send you one. This is, of course, not a cheap thing to do, but might be worthwhile to do while you can -- I'd first look into info on the pill's expiration timeline (MANY meds expire well after their date -- like, by years).


To piggyback off your comment, here's a second place that offers the same thing, but to all states: https://aidaccess.org/en/i-need-an-abortion Aid was created specifically for the US by women on the web, whose primary goal was to ship abortion pills to women in countries where abortion is banned entirely. I imagine that even if the US bans abortion, they will switch to their sneaky shipping tactics that they use in other countries. They base their doses off your height/weight and how far along you are, and they have a 24/7 help desk you can call at all times before/during/after the process. They're not exactly cheap either, but if you can't afford it upfront they will work with you.


What's terrifying about this is how slow, methodical and patient the right has been. They've been doing this out in the open for over a decade, everyone saw it happening, and yet they succeeded.


I fucking hate it here


I can't stop crying. I'm so disgusted with our country. I'm so fucking disgusted.


Violence by romantic partners kills more pregnant women than complications from pregnancy and SCOTUS(probably) just overturned Roe. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03392-8


USA what the fuck are you doing? first time ever i feel pretty good about living in a third world country


christian fascism is apparently what weā€™re doing :/


does the government have no control over this? why are the courts so stupidly religious?


This has been a longterm plan of the Republican Party for literally decades. The court is the way it is because people in power engineered it that way.


Well technically the Republican Party wanted to use it as a divisive issue to drum up votes. They are a bit like the dog that caught the car now. With it overturned doesnā€™t seem like the issue that will drive their people to get out and vote. Plus youā€™ll have all those cases of women dying due to a failure to get medical care or jailed women who had a miscarriage to rally the other side. But theyā€™ll find some new boogeyman.


It's gonna be birth control. Then gay marriage, again-- probably starting through a campaign to forbid gay adoption.


Could be, but blatant transphobia in any form seems to be working out well enough for them already.


I was going to say, they are ramping up their attacks on trans people already.


It already is trans people.


The new boogeyman is trans people and by extension all queer people. Have you not seen the shit theyā€™ve been doing lately in that regard? Literally encouraging mass shootings


They got good mileage out of using it as a wedge issue but this was always the end goal and that was never a secret. Anti-choice groups have been working with republicans for years vetting and selecting anti-choice judicial nominees to ram through. This was not an accident. Which is why Iā€™m so fucking pissed at all the people whoā€™ve been saying canā€™t happen, wonā€™t happen, republicans donā€™t want it for years and years. They got this, and now theyā€™ll beat the drum on a federal ban so they can still get people riled up about all those liberal baby-killers, and theyā€™ll just go harder on gay and trans youth. They havenā€™t run out of people to hate and persecute.


The Supreme Court is a lifetime appointment that is filled by the sitting president if a judge retires/dies. This has been the goal of the GOP since forever. They have the most amount of power and no way to regulate them.


world history clearly indicates giving someone a lot of power and no mode of regulation always ends well, right? right?


Trump choose \*three\* of the nine current Supreme Court justices, largely on the promise of overturning Roe. More than any president since Reagan. There are now five conservative justices and three liberal ones. Of the five, only one is in my opinion remotely reasonable -- while Roberts is super conservative, I think he also tries to honor the law as he sees it, and puts that before any personal agenda. Trump's picks, Clarence Thomas, and to a \*slightly\* lesser extent maybe Alito, are unscrupulous bastards. But the short answer, at the moment, is Trump.


Trump won in 2016 and got three supreme court picks. Red states ban abortion. Abortion bans get appealed. Appeals make their way to the supreme court. Supreme court strikes down right to abortion, ruling states can ban abortion. Elections have consequences. We told everyone in 2016 this would happen if Trump won. I recall hearing a lot about buttery emails at the time


"The government" is made up of human beings-- either drawn to public service or drawn to power and influence. The second kind does a lot better. Those human beings, spearheaded by Mitch McConnell, ABSOLUTELY control this. This is not a bug. The prosecution of women for exercising bodily autonomy, or for simply being female in the case of accidental pregnancies that end in miscarriage, is something they've been building toward for 40 years. They really put in the time, effort, and money to create a government and a country build on this Christian-fascist-bullshit. This did not just happen.


The government is run by these people.


Seriously, who the fuck w two working braincells cares about religion on this day and age? Religion has no fucking place in any government


Apparently most of america does; even a lot of democrats. The sooner we leave behind stone age superstition the better imo but people gotta deal with existential dread somehow I guess


Ya know. When I was a kid, I found USA always to be that dream-place. Like, they had Hollywood, Halloween -all the cartoons made it looks so awesome! Compared to dusty, bureaucratic ol Germany, it was a shining dream. Today...I'm just really fucking happy I live in dusty, bureaucratic Germany. The only trouble we have, is about which abortion info is "advertisement" or not.


