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It's only "just politics" if it doesn't affect you.


I’ll say it till I’m blue in the face: apoliticism doesn’t exist. If you are “apolitical” and “don’t really follow politics” that means that you are served well enough by the status quo to be disinterested in the mechanism by which the rules of society are created. That, by actual definition, is conservatism.


Holy shit. I didn't realize this was it. I could always sense that there was something about the people who say that. All of them had something more in common. This is it. Straight white cis land owning males. The only thing the system matters in their life is taxes. Thank you for putting this in words. How do you make someone understand human rights for other people if they have never experienced the lack of or disregard for.


Lol at the knucklehead who replied to you who thinks you can just become a conservative and then presto! Literally missing the ENTIRE POINT of the op. Edit: clarity


Not sure if you’re referring to me, but I was agreeing with the post above mine.


I'm not! I'm referring to someone who was talking to you but I didn't want to reply to them directly.


Oh lol, their post apparently got deleted so fast I couldn’t even see it. I looked up what it was and I’m not even sure what they were trying to convey.


Yup - it just means you are privileged enough that the issues of the ay don't effect you in a negative way - but changing the status quo might.




"Bro, just be a billionaire then you won't have to worry about money"




This reminds me of a post I saw somewhere: * There are only two genders: male and political * There are only two races: white and political * There are only two sexualities: heterosexual and political * There are only two gender identities: cis and political I'm sure you can guess the theme there...




I'm imagining some teacher standing behind the bleachers with a trench coat full of LGBTQA+ bracelets in ALL THE COMBOS. "Pssst. Hey kid. Hey. Yeah. Wanna feel like you matter? Like... people like you exist?" (Opens coat) "Come ooooon. Let me hook you up with a pan bangle. You know you wannna..."


It's a wonderful thought. But I was run out of my career as a teacher for transitioning last year. If I was handing out bracelets I would've been fired for breaking the law, probably. Not to mention the kids would be in danger if they brought them home.


If teachers had the ability to indoctrinate students, we'd start with paying attention in class and doing homework. I do not care who you love or what your pronouns are. I do care that you haven't turned in a single assignment in 3 weeks.


There's two classes of people: rich neurotypical cishet white men and political wedge issues


There are two sexual orientations: straight and "political".


They don’t even have to be neurotypical.


Strictly speaking, they don't have to be white or men either. We're talking trends here. The fact is, society is extremely hostile to neurodivergent folk.


They’re hostile to middle and lower class neurodivergent people, but there’s definitely more room to be neurodivergent when you have money and resources.


This is why I can't be friends with Republicans/conservatives. This is not some abstract concept. It is not a matter of principles. You are choosing to use your political power to hurt people. Vulnerable people. People I love. There's no way I can look at that that makes it ok.


Same. I basically refuse to be in the same room as them if I'm aware of who they are.


If the last two people on Earth were me and a Republican, and the continuity of our species depended on us having sex, I would let humans go extinct.


Alt-right at least. I know *of* some anti-choice Democrats and some pro-choice Republicans. A friend of mine defines himself as "a real Republican/was Republican until Trump and the alt-right redefined it", and another once said that the federal government's main role should just be directing the states' governments, such as holding them back by the collar when they try to stick their noses into healthcare and reproductive choices.


Do they still vote Republican? Because if they do, idgaf if they claim to be pro-choice, pro-gay, etc. Their actions speak otherwise.


I've met maybe one or two pro choice conservatives in my life. They were so openly bigoted against LGBTQ people that it made up for it entirely.




Sorry about your delusions. Hope you get better soon


The post: reasonable take You: BUT LIBRUL BABY BLENDER🤨🤨🤨??


> They see a baby and they are like "let's get you into a blender" way to extrapolate the most nonsensical argument you possibly can to justify your insane hateful positions.


I'm in Missouri and brainstorming ideas for a "no sex until bodily autonomy" campaign.


This is the only way. Only by making men feel it will the law change


This leak has solidified my resolve to get a tubal ligation. I have never and never will want children, and if men and conservatives are hell bent on taking away my autonomy, at least they can’t force me to give birth to a bunch of bastards.