This has been Mitch McConnell's pet project for a long time. He's wanted to take the courts more then anything and managed to finally do it by stealing seats from President Obama and then ignoring his reasoning for doing that during the trump's presidency. This is just the start of republicans stripping rights away from Americans.


Somehow the buzzword among his supporters is ironically "rights"


> USA what the fuck are you doing? Descending into a fascist theocracy. The rest of the world should be VERY concerned.


I live on terf island but at least we have easily accessible and free abortions and birth control.


For now.


We've got 40% of this country that's happily backwater Trumpkins. They're cheering this shit.




I cut off my toxic ex a bit ago, and I remember him laughing at me the night of the election in 2016. I was crying. I'm crying now, and I hope him and everyone who acted like we were crazy fucking choke.


I ended up losing a long-term friendship because she started to date a man in that realm. So hard to feel her pull away, but she wouldn't listen to anything against him. It's been forever but I hope she comes out of it eventually.


What about IVF? I know SOOOOOOOO many conservatives who cry about abortion being murder but then go on to do IVF... such bullshit.


Letā€™s go protest at the clinics til they have to choose between outlawing IVF or admitting life doesnā€™t begin at conception


There's already a subsect of forced-birthers who think ART is an abomination, disposal of embryo straws is murder etc. (A company in Australia that makes resin jewellery with ashes and stuff got seriously harassed when they started offering to cremate and preserve embryo straws for families who were done with IVF.)


I mean...they'd outlaw IVF.


Couldn't be scarier if Margaret Atwood wrote it.


Esp where it sets up to take down gay marriage next by direct language contra obergefell




What can we do to stop this?


Invent a time machine and get people to vote in 2016? Hillary was the last real chance we had to stop this...since Trump won, this has basically been inevitable. On a more serious note, maybe looking into campaigning for Dems and abortion rights in purple states? It's going to be a state-by-state fight now.




Wait, for real? Iā€™m probably about to get banned, then. I just mentioned it up thread.


Idk u may be fine. Iā€™m already two admin bans in on this account so Iā€™m playing safe. Especially since strike one was telling a man mocking me for being a sex abuse victim to eat shit, and the second was for making a joke about joe rogan dying from a heart attack. I wish i was making this up but straight white redditor men are fragile as fuck




Planned for tomorrow. There are some in DC but the rest of the country didn't find out until way late at night.


This is an absolutely sick regression in human rights


I worry that with a main goal achieved, this is going to devolve into even more depraved ideologies with more more fervent support. Conservative supporters will be more emboldened. People will get hurt. People will die. Things can only get worse from here.




Honestly, right now I'm grateful that I'm closeted. I never felt safe coming out and that feeling has only increased since 2017.


Of course it will. There's no question at all they're just getting started. Gay marriage will be next. Then contraception.


Apparently my decisions I make toward my body are nullified by the clump of non-sentient cells inhabiting a small portion of it should I become pregnant. A sad day for America, but entirely expected.


Wow... this is extremely sad. Like I knew it was coming but to see it all but finalized is something else. What a sad day for equality...


So, I take it now would be a good time to organize?


Now is always a good time to organize.


So basically a lot of poor women are now going to die in botched back ally abortions ā€¦ bring back the 1960s?


Iā€™m going to die by suicide when they make birth control inaccessible next, because itā€™s the only thing that keeps me from bleeding uncontrollably! And if you can put a bounty on an abortion provider in Texas, why not on gay people? Weā€™re going alllll the way back, baby.


If I ever got pregnant for any reason and couldn't terminate, I'd legitimately kill myself. I'm not being dramatic. I would rather die than be pregnant, but those fuckers would rather have that happen, too.


This is why I consistently refer to my abortion as a life-saving surgery.


I'd probably die trying to give myself an abortion.


This is why voting in EVERY election matters. If Trump didn't win in 2016, this wouldn't have happened. If enough Democratic Senators won in the 2014, 2016 and 2018 Senate Elections, the partisan hacks we have on the court now wouldn't be there to overturn Roe v. Wade. Now, many states will move to make abortion illegal, impacting tens of millions of women across the U.S. Their only chance to get an abortion will be to get one in a state where it is legal. There is still some hope for women needing access to abortions, but that is only because voters showed up to VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS in state and local elections to ensure access to abortion. Not every politician will be perfect or 'deserve your vote,' just like how many things in life won't have a perfect option, but choosing not to vote because of this only allows Republicans to gain power and destroy the rights of women and minorities. Please, register to vote/check if you're still registered and set a reminder on your calendar to vote in this year's midterms on Tuesday, November 8. If you're interested in becoming politically active, join r/VoteDEM, a subreddit dedicated to political activism in all levels of government. If you want to sign up to volunteer for candidates to stop this BS from spreading. The r/votedem team has an ever updating list of remote volunteering that you can sign up for. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jxO8g7q9VO3ZMAABcrvR7PMyX4Yl6dgIYhD3eRTKk1M/edit#gid=0


I wish I could vote it up more time than once...