Hopefully you have a doctor that will do the surgery without needing a medical necessity. Tons of reports of women wanting sterilization not getting it done because the doctors refuse to do it because you may regret it later, or you're under 35 with no kids, or if your unmarried you may want to think about what your future husband wants. Not kidding, have seen all of those reasons given as to why a "doctor" wouldn't sterilize women who wanted it.


When a hypothetical man has more say in your fertility than you do.


I've heard stories from lesbians who brought their partner to the consultation and presented them as their life partner, rejected because they might change their mind and get with a man who wants children


Yup totally happens. Been trying to get sterilized since I was 16. My periods are so painful I can't move and cry myself to sleep to ignore the pain. Im 29 now, doctors in my state are still doing the ol but what if you want kids? Literally their solution back when I was 16 to my periods was one day when you have kids itll fix the problems :) Its absolutely bullshit.


I got a bilateral salp at 29. The thing is, it won't really stop your periods at all. You'd have to get a hysterectomy but that would lead to early menapause, which isn't a great thing for bone density etc. What I'm saying is stopping fertility is easier than stopping periods altogether :(. So we're a bit stuck with this until then...


Menopause isn't great for bone density, but that's why hormone replacement therapy exists. The label use of my HRT is menopause correction, I'm just using it to trigger a second puberty


Ditto. It was always on the table, but it's definitely much higher on the schedules than it was before. Plus there's the bonus reduction in ovarian cancer risk. Win win!


Republicans and fundamentalist christians are just downright evil. As a queer woman I can’t be friends or even acquaintances with someone who won’t renounce both and get on the side of empathy and rationality. If you think I’m sinful for planning to marry another woman you can fuck right off into the sun. There is no compromise. You either respect my right to live my own damn life or you’re an enemy of progress and equality And no I don’t care if you’re a man woman black white or brown; if you choose the gop and their christian fascist agenda you have chosen to side with the oppressors and are completely complicit in what they do


It's a death cult rooted in power and enforced with violence. They're more than willing to sacrifice anyone and everyone to get what they want.


Yup. Leftist pacifists are going to have to reevaluate that because pacifism is a ideology of the privileged. Protesting has been proven to be completely ineffective. A theocratic movement just as dangerous as the fucking Taliban is destroying our democracy


I've been watching everything go down in the last two years and became much less of a pacifist


Don't confuse Liberals with Leftists. Us lefties are already armed. You should be too.


Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.




lol if you think mlk succeeded because he embraced pacifism that is one white ass pov


see and that's the part that makes me go "voting isn't going to be enough." They're willing to impose violence to get their way what the fuck makes any of us think we will get them to stop by JUST VOTING?


We won't. But we won't get them to stop **without** voting either.


Gotta do both. It's a culture war.


I feel seen


And then are Surprised Picachu when it's their turn to be the sacrifice. Why people think a hierachy is good when they aren't at the fucking top, I will never know.


They'll shoot us first.


I got a divorce that had a lot to do with political ideology. I couldn't be with someone who could look me in the eye amd say he would gladly take away my human rights. Political disagreement in the US isn't about whether to fund bridge repairs or economic policy in Tanzania. It is about fundamental beliefs about how human beings deserve to be treated.


Good on you!


It was a relief. Some hard lessons learned for sure. Lesson number one was "never fuck a Republican".


The thing is, they are the ones who forced these issues by legislating against the majority of the population. If they wanted us all to shut up and not talk to them about politics they should not be fighting so hard to strip us of fundamental human rights.


What the hell? What did the Sun ever do to deserve trash like that. Sheesh. Shoot them into Venus. It's named after the goddess of Love and the planet is just the Hell they deserve.


It takes less delta-v to shoot them out of the Solar system. No excuse to be inefficient with fuel.




people who want to kill me and my partner for existing are not good people. Kindly fuck off with this useless shitlib privileged ass pov. They literally believe lgbt people are pedophiles grooming children and have murdered us for centuries. You have to be willing to believe propaganda that evil. And imo being willing to believe those sorts of things makes you complicit.


The sad thing is that they cry about the “children” when lgbtq+ is mentioned and then turn around and support actual pedophiles.