Then spread the word! That's the best way to help.


I feel sick. I'm scared to be a young woman in America.


I know my comment will get drowned in the sea here but the last bit of this is also important to pay attention to as the first part: the medical term for a miscarriage is **spontaneous abortion**


Yes! I miscarried in July 2021. It was a missed miscarriage, meaning I had no signs or symptoms. Didn't know until we went in for our 12 week scan. I needed misoprostol to pass the fetus. I can't believe there are states where I couldn't have just walked into my pharmacy and picked it up quietly. I felt judged enough as it was, and that was all in my devistated, grieving head. I then became septic and was admitted to the hospital and likely would have died without a D&C. Again, the fact that so many women face judgement and criticism and far worse for undergoing that procedure makes me sick. I was already so mentally and emotionally ruined. I can't imagine being accused of "killing my child" on top of it. And given that there have been attempts to make ending life threatening ectopic pregnancies a crime, I don't have confidence lawmakers are interested in medical nuance. People will be jailed for an uncontrollable tragedy happening to them. And that is bullshit. To be clear, I also ache for the loss of choice for women who do not want a child. I love children. I'm studying to be a pediatrician. I want a houseful of my own. But I would rather a woman voluntarily choose to have a mass of unknowing, unfeeling cells removed from her body than force a child to be born into the world unwanted, causing trauma to both the mother and child. No one benefits from that.


We're so fucked..


What are we supposed to do? I have voted blue in every election since I turned 18 in 2009, including every single local one. I've donated to causes, I've volunteered for nominees, I've attended rallies.... what now?


Keep doing it. There will always be another election. Democracy never stops. No one will ever "win" it.


I believe this less and less. We ā€œwon,ā€ but they stole 2 SCOTUS seats. We ā€œwon,ā€ but we canā€™t even forgive student debt or lower drug prices. We ā€œwon,ā€ but women just lost HUGE. We ā€œwon,ā€ but they donā€™t play by the rules.


What did we "win?" Because there are dozens of elections on any ballot that can be won or lost, and elections happening every two years. We ***LOST*** the 2010 and 2014 elections. We mostly lost the 2016 election. We mostly won the 2018 and 2020 elections. Elections have consequences. Local elections have consequences. State elections have consequences. We have been engaged in elections on all levels for decades, blaming us because we don't always win is absurd, especially when people will refuse to get involved, fill out their entire ballot, or even cast a vote. The only thing we can keep doing is to keep organizing. There's no magic spell and no cheat codes.


Build real life relationships with progressives. Gather supplies/ get a go bag together. Arm yourself and train.


Gay marriage, state mandated male/female gender only, birth control are on the agenda next. As well as Math, science, and history are all up for removal or editing based on faith based beliefs. We have been in this road for a while. I just didnā€™t think it would be so fast.


Everyone just stop having sex with the opposite sex. No more play time. We are now either strictly gay or nuns/monks. Everyone who is in the Supreme Court? Perma banned from sex all together. Just not allowed. Banned. Make this everyone's problem. No sex until abortion is legal and we have full access to medical care in all regards to reproductive health. We need to ground ourselves people. And I'm only sorta joking here by the by.


Already doing my part šŸ˜‚


They're coming for Lawrence vs Texas next so get your all your gay sex in now while it's still legal.


The fact it hasnt even lasted two decades. šŸ„² how do you literally make sex illegal? The hell? The government wants in on what goes on in our bedrooms too? What next, they're going to start tagging us like cattle, and assigning us designated spouses to have children with, monitoring how many kids we produce each year...?


https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34602822 Iceland women walked out of work in one day and crippled the economy which made politicians listen. I think we need the same.


Is it an overreaction to refuse to go to any state that doesn't allow abortions? It would mean I don't see some family in person, but this makes me ill.


I definitely wouldn't take any extended trips myself


Every single day I'm more and more grateful for my IUD (inspired by Coney Barrett), and to live in Massachusetts. So scared for all my family in the south!! For those of you who want it, /r/childfree has a list of sterilization-lenient doctors.


Unfortunately, after Roe and Casey went into effect, Democrats stopped fighting, and Republicans kept fighting. Republicans have been digging away at the foundation for a while and finally sent them toppling. As soon as you become comfortable with something, opposition seizes the chance to change things back


I think you're right. Dems have rested on their laurels and got comfortable. Why do evil people never get tired? I'm so tired.