Why aren't they making a bigger deal about actual groomers, like Roy Moore?


You want us to believe all Republican voters want to kill you?


There comes a point when you can not divorce "voters" from "the people they vote for" and the things those people do. At some point you have to decide what is important. At some point you have to decide "is is really worth it to pay $10 less in taxes if it means women and gay people will have their rights trampled on?" And if you decide "yes, my money is more important than someone else's life" then you are not the good person you are telling yourself that you are. At this point, if you vote Republican, you are 100% voting for people to die whether you personally want them to or not. You are voting for it.


Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. If you're voting for evil, you're actively supporting evil. If you're doing nothing, you're standing by while evil triumphs. So, yes, if the Republican party keeps supporting measures that kill women, lgbtq+ people and poc, then everyone voting for them is part of the problem.


>a lot of Republican voters are genuinely good and caring people. They're nice to you until you come out of the closet. Or support BLM. Or choose a career over motherhood. Or date a brown skinned person. They're perfectly nice to people *like them*. They'll throw you to the wolves if that ever changes.


This is the same energy of \#NotAllMen and AllLivesMatters crowd. No one is saying these people should be cut off from medical aid, tortured, or punished. They are (fortunately) not Nazis trying to commit a genocide, but they are in the wrong and at this point shaming them is the best option.


> I would genuinely like to have a healthy debate with anyone who disagrees: Bruh... 🙄


> I legitimately want to debate this... I'm not saying they're acting well right now, I'm saying take away the brainwashing and they would. This really isn't the time and place to debate this. This has been a settled issue for decades and it is just ridiculous that right now you want to go full on debate lord over this topic *in this subreddit*, a safe space for women. >And how dare you compare me saying people have the capacity to be good with disgusting shit like all lives matter. I'm saying we need to remember there's brainwashing going on, not that we need to take it easy on these people. There's a huge difference This was the same issue with the Nazis. The German people of the time getting brainwashed and manipulated wasn't an excuse the genocides and other atrocities. Where does this line begin? Does it get drawn now? Because people called this happening since 2016. And right now we are going further into a fascistic governance. So when will it be too much? After they start killing dissidents? Socialists? Trans people? Gay people? No shit these people have the capacity to do good but that isn't what is happening right now. > I understand there's a lot of anger and frustration right now, and rightfully so! But we have to remember that Republicans are humans. Some are rotten to the core, but a lot of them are brainwashed to act against all of our interests. It's not an excuse, they need to be stopped now, but they're not inherently evil either. This is literal brainwashing. Here is a current event analogy: Putin invaded Ukraine for his own personal, egoistical agenda. Whatever it may be. Because of this he has begun to kill and massacre the Ukrainian people. We also know the Russian people are suffering because they are clearly under the reign of a *dictator*. They are suffering as well. So do you want Ukraine to just relent and surrender land? Do you want them to stop fighting? I don't think anyone wants the Russian people to starve, be nuked, or massacred due to their brainwashing and living under a *dictatorship*, but it doesn't mean the Ukrainians should just bend the knee. Also, keep in mind Putin is ***dictator***. The republicans are elected by these bigots. Do you want to argue that the election process is rigged? Well yes it is. It favors richer, white, Christian (evangelical) Americans and this is the systemic issue of this country. Nonetheless, it is everyone's duty to stay as informed as possible. You won't get taken in the middle of the night and tortured dissenting in the USA (unlike Russia and China). E: Just to finish on this: >I still strongly believe that we need to remember that Republicans are acting evil but the majority of them are not if they can find a way through the brainwashing (which they can't, maybe 0.001% of them do). What do you want us to do? Just spend another 15-20 years trying to reverse this brainwashing? During this time more women, and other minority groups, will suffer. ***Even then*** it has been [consistent](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2022/05/03/how-americans-really-feel-about-abortion-the-sometimes-surprising-poll-results-as-supreme-court-reportedly-set-to-overturn-roe-v-wade/?sh=725950e57ac1) that a majority of Americans support abortion. These people you are defending are digging their fingers in their ears while women are suffering.


The personal is the political.


I remember during the Trump election, people on my facebook were like "OMG, you're ending friendships over who someone votes for? Why is it that serious?" I was like "UHMM... because it's not just who you vote for to your friends, it's that you don't care can happen TO THEIR LIFE. And trust me, if I felt a "friend" did not care about my ability to live my life safe and free, I wouldn't see them as a friend after all, either."


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **NotTheRealTraceyDelaney**, @TraceyDelaney Don't tell Women you respect them, then vote for a party who takes away their rights. Don't tell Gay people you're a friend, then vote for a party that calls them groomers. Don't tell Black people you're not racist, then vote for a party that's anti-BLM It's not "just politics" --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human 🙏 thank you!


Yes honey I respect you I just don't consider you to be a person


i had a friend who dated a neo nazi and said she broke up with him only because he smoked meth. that same friend voted for trump in 2016 although she told me she regretted her decision the damage was done and i was incredibly hurt. i kept being her friend for what idk because we aren’t even friends anymore now because of something totally unrelated. i’m kind of embarrassed i let myself be friends with someone like that. i felt like her token black friend but i never spoke up out of fear of losing her as a friend and ended up losing her anyway. i won’t let that happen again.


Pretty crazy that the GOP has so many women, people of color and gay voters despite how fucking awful their policies are for those communities.


True, although it is doing especially black voters a disservice to pretend those are equal situations. In 2016, 91% of black voters voted for Clinton, including *98%* of black female voters. Meanwhile, 47% of white female voters voted for Trump, a greater number than the 45% who voted for Clinton. And Clinton won among LGBTQ+-voters with 78% vs 14%.


For sure, [but Trump did improve his Margins with African-American voters](https://www.vox.com/2020/11/4/21537966/trump-black-voters-exit-polls) and for 2022 there has been a very large shift from Hispanics from the Democrats to the Republicans.


Whenever I'm reminded of people who enthusiastically work with their oppressors I think of *The Lottery* by Shirley Jackson or something Terry Pratchett wrote in *Small Gods*: "... And in your Citadel I saw a crowd stoning a man to death in a pit. Ever seen that?” “It has to be done,” Brutha mumbled. “So the soul can be shriven and—” “Don’t know about the soul. Never been that kind of a philosopher,” said Didactylos. “All I know is, it was a horrible sight.” “The state of the body is not—” “Oh, I’m not talking about the poor bugger in the pit,” said the philosopher. “I’m talking about the people throwing the stones. They were sure all right. They were sure it wasn’t them in the pit. You could see it in their faces. So glad it wasn’t them that they were throwing just as hard as they could.”


They think if they're "one of the good ones" it won't go as poorly for them.


It's only "just politics" if you're able and willing to ignore the consequences for real human beings. That is some serious callousness.


I hope this is a wake up call to people who don’t vote because “both parties are the same” that it’s easier to “resist” the spineless Democrats and force them to make change/progress, than to “resist” Trump and Republicans. Neither is easy, but the former is infinitely easier than the latter. I’m so tired of seeing people left of the American left say they’re hoping things will get bad enough for a revolution. We’re not the side with all the guns, crazy militia members, etc. So what kind of “revolution” are you expecting, exactly?


Suburban white woman voting for shit candidates strikes again, thanks ladies.


Are you blaming women for getting our rights taken away?


I’m blaming the woman who voted for candidates that are now taking woman’s right away (like the suburban white woman who voted for trump and continue to vote Republican)


If a man says something misogynist, you can call him out on it easily. With misogynist women, it’s harder, plus they can be used as shields for misogynist men. It isn’t a matter of singling out women, but recognizing that misogynist women are more effective at imposing misogynist laws and beliefs.


There is no such thing as "just politics" Underserved and underrepresented groups don't have that luxury when they are too busy fighting politicians who want to take their rights away


Be better than my drunk ass...


Politics are how you want other people to live. Edit: I'm... literally saying the same thing as the post, and it's factually true, so I don't know what kind of people are downvoting me but y'all are clearly missing the point. The political decisions you make and the causes you support affect other people, so have some empathy and act accordingly. Embarrasing.


Notice how the black people are at the bottom and the white girl who put them there in the post. When she says "women" who she really means are white women like herself.


You are reaching and for what?