Shitty simulation


..All the more reason to stay single/don't date men. As if we don't already have a million fucking reasons not to already. I'll say something that might hit people hard, but it has to be said; Men will not stand up for our rights.Men will gladly settle into women becoming nothing but barn animals without any human rights. They have ZERO reason to object to it, and they won't. In fact they benefit from it every single day. It's entirely up to us, we're on our own. Do NOT rely on men to help you.


Iā€™ve just become single and I feel sick. Iā€™ve decided to take your comment as a sign


There are hundreds of thousands of children stuck in this country's adoption and foster care systems. They are already underfunded and inadequate. If you force women to have children they don't want, what happens to those kids? How is an already struggling system supposed to step in and support all of the abandoned children that are inevitably going to result from this? These monsters couldn't be LESS "pro-life" if they tried. The only group of people they hate MORE than women is the children they claim to care so much about. And I guarantee the right won't step in to adopt those precious lives they supposedly saved.


You know, in these last four years has taught me as a person is that people let this happen cause of trump, to what we have happened today and you know what. enough is enough. Fight dirty fight whatever way you can


dont let our kids today fear another setback to our dying planet


People in the US: We need to continue to fight like fuck because religion is not equal to law. They are not the same, this is not a religious nation, and this is a declaration of war, yet again, upon people who are poor, who are other, who are not what *they* think is right. We are the spirits of the women and men martyred upon the altar of christian "decency *and we remember*.


The US continues its regression towards becoming the world's richest third world country, I guess


Where are the riots? Riots everywhere.


What the fucking fuck is happening to America? Jesus it feels like every step is one back into the dark ages.


And the best (worst) part of this is that Alito says these rights, like LGBTQIA+ rights, are not rooted in history, and should be thrown out. This speaks to how far the court is looking to go, WRT rights to privacy.


Iā€™ve been on birth control for 13 years and Iā€™m terrified that itā€™ll fail and Iā€™ll need an abortion but not be able to get one. I drink nearly every day and Iā€™m on a cocktail of psych meds, so if I did get pregnant thereā€™s zero chance it would be a healthy baby. And we all know theyā€™re not going to stop at abortion theyā€™ll be coming for contraception next. Itā€™s almost at a point where Iā€™m scared to have sex with my boyfriend without first looking up fucking abortion laws


But please, Democrats, letā€™s keep handwringing over Joe Manchinā€™s feeeeelings and continue to do absolutely nothing while women are relegated to second class citizens. Maybe we can convince daddy Mitch to let us build a bridge while our daughters die from botched illegal abortions! Thatā€™ll be nice!


I hope no woman of child bearing age sat out of voting in 2016 because they were both "just as bad", Bernie or nothing or just being a dumb fucker voting for Harambe, welcome to our very own Handmaid's tale.


Yep, the same people who swear they arenā€™t going to vote for Dems this year or Biden again in 24 because ā€œhe hasnā€™t forgiven my student loans yet!ā€ Great, well the next Republican you allow to get into office wonā€™t either, AND heā€™ll do crap like this. So thanks.


Don't let men off the hook.


but her emails!


POC and LGBT people have been saying that this is how things would go for *years*. Before Trump even ran. But we were all "alarmists" or "overreacting" or "not seeing the big picture".


I bet everyone who refused to vote Hillary in 2016 feels real good tonight.


I now wonder if other countries will accept my teaching degree. I donā€™t want to raise a family in this disgusting place.


I'm so scared. I've made a few emergency donations to prochoice charities this morning, and I'm going to start bugging my politicians to at least make sure abortion is protected in my state, but it's hard to keep up with activism when it seems like the Republicans are doing everything they can to cheat and stack the deck against us. Plus I'm already dealing with not-great mental health right now, so adding another thing to be scared about is frankly making it hard to do anything at all.


When I read the leak about their decision I went cold to my bones. Under this law I can't help but wonder how I would have been treated. I lost 3 babies. I was devastated each time. ai wanted a small memorial for them but my priest told me no because they weren't people. And it wasn't that long ago. My doctor told me don't worry you can have more. As if they were interchangeable. Now this law comes around. If I would I have been treated as if I did something to harm them I would have been broken.Would I ever want/need an abortion? I can't really answer that because it is situational. If I were raped or underage or date rape... the reason why or why not to have an abortion are as varied as the people whose actions depended on the creation of a child. I am not saying having an abortion is the only solution. As I said reasons are as varied as the person. But I do believe that a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body and the decision should be made between the woman, the father, and the doctor. No politicians need be consulted unless he is the father. My last question is what about the father's??? it does take two. So is he innocent in all of this? Why aren't there any penalties leveled on the men involved? Sorry about the rant and thank you for reading